
One piece: I can Repel Everything

Ethan is pleased. It's the year 1519, which means he's finally going out to sea. After transmigrating to the one-piece world, he obtained the paramecia devil's fruit of repulsion. This devil fruit, which was considered a Trash fruit, was brought to its maximum potential by Ethan, thus developing various abilities: Shinra Tensei, Repel Damage, Repel Space, Repel tiredness, etc... He is destined to become the strongest in this world! No one can stop it. His story begins here...

_Ni_ck_ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
89 Chs

There is A Mysterious Island!

"Have you heard? Chris almost met his end yesterday."

"I haven't. What happened?"

"His fleet wandered into the Devil's Land and barely escaped a Sea Kings attack."

"Oh, that infamous island. Looks like it's off-limits for us in the future."

"No kidding."

Baccarat, returning to the port with her cosmetics, overheard the conversation of passersby. With a spark of curiosity, she hurriedly approached them and asked, "Excuse me, where is this island you mentioned?"

The passersby fell silent. Some ignored her and walked away. Eventually, a middle-aged man pointed to the northwest and explained patiently, "You'll find it in that direction. It'll take half a day by boat."

"It's a perilous place, swarming with Sea Kings. Best steer clear," he warned before departing hastily.

Surveying the northwest horizon, Baccarat made a mental note to discuss it with Ethan later. Adventure beckoned. With purpose, she headed straight for the boat.

On board, Burgess, noticing the newcomer, remarked, "Why's our new partner a woman this time?" Doc Q, still on the ground, struggled to speak, suggesting, "Since the captain chose her, there must be something unique."

Leaning against the railing, Ethan introduced the new addition, "Meet our new partner, Belo Betty, with the Paramecia Inspiring Fruit Ability."

Betty, eyeing Doc Q, quipped, "What's with this guy? Looks like he's on his deathbed."

Welcoming their new crewmate, Baccarat expressed, "With you here, things won't be dull." Betty, known for her cold demeanor, acknowledged Baccarat's presence.

"You're the one with the Lucky Fruit ability, Baccarat, right?" Betty was taken aback when Ethan mentioned Baccarat's power. The existence of such a mystical Devil Fruit in this world was truly astonishing.

At that moment, Ethan's voice boomed, "All hands, tally up! Prepare to set sail!" "Aye, Captain Ethan!" The crew sprang into action, attending to the anchor and unfurling the sails.

Observing Ethan, Baccarat stroked her dark red hair and suggested with a gentle smile, "Ethan, let's head northwest first."

"Did you discover something, Miss Baccarat?" Burgess was immediately intrigued, leaning in to hear her answer. Ethan remained silent, his eyes fixed on Baccarat, awaiting her explanation.

"I overheard a conversation from a passerby. There's a particular island in the northwest known for its Sea Kings. My intuition tells me we'll find good fortune there." Baccarat spoke with a serene demeanor, showing no hint of seeking recognition.

Instinctively, Ethan bellowed, "Ryan, set course for the northwest!" "Aye, Captain!" The ship altered its heading, speeding towards their destination.

Burgess cheered exuberantly, "That island's bound to hold something incredible, Wiiihahahaha..."

"I'm eager to find out," Doc Q, usually reserved, showed an unusual excitement.

Betty, lounging in a chair, crossed his legs and exhaled smoke, commenting casually, "Finding something interesting right after boarding the ship wasn't expected. Not bad."

"I'll go practice; something's calling me." Ethan wasted no time, heading straight to the training room.

Baccarat turned to Betty with a smile, "Betty, let's observe Ethan's training." "Sure, I'd like to get to know our captain better." They exchanged a few words before following Ethan.

Shaking his head, Burgess murmured, "The captain's talent is astounding, yet he still dedicates himself to training. It's remarkable."

Coughing lightly, Doc Q added, "The captain has lofty ambitions... I'm increasingly intrigued by the future of this ship."

Six hours later.

"Report!" The siren blared from the observation deck, its volume piercing the air. "An island is ahead! An island is ahead!" The announcement repeated several times.

"We've reached our destination, Wiiihahahaha..." Burgess exclaimed with joy, striding to the railing and raising his arms.

Doc Q remained seated, speaking slowly, "If it's not a new partner joining, then it's likely a Devil Fruit."

Just then, Ethan's voice cut through, "Regardless of what it is, let's go and take a look."

Betty glanced ahead and observed the lush, plant-filled island. "There are Sea Kings nearby. It's been uninhabited for quite some time."

Burgess turned to Ethan, asking, "Captain, how should we handle the Sea Kings if they appear?"

"I'm not sure how to deal with such colossal sea monsters," Ethan admitted.

Another report interrupted their conversation, "Trouble! There's a monster ahead!" Panic spread through the ship as the seawater churned, revealing numerous dark shapes, each massive and swiftly moving.

As the crew panicked, cries of fear filled the air. "We're doomed! The monsters are coming!" "Captain, we should turn back!" "I don't want to die; I haven't even married yet!" Even Burgess, typically brave, felt fear at the sight of the looming shadows.

"Captain, should we proceed like this? It seems too dangerous!" Doc Q expressed concern. "With creatures of such size, it's incredibly difficult to defeat them, even with poison," he added solemnly.

Suddenly, a roar echoed, and more monsters emerged from the sea—giant snakes, cat-faced creatures, crab-like beings—all fixating their icy gazes on Ethan, poised to attack.

Amidst the chaos, Betty couldn't contain her unease. "Ethan, if you want to flee, now's the time. With so many Sea Kings, an attack seems inevitable..." Her words trailed off, but the implication hung heavy in the air, understood by all.

"Retreat, Captain," Burgess exclaimed, wiping the cold sweat from his brow, his expression filled with terror. "These Sea Kings are too massive. I fear that if they press down, the entire ship will capsize."

Suddenly, the Sea Kings let out a deafening roar, moving as swiftly as lightning, hurtling straight toward Ethan with overwhelming force. The sight was terrifying, instilling dread in all who witnessed it.

"Ah..." The ship erupted with screams from every corner, the sound of despair echoing through the air. "Captain, what do we do?" Burgess and the others turned their desperate gazes toward Ethan, their voices trembling with fear.

Ignoring their pleas, Ethan took a bold step forward, his gaze piercing and determined. "Begone!" His voice thundered with a terrifying authority, sending shockwaves through the air, causing ripples to form in its wake. In an instant, silence descended upon the scene, enveloping the world in stillness.

The Sea Kings froze in place, their colossal forms trembling with fear as they stared back at Ethan. With a rush of water, they quickly dove beneath the waves, escaping into the depths below.

"Full speed ahead!" Ethan commanded, his voice unwavering as he faced away from the crew, his resolve unwavering.

This time, the entire ship was awestruck. "Long live Captain Ethan~~" "With the captain here, I fear nothing; onward we go..." "Captain, you're too powerful!" "Step aside... the captain's might is unmatched; ~ ~" "Captain Ethan, I pledge my allegiance to you for life..."

Burgess gazed at Ethan's imposing figure, his admiration growing by the moment, unable to contain his laughter. "So this is the Conqueror's Haki the captain spoke of; it's truly formidable, Wiiihahahaha..." Doc Q, showing rare reverence, ceased his coughing and spoke with a smile: "Indeed, the captain is worthy of our loyalty."

Baccarat silently observed the sturdy figure, a flicker of indescribable emotion passing through her eyes. Meanwhile, Betty turned to Burgess, curious. "You mentioned Conqueror's Haki. Was that what Ethan just demonstrated?"

Burgess, brimming with excitement, quickly clarified. "The captain mentioned three types of Haki in this world. Everyone can develop the first two, but the third, Conqueror's Haki, is rarer and depends on individual aptitude."

"The captain explained that possessing Conqueror's Haki is exceedingly rare; only one in a million possesses it." Burgess cast a silent glance at Ethan's back, marveling, "Initially, I thought the captain was boasting. But now, it's evident he's even stronger than I imagined, Wiiihahahaha..."

Doc Q nodded solemnly. "Indeed, the captain stands apart; he's beyond comparison." "Under the leadership of such a boss, our reputation will spread across the seas, ahem..."

Betty furrowed her brow, murmuring, "Conqueror's Haki..." "It's astounding that such formidable power exists in this world." Glancing at Ethan, she smiled faintly, deeply moved.

"No wonder Ethan has the audacity to change the world; it's because he possesses such strength." "Captain, I'm committed to your cause. I eagerly anticipate the day you topple the Celestial Dragons." Baccarat's affirmation was resolute: "When I chose Ethan, I knew."

"He's no ordinary man; he's destined for greatness." "Now, it's clear that my decision was the right one." With that, everyone on the ship solidified their loyalty to Ethan as their captain...

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