
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
386 Chs

Shaking the entire world!

Sabaody Archipelago, at a pier in the Uncharted Zone.

A pirate ship docks by the shore, with several shipwrights bustling around, clearly belonging to a pirate crew about to venture into the New World.

Not far from the ship, a group of people gathers by the shore, taking turns reading two newly bought newspapers.

They are none other than the Naguri Pirates, who have just arrived in Sabaody after several months of sailing.

"Captain, I never imagined that guy named Nicholas would be so young and yet so terrifyingly powerful."

A tall, thin man with a mohawk hairstyle, after reading the report in his hand, passes it to his nearby companion, unable to help but exclaim:

"Even though I'm not much older than him, he's already become a top-tier powerhouse in the seas. Meanwhile, I'm still a nobody. The gap is just too big!"


The others standing nearby express their agreement, "With such strength, there are probably very few people in the world who can compare!"

Big Mom Charlotte Linlin, Kaido.

Although they haven't entered the second half of the Grand Line yet, which is the New World, these names are not unfamiliar to them.

These are truly terrifying figures standing at the pinnacle of the ocean. Besides a few other powerful individuals, there are only a handful of people, such as the Marines' admirals and vice admirals, who can be mentioned in the same breath.

And now, even against Nicholas, Charlotte Linlin, and Kaido fighting together, they couldn't gain the upper hand.

In fact, if it weren't for the timely arrival of reinforcements, Big Mom would likely have been defeated by Nicholas!

"Everyone, don't forget, our goal is the Roger Pirates! Didn't we set sail to challenge them?"

Finally, the captain, who had been silent all along, speaks up, his eyes shining strangely, his hand trembling slightly as he clutches the newspaper, clearly not as calm inside as he appears.

Even though they haven't witnessed the battle on Cake Island firsthand, the reports and photos in the newspaper are enough to imagine the intensity of the fight.

Although they've sailed through the East Blue and made it to Sabaody Archipelago with triumph, are they truly a match for these monsters?

Just the likes of Nicholas, Charlotte Linlin, and Kaido have already left them feeling hopeless. So, how terrifying must Roger's strength, which still looms over them, be?

"Hahaha, yes, our goal is the Roger Pirates!"

"That's right, Captain has the legendary Conqueror's Haki."

"When we enter the New World, we'll make sure the flag of the Naguri Pirates flies over islands across the New World!"

Listening to the crew's words, Naguri looks into the distant sky, chuckling softly after a moment of silence:

"The New World, huh? I'm starting to look forward to it more and more."


New World, on the Moby Dick, flagship of the Whitebeard Pirates.

A crew member stands at the ship's railing, waving to a passing News Coo.

Soon, a News Coo lands on the railing, pulling a newspaper out of its pouch with its beak, while the pirate hands over some berries.

As for the fee, if it were another case, they could simply snatch it away. However, News Coos usually come in flocks. If you dare not pay, the entire flock of News Coos would blacklist the pirate crew and their ships. After that, no News Coo would ever deliver the latest news to that pirate crew again.

Once the News Coo leaves, the pirate opens the newspaper, and cold sweat instantly drips down his forehead.

"Captain... something big's happened!"

Picking up the newspaper, he rushes to find Whitebeard.

"Hey hey hey, what's this all about?"

Seeing the frantic crew member, Whitebeard asks as he raises a jug of wine to drink while speaking.

The pirate, panting, says, "Big news, big news, and it's related to Big Mom, Nicholas, and Kaido!"

"Oh? Let me see."

Upon hearing this, Whitebeard's spirits rise, and he takes the newspaper from his subordinate, skimming through the headline news before bursting into laughter.

"Hahaha, didn't expect the Lightning Boy to stir up such trouble so quickly."

As other crew members finish reading the report, many of them remain stunned for over ten seconds before managing to speak, some struggling to believe, "Really? That guy can actually hold his own against Kaido and Big Mom teaming up?"

Many of these crew members participated in the battle against the World Government, so they are well aware of Big Mom's might. After all, if Whitebeard hadn't completely suppressed Big Mom back then, they would have suffered heavy losses in the battle against the World Government.

"Captain, that guy said he wants our territorial islands. Is he declaring war on us?"

One crew member can't help but ask. For someone to demand the protection of islands, it's undoubtedly a provocation.

After all, if the other party chose to submit under Whitebeard's flag and pay tribute every year, then the Whitebeard Pirates should provide protection to the other party.

"Hahaha, if that kid wants them, give them to him. For those islands, it's just a change of flag."

Whitebeard says indifferently, not caring about power, which he doesn't pursue. In his view, fighting to the death for power on the high seas is far from the pleasure of collecting sons everywhere.


"Hehehe, Whitebeard's in trouble this time."

Onboard the Oro Jackson, Gaban chuckles as he reads the newspaper, clearly delighted at the prospect of his old rival facing a setback.

"I never thought that kid would grow so fast. In just this short amount of time, he's become this strong, and he clearly has room to grow. Seeing him, I feel like I'm getting old."

Leaning against the ship's railing, Rayleigh takes out a bottle of liquor and drinks while looking at the distant sea with a face full of emotion.

"Rayleigh! Rayleigh!"

Just as Rayleigh is lost in thought, Roger's voice suddenly rings out from the cabin.

"These two are at it again, come and take a look."

With Roger's shout, the faint sound of a baby crying comes from the cabin.

"I'm coming."

Rayleigh responds and walks towards the cabin, feeling somewhat resigned.


On a desolate island in the New World.

Below this island lies a massive space filled with various instruments. A woman with short golden hair and wearing a leopard-print coat stands in front of an experiment table, continuously operating something.

At this moment, a bizarre creature, with the body of an ape, tiger limbs, wings of an eagle, and the head of a crocodile, carrying a newspaper in its mouth, walks into the laboratory.

"Hehe, Kaido and his lot, huh? One day, I'll create something that will shock everyone!"

As the entire world stirs up a storm due to the battle on Cake Island.

After sailing through wind and waves for several days, the Sea Sovereign, traveling through the intersection of the World Government and the Whitebeard faction, finally enters that area of the sea.

Along the way, they encountered some pirate crews. However, upon seeing the Sea Sovereign, they quickly changed course to escape.

As the saying goes, a person's name can cast a shadow. Many times, the size of one's fist is the truth.