
Chapter 128

Celine and I made it to my ship, where my crew was waiting for me.

"Is everyone back?" asked Ken

"Yup. But who's that?" asked Sabo

"Long story. Ey Deuce, she sprained her ankle. Can you take a look at her?"

"Of course. Robin can you help her to my office?" asked Deuce

Robin nodded and took Celine from my hands. When they entered the ship Ace, and Sabo grabbed me.

"You sneaky bastard. We take our eyes off you for a second, and you suddenly come back with a beauty." said Ace

"I'm sorry, it's difficult to control my charms."

"Hahaha, that's my brother. I'll be your wingman. With my help, there is no way that this can go wrong." said Sabo

"Do you even have any experience?" asked Ace

"Well… I did meet a lot of potential fiance's when I was still at home. But they were all stuck up noble's so nothing happened." said Sabo

"Hahaha, I almost forgot that we're in the presence of the almighty Nobel Sabo." I said

"You bastard! Don't call me that."

Sabo grabbed my collar, and as we were about to fight, the three of us all turned towards Robert, who is standing at the top of the sails. I felt his feelings spike.

"Are you okay, Robert? What shocked you so much in that newspaper?" asked Sabo

Robert appeared in front of me and gave me the newspaper with shaking hands. I grabbed the newspaper from him. Sabo and Ace looked over my shoulder.

[Pirate Monkey D. Luffy, son of Supreme Commander of the Revolutionary army Monkey D. Dragon, will be publicly executed.]

'How can this be!? Right now, he should be stronger than he was in the original series. Even though he isn't that much stronger and doesn't know any Haki, I thought that he should have at least made it to Sabaody as he did in the original series. But now he got caught on an island called Kenzam Island.'

"This can't be true, right? Even for us, it was difficult to defeat him when we were still living with Dadan." said Ace

"What should we do, Ken? It says that he will be publicly executed at Marineford. They're probably doing this to fight with the Revolutionary on home ground. But I doubt that Garp told them about our relationship with Luffy. They wouldn't dare to fight both of us at the same time." said Sabo

"I don't care."

"Huh?" x2

"I don't care what their plan is or who my enemy is. I already lost a little brother once, and I'm not going to let it happen a second time."

"Right, even if we knew their plan, it doesn't matter. I'll just burn them all to a crisp and save his sorry ass." said Ace

"What are you talking about? I'll be the one to save that brat." said Sabo

"Huh, you want to compete with me!?"

"Are you scared?"

They started butting heads. I looked at my crew, who heard what we were talking about.

"We'll be setting sail right away. We're going home and pick up reinforcement. Laffitte, tell the giants, the ex Level 6 prisoners and Boa Hancock to prepare for war."

"Yes, sir!"

Everyone immediately got to work. I went to Deuce's office and found Celine bandaged up and standing up with a cane. She smiled when she saw me come in.

"Ken, look, my foot already feels a lot better. Deuce said that I would be able to walk normally again in a couple of days."

"That's good to hear. Say Celline, do you have anything left on this island?"

She looked down.

"My house was the last thing."

"Then how about you come back with me."


"I have a nice Kingdom where I'll be returning to right away. I'll be able to get you a nice place to live and enough food to have you never starve again."

"I can't allow you to do even more for me than you've already done."

"Sigh, you look like you want to go, so just accept. Something bad happened, so I need to leave right away. And if I left you here alone, I would be worried. So just accept."

She smiled and nodded.

"I'll be in your care then, Ken."

"That's good. Go and find Perona. She's caries around a teddybear and wears pink. She'll cook you up a good meal."

"Thank you."

I nodded and walked out of Deuce's office. I went to my room and shut the door. I grabbed my Den Den Mushi and called Morgan's

"Oh Ken, I didn't think you wouldn't call me ever again."

"Shut up. I don't care about it."

"Alright, calm down. You seem in a bad mood, so I'll stop joking around. What do you need."

"Monkey D. Luffy got captured by the marines. It said that he was caught by Smoker, but the wounds of his body didn't look like something Smoker could have done with his weapon. So who was the one that Luffy fought with?"

"Huh? Did you want to recruit Strawhat or something? Just give me a second, I'm sure I got a report about that."

A minute later, he started speaking again.

"Yeah, the one that fought Strawhat was also a rookie pirate. It seems like he wasn't hurt in their fight, and he doesn't seem to know how to use Haki."

"A rookie pirate? What's his name?"

"Mist Kane."

"Mist Kane?"

"Not much is now about him or his crew. But he is a pirate in the true sense. He won't bad an eye from killing an innocent person. He has already looted multiple villages. He has a bounty of 80 million."

"What!? A bounty of 80 million!?"

"All anyone knew about him was that he could kill weakling, but after the marines find out that he was the person that took out Strawhat, his bounty will definitely increase."

"One more question. What happened to Luffy's crew?"

"Oh, they escaped from the marines. But I didn't keep tabs on them. Do you want me to find them?"

"There's no need. I'll send you some money soon."

"Alright, thanks for the business."

I hang up and called someone else.

"I'm kinda busy right now, Captain. I need to prepare for a war. Can I call you back later?"

"I'll kill you if you hang up."

"Alright, what is it? I'm alone anyway."

"The person that you're preparing to execute is my little brother."

The expression on the Den Den Mushi face stiffened.

"Are you saying that you're actually Garp's grandson?"

"We aren't blood-related, but Luffy, Ace, Sabo, and I are sworn, brothers. It doesn't matter if we're connected by blood or not."

"I see, so that is why Garp hasn't acted up at all. He knew that he wouldn't be able to do anything alone, so he is waiting for you and Dragon to help him."

"That better be the case, or he'll be the one executed that day. But that has nothing to do with you. The reason I called you is to tell you to prepare to officially join me."

"Sigh, I can finally leave this hell."

"Now listen up as I'll tell you a brilliant plan that only you can pull of."


Anime Quotes:

"Families are strange. Two people can be a family. You can be separated and still be a family. You can be not related by blood and still be a family."

- Segawa Yuuta (Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai!)

"Trust your friends. Trust yourself. A guild is a family. Never forget that."

- Makarov (Fairy Tail)

"I have no pity for criminals, but family is a different story."

- Monkey D. Garp (One Piece)