
one piece elemental god

our mc lived a miserable life he spent most of his time in a hospital bed due to is inccurrable disease all he had was the manga's he would read his favorite was one piece when he finally died he met god and God apologized to him for the terrible life he was given so in return god decided to reincarnate him in a world of his choice he thought about it and chose to be reborn in one piece as monkey.d.Luffy god asked him what power he would like and after thinking for a while he asked for the power to control every element including the sub elements god granted his wish how will our mc change the world of one piece being reincarnated as our protagonist follow him on his journey to find out disclaimer I do not own one piece or any of it's characters

nexusstar21 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
93 Chs

mountain bandits Luffy p.o.v

Luffy p.o.v

I saw a scrubby looking man with a gun on his wase enter the bar with some men walking behind him.

I reconized them as the group of bandits who kidnapped luffy in the original. The man walked up to makino asking for some rum.Makino told him there was none left and that she was sorry.

Hearing this the man got angry and demanded that they be given some rum, shanks step him telling him his crew must have drank the place dry.

Shanks offered the man the last bottle of rum as the man took the rum and smashed it over shanks head asking do you know that i have a bounty of 8 million berries.

Shanks stayed silent as the man told makino they better have rum the next time he comes here.They were about to leave when he saw me he saw the sword on my back and said whats a kid like you doing with a sword like that guess I'll take it.

He aproached me trying to take my sword as he reached for it i delivered a strong kick to his face sending him flying out the bar.

His lackeys watched in shock rushing to their leader.The man got up as his lackeys surrounded him he said damn you brat I'll kill you.

He tried to come back in the bar as shanks was about to do something i stopped him and held out a hand as giant gust of wind swept the away the man and his lackeys smashing them in some trees outside the bar.

Shanks was shocked at my display and asked if i had eaten a devil fruit.I told him i was born with these abilities he didnt believe me so i took him to a small pond in the forest and jumped inside of it.

They were all preparing to save me incase i started to drown but were surprised when i immerged from the water and was swimming perfectly.

I got out of the river and shanks asked me what my abilities were. I told him i could control the elements as i demonstrated and explained what i could do with them.

Shanks and his grew was shocked he had come across people with some form of elemental ability but none could use mire than one and what they could do with that element was on a much smaller scale than luffy.

After i explained my abilities to shanks and his crew i returned to the bar but shanks and his crew went back to their ship to sleep for the night.

While walking home i realized i was being followed seeing this i stopped and sent bolt of lighting to whoever was following me as kumi got on guard and i reached for my sword.

The next moment a huge man about a height of 6 foot seven with a muscular build he had short black hair was wearing a black shirt with white pants he had an x shape scar on his chin with a huge scowl on his face.

Looking at the man i felt a shiver rush down my spine i dont remember him from the original story but then i remembered god telling me their might be changes in the one piece world. This guy must be one such change i thought to myself.

So your the little brat who beat up all my men said the man in a gruff voice.I going to sell you as a slave and take that fanncy sword yours after i finish pumeling your face in.

The man rushed at me as he turned into a half man half wolf hibrate. I sent i fire ball towards him as he doged and hit me in the face with a viciuos punch.

I skid back as kumi looked at me i nodded at him.The man sneered and said that monkey of yours will be a good circuss act.

Kumi got angry at the mans words but i stopped him from doing anything rash.The charged at me with his claws i blocked them with my sword as his onslaught of attacks continued i continued blocking him. He got angry and hit me with a puch which knocked me intosome trees.

He started aproaching me as i spat out blood kumi sent a knife he had shrinked towards the man as it came in contact with the man shoulder.

kumi enlarged the knife to the size of a sword causing it to stab through the mans shoulder he howeled in pain you f***ing brat I'm gonna skin you and that monkey aliive.

Third person p.o.v

The man was blinded by rage as he rushed towards luffy with blinding speed and struck luffy as a deep scar appeared on luffy's chest ripping his white shirt and covering him in blood.

luffy could barely stand as the man aproached him the mans eyes were blood red as he swung his claws towards luffy ready to kill him kumi stood infront of luffy getting injured by the man instead.

Luffy eyes swelled with anger and rage as the man slashed at him trying to kill him.Luffy's blade got covered in black lighting and fire moving with an incredible speed as he slashed off the mans arm making him fall down and howl in pain.

Luffy then swung his sword slicing off the mans head killing him instantly.As he fell down he saw some figures aproaching them as he fell unconscious next to kumi both bleeding out.