
One Piece: Like father like son!

A fellow weeb gets reincarnated in the world of One Piece as Portgas D. Jackson, the twin brother of Portgas D. Ace. His randomly generated cheat is letting him synchronize his battlepower and techniques over time with an anime character, which is also randomly chosen ;). I don’t own anything beside original characters Writing for fun but also trying to improve so pls leave a feedback

End_boss · Anime e quadrinhos
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Top ten most hated bastard

June, 1514

3rd Person POV

Water 7. A grand and beautiful island city. A place that developed in almost all areas for the last 14 years.

Jackson and his crew arrived on this island within 2 weeks, since they left Lulusia Kingdom via sky route, where they also learnt about the latest news, regarding their captain.

Those, who could think ahead, already knew that Jackson's fight with Kizaru would cause some kind of storm on the Grand Line, but they were still surprised after learning about how many detail were integrated in the article.

Yet, here they are now, in a cafe within the shopping district of water 7, calmly drinking whatever they ordered without anybody bothering them. How can that be, given the captain's bounty and infamy?

Because Sabo, Kuina, Jackson and Robin, all members with a wanted poster, are wearing masks that are covering at least half of the faces to prevent others from recognizing any of the four. The mask were actually bought by Bepo and Enel, when they secretly arrived here, so that they could go and exchange all the gold stored in their ship for money.

By the way, the total amount of gold was 880.000.000B.

The days after they got the money, were both fun and relaxing, since they just enjoyed themselves in this flourishing city but today was different.

"Captain. I hear cannons and battle shouts near scrap island."

The newest addition to the crew suddenly reported, breaking the silence among the group.

"So it has begun. Does everybody remember the plan?"

everyone just nodded with their heads instead of replying.

"Good. Then let's move out."


The next second everyone stood up and left.

A few hours later.

(Play One Piece OST Explosion! Sonic Wave!)

A gathering of people could be seen near the stairs to scrap island on the lower level of water 7. Among the gathered people were citizen but also navy soldiers and CP agents, each of them among their own group. They all surrounded three wounded guys, of which one was an old and tall fishman. Said guys were hand cuffed and sitting on the ground. In front of them an old man in judge's robes was speaking.

"First I must say, that the sea train is nothing short of an engineering marvel. It shall certainly help usher in a new era for Water 7."

The old judge spoke respectfully, underlining and acknowledging Tom's achievements and help in developing Water 7.

"However! I am astounded that just when you were about to be acquitted for the crime of constructing Gold Roger's ship... you chose to commit another crime-"

"Don't give me that crap! We weren't behind the attack on the judicial ship! It was that bastard, Spandam!"

The young man, next to the fishman suddenly shouted. His expression grim as he told the people who the real culprit is but sadly... no one believed him. Instead they started laughing at the young man with light blue hair.

Spandam who stood next to the judge acted carefree, even amused after hearing the claims, directed at him.


"He must be joking."

"What kind of crap is Tom's apprentice trying to pull?"

"What would the CP 5, a government agency gain from sinking a judiciary vessel?"

"It's all a set up!"

Among all the voices that were making fun of the young man's claims, one person suddenly shouted supporting words. Everyone turned to look at the tall blonde man, who stepped up.

"Your honor. May I speak?"

The young man, Enel, asked to official judge, who signaled him to speak.

"I have evidence, that can proof the innocence of these three!"


Shocked gasps resounded throughout the crowd as the onlookers heard what Enel said but the most shocked one, is none other than Spandam.

"Impossible! I am sure this is a trick. Forgery even. Esteemed judge, don't let him play the people for fools!"

"Silence! Young man. Know that you are obliged to tell nothing but the truth. Lies or false evidence are punishable by law. If you still wish to present your evidence than step up and state your name."

Enel did as he was asked to. He stepped up introduced himself and showed everyone the proof he mentioned.

"Impossible! Get that!"

As soon as Spandam saw what it was he lost his cool and ordered the agents to move, greatly surprising and shocking everyone present. The the men in handcuffs, namely Franky, Tom and Eisberg on the other hand were extremely relieved after seeing what Enel held in his hands.

It was a recording snail! The CP 5 agents that tried to take it before Enel could play whatever was recorded but they all stopped in their tracks when a flying sword attack past just inches from them, even cutting the ground leaving a line that was not to be overstepped.

After one shocking event followed another one and everyone was stupefied at this point.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Did the agents just try to steal possible evidence?"

"What was that slash just now?"

As they all turned in the direction from where that slash came from, they saw a kid. A girl with blue hair and a katana with a white hilt. Only her face was covered with a mask but soon she turned and ran. Ironically she learned the flying slash on a sky island just like Zorro. (Don't come at me, given her spartan training and considering the fact that Sabo can do it with his feet albeit weakly, she is ready to use this just like soru and gepo)

"Enough! Everyone calm down! Spandam, you will explain yourself after this! Take him away."

Amidst the growing chaos as one surprise appeared after another, the judge finally ordered the people to stop causing such chaos and even ordered the navy soldiers who guarded him to remove Spandam.

Enel now finally got the chance to project the recording on the ground and just as he was about to play it, Tom interrupted him.

"Boy wait! I don't know you but I am thankful for you help. I really am but before you play whatever you recorded, you should know that the enemy you will make is beyond your imagination. They will try again if they fail but will possibly be targeted as well.

"Tom?! what are you saying now?"

It was Eisberg who admonished Tom, for stopping their helper but to their surprise Enel only smiled and played the video.

Everyone watched and saw how the battle ships build by Franky were returning to the scrap island but the people one the ships... Many masked individuals with special suits were commanding the ships.

"This isn't proofing anything. You think they can't design some suits or even hire people?!"

Spandam tried to discredit the record but in the next second it was shown how Franky and the others appeared on the scrap island.

Another round of gasps was heard when the crowd watched the ships attacking the three main suspects. It was at that moment that Enel spoke.

"Esteemed Judge, I believe that this is a set up. On the very day, when Tom was about to be acquitted for his prior crime, on the day when you appeared, his student's own ships were used to attack you and the harbor of Water 7. The perpetrators even almost killed Tom himself but even if we put all that aside, if they really wanted to attack you, why would they use ships, everyone knows whose they are and on top of that return to their home under so many watchful eyes?"

"huh? Yeah that actually wouldn't make sense if they didn't want to let everybody know who the attacker is."

"True! That seems very suspicious."

"But if this really is a set up, who is behind this?"


The judge had to calm down the people once more before he continued to speak.

"Considering everything that happened today I will stop the trial now and order an investigation. For now the verdict for these three suspects is not guilty! According to the conditions from almost 14 years ago, Tom the shipwright and engineer for the sea train and it's tracks, is hereby acquitted for his crime of constructing the ship of the late pirate king, Gold Roger! Release the three."

A loud chatter broke out once again after the judge announced his verdict. Tom and his disciples were free but he was in dire need of medical attention. Besides, they sure had a lot to discuss after this but Enel still had one more task.

"Excuse me."


He spoke to the trio that were hugged by a brown frog with full hair, and a green haired woman.

"Thank you so much for-"

"Please let's save that for later. For now you should follow me, I know where you can get immediate medical attention and care."

Hearing Enel speak brought them back to reality reminding everyone that Tom was still in danger since a whole harpoon was stuck in his chest. Franky clenched bot his fists and his teeth so hard that he started bleeding and although the others noticed it, they first had to move Tom.

With slow steps and a lot of supporting the entered an alley and soon disappeared in between the houses.

"What the heck is that?!"

Eisberg shouted in an alarmed tone.

Once they entered an inner courtyard, where the vision was blocked by empty building, the ground started to shake and a yellow ship, looking like a submarine, emerged from the ground! (The submarine made by Wolf can dig even underground, if you want to know more google it or read Law's novel the official one.)

"Let's move him inside first and talk later."

Another voice suddenly resounded catching Tom's group off guard but upon looking at the owner of the voice they only saw a tall kid. Everyone except Kokoro who instantly recognized the kid.


Kokoro lost her cool and for the first time since they remember the others saw Kokoro shaken up and scared



But Kokoro didn't respond to them. Instead she continued talking and her words alone almost sent Eisberg into panic.

"...What is a great pirate, who is being compared to the 4 emperor's doing here, hidden behind old buildings? The Goliath, Portgas D. Jackson. The 'official' yet still uncrowned 5th emperor!"

*lighting sfx caused by enel*

(AN: Hey everyone! I had a long and hard day, my head is feeling like it's about to explode and I am up and awake for almost 21 hours now but hey! I want to finish the first volume, get to the time skip and have Jackson finally get a woman! *cough* I mean I want Jackson grown up! By the way I feel like I haven't been focusing on the others you know? Jackson being the mc is nice and all but his crew needs time to shine as well! So the next big fight everyone shall have a strong opponent to overcome! Hope you enjoy reading!)