
Chapter 14

[Next day]

We are heading towards loguetown.

"Everyone, come here right now!"

In 10 seconds, everyone was standing in front of me.

"What happened!?" asked Ace


"Then why did you shout it like something happened?" asked Deuce with an annoyed look on his face

I smiled at them.


I disappeared, and a second later, I was back on the same spot.

"Where did you go?" asked Sabo

I pointed down, and when they looked down, their pants fell down.


They quickly pulled their pants back up.

"Hahaha! Why do you have underwear with hearts, Deuce? Hahahaha!"

His face turned red.

"Shut up, Ken!"

"Alright, calm down. Now for the reason, I called you guys here. I will teach you the technique I have shown just now, along with six others."

They all had stars in their eyes.

"Wow, really!? I love you Captain!" said Deuce

"Make sure you always say no homo after."

[AN: I have nothing against gay people. I love everyone, no matter race, sex, religion, etc. But if you've done something terrible, I will, of course, not love you. Like ra- well, you guys get what I'm trying to say.]

"Now listen well. This technique is called Soru. It's a marine technique only taught to the elite. It's part of a martial art called Rokushiki. It has six techniques plus an extra one if you've mastered them all."

'They are listening like I was telling them a million-dollar secret. But I guess this is worth more than a million.'

"Geppo, Tekkai, Shigan, Rankyaku, Soru, and Kami-e is what the six are called. And the last one is called Rokuogan."

I smirked at them.

"There is only a really small amount of people who can use Rokuogan."

I jumped on the railing of the ship.

"Watch and learn."

I put my two fists right in front of me. My body tensed up.



A huge shockwave appeared in front of me.



The calm sea started to create waves, and the ship started shaking a lot.



'It takes a lot out of me.'

I looked back at the three, and their jaws were touching the floor.


"Hahaha, I know, I know. Now let's start training!"

"YEAH!" x3

They are really excited.

I smirked.

"Now, do 10.000 pushups."

"Huh?" x3

They looked confused.

I glared at them.


"Yes, sir!"

They went on the ground and started doing pushups.

"What are you doing, Deuce! Lower your ass!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Sabo, do you need to go on your knees or something? Stop doing pushups like a little girl! Go lower!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Ace, if I see you using your devil fruit, you'll have to do 100.000 pushups."

He started sweating.

"Yes, sir!"

'Hahaha, now I know why Garp liked to yell at me so much. This is so fun.'

"The first one who completes training gets a reward at the end."

I suddenly saw a fire burn in their eyes. They glared at each other and started going even faster.

[3 hours later]




They fell down face first.

"Good job, guys. Sabo is the winner, now let's continue."

"Wait, wait, wait, what do you mean let's continue? Where is my reward?" asked Sabo

I smiled at them.

"It seems like I didn't elaborate enough. The one who comes out on top at the end of the training becomes vice-captain and gets an extra prize."

They first looked like they wanted to kill me, but now they want to kill each other.

"Oh yeah, sabotaging and cheating is a no go. If you do that, you'll have to do the cleaning for one year."

That immediately threw away all their plans.

"Alright, let's eat…"

The turned happy and started walking towards the kitchen.

"And continue training after."

They fell down.

I walked over their bodies and into the kitchen and started preparing the food.

'It isn't amazing, but it's at least edible.'

After eating, we went outside again.

"10.000 sit-ups."

"Yes, sir!"

They immediately started doing sit-ups.

"Good, you guys learn fast."


I hit Sabo on his head.

"Do I still need to teach you the basics?"

"No, sir!"


I looked at Ace, and he quickly put his hands on his mouth.

I glared at him.

"You think that this is funny?"

"No, sir!"

I walked into the storage room and came out with a black baton.

Ace immediately got scared. He tried to run away.




Three big bulges appeared on his head. I grabbed his collar.



I let him go, and he sprinted back to his place and started doing sit-ups at the speed of light. The others also continued doing sit-ups.

I sat down in a beach chair with a parasol above me and a cocktail in my hand.

'This is what you call living the live.'

[1 week later]



Deuce just flew by me and fell into the sea.

"Haha, nice one, Deuce."

"Shut up, Ken."

I threw him a rope and helped him back up.



Sabo appeared in front of me.

He looked beyond happy.

"I did it! Now I'll become the vice-captain, right?"

He looked at me with anticipation, and the other two looked down.


I slapped him on his back.

"You've earned one point."

He was shocked.


I smirked.

"Did you really think that it would be so easy?"

He fell on his knees, and his eyes turned empty.

"How do we earn points and how many do we need?" asked Ace

"You earn one point every time you're the first to learn a technique. And the one who has the most points at the end wins."

Sabo stood up, and I could see that there was a fire burning in his eyes.

"That means that I'm in 1st place. So I need to get three more points to secure my victory."

"That's the right mindset."

"Don't think too highly of yourself, Sabo. I will be the one winning!" said Deuce

"No, I will win!" said Ace

I could see lightning in between them.

'The best way to become stronger is motivation and a rival. I guess you could say that my rival was Garp. I truly wish to surpass him, but I know that I still have a long way to go.'

"Sabo, I'll teach you a new technique. Ace come here."

He stood in front of me.

"Hit me."

He looked confused.


"Just do it."

He smirked.

"Well, you better not regret it."

He pulled his arm back.

'This guy is aiming for my face. Does he want to die?'

He swung his fist at my face.



"AAHH!" screamed Ace

He started blowing on his fist.

"That's what you get for aiming at my head."

He glared at me.

"This technique is called Tekkai. It hardens the user's muscles to the level of iron in order to nullify damage taken from attacks. However, it can be broken by a strong enough force."

They looked surprised.

"Now Sabo, let's go somewhere else. We don't want to disturb their training."

He nodded.

"Wait, why can't you just explain it right here?" asked Deuce

I smirked.

"I'll teach you once you've learned, Soru. Or are you scared that you'll never learn the technique?"

He had a determined look on his face.

"I swear that I'll learn it before midnight!"

I looked at the sun.

"It's 1 pm right now. You still have 11 hours. Good luck."

He and Ace immediately went back to training

Sabo and I went into a room where I taught him the technique.

'If things keep going like this, they'll be on the level of a First Division Commanders after the time skip. Maybe they'll reach that level even before that, but that is all up to them.'