
One Piece: I Am Kaido And Luffy is Coming!

WARNING: THE SELF-INSERT HERE IS INCREDIBLY RUTHLESS. Upon awakening, I realized I was actually Kaido. Shockingly, nearly two years had passed since the Summit War. Luffy is near! I refused to simply await my fate; My plan? First annihilate Kozuki, then torment Luffy. By amassing power, the world's throne seemed within reach. Momanosuke: "Grandpa...Sister...Kinemon...No!!!" Blackbeard: "Am I just a tool in Kaido's eyes?" Akainu: "We have Kaido's spy in our army!! Find me someone!" Marine Special Science Unit SSG: "Kaido, the new Pacifistas are ready!" Rayleigh, Shanks, Garp, Revolutionary Army: "I will avenge Luffy!" Im silently put a cross on the map's Wanokuni.

FFAddict · Anime e quadrinhos
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143 Chs

Chapter 37

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Chapter 37 Fire Dragon Torch! The Giant Elephant Sinking Into The Sea!

The nose of an average elephant, extending less than two meters and containing over 40,000 muscles, possesses an unmatched strength in the natural world. However, the Elephant Lord's trunk is extraordinary, spanning two or three thousand meters in length and hundreds of meters in width, with a strength that is even more formidable. This immense power, greater than that of the super-giant Sea Embers, has enabled its survival for 800 years.

As the Elephant Lord's trunk swung towards Kaido in his green dragon form, the air seemed on the brink of tearing apart, whipped into a frenzy like a typhoon. Kaido glimpsed the trunk's Armament Haki, shrouded in pitch black. The elephant might appear unwieldy due to its colossal size, but this is an illusion; in reality, it strikes with astonishing speed.

With a turn of his dragon's head, Kaido expelled a stream of flames toward the Elephant Lord, shouting, "Boro Breath!" The massive fire pillar, seeming tiny against the elephant's vast trunk, made contact and sparked, yet did nothing to impede it. The Elephant Lord continued its advance, unbothered by the intense heat.

Kaido, with a cold glare, watched the approaching trunk and warned, "It's your own death. Don't blame me for not reminding you." He then weakened his dragon claws and propelled his daughter Yamato into the air with a flame cloud, securing her in a safe position.

The force of the collision was immense as the elephant's trunk struck the green dragon's midsection. Caught in the inertia, Kaido could not adjust his form and braced for the impact. The Elephant Lord, relentless, used its trunk to hurl the dragon, still clinging to it, into the sea. With its considerable intelligence, the elephant reasoned that submerging Kaido, a user of the Demon fruit's power, would seal his fate.

From above, Yamato peered down in distress and screamed, "Daddy!" She witnessed her father being assaulted by the giant elephant and tossed into the sea, causing her heart to wrench with pain. Enraged, Yamato grabbed her mace, intent on plummeting from the sky to mete out retribution. Before she could leap, however, a flame cloud burgeoned and halted her advance. She found this odd; the flame cloud had no consciousness of its own—it had to be controlled by her father. But with Kaido under attack, could he still be alright?

Fortunately, Kaido was unscathed, simply ensnared by the raw power, unable to free himself. Yet his awareness remained sharp, his body unhurt, and he watched the Elephant Lord with a mocking gaze for a few moments before the powerful thrust knocked him into the sea, creating a colossal splash and a vast puddle a thousand meters wide.

Submerged, Kaido smirked at the sight of colorful fish darting away and scoffed at the notion of weakening in the ocean like ordinary ability users. The evolved Dragon Fruit negated such a vulnerability. Bubbles emitted from his body, dispelling any residual force. Below were the elephant's massive legs, stretching into the shadowy depths, each one kilometers in length.

Seeing the gargantuan creature as the perfect target, Kaido prepared to unleash his full might.

"Fire Dragon Torch," he muttered, his eyes aflame with a killer instinct. Magma-like flames burst forth from his body, seeping through the gaps in his scales and forming an immense layer of fiery armor. The flame dragon grew larger and hotter by the second, and the surrounding sea began to boil, mist rising as if the water itself was in agony. The temperature soared to the point where any fish lagging within thousands of meters were instantly cooked.

The two front legs of the elephant nearest to him had begun to swell and their skin was cracking. Yamato could feel high temperatures accompanying the water vapor even from several thousand meters up, causing him to sweat immediately. He could only listen to the anguished chant of the Lord like never before. His body leaned forward and sideways uncontrollably, as if the forelimbs were severely injured. The fur tribes behind him hugged the closest thing to them in horror and watched as everything slid outward.

Some unfortunate ghosts fell from the elephant lord. They screamed as they fell into the sea, and were instantly silenced and cooked. Within moments, a black shadow appeared on the sea surface below the elephant's belly. It grew larger, and the boiling of the sea grew more intense. Suddenly, a blazing red dragon burst through the sea. A flame dragon, with a head hundreds of meters wide and over a thousand meters long, rose rapidly and rushed straight towards the elephant's belly.

The surrounding space distorted as if roasted, and the skin of the elephant lord began to blacken and char. The Lord groaned once more. Kaido, engulfed in concentrated flames, suddenly heard a sound like thunder, deafening. He guessed it was probably the evolved green dragon that bestowed this power upon him. The voice pleaded for mercy.

"Please let me go... I still have a mission... I haven't yet waited for... That day..."

"If you dare to attack me, don't beg for mercy!"

"Boro Breath!"

Kaido bellowed in response, a cruel smile on his face. The fire dragon sped up its ascent. The moment the fiery dragon touched the elephant's main belly, it carbonized the area, creating a large hole. Nearby wounds scarred over, and the blood evaporated without spilling a drop. Inside, the fire dragon rose into the sky with great force, completely burning the elephant lord's internal organs. Its stomach and intestines turned to cinders and ruptured.

Pushed from behind, the fire dragon from the Emberdom of Nuoda soared into the sky, causing everything around it to combust under the intense heat, as if the elephant were carrying a mountain of flames. It took a few seconds for the thousand-meter-long flame to pass through the hole, and then the huge dragon body dissipated in the sky.

At the moment the elephant lord was pierced by Kaido, its eyes went dull, and it died. The massive body fell to its side, splashing enormous waves that spread across the sea. The entire kingdom was plunged into the boiling sea, cooking countless fur tribes with no survivors. The fallen elephant slowly sank, and the sea that had been tumultuous calmed once again.

Kaido floated mid-air, watching the giant creature sink. The world's largest creature's death marked the end of its race. With a wave of his dragon's claw, he moved the flame cloud that carried Yamato. Excited, Yamato's eyes shone like stars, and he shouted in adoration, "Daddy!!! You're too strong!!!" The ultimate creature that had lived for 800 years had been killed by Kaido in an instant.

"So, where are we off to next?" Yamato asked expectantly, eager to see more unique islands.

"Punk Hazard."

"Yay!" Yamato could already imagine the peculiarities of the island just from its name and cried out with joy.

Momonosuke had perished as soon as he crossed over, signifying the end of the artificial green dragon fruit Vegapunk created from his genes. It remained intact in Punk Hazard. Kaido would not let such a valuable thing slip away. After Kaido and Yamato headed toward Punk Hazard, on a merchant ship thousands of meters away, an old man lowered the lookout mirror with trembling hands. His face showed shock. Ignoring the huge waves caused by the Lord's fall, he shouted to the cabin, "Quick! Call the newspaper!!! We're going to get rich!!"