
One Piece: I am Imu

Transmigrate to the world of One Piece, reincarnate as Saint Imu; Control the world government and sit on the throne of the void. He obtains the star map of the omniverse and contemplates the sea of dimensions. Gather all individual combat power, military power, financial resources and all material resources to open the star gate, conquer all dimensions, and break the limit of individual power! Unite or be destroyed, how to choose? --- This is a translation of a Chinese Novel, with minor changes in some parts of the original story. I don't own the picture in the novel cover.

TitoVillar · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
196 Chs

Chapter 188: Unmasking the Revolution

East Blue, Kingdom of Dunbell

The originally harmonious and clear streets now, apart from the soldiers patrolling from time to time, it was difficult to see residents passing by.

The oppressive atmosphere was as palpable as the actual pressure, making people feel increasingly suffocated.

Some people also wondered why the king had suddenly changed so much.

In a secret area of ​​the forest, near the coast.

There were a dozen large tents, tables, chairs, grills, fire pits and other items that gave it a camping feel.

About twenty burly men were busy with their tasks.

"Chief of Staff, there is news from the headquarters that the first batch of ships will arrive at three o'clock tonight."

Gaban, who was lying on a deck chair reading the newspaper, heard this and, without moving, casually asked: "How much cargo are they carrying?"

"Three thousand rifles, twenty boxes of grenades, two hundred submachine guns and a total of five thousand various weapons." The intelligence officer stated.

"That's very little, isn't it?" Gaban straightened up and smiled: "But it is enough to start the revolution."

"Also, the intelligence chief reminded us that the World Government's police department is investigating us recently and asked us to be more careful and try not to run into them."

Gaban raised his eyebrows. "Is it the department headed by Garp's son? It seems to be called Dragon, right?"

"Yes." The intelligence officer then told Gaban with a serious expression all the information that Chief Spencer had just relayed to him.

After listening, Gaban raised his head and looked at the other party with a laugh.


At two o'clock in the morning.

Gaban showed up at the agreed location in advance with his men.

But when they arrived, Gaban felt that something was wrong. But just when he was about to say something, a member of the Revolutionary Army behind him said: "Chief of Staff, our ship has arrived!"

This distracted Gaban, who focused his attention on the two ships approaching in the distance. Using his Kenbunshoku Haki, he detected familiar presences and sighed in relief. "Hey, it turns out that Doringo is the leader! "

As the two ships slowly docked.

Doringo flew up quickly, then opened his arms and ran towards Gaban with excitement. "Mr. Gaban! It's been a long time since we last met!"

Gaban hugged Doringo helplessly and smiled: "It's only been two months. Although you have become stronger, why don't you mature?"

"With you and Commander Shakky, I don't need to be so mature. By the way, have you read the latest issue of the newspaper? The World Tournament and the other world..."

"Okay, okay, let's talk about these things when we get back. Let's receive the weapons first. "Gaban hurriedly stopped him from continuing. Otherwise, it is very likely that they will not be able to move everything before dawn.

But at that moment, a strong wind suddenly began to blow, causing the boats to rock.

It also made Gaban and Doringo's faces change drastically.

"So that's it, the so-called revolutionary army was formed by the remnants of Roger's pirate group, but I really want to know, why, why do you do such a thing?"

"Hey~ I thought it was someone else, but it turned out to be Minister Dragon~~" Gaban, seeing the semi-elemental figure in the sky, joked with a carefree expression.

However, his mood was somewhat gloomy, because this meant that his intelligence network had not followed Dragon's movements.

The Revolutionary Army is not powerful enough now and is not prepared to confront the World Government head-on.

Their strategy was therefore to operate in the shadows, manipulating rebellions in the fringe kingdoms, and then, regardless of the outcome, retreat before the Cipher Pol or the Military Police arrived.

In fact, they just set fires everywhere and left after setting them off.

They didn't care about the consequences. Their purpose was to cause conflicts between the people and nobles of various countries, and then indirectly affect the World Government.

But now, they are exposed!

"Can you tell me why you did this? Can't you just stay silent and keep your identities hidden after disbanding?" Dragon looked down at Gaban and others expressionlessly.

"Ah, indeed, I did want to do this at the beginning, but can you also tell me how Rayleigh died and at whose hands?" Gaban asked back. At the same time, he extended his Kenbunshoku Haki to check if there was anyone else hiding.

"I see, you're doing this for Rayleigh? You want to avenge him?" Dragon understood and sighed. "Unfortunately, I don't know how he died. The information I know comes from the newspapers just like you."

"But he deserved it for trespassing into the Holy Land, and you deserved to die for deliberately causing a riot in a kingdom. Come with me."

Gaban raised his eyebrows and didn't care about the other party's words. Instead, he asked with a smile: "Dragon, you seem to be here alone?"

"Yes." Dragon didn't hide this. But the wind around him became more violent.

"Hehe, you are indeed Garp's son. You are indeed brave enough, but..." Gaban took the two iron axes hanging on his waist, smiled and said: "Does your strength match your courage?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the blades of his axes were covered in a black sheen.

"I'll take care of him. You two get the boat out of here immediately!"


Gaban instantly disappeared. He stomped on the ground with such force that it cracked, and a sonic boom expanded as he launched himself towards Dragon.

The next second, the black axe in his hand slashed forcefully towards Dragon.

A huge amount of air exploded, and a dense white shock wave spread in all directions. The thunderous noise woke up residents several kilometers away.

The various strong winds, tornadoes and bright lights that were set off from time to time at that time frightened the people on the island all night, and even the King's Army did not dare to approach to check.

It was not until nearly noon that the scary noises stopped.

But even so, the King's Army troops waited for two more hours before sending people to take a look, but everyone was stunned when they arrived at the scene.

It looked like something gigantic had bitten off a chunk of the island. Except for the sea water that had seeped in, there was nothing else there.


Two hours ago

About five miles from the Kingdom of Dunbell, a boat with the emblem of the Police Department on its sail was moving with the waves.

A gust of green wind appeared on the deck.


The inspectors, superintendents and others on the ship hurriedly greeted him.

"Well, let's return." Dragon nodded with an impassive expression before transforming back into a gust of wind and disappearing, leaving the officers perplexed. "Didn't the minister go to capture someone? Why didn't he bring anyone back?"


Inside the captain's office.

Dragon had already removed the top part of his clothes, revealing a wound about ten centimeters long on his right arm and several lines of blood on his chest. "Gaban of the Revolutionary Army is indeed difficult to deal with."

Dragon frowned in contemplation. In the previous battle, he had been defeated. He hadn't managed to capture any of them, only destroying one of their ships before escaping.

He went alone this time because he realized that the enemy seemed to have strong intelligence capabilities and could always leave before his police officers arrived.

Therefore, after receiving the information from Cipher Pol, he directly used his Devil Fruit's ability to rush forward, letting the police ship follow its normal course to attract the enemies' attention.

But he didn't expect to meet the former crew members of the Roger Pirates, let alone someone on Gaban's level.

However, their identities were exposed, and the Revolutionary Army was no longer a mystery to the World Government.

"Are they gathering again because of Rayleigh's death?"

Dragon immediately thought of Shakuyaku, a former member of the Rocks Pirates crew.

"It should be her existence that makes the Revolutionary Army have such a strong intelligence network."

While thinking, he picked up the Den-Den Mushi on the desk.

He had planned to have his police department handle the matter of the Revolutionary Army alone, but now he knew that they did not have anyone capable of confronting Gaban. It was necessary to report this.

Whether it is the identity of the crew of the Roger Pirates or their behavior of inciting riots in member countries, the World Government needs to pay great attention to it.

"The whole world is getting better, we cannot allow these insects to continue causing havoc."

Dragon had a firm look on his face.

Soon, the call was connected.

"Director, it's me. The true identity of the Revolutionary Army has been confirmed: they are the remnants of Roger and Rocks' crews. The leaders are Gaban and Shakuyaku."


I will post some extra Chapters in Patreon, you can check it out. >> patreon.com/TitoVillar
