
One Piece:Drakon (HIATUS)

TwentyOneNovel · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


6 years later


Today was Drakon's birthday as his slaver liked to call it. this day marks 6 years since he was sold to the psychotic Celestial Dragon, all these years he has endured more torture than the human body could possibly handle but he survived all of it.

"Wake up Draggy" his slaver said playfully as she walked into the room that he had gotten used to over all these years looking around the room Drakon had flash backs of all the torture he had endured, Evidence being proven by all the dried up blood in every spot and corner in the brick room.

Draken looked up at the bubble wearing girl but was soon met with a kick to the face which made his head jerk back and hit the brick wall behind him. "I didn't say you could look at me you worthless piece of shit" she said with a smug smile on her face. Draken hated this girl everyday she made it her life's goal to torture him and make his life already worse than it is, every time Draken thinks life can't get worse she always comes in the room ready to test his theory.

'Fucking bitch.' thought Drakon while rubbing his now bleeding nose and cursing the bitch in his thoughts then the girl said excitedly "I have a surprise for you" as she called the guards in the room "Chain my favorite dog up and escort him to the ship" she said while pointing at me and laughing loudly

'I wonder what this psycho has planned for me now thought Drakon as he got shackled with his chains and was pushed outside of his room, This was the first time in 6 years that he has seen the outside world

Drakon looked around at the stunning buildings while being dragged away to the docks where the ship was docked "Get to moving slave" said one of the guards while pushing him ahead but Drakon didn't move instead he stood there looking up at the sky, the clouds, the air. He looked at all everything about not being in that hell hole brought one fleeting feeling to him.


But that was all the feeling was, Fleeting. Drakon looked around the road and he people who dressed like his slaver 'Scum of the earth' thought Drakon in disgust while witnessing a celestial dragon beat a slave with a whip, Drakon looked away from the scene but was soon met with another disgusting scene. A fat celestial dragon with snot running down his nose was groping a young girl who was dressed in rags like himself. Drakon looked at this scene in rage unknown to him his eyes started glowing red while looking at the girl who looked unaffected by the overweight celestial dragon grabbing her boobs with a perverted look on his face

Feeling a shiver go down her spine the enslaved girl turned around to look for the source and was met with Drakon's devilish glowing eyes they held eye contact for over a minute before Drakon was pushed forward by his slavers guards but not without one last look at the girl. She was a light shade of brown with long majestic dark brown hair that reached just above her bottom, She had light light brown eyes that reflected the seemed to mimic the epitome of beauty which complemented her hair. Drakon had never seen anything more beautiful.

"YOU USELESS BITCH" screamed the disgusting celestial dragon who needed to wipe his nose as he slapped the beautiful girl to the ground then he turned around and looked at the guards who were slowly dragging me away and called to them "HEY YOU SLAVES COME HERE" he yelled from across the road and they obeyed dragging me with them "Take this one I don't want her anymore" he said while handing off the chains to the beautiful girl to the guards "Yes Saint Charlos" said the guards in unison then dragged us away to the ship


Past, Year 1506x

In front of a grave stood a young Drakon holding his mother Marie's while staring at the grave.

Here Lives Draco D. Griffin

Loving Father and Husband

"Drakon" his mother called while getting on her knees and making eye contact with him "Your father was an amazing pirate who loved you very much" said Marie with a reminiscent look on her face and turning to look at the stone grave "He was excited to meet you when he found out that I was pregnant with you my little dragon" said Marie while starting to tickle him then she calmed down and continued "I won't be here forever Drakon." she said while looking sadly in his eyes.

Drakon didn't want to imagine a world without his mother and being the young boy he was he immediately started crying, his mother hugged him and comforted him then continued "Its up to you what u want to do whether it is a Pirate or a Marine son, I just want you to always make sure that you are free and happy" she said while getting u and adjusting the newly added flowers on her late husband's grave and looked off into the distance "but most importantly, you need to be strong little dragon" she said while looking at the waves crash against the shoreline.

"After all, with your name you can't possibly survive in this world by being weak"

"Drakon D. Griffin."



Drakon and the newly acquired girl were under the deck in one cage they had been sitting in silence every since being put in the cages but that silence did not last for long.

"What's your name?" asked the beautiful girl while looking at Drakon trying to get a good look at his eyes through his dreadlocks, minutes passed by with no answer from Drakon, the girl thought he was mute till she heard a raspy voice speak "Drakon." he said while lifting his head up and looking at the girl then he asked as best as he could "What. Your. Name" the girl laughed and moved closer to Drakon and she said proudly "My name is Sapphire D. Donnamia" while smiling brightly at Drakon. Drakon looked at the girl's bright smile and turned away flushed though you couldn't see it due to his darker skintone.


"How long have you been with them" she asked while resting her head on her knees rocking back in forth in boredom and anticipating his answer "I don't know." said Drakon while thinking about how the girl smiled at him he didn't know how the girl managed to smile during this predicament that they are in but it brought a new feeling to Drakon that he didn't want to go away

Thank you for reading!

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