
One Piece: I reincarnated as Rayleigh's grandson

He wasn't sure what he expected after death, but he certainly wasn't expecting to reincarnate into the world of One Piece. Read as Asahi cements his name into a world of legends.

thegoatedonekg · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Rusukaina island

Having said my farewells to Shakky, me and Rayleigh boarded a small brigantine-type ship and set sail towards the island.

"So, uh, where exactly is the island?" I asked my grandfather when we were out on the open sea.

"It's an island called Rusukaina in the Calm Belt."

Rusukaina, the island Luffy trained on during the two-year timeskip, the island Boa Hancock said was dangerous even by Kuja-pirates standards.

"Isn't that under the territory of the Kuja pirates? Did you get their permission? And if you did, how?" I ask warily.

"Hmm, yes but let's just say the pirate empress owes me a favour and leave it at that."

Owes him a favour? It's probably from when Rayleigh took Boa and her sister back to Amazon Lily. That should've happened about four years ago. Due to me remembering all the lore I know that she should've been 16 when that happened. 4 years later she should now be 20 years old. Damn, this makes her 28 or 29 when the plot of one piece begins and she falls in love with a seventeen-year-old… that's weird.

"All right, then. Keep your secrets." I answered while letting my mind wander to the weird feeling in my stomach. Is it a bad gut feeling? No, it's something else. Feeling saliva gather in my mouth I notice gramps taking a step away from me. Without warning, I empty my guts on the deck.

*You're seasick, why don't you take some rest, Asahi? It's been a long day," he told me in a comforting tone.

Agreeing with him I walk inside and I lay myself down in one of the three hammocks on board. This is my first time on sea ever, and that includes both of my lives. And considering I am on the Grandline, known for its unpredictable weather it's no surprise I'm feeling the effect. Luckily, we'll soon be entering the calm belt where the ocean will be a lot less chaotic.

Ordinary people would be worried about sailing into the calm belt without seastone underneath the boat because of the sea kings, but considering my grandfather, Rayleigh, is someone who can swim to Amazon Lily without any hindrances I'm sure we'll be alright.

—-------------------------------------------A Few Days Later—-------------------------------

A few days later and I can finally see my home for the next year. The island was mostly green with what looked like volcanos and mushroom-looking trees. Back in my old world this would've made for a popular vacation spot. In the One Piece world it's an uninhabited island because of the harsh environment, the dangerous animals and the ever-changing seasons.

Docking the boat I silently follow my grandfather as he gets off the boat and starts moving towards the middle of the dense forestry. After a small walk we arrive at a very thick and dense white tree.

"Asahi, this is a safe tree. Animals tend to avoid it, so if you ever need time to heal or if you're in too much danger always come here. This is the only spot on the island where you will be safe from the wildlife. There is no shame in running from an opponent whose strength is much greater than yours."

"You'll have to cook your own food and find your own shelter. You will quickly learn that nothing comes for free." he continues.

"Thanks for the advice, old man, but I'm sure I'll be fine." I reply lightheartedly.

"Huahuahau," he laughs. "I'm sure you will too, you're my grandson after all." he says with a wink.

Suddenly he pulled me into a hug which I reciprocated and he continued.

"But be careful and never underestimate your opponents."

"I won't. Trust me." I say.

"Good, remember, we'll visit once a month. Good luck Asahi."

"Thanks" I say, and we end it at that since we both know this isn't the last time.

—----------------------------------------------Line Break—-----------------------------

Now alone in the forest, Asahi wastes no time in finding one of the infamous wild animals.

Seeing a massive gorilla, at least 10 times as big as the ones from his old world he challenges it.

"Oi, over here," Asahi says to get its attention.

"There's a new king of the jungle, and you're looking at him," I say while transforming my arms into hot steamy magma.

Seeing the gorilla charging at him with a roar, there was no hiding the joy in Asahi's eyes as he was finally allowed to let loose.

AN: Thanks for reading. While I do like writing it's hard to have the motivation to do it every day, but I'll try my best. reviews and criticism are appreciated.