
One Piece: I reincarnated as Rayleigh's grandson

He wasn't sure what he expected after death, but he certainly wasn't expecting to reincarnate into the world of One Piece. Read as Asahi cements his name into a world of legends.

thegoatedonekg · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


Seeing the huge gorilla not shying away even after his arms transformed into magma, Asahi charged forward, throwing his hand to meet the gorilla's. Just before their fists met Asahi expanded his magma-fist and shot it towards the wild animal. The gorilla, having no time to react to the sudden attack, gets hit by the giant fist. Once the attack hit the gorilla Asahi detonated the magma, creating an explosion, which instantly killed the gorilla.

'That's dinner for tonight sorted' Asahi thought to himself calmly, as if he hadn't just killed a massive gorilla.

The attack Asahi had used on the gorilla was inspired by Akainu's technique 'Dai Funka'. Due to the years of practicing his devil fruit with diligence he had managed to replicate mostly everything of what Akainu could do with the Magu Magu no Mi in the show.

'Akainu's techniques may be simple, but they're damn effective'

Looking at the dead gorilla, Asahi could only feel a slight sense of disappointment. If he continues to use his devil fruit he won't ever get a challenge on this island. With that in mind, Asahi created a few rules for himself on this island.

I will only ever use my devil fruit in life threatening situations.

Most of the fights I will wear a blindfold to improve my observation haki.

I will spend a lot of time trying to unlock my armament haki, and replicate some martial arts techniques he saw in the show.

Mentally giving himself a nod he takes one of the many parts of the gorilla that landed on the ground after it exploded, and he made a campfire. After cooking the meat to perfection he took a bite.

'Tastes like victory to mel'

Thereafter he created a makeshift bed and pillow made of leaves and went to sleep.

And thus, day one had passed.

—-----------------------------------------Line Break—--------------------

Waking up the next day Asahi immediately starts looking for yet another animal he can fight. Just this time he wouldn't use his devil fruit abilities. Feeling something crawling above him Asahi looks into the trees towering over him. Spotting a snake that looks like more of a constrictor rather than a venomous one Asahi puts up his guard. Quickly ripping off a part of his pants he wraps it around his head covering his eyes.

Now blind, Asahi is waiting for the snake to attack him. At the moment his observation haki is like a Spidey-Sense.

Suddenly feeling the snake's presence barreling towards him Asahi backflips backwards. The snake not giving him any time to rest doesn't hesitate to continue its chase. But when Asahi yet again feels its presence he doesn't dodge, rather he goes for a counter punch. Hitting the snake with the force of a truck right in the face sends it flying back twenty feet. Normally a snake would've died from that punch, but in the world of one piece where animals are bigger, stronger, tougher and meaner, it served as little more than to piss the snake off.

'I'm gonna need to give it more of those.'

The snake, not yet given up on its prey, tries yet again to attack Asahi. But this time Asahi responds with a kick, yet again sending it away.

Asahi, yet again feeling the snake is still alive realizes he has to change strategy if he wants to end this soon without the use of his devil fruit.

This time when the snake comes forward Asahi focuses his observation haki solely on the snake. Due to his haki being so naturally refined he could 'see' the snake even when blind. Sensing where the snake's eyes were he lashes out with his hands straight, driving his fingernails through its eyes.

—--------------------------POV: Asahi—--------------------------

After driving my fingers through its eyes I continue running forward into the depths of the forest like it hadn't even happened. Yes, I might be here a year, but that doesn't mean I should waste time. I have to be as efficient as possible.

After a while of running I stop. I figured I've run far enough away from the tree to the point that animals will frequently attack me. This is where I will try to unlock my armament haki. While under duress from sudden attacks from the animals I will also be training my observation haki.

Sitting down in a familiar lotus position I easily sense my own spiritual energy. One of the basic techniques that comes with armament haki is hardening. After sensing it I try to spread it out across my body. Feeling that it isn't working I instead try to think of my skin gaining a silvery tone while it also hardens.

'Ugh, how frustrating' I think to myself, not yet giving up.

Sensing an attack of what yet again feels like a snake I quickly do a repeat of my last attack with the previous snake and end the fight in a second. Not even having to move any part of my body other than my arm.

—------------------Hours Later—--------------------

Nothing. Again. I still haven't unlocked armament haki. Is there some secret I missed out on?

Giving it one more try I try to sense where I move my spiritual energy with my observation haki as I also imagine my skin turning silver and trying to spread it across my body.

Suddenly it felt as if my chest turned harder than steel before it disappeared as quickly as it came.

'Finally' I think to myself as I stand up with a wide smile on my face.

It may not be much, but it's a start. And with that I go to sleep surrounded by over a hundred dead animals of different species.


AN: Thanks for reading. Criticism is appreciated. Leave a review if you'd like and power stones are appreciated, but not necessary. Have a great day.