
One Piece: I Am Kaido And Luffy is Coming!

WARNING: THE SELF-INSERT HERE IS INCREDIBLY RUTHLESS. Upon awakening, I realized I was actually Kaido. Shockingly, nearly two years had passed since the Summit War. Luffy is near! I refused to simply await my fate; My plan? First annihilate Kozuki, then torment Luffy. By amassing power, the world's throne seemed within reach. Momanosuke: "Grandpa...Sister...Kinemon...No!!!" Blackbeard: "Am I just a tool in Kaido's eyes?" Akainu: "We have Kaido's spy in our army!! Find me someone!" Marine Special Science Unit SSG: "Kaido, the new Pacifistas are ready!" Rayleigh, Shanks, Garp, Revolutionary Army: "I will avenge Luffy!" Im silently put a cross on the map's Wanokuni.

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143 Chs

Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Still Treat Me As Your Good Brother?

A few days later, on the vast ocean, the sky was clear with only a smattering of white clouds creating a serene backdrop for the birds soaring freely. A cool northern breeze stirred up a swath of dead leaves and tumbleweeds, while the steadfast Homiz trees bore fierce expressions, resisting the gusts. Baron Egg, standing watch in the open field, felt a shiver of cold snap him to alertness, causing him to increase his guard. Casting a glance around at the impenetrable security measures, the waters teemed with countless small boats on patrol, with large ships docked at the shore ready to launch an assault at a moment's notice. Two lookouts manned each watchtower, scanning the skies and seas through binoculars for any irregularities. Beneath the waves, fishmen and mermaids patrolled to intercept any vessels attempting to covertly access the waterways.

Nearly convinced that not even the "strongest creatures on land, sea, and air" could penetrate such fortifications, Egg's heart swelled with a sense of security. He audibly mused, "Come on, Kaido. Let the Charlotte family triumph upon your fallen body..."

Inside the castle hall, the mood contrasted starkly with the outside vigilance, as it buzzed with relaxation. Many officers converged here, patiently awaiting their moment. Cake Island had become a sanctuary a hundredfold more secure than other locations, even drawing non-combatants seeking solace amidst the tension outside.

Four top officers commanded particular attention. The eldest son, Charlotte Perospero, read the newspaper with a pronounced tongue, a bounty of 700 million on his head. Charlotte Katakuri, seated with legs crossed and eyes shadowed by concern, bore the weight of his status as Charlotte's supreme masterpiece and the head of the three stars, with a bounty of 1,057 million. The tenth son, Charlotte Cracker, concealed among the ranks of cookie soldiers and one of the three generals, claimed a bounty of 860 million. Lastly, the fourteenth daughter, Charlotte Smuggie, indulged in an oddly colored beverage, rounding out the three stars with a bounty of 932 million. Alongside their Big Mom, they stood as the true pillars of the regiment, bolstering the confidence of their comrades.

The very thought of facing Kaido with such formidable forces brought a surge of bravado. Could he really withstand the power of this lineup?

Dark clouds rolled in abruptly, enveloping the sky and earth in darkness. Rain cascaded down, and the accompanying flashes of lightning served as the sole illumination in the gloomy world. The relentless sound of water crashing and thunder rumbling seemed a manifestation of divine wrath.

The rain's heavy drumming against the castle windows resonated crisply, and each bolt of lightning draped the somber outside in a momentary veil of silver-white. Was this sudden extreme weather a sign of something more?

An unsettling feeling crept over the castle's inhabitants, but it was dismissed as mere climatic change. Electric lights flickered on, and a grand chandelier cast a radiant glow over the hall. Life resumed its pace.

After a while, a young Charlotte son could no longer contain his burning curiosity. His question, one he'd harbored for days, broke the calm, "Why do Mom and Kaido seem to know each other so well?"

He'd never heard hint of a connection in all his years, suggesting their acquaintance might date back many years. The question piqued the interest of others who equally wondered about the history between the two formidable Emperors.

However, Katakuri responded with a measured calm, "This is not for you to understand. Better to curb your curiosity than be destroyed by it in the future."

He was a child age ten when the Rocks fell, and his memory of those times was clear. After the God Valley Incident, no further mention was made of Rocks or the Island of the Gods; even his mother's lips were sealed. That's when he learned that some questions were better left unasked.

The person who asked the initial question returned with his beloved brother's lecture, and after that, no one else dared to ask.

The rain and wind outside had intensified, completely muting the outdoor clamor inside the house.

The howling wind whispered, the rain tapped rhythmically, and debris collided while thunderstorms grew more frequent.

The electric flashes in the sky were so persistent they became slightly painful to the eyes,

prompting someone to close the curtains and turn away from the view outside.

It was then that Perospero set aside his newspaper,

Seizing the opportunity to bask in the attention of his family, he began,

"Don't be so serious, Katakuri. Those times are long buried. Bringing them up now won't bother anyone."

"Right, Mom?"

He turned to his mother on her throne, a picture of contented joy,

"Mama~ What's there that can't be discussed?" His Big Mom, her hand covered in cream, answered indifferently and reached for another slice of cake.

Katakuri frowned, worried about the impact on the younger siblings,

But Perospero had their mother's approval, and he found himself unable to intervene.

Perospero continued, "Many years ago, Mother and Kaido were on the same ship, encountering each other there before their pirate crews disbanded. Later, Kaido and our mother each started their own pirate crews."


"She was on the same ship as Kaido?!"

"I can't even picture it! Who could've led two such formidable people as captains!"

The crowd was astonished, unable to fathom that the mighty Emperor would have shared a vessel.

Wasn't it assumed that each built their own pirate empire from their first sail?

Big Mom, nostalgic, pressed her cheeks with her hands as she reminisced,

"When Kaido was still under me, I regarded him as a brother."



"Is Kaido nothing but a little brother in front of our mother!"

Silence fell among those who weren't privy to the past,

And the thought of Kaido addressing someone as 'brother' filled them with a sense of pride.

That was, until a resonant, deep voice arose from the doorway,

"So the old woman is dredging up the past again."

With a crash, the gate was slammed open, but Katakuri was swift, blocking it with his sticky cake.

Everyone instantly recognized the newcomer,


"Why is he here!"

"Where are the guards?!"

A flash of lightning revealed countless bodies strewn across the ground,

Kaido also had a captive white chicken in hand - Baron Eggman was seized!

Those of lesser strength scattered frantically, retreating to corners for safety.

"Mama~ even if we revisit the past, I'm not mistaken," BigMom declared, rising from her throne and eying her injured crew with a bloodthirsty grin. "Are you here to challenge me again?" She was cut off before finishing,

Their gazes locked, and an explosive exchange of energy followed.

Purple-black and pink electrical arcs surrounded them as their auras clashed,

Producing an invisible maelstrom where the lightning intermingled, and the air itself seemed to whine.

Clothing fluttered, and glass and ceramics shattered under the pressure, knocking the faint-hearted unconscious, while even the most stalwart among them turned pale.

"And you still see me as your dear brother?"

Kaido's laughter boomed, his presence intensifying and pressing towards Big Mom.