
One Piece: I reincarnated as Rayleigh's grandson

He wasn't sure what he expected after death, but he certainly wasn't expecting to reincarnate into the world of One Piece. Read as Asahi cements his name into a world of legends.

thegoatedonekg · Anime e quadrinhos
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13 Chs

Strong monke

Seeing as the negotiations with the gorilla broke down, Asahi decided to make it back down by hitting it until it backed down. He didn't want to kill the gorilla just yet. He wanted to figure out how an animal on this secluded island learnt haki. He had an idea, but he needed confirmation from the gorilla.

Asahi thought about using his devil fruit to quickly end the bout, but decided against it. After all, if his haki was weaker than some overgrown ape then he wasn't worthy of being Rayleigh's grandson. In fact if he gets beat, he would probably- most likely die from shame.

Asahi, deciding to go all out, yet again he used a combination of Soru and Geppo. Yet again he was above the gorilla's head. While the gorilla may have observation haki, it doesn't mean he has the time to react if Asahi moved quick enough. With his fist already loaded he unleashed it on the gorilla.

After he hit the gorilla, Asahi saw that it was stunned, but not knocked out. Asahi, not giving the gorilla any time to recover, rained down fist after fist on the gorilla. It was knocked out after three, but Asahi decided to punch it two more times for good measure.

—----------------------Line Break—------------------

A couple of minutes later, the gorilla, which Asahi had decided to name Kong, woke up. Seeing Asahi sitting in front of it, Kong decided to not try to beat him. In the animal kingdom, it's about respect. It's about power. The strong are respected while the weak perish. Kong, having been defeated, knew Asahi was the top dog around these parts now.

"Oi, do you understand me?" Asahi asked Kong.

Kong responded with a simple nod.

"Ugh, you should've listened from the start, it would've saved us both the trouble. Anyway. I'm going to ask some yes or no questions. Nod if the answer is yes, and shake your head if the answer is no. Understand?


"Did someone teach you how to use haki?"


"Did he have white hair?"


"Did he have a shitty beard, a scar on his right eye and glasses?"


'As I thought, gramps must've come here sometime and taught it haki, but why?' Asahi pondered.

Was it possible that Rayleigh has been coming to this island for years so that when the time came I would have a challenge on this island. It also begs the question, did he teach any other animals?

"Did he teach any other animals while he was here?"


'Kong doesn't know huh.'

Doesn't matter. At the end of the month when he comes to visit I'll ask him. In the meantime I'll practice my haki and Rokushiki.

—---------------------------------------------Line Break—--------------------------

Turns out, there are more animals that have learnt haki. When gramps visited at the end of last month he told me originally only taught three animals. The gorilla was supposedly the weakest of the trio.

Which means I have two more animals to beat before I have officially become the strongest one on this island.

When I asked what species the last two animals were he said it was a mystery. Damn, that old geezer.

Anyway, I still have five months left, so I'm not in a hurry to find them. I'll continue practicing my abilities before challenging them. Because, if you fail to prepare, prepare to fail.

And that's how I spent my next four months.

Now that there's only one month left it's time to hunt.

AN: Shorter chapter today. Even though it's still summer break for me I'm still quite busy. Reviews are appreciated. Thanks for readin!

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