
One Piece: Getting Stronger by Writing a Diary

In the world of One Piece, Arton, a sketch artist, suddenly finds himself face-to-face with a Celestial Dragon—and not in a good way. Lucky for him, he awakens a system that allows him to gain strength by writing in a diary. Fired up for some payback against the Celestial Dragons, Arton embarks on a journey, and not just for retribution but also to meet beautiful girls such as Nami, Robin, and Hancock—characters he's drawn a million times before. As his journey unfolds, Arton starts scratching his head, wondering why women like Uta, Vivi, and Hancock are lining up to join his crew. Nami throws him a compliment, "Thanks, Arton, you're the best." Carina playfully proposes a trade, "Nami, you keep the treasure, and I'll have Arton, okay?" And Nico Robin teases, "Arton, you're into more mature women, aren't you?" ***This is a translation*** original: https://b.faloo . com/1299406.html

Metarln · Anime e quadrinhos
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118 Chs

Chapter 66.5 – Carina attacks again

On the other side, where Arton was.

"Now that old guy won't be chasing after us."

Arton withdrew his gaze from the navy warship, turned back to look at Uta, and smiled:

"How do you feel, can you adapt to the [Fusion]?"

Hearing this, Uta nodded with a smile:

"Although after [Fusion] I ended up without clothes, the feeling is quite nice, like having a sauna session."

"No, it's even more comfortable than a sauna."

Hearing this, Carina also looked over curiously.

"Is it really that comfortable?"

Upon hearing this, Uta looked at Carina and said:

"It's true, Carina."

"And when I'm with him, I feel like my body is filled with power."

"Although after Arton used the Noble Phantasm, I felt a lot of that power drain away."

Carina nodded slightly, then gazed into the distance:

"Causing such a scene, it's normal to lose some strength."

"But being able to shake off Garp is worth it."

"From now on, as long as we can stay far enough away from them."

Carina said this, then glanced at Arton, who seemed to be lost in thought.

Her eyebrows twitched, and she quickly opened her own diary copy.

[The first use of "Fusion" felt very fresh.]

[Especially when using Elizabeth's Noble Phantasm "Báthory Erzsébet".]

[Although I haven't eaten a Devil Fruit, I feel like it's as if I have an extra Devil Fruit inside me.]

[In that case, the more character templates my companions have, doesn't that mean I can use more Devil Fruit powers?]

[Hmm... it's not exactly like that, after all, the power of some character templates is much stronger than Devil Fruits.]

[Just like the power of Elizabeth Bathory, if my power becomes stronger in the future, maybe I can wipe out an army of marines without summoning the prison castle, just using sound.]

[Speaking of which, that old guy's expression just now was really interesting...]

[I really want him to see the photo I took.]

Reading this, Carina's heart raced, and she quickly threw herself into Arton's arms.

And pressed her plump chest firmly against Arton's front.

She wanted to use this way to prevent Arton from spreading the photo of Garp, so the female marines who have the diary copy wouldn't call Garp.

However, what she didn't know was,

At this moment, all the Den Den Mushi on Garp's warship were already on strike due to the Noble Phantasm used by Arton earlier.

This could be understood.

After all, the attack of sound waves is a dispersing type of attack.

Even though Garp managed to block most of the sound waves with his fists, preventing major damage to the warship and soldiers.

But still, some waves slipped through.

These missed sound waves were enough to make the Den Den Mushi retract into their shells and fall asleep.

"Carina, what are you doing?"

Arton's train of thought was interrupted, and the action of uploading the photo of Garp also came to a halt.

"Captain Arton is so amazing, being able to repel the Navy hero, Garp."

"So, Carina?"

"I admire you so much, so I want to fulfill the agreement we had earlier."


"Captain, you haven't forgotten, have you? We talked about a massage earlier, and I'm also curious about the fusion between you and Uta."

"I see, thank you for reminding me, Carina. How could I possibly forget?"

"In that case, let's go, and Uta, you come too."

After speaking, Carina instructed the other sailors to pay attention to navigation.

Then she took Arton's hand and headed towards the cabin.

Uta, after a moment of hesitation, followed them with small steps.

[Uta: Carina, are you really going to massage? The script sometimes leads to more than just a massage by accident!]

[Carina: I know, but if we don't do this, Arton might upload Garp's photo to the diary.]

[Uta: Even so, it shouldn't matter, right? After all, Garp is no longer chasing us.]

[Carina: Uta, you're too naive. We're not that far from Garp now. If a female marine informs Garp, he will definitely come after us. By then, we might be in trouble. Uta, you wouldn't want to be taken by Garp to join the Navy, would you?]

[Uta: Of course not, I don't want to be a marine at all, and Arton definitely wouldn't want to be one either.]

[Carina: So, we just need to keep Arton from being able to think about uploading anything to the diary for a while.]

[Uta: I understand.]

Uta took a deep breath, her gaze firm as she walked to Arton's other side, starting a cheerful conversation.

Before long, the three of them arrived at the captain's quarters.

"Arton, lie down here."

"And don't think about anything."

"Leave everything to me."

Carina took off Arton's jacket, saying with a smile. Especially when saying "don't think about anything," Carina emphasized her tone.

Then she extended a pair of slender, agile hands and started massaging Arton's back.

"How is it, is the pressure alright?"

Carina looked at Arton lying on the bed, smiling as she paid attention to the diary copy.

"Not bad, you really do know how to do everything."

Arton exclaimed.

"Hehe, I learned from some books."

Carina said meaningfully.

The books she referred to were naturally those drawn by Arton.

However, Arton naturally didn't know this.

He just thought Carina had learned it elsewhere.

"Very good, continue."

Arton said, and then took a photo of Carina's actions to record it in the diary copy.

[Photo: Carina's massage skills.]

Seeing her photo, Carina's eyebrows twitched, then she looked towards Uta.

[Carina: Uta, think of something. This guy still has the time to take and upload my photo, which means he could upload Garp's photo at any moment. We can't let him have time to think.]

[Uta: Leave it to me!]

Uta's eyes were determined, and she quickly took off her sandals.

Then she leaped from the floor and landed directly on Arton's back.


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