
Chapter 199

In a small village located in the East Blue, 2 of the most powerful people in the world are sitting next to each other in a bar.

"What brings you here, Red Haired Shanks?"

"I just came here to get something to drink. But what about you, Garp?"

"Same reason."

An awkward silence filled the air as the two of them didn't know what to say to each other.

"Here you go, two extra drinks on the house."

"Thanks a lot, Makino. I always love free booze," said Shanks as he gulped down the entire cup in one go. But Garp didn't touch his cup.

"Shanks, can I ask you something?"


"Do you think I've failed as a grandfather and a master?"

"Is this about Ken?"

Garp didn't say anything, but the look on his face said enough.

"Ken once told me that he never knew what having grandparents was like till he met you. He said that the moments he spent with you were some of the best ones in his life. Also, when I asked him why he didn't become a Marine, he said:"

'Being a Marine basically takes all your human rights away. No matter how much you struggle, no matter how high you climb up the ranks, you will forever be a slave with no say in whether you get to live or die. The Admirals are a prime example, their owners whistle, and they have to be there immediately like dogs. I guess that's why I respect Garp so much. He stays true to his beliefs and justice even as a Marine. That's part of the reason why I'm fighting so hard for my dream. So that one day I can save him from that world and let him retire with peace of mind, knowing that the world doesn't need a hero anymore.'

"If you ask me, you've done a better job than I could ever dream of doing."

"Tsk, that brat sure knows how to run his mouth," said Garp as he stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to teach that grandson of mine one final lesson."


"Sister!" screamed Marigold (Orange hair) as she and her sister Sandersonia (Green hair) ran into the throne room where Boa Hancock was sitting on her throne.

"What happened?"

"Did you read the newspaper? They say that Azure Ken destroyed Marine Ford, humiliated the Admirals and Fleed Admiral, and then headed off to Mary Geoise."

"What! What is he doing there?"

"We don't know yet."

"Ready the ship while I make a call to his crew. They must know what is going on. If they're attacking Mary Geoise, we'll head out immediately!"

"Yes, sister!" said the two as they quickly made their way out of the throne room."

'Azure Ken, what the hell are you planning.'


"Luffy!" screamed Nami as she ran towards Luffy and the rest of the Strawhat crew, who are preparing their ship to leave Wano.

"What happened, Nami?" asked Luffy.

She showed him the newspaper.

"Your brother, Ken, look at what he has done and where he is going!"

Everyone looked at the newspaper with shock, but Luffy just started laughing.

"It seems like he is having fun."

"You idiot!" screamed Nami as she punched him on the head. "The Revolutionaries attack Marine basses all over the world, Ken destroying Marine Ford and the Admirals, and then him going to Mary Geoise where the most powerful and influence full people in the world live, this is obviously a revolt against the World Government! I don't know how strong the World Government is, but there must be a reason why they've been the most powerful in 900 years!"

"Wait, this article didn't mention anything about his crew being there. Does that mean that he went there alone? Is he even healed from the injuries he got from Kaido?" said Koby.

"Is he really going to fight against arguably the strongest force in the world alone while being wounded and just finished fighting the strongest Marines! And didn't chopper say that he was sick or something? Isn't that basically suicide," said Usopp.

"Nami, how long will it take till we make it to Mary Geoise?" asked Luffy in a tone that was devoid of his previous laughter.

"3 weeks if the wind is in our favor."

"Nami, make sure the ship is going in the right direction. The rest of us will row the boat. With our strength, we will make it in 1 day max."

"What! Do you want to work us to dea-" Usopp stopped mid-sentence when he saw the look in Luffy's eyes. He has never seen Luffy this serious before, so he decided to keep his words to himself and support his Captain.

"From 3 weeks to 1 day, huh. Should be easy enough," said Zoro as he rolled up his sleeve.

Sanji lit up his cigarette. "A day is too long; we'll make it in half."

"We're gonna go SUPER fast!" screamed Franky.

The strawhat crew made their way over to the paddles. The moment they started rowing, Nami had to hold on for dear life as the ship went forward at a ridiculous speed. If they want to make it in 12 hours, they have to go 42 times faster than normal, and at the rate they're going, that might actually be possible.

'Wait for me. I'll be the one to save you this time, big brother!'


All over the world, this revolution is being discussed. It was the only thing people talked about. Azure Ken has influenced the sea and the world just as much as Gol D. Roger, and now he plans to surpass his achievements and change the world as they know it. Many people are opposed to this idea. They feel like the world is fine as it is and that the pirates are the root of all evil.

But those that have experienced firsthand what evil deeds the World Government and Marines have done are beyond ecstatic about this revolution. Some of those people had decided to join the Revolutionaries after hearing what Ken had said at Enies Lobby all those years ago, but most were skeptical about whether or not it would be possible.

They've lived in fear their entire life, not believing that anyone could beat the World Government and Marines. They thought that Ken would soon be taken care of, but it was quite the opposite. Every time his face appeared on the front page, he had done something unbelievable. He proved everyone wrong, every single time. And now they have no choice but to believe in him.

They wanted proof of his ability, and he has given them more than they could ever dream of. So now, every last one of them who could fight took a weapon and sailed out on their ships. Millions of people and thousands of ships with the Azure Pirates' logo sailed towards Mary Geoise, wanting to change their destiny with their own hands and to help out the one who gave them hope and is guiding them towards freedom.

However, they weren't the only ones that started making their way to Mary Geoise. Every single force in the world deployed its ships and sailed towards Mary Geoise. Be it Pirates, Marines, Revolutionaries, World Government agents, almost no one stayed behind because they know that whether or not Azure Ken wins, the world will change drastically, and they want to be there to witness it.


(Ken just casually pulled the Shonen Protagonist card and united the whole world against one evil.)

Anime Quotes:

"If the world outside is void of hope, and if despair is contagious, then I'll just have to infect everyone with my hope. Living in despair really isn't living at all!"

- Naegi Makoto (Dangan Ronpa)

"Even if you're weak, there are miracles you can seize with your hands if you fight on to the very end."

- Uryuu Minene (Future Diary)

"Does life mean anything to you lot?! You think anything's allowed as long as you have ideals and shout that you're leading a revolution?"

- Hazama Kuroo (Young Black Jack)

"We once fought together for an ideal with our swords. It wasn't for power or for glory, but to create a peaceful world where people could live without fear. And if you should forget about that, then what did we fight the revolution for?"

- Kenshin Himura (Rurouni Kenshin)

"Everyone has their own reasons to fight. Sometimes you have to settle it yourself, or there's no way forward."

- Tasumi (Akame Ga Kill)