
Chapter 26

The reindeer stormed into the throne room, and I quickly hid behind a pillar.

'This idiot!'

"It's you! You're that monster that tried to kill me!" said the King

'There are two people beside him. I should take care of them first.'

"Wapol, I came to take revenge for Dr. Hiriluk!"

"Hahaha, why would you care about a quack doctor! Guy's kill him!"

<Tobu Shigan> x2



I used two Flying Finger Gun's to take them out.

"What!? Why did you guys fall!"


The reindeer gave him a clean hit on his head.


He went through several walls and flew out of the castle. The reindeer ran after him.

'He is pretty strong. I don't know how strong the king is, but he could buy me enough time to have fun.'

I walked to the two that I knocked out.

'This is gonna be fun.'

<Evil Villain Laugh>

[Chopper P.O.V.]

I ran after Wapol. I found him against a tree. I was about to punch him again when he opened his mouth, and a cannon appeared out of it.

'Oh, no!'


I got hit right in my chest.


It exploded, and I got sent flying back.


I managed to land.

"I don't know what happened to those two idiots, but I know that I can easily take you out." said Wapol


'What was that? It came from the castle."




'So those screams came from those two. It must be Laffitte's doing. I need to use this chance that he has given me and defeat Wapol.'

I ran towards Wapol again.

"I will just check it out after I kill you!"

He shot another cannonball at me, but this time I managed to dodge it.




I hit him multiple times right on his head. He fell down, and I jumped on him.



"This is for the people of this island."


"This is for all the stupid rules."


"This is for you being so selfish."


"This is for all the doctors you've hurt."


I stopped for a second.



I hit him with my strongest punch.

He got knocked out.


I looked at the sky.

'Dr. Hiriluk, I did it. I avenged you and rid this island from the corrupt king.'

I stood up and got off of him.

I suddenly started turning smaller till I was back in my base form.

'So the three minutes are up. I should see if Laffitte is ok.'

I started walking towards the castle.



I turned around and saw Wapol with a gun pointed towards me.

'Oh, no! I don't have enough strength to run away."

I stood frozen in my place.

'I messed up!'


I could see the time slowing down as the bullet started closing in. I immediately closed my eyes.

(AN: It has nothing to do with Haki.)

'It seems like I'll be joining you, Dr. Hiriluk.'


I felt something pass by me.

I opened my eyes.


He was standing in front of me with a bullet in his hand.

"You are too reckless. Because of you, I had to kill them off quickly. I still wanted to have fun with them and make them scream harder."

'This guy is scary!'

[Laffitte P.O.V.]

'The captain always makes my life ten times harder.'

"Who are you?"

"Hehehe, I'm your worst nightmare."

He stepped back.


I appeared in front of him.


I shot him in his stomach.

"You bastard!"

"You're so weak."


I appeared behind him.



I shot him in his back.

"That's it! Scream more! Moar!"


I shot him again.



"AAAHHH, A DEMON!" screamed the reindeer

He ran away.



I shot him again!


"Hehehe, let's get to the fun bit."

I took out a small knife.

"No, please, spare me! I'll give you anything you want! Just please spare me!"

"Hehehe, this is going to be fun."



[Ken P.O.V.]

"They've been gone for a while." said Kureha

"I bet Laffitte is just having fun."



Chopper suddenly stormed in while screaming. He immediately jumped onto Kureha and hugged her.

"Why the hell are you screaming!? And get off of me!"


She punched him on his head, but he didn't let go.


"What demon?" asked Kureha


"Hahahaha! Don't worry; he won't hurt you."

He let go of Kureha.

"But he was so scary."

"That's just Laffitte. So what happened to the king?"

"I don't think he'll survive."

"I see, well did you get your revenge?"

He nodded.

"Well, that good. The rest should be almost done with what they were doing."

"Ey Ken, do you mind doing one last thing."

"Can you afford it?"

"Did you forget who's lives are in my hands?"

"Fine, what is it?"

"There is this guy in prison called Dalton. Can you tell Laffitte to get him out of prison?"


I called Laffitte.

"Yes, sir?"


"It seems like you're having fun. There is this guy in prison called Dalton. Get him out of there after you're done."

"Yes, sir."

"Alright, have fun."

I hanged up.

"Done, now get those two back on their feet."

"I already fed them the medicine, so they should be up in about three days."

"Alright, let's just wait till everyone is done."

[1 hour later]

I told everyone how to find this place. So Ace, Sabo, Laffitte, and Dalton joined us here.

When Dalton arrived here, he immediately started bowing and thanking me and bla bla bla.

"Laffitte, what happened to the king?"

He smirked.

"He is in a place with a lot of fire."

"It seems like you had a lot of fun. Ace, Sabo, report."

"We've taken care of all the guard, and everyone knows why we're here." said Sabo


"We've told them that you wanted to talk to them so everyone will be gathered at the capital city in three days." said Ace

"Perfect. Kureha, we will be using this place as our home for a little bit."

"You better not make a mess."

"Don't worry. I'll go and take a nap."

[1 day later]

Deuce and Robert woke up.

"Argh, what happened?" asked Deuce

"You two got infected by an ancient and deadly disease. It kills you in five days."


He looked to his right and saw Robert.

"You were sick too? I didn't hear that you were sick. So that must mean that you didn't say anything."


Deuce slapped Robert on his head.

"You basta-"

"You're such an idiot! Why didn't you say that you were sick! You could have been dead!" screamed Deuce.

"Tsk. I'm not your crewmate, so you don't need to know everything about me."

"He isn't even your crewmate, and from what I can see, he doesn't even like you guys, so why did you want to cure him so badly?" asked Kureha

Robert looked up with a confused look.

I looked at him.

"Even if he isn't my crewmate, It doesn't mean that I'll let him die. It was because of me that he got the disease after all. But enough of that. Deuce rest up, we'll leave in two days."

He nodded.

I walked out of the tree to get some fresh air.

'It was really stupid of me to just kidnap Robert.'


'But what's done is done. I should think about what I'm going to say to the people instead. I already have an idea of how I can keep this place safe. I just hope that they will believe me.'