
One Piece: I reincarnated as Rayleigh's grandson

He wasn't sure what he expected after death, but he certainly wasn't expecting to reincarnate into the world of One Piece. Read as Asahi cements his name into a world of legends.

thegoatedonekg · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Its my birthday! Wait, where is everyone?

Being mentally eighteen years old in the body of a baby being born was an….. interesting experience, I wouldn't recommend it though. There's a sensory overload of new smells, all I can see are bright lights, and a lot of people talking which honestly just sounds like gibberish. Also pain. A lot of pain. I get why babies cry when they're born.

I'm not sure how it's biologically possible to have all my memories when I have the brain of a newborn baby, because the brain should not be able to store this many memories at this point. But I suppose that's the power of a god. They can make the impossible possible.

Perhaps if I tried hard enough I'd be able to see, but to be honest I'm tired and sleep sounds very tempting. Very tempting indeed.

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It's been a month since I was born, and let me tell you, it's incredibly boring. I have no mobility, there is no TV, so I'm stuck doing nothing all day everyday. Ugh. Luckily I can understand the language so I would make for a great gossip… When I learn how to talk. The baby food here tastes surprisingly good though. Also I have a new name. Rayleigh named me Asahi, so I suppose I go by Asahi Rayleigh now. Turns out Rayleigh is our surname and his given name is Silvers. I'll stick to calling him Rayleigh though. Also, it seems like I don't possess the Will of D, I have no idea if that's good or bad. I won't lose any sleep over it though.

So that's how I spend my days, trying to move and talk. Until the day that changed everything…

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I was only 4 months old when everything changed. It finally happened. I. Managed. To. Take. My. First. Step!

'Hah, if I remember correctly the youngest baby ever to walk in my old world was 6 months old. The name Asahi Rayleigh will go down in history books. Scientists and doctors will be discombobulated at how impressive I am. And everyone shall bow dow- Oops I fell. Rayleigh seems happy at least.

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I'd like to say the years went by quickly, but they didn't. But at last I was finally turning five years old. Running into the bathroom I pause as I catch a glance of myself in the mirror.

'5 years and I'm still not used to my new appearance.' I thought inwardly shaking my head. I couldn't help but notice that I have a striking similarity to Mikey from Tokyo Revengers. The only noticeable difference is the fact that my eyes are a beautiful light green.

'Am I arrogant in thinking my eyes are beautiful? Hmm, nah.' Unfortunately I also share his height… But! I drink a lot of milk so me becoming tall is a matter of when, not if… I hope.

Walking into the living room I can't help but notice I'm home alone. Again. Seriously, who leaves a child who just turned five alone at home without even telling him? On his birthday!? Your own grandson nonetheless? Meh, he'll probably come back soon with some gifts and it'll all be well. After being raised by Rayleigh for five years I've come to look at him as the grandfather I never met. He seems to be very protective of me which I guess is reasonable considering I'm the only family he has left.

'Since there's nothing to do I might as well train today as well, nothing wrong with preparing for the future after all.' I thought to myself. With my black shorts, white t-shirt and green flip-flops on I run outside. As usual I can't help but marvel at the beautiful scenery of Sabaody Archipelago. If you ignore the slave trading ring, pirates, crime and corrupt world nobles its quite beautiful!

After living here for five years I still haven't encountered a Celestial Dragon. It's probably because of Rayleigh's strict rules of not going to the groves. We live on the outskirts of the island and we are rarely bothered by other citizens of the island. Rayleigh frequently leaves the outskirts, probably to try and flirt with Shakky.

Banishing the thoughts of whatever his paternal grandfather may be doing with his big-sister figure Asahi runs to his usual training spot. It was a moderately big field of grass and a couple of trees here and there. Not nearly enough to be called a forest though. Due to being only five years old he didn't want to over-exert himself as that would only hurt him in the future. Therefore he stuck to doing exercises that utilized his own body weight and he ran a lot. A certain bald hero would be proud.

Just as he was about to start exercising he saw someone coming over the hill. It was quite far away but he could just about make out what they were wearing. It looked like the person was wearing some type of space suit- an astronaut? And was that a glass case around their head-? Oh shit.

AN: So yeah, I'm not sure what to say. I'm trying to write as many chapters as I can before school starts which is the 17th for me. I'll do my best to get ahead on chapters and publish one chapter a day. Yet again, please tell me what you think I can improve on!

PS: I have no idea if these line breaks work, if they don't I'll try to fix them in the upcoming chapters. Have a great day/evening.