
One Piece: I reincarnated as Rayleigh's grandson

He wasn't sure what he expected after death, but he certainly wasn't expecting to reincarnate into the world of One Piece. Read as Asahi cements his name into a world of legends.

thegoatedonekg · Anime e quadrinhos
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13 Chs

Celestial Dragon and Magu Magu no Mi!

Running as fast as his tiny legs could take him, which admittedly wasn't very far, Asahi looked for places to hide. Just because the morbidly obese Celestial Dragon wouldn't be able to catch up to him it doesn't mean the marines or hidden CP 0 agents can't. He could only hope the World Noble somehow didn't spot him. The marines wouldn't chase after him unless it was ordered by the noble, right? '

'Shit, of all days for this to happen it had to be on my birthday, had he used up all his good karma on reincarnation which resulted in all his luck being taken away?' Asahi hasn't committed many selfless acts in this world yet. But that doesn't mean he's done anything bad. Except for the times he purposefully puked on Rayleigh… But the old fossil had pinched cheeks! Multiple times! It was a valid retribution. Maybe it's karma for the time I ate all of Shakky's cake and blamed it on Rayleigh. He'd gotten a twenty minute scalding of how it's important to tell the truth, take responsibility and blah blah blah.

Back to the matter at hand, Asahi ran to a cliff he knew was nearby with a beach underneath. There was a cave at the beach and he knew he would be safe if he managed to get inside in time. The only obstacle is the drop down to the beach from the cliff. Three meters is very daunting when you're 3 foot 4 inches tall…

'No guts no glory!' Asahi thought as he dropped down. Oh, the sand was pretty soft to land on. He hadn't thought of that. Good thing he totally didn't scream like a little girl when dropping. Totally.

Running inside the cave Asahi immediately dropped down on his back and took deep breaths. Now that the adrenalin had worn off he felt the full effect of him sprinting at full speed for 5 minutes.

"Damn, I really need to exercise more," Asahi told himself in between breaths as he finally calmed himself down. As Asahi was trying to stand up he tried to put his right hand on the floor to support him, but before the hand hit the ground he felt something that felt like a fruit. Due to him being far inside the cave and his eyes not quite adjusted to the darkness he had failed to see the red-orange fruit laying on the ground.

"Is this what I think it is?" Asahi said out loud. He had tried many times to use the devil fruit powers he used one of his wishes on, yet it had never worked and he didn't have a weakness in water. And with no message from God he wondered if the omnipotent being had somehow made a mistake, but no. 'God really gave me an origin story huh' Asahi thought. 'A little late but finally, it's here' Asahi thought with the biggest grin on his face. He felt as if his face would split into two parts with how big his smile was. This was supposed to be the devil fruit with the most firepower. Akainu, the marine admiral who originally should've had the fruit had fought in a battle for 10 days and it's said he changed the weather of an island. And now, the fruit was here, in his hands.

Asahi didn't wait another second, without hesitation he bit into the fruit. The horrible taste made him grimace but didn't stop him from fully consuming the devil fruit down to the last atom.

After his last bite he started coughing uncontrollably. "Shit, that tastes worse than gramps' homemade 'mystery' lasagna.'

After complaining about the taste he focused on his arm willing it to transform into magma. When he saw the area from his elbow all the way down to his fingertips become coated in magma the face-splitting smile came back in full force. It wasn't a transformation, he couldn't do that yet. But with enough training he was sure it was only a matter of time.

"So this is where you claim you saw the fruit" he suddenly heard someone say with a condescending tone.

"Yes sir. It was red and orange with swirls, there is no doubt it's the Magu Magu no Mi' another voice responded in a submissive tone.

"Hmph, you might earn your freedom if what you're saying is true" the other person responded with a snobbish tone.

Asahi's happiness could only last for so long. When he started hearing a haughty voice he was sure it was the Celestial Dragon. And now with nowhere to run or hide he wasn't left with many options.

Suddenly bright lights shone upon him forcing him to squint and look to the side with a hand in front of his eyes. As he turned back he saw a fat World Noble riding a slave with a squadron of CP 0 agents to his sides and behind him.

-POV switch —> first person—------------------------------

"You there, peasant" the obese man said while shooting me a look of disdain.

"Yes," I answered. 'Shit, what are the chances, what should I do?' I thought to myself while the roly-poly looking noble was talking about how I should bow down and not look at him while talking.

'I know I should bow, I know I should do what he says, but my body won't move.' Something inside was stopping me. It wasn't stupidity, it was pride. I have the blood of the dark king Silvers Rayleigh, vice captain of the pirate king running through my veins. It would be a disgrace to his name if I were to bow down to anyone, let alone someone weaker than me.

"No I won't bow down, and you're looking for the Magu Magu no Mi right?"

"Hmm? Yes I am, do you have it? If you give it to me I will overlook your discretion towards your superior." the chubby man responded.

"I ate it" I responded without hesitation.

Deciding that dragging this out would be pointless I quickly put everything I can into a lunge while coating my arm in magma. The fatty won't see it coming I thought with a smile on my face.

Before I could even get within a meter off him I felt a pain in my neck before it slowly went dark.

AN: So yeah. If you're unsatisfied with the MC so far just keep in mind that he has the hormones off a kid. Also subconsciously he is expecting Rayleigh to always keep an eye on him with observation haki so he doesn't think it will go wrong since he thinks that Rayleigh will come and save the day. He never asked though because it would be hard to explain how he knew of haki. And who knows if Rayleigh is actually keeping an eye on him or not. I have a choice for you reader(s) do you want to go down the route of Asahi becoming a slave for the Celestial Dragon and fight for him in bets with other Celestial Dragons or do you want Rayleigh to come and save him. Personally I'm leaning towards the slave route but please tell me what you want and think of the chapter!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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