
One Piece : Dungeon

The year 1522. In area 13, which is located on the island of Saboundy Archepelago, there is a building that has a sign that reads “Guild” neatly installed in front of the entrance of the building. The guild itself is a place where people who want to register as adventurers, report the missions they have completed in order to get rewards, and also go on adventures in dungeons freely while increasing their strength. In just a few moments of appearance from this place, the Guild began to become something that attracted the attention of various powers. World Government. Navy. Emperor of the Ocean. Revolutionary Army. Pirate. Kingdom. Individual. Each of them carried the hope of being able to conquer the place called the dungeon, especially when they knew the benefits they could get after mastering the place. Then, how does this story continue? For those who like my stories, please keep them in the library, and those who don't like them don't need to read them. Pull the anchor! Patreon.com/Arsone

Arsone · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Chapter 46: Tier Changes and Mission Rewards

Grand Line, Navy Headquarters, Admiral's Office of the Fleet.

"Did Ars say so?" Sengoku asked with a face full of seriousness through his den-den mushi. Sengoku is currently talking to Aokiji. Aokiji has reported related to the potential that Ain has for him. Although previously Sengoku did not have much interest in the lower disciple by Zephyr. However, at this time his interest was immediately raised especially the person who was interested and said it immediately there was Ars.

"Everything I report is sourced from Ars, Sengoku-san. He said that directly to us. The potential of the devil fruit eaten by Ain is terrifying. Even we especially Zephyr-sensei have a hard time believing this. This is also the reason why I reported this and wanted to ask Sengoku-san to re-check the information about Ain's devil fruit."

"What is the name of his devil fruit?" Sengoku asked immediately.

"Modu-Modu no Mi" Aokiji replied, "This fruit ability allows herself to manipulate or restore everything 12 years earlier"

"Return all?"

"Yes," Aokiji nodded, "It doesn't matter living things or inanimate objects. As long as Ain touches it, he can restore the whole in the previous 12-year time period."

"That's a very powerful ability," Sengoku said, frowning.

"It's true. However, that is not what Ars is interested in" Aokiji said calmly, "Ain has already told him about this ability. The answer is that Ain is too monotonous and does not know how to develop this ability. Ars also said the development of this capability is very limited."


Sengoku instantly fell silent at this. If it is said by others, he will probably have a little debate, especially regarding this ability possessed by Ain. Ain's ability at the time Sengoku knew it, the answer was very strong because it was able to reduce the time of the target period touched by him. That's a very terrible ability because as long as that person becomes easier, then their strength will become weaker than before. However, after hearing that Ars said this ability was not very well developed.

This means that the potential of this capability can be more terrifying than the development carried out by Ain today.

"I understand," Sengoku said seriously: "I will try to find out about the ability of this devil fruit and report to you guys if there is anything I know. At this time it is a priority to take care of it. Anyone who currently knows about it?"

"Mihawk, Rayleigh, and Hancock's group"

"Mihawk? How could he know about the place?" Sengoku exclaimed with a face full of surprise.

"He found out through Rayleigh. It just so happened that when Rayleigh told Akagami the information about the dungeon and guild, he was there and knew about this information" Aokiji said calmly.

"I see. If it's just that person, it doesn't matter. Given his personality, he is not a person who likes to open things to the public." Sengoku said calmly, "At this time, I hope that you guys will take care of him, especially lest any other party dare to do something to him until we know the true potential possessed by his devil fruit. Since Ars himself said it, it means that the potential of that devil fruit of his is extremely terrifying."

"We will do it" Aokiji nodded and continued, "Are there still additional reinforcements to be sent here?"

"I am currently considering sending Borsalino and Sakazuki there," Sengoku said calmly.

"Send two Admirals directly? Wouldn't it be eye-catching?" Aokiji asked, frowning.

"I won't let the two survive. Let the two sign up first to be an adventurer and then go back. The period for Ars to rest is quite long. Within 1 hour, it can be used to carry out several missions and others. It is better to take safe action by registering them as adventurers in that place."

"I see" Aokiji nodded and continued, "It's best before sending Sakazuki, it's better to ask him not to make any stupid actions. We know how terrifying Ars is. It doesn't matter that we get a penalty for being banned from entering the dungeon for some time. However, until we get the punishment can't get into the dungeon forever. That will be the beginning of destruction from us"

"I know. I will do it. Right now, you're just focusing on developing the abilities you have and collecting the resources that are going on there."


The communication between the two of them was cut off.

"Terrible potential... This is shocking enough. Who doesn't think that we can't see his potential and only others can see him in person even just the first meeting? As expected of Ars"  Sengoku then stared towards the front, "


Instantly a Navy went straight into the office of the Admiral of the Fleet and immediately saluted.

"Ready Admiral of the Fleet!"

The person has curly green hair his sunglasses. He has a tall and slender posture and wears a Navy justice robe. He was Officer of Brannew who served as Adjutant of the Admiral of the Fleet.

"You go to the library and get me a devil fruit encyclopedia book now!"


Without wasting much time Brannew immediately carried out the task assigned to him by Sengoku and went in the direction of the Navy library which was right on the ground floor.

Grand Line, Saboundy Archipelago Island, Mangrove Tree 13, Guild.

"I think you must have listened to the difficulty of the mission you had to do from General Bercouil, right?"

When Aokiji entered the guild again after he finished reporting what happened before to Sengoku, it was now Rayleigh and others' turn to get administrative services. Aokiji immediately walked towards Zephyr and the others who at this time their gazes were towards Rayleigh and the others wanted to listen to the mission they were currently undertaking. Mihawk is the same at this time, he still resists the urge to read the guidebook because he is interested in the mission carried out by them.

"Yes," Rayleigh nodded, "That's a very difficult mission even if it's just doing information gathering. I don't think even we will be able to survive the mission."


Although Hancock didn't want to accept it, she also knew the consequences related to carrying out this mission. She will be killed. Hancock considered taking on this mission because she wanted to know the rewards that would be received them. In addition, they also have the intention to strip off all the equipment and all the items they currently have and not take them with them in carrying out the mission this time.

"Can't survive?" Gion muttered softly.

"Is the mission they are doing so difficult? Even just for information collection?" Yamakaji muttered softly.

Everyone also listened well to this talk. The sound emitted by Rayleigh and Ars was strong and everything even without Observation Haki could hear clearly.

"I'll tell you guys," Ars said seriously: "Although this is just an information-gathering mission. Still, you guys will be killed in this mission. Dying in the dungeon feels almost the same as dying in the outside world. The pain will be the same as the outside world. Your hands are cut off, the pain will be the same as the pain in the outside world. You can reconsider carrying out this mission"

"How much are we going to get?" Rayleigh asked seriously.

Rayleigh never cared about the pain. His pain resistance is already almost equal to even the equivalent of Garp. It's not just him but almost everyone in this guild has very high pain resistance except for Ain and Binz who are still beginners. Consider Rayleigh taking on this mission because of the rewards that have changed and some connections can be obtained by it.

"You said the reward can help the four of us directly go up two to three levels. Of course, the rewards that will be obtained by us through this mission are very high, right?" Hancock asked back seriously a little cold tone.

"Yes. Their side has indeed changed the number of mission rewards to be given to you guys" Ars nodded, "The current reward has changed from 50 silver coins and 5000 Exp points have increased several tens of times compared to the present"

"Several tens of times!" Garp exclaimed with his eyes wide open.

Everyone in the guild was shocked by this information. Rayleigh and others couldn't calm down with this either. They didn't expect the mission they had previously considered quite interesting because Ars's attachment there was more extraordinary than they had anticipated.

"The mission reward you will receive when completing this mission is 12 gold coins and 120,000 Exp points"

The atmosphere instantly fell silent upon hearing the information. Before anyone continued it, Ars immediately resumed his words, "This mission if you complete the four of you, later each of you will get 3 gold coins and 30,000 Exp points. There is a possibility that you will die in this mission which causes your Exp points to immediately return 0. The Exp points required to advance to level two are 2500 points, the Exp points required to advance to level three are 7500 points, while the Exp points required to advance to level up to level 4 are 12,500 points. This means that to advance to level 4 you need as much as 22,500 Exp points. If you complete this mission, even if you die in the process, you will immediately be able to level up to level 4 when completing this mission. I guess that's a pretty decent reply, doesn't it?"

Rayleigh and others' eyes lit up immediately when they heard this. They know how difficult it is to increase the level, especially since the Exp gained in completing missions is also not too much while killing monsters also only gets very little Exp. Yesterday they did several missions and did not make them level up directly. However, this time is different, they only complete one mission and increase three levels at a time.

This means that as long as they complete this mission, they can finally gain strength and it will be easier to complete the mission in the later stage because their strength has increased compared to before.

On the other hand, the Marines heard the rewards received from the mission, especially Aokiji, Garp, and Gion instantly fell silent. They know how much mission rewards they can get for the 1st floor. 

"Now, you guys already know related to this mission change regarding the difficulty level and rewards. Are you still going to take this mission back? Or want to stop it?"

"Hmph! Of course! Do you think we will reject it? We'll get it." Hancock immediately gave her comments firmly. Hancock doesn't care about herself dying in this mission as long as she gets rewards related to the mission performed by her, it's worth it.

"Hehehe, of course, we accept it" Rayleigh grinned, "The rewards obtained are better than the existing compensation. The reward also opened up opportunities for me to get some good equipment"

"You are a very poor old man, aren't you?"

"Geh~" Rayleigh, who was previously full of enthusiasm, was immediately knocked down by Ars's sentence, "Can you stop discussing that strange topic again? That's something really stupid"

"Honestly, I like teasing you, old man" Ars chuckled softly and said, "I have already confirmed related to the changes in the existing mission. You guys have been able to carry out this mission"

Rayleigh and the others immediately checked their mission panel and found there was a change there related to the rewards they received.

"Well, you'd better prepare yourself. Although there may be plans to strip off your equipment. At least also bring the required weapon equipment. Your mission location is quite far away and you may encounter some monsters on the way. You also need food supplies to help supply your needs."

Rayleigh nodded and they immediately left the guild to prepare everything.

"Are you guys still not going to take the mission?" Ars asked strangely looking towards a group of Marines especially at this time it was Garp who was walking towards him.

"You're almost like this driving us away, Ars," Garp said with a smile then continued, "Ars, what mission was taken by them?"

"I don't think you guys will leave before I say it to you guys, do you?"

"Hehehe, of course," Garp laughed without the slightest embarrassment.

Ars sighed and continued, "The mission they got is a relatively rare mission"

"Rare mission?" Gion raised her forehead.

"The mission itself is an information gathering mission where they have to collect information related to the information of the underground maze that just appeared some time ago. They only need to collect information from the maze such as the types of monsters, environments, and others that are in the underground maze, and then report it to their clients, and then they will get rewards related to the completion of the mission."

"Is that all there is to it?" Garp asked with a face full of disbelief.

"Don't take the mission taken by Rayleigh and others for granted" Ars said flatly, "The underground maze they have to collect information about is an underground maze with a difficulty of D. Meaning that the underground maze is an underground maze that is supposed to house the monsters on the 30th floor– the 60th floor in this dungeon. The monsters on the floor themselves are on par with the Shichibukai— Perhaps more towards the power of Momonga. Each monster is equivalent to the power of Momonga and others"

The atmosphere instantly fell silent again when he heard this.

"Dungeon is an unpredictable environment. Although you are currently on the first floor. There is a possibility that you guys got into an underground maze that shouldn't be on this floor. Therefore, it is better to be careful during the conduct of missions, especially information collection missions. Because it could be that the underground maze you collected information about is an underground maze with a very scary level of difficulty."

"Hmm, well, that's it from me. I think you should enter the dungeon immediately. The longer you are here, the slower your development in the dungeon will be."

"Thank you for the information" Zephyr nodded and immediately stared at the entire Navy, "Let's move immediately! The longer it is here, the longer our development will be! We must immediately improve the strength and also the resources we have! Remember the purpose of why we are here. Don't get distracted easily from something unimportant"

They all nodded and immediately walked away toward the direction of the dungeon.