
One Piece: I Am Kaido And Luffy is Coming!

WARNING: THE SELF-INSERT HERE IS INCREDIBLY RUTHLESS. Upon awakening, I realized I was actually Kaido. Shockingly, nearly two years had passed since the Summit War. Luffy is near! I refused to simply await my fate; My plan? First annihilate Kozuki, then torment Luffy. By amassing power, the world's throne seemed within reach. Momanosuke: "Grandpa...Sister...Kinemon...No!!!" Blackbeard: "Am I just a tool in Kaido's eyes?" Akainu: "We have Kaido's spy in our army!! Find me someone!" Marine Special Science Unit SSG: "Kaido, the new Pacifistas are ready!" Rayleigh, Shanks, Garp, Revolutionary Army: "I will avenge Luffy!" Im silently put a cross on the map's Wanokuni.

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110 Chs

Chapter 36

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Chapter 36: The Elephant Lord? Are You Going To Stop Me?

Yamato stood defiantly before Kaido and unleashed one of Kaido's own techniques, shouting, "King Kong Dysprosium!" The staff erupted with force, sending Kaido reeling backwards. The heavy shock waves clashed invisibly in the air, quickly becoming a one-sided affair, as Kaido struggled to match Yamato's might, which was reminiscent of a time long past. The crash that ensued left Inuarashi buried in debris.

The musketeers rushed to his aid, fearing to engage further. The two combatants' presence was like an abyss; the musketeers lacked the courage to attack and their discipline meant they did not flee. From beneath the rubble, Inuarashi's hand emerged as he pulled himself up with the help of debris. His sword had absorbed much of the strike, sparing him from severe injury.

But the thought of Kaido's strength, evident by the power of just a woman by his side, filled Inuarashi with dread. He dared not contemplate further for fear of being consumed by fear entirely. Realizing the musketeers were of no use, Inuarashi ordered them to find the old cat and wake him up with news of Kaido's arrival. Though confused, they quickly obeyed and darted off towards the beluga whale forest.

Inuarashi, steadying his nerves, faced Kaido and Yamato once more and charged at Yamato. The gap in power was vast, and Inuarashi could only manage defensive maneuvers, avoiding direct confrontation. Yamato, aware of another presence, chose not to finish Inuarashi, opting instead to toy with him.

Soon after, a figure burst from the whale forest, bounding across tree trunks and rooftops with urgency until he reached the winded Inuarashi. The plump figure, covered in golden fur and sporting a bee-like tail, carried a double-headed fork. On arrival, his concern transformed into mockery as he teased Inuarashi about his poor performance against a mere foot soldier.

Inuarashi, covered in sweat and exuding heat, weakly asked the Nekomamushi if this was really the time for their usual bickering. Unrepentant, the Nekomamushi proclaimed he was only stating facts, yet he acknowledged Yamato's strength internally. 

"Shall we fight together?" 

"Yes, let's take her on together," they agreed, then charged at Yamato in unison, utilizing every ounce of their energy. 

"Oden One Sword Style Cat Laughter Conflict!"

"Oden Two Sword Style Mighty Ya Slash!"

Their swords moved with blinding speed, catching her off guard for a crucial second, long enough for their attack to land. The blades struck Yamato, feeling unnaturally solid, lacking the sensation of cutting flesh. Astonishingly, cracks formed on Yamato's face and quickly spread across her body. 

"What is this thing?" they wondered in unison, casting a sidelong glance at Kaido, who showed not the slightest sign of concern.

The hit Yamato shattered with a bang, turning into tiny crystals and falling.


The two were shocked and were about to turn around to find the right master.

A voice came from above, "Ice slash!"

A cold air crashed down, and Inuarashi and the cat pit viper had no time to dodge. They could only raise their weapons above their heads.

But they couldn't stop the deadly cold, which felt like poison eroding their skin and muscles.

They suddenly felt their bodies stiffen and their movements slowed down uncontrollably.

A scream echoed in their hearts: not good!

Then an iron rod fell, smashing on the head of the cat pit viper who came to help.

The iron rod seemed to embed itself in that big face as cold gas suddenly erupted, forming an icy flower.

Cold ice began to grow from his face and in the blink of an eye, it wrapped around his entire body.

The cat pit viper lost its voice, and the whole person was frozen in ice.

"Old cat!!!!" Inuarashi shouted with tears in his eyes.

But Yamato was the one who responded.

A blow hit Inuarashi's cheek, shaking several teeth loose with blood.

The situation that had befallen the cat pit viper was now twofold on him, and the flower of ice opened again.

In the blink of an eye, Inuarashi was also frozen in ice.

As soon as they regrouped, Yamato instantly defeated both of them.

"Not bad, Yamato. Hard start, clean finish," praised Kaido, still sitting on the clean, large rock. Yamato had just finished the battle and reverted from his human-animal form.

"Hee hee~After all, Dad taught me just now~" Yamato said, flopping out his pink tongue awkwardly and scratching his head shyly.

"Then let's get rid of the rest of the fur tribes together." Kaido stood up and transformed into a green dragon again.

With his right paw in the air, a black flame cloud reappeared at Yamato's feet, lifting her and moving with him.

The two rose slowly and aimed at the huge forest again.

In the middle of the forest was a large tree resembling a whale, where one of the four road signs was hidden.

However, at this time, Kaido was not very interested in One Piece.

Reflecting on Roger's laughing and crying face and the comment about coming twenty years too early, he could guess that Raftel probably held a prophecy about how the Nika fruit would change the world.

He was even less interested in what was being prophesied.

He only needed to sit on the throne of the world's king.

To him, One Piece meant nothing.

He aimed at the giant tree, his mouth opened, and flames rose from his dragon's belly, gathering in his mouth.

The intense high temperature made the air around his mouth visibly tremble.

Just as he was about to unleash it,

Darkness fell, and he felt a massive sense of pressure and momentum, as if being watched.

Suddenly, he saw a huge elephant trunk swung over to the side.

The trunk belonged to a 10,000-meter giant elephant, all muscle, making even Kaido's pupils shrink.

With a murderous look in his eyes, he asked, "Zou? Are you going to stop me?"

The only response Kaido received was a massive elephant trunk with a frantic air current approaching rapidly.