
One Piece: Desperate

Transmigrated into a familiar world, in a desperate situation. No cheats, no system, not even a guarantee to survival. How will Max deal with all of this while trying to fulfil his ambitions? JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm **Disclaimers**  -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

HolyJoker · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
149 Chs

Chapter 17

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Checkout My P.A.T.R.E.O.N

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(~30 chapters in advance)

DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm


Chapter 17

Title: Garp's Perspective on Strength...


Opening my eyes, it felt like a plane had hit me on my head. My skull almost felt like it had a cavity in it.

But as I opened my eyes I saw Garp sleeping while standing up and was eating crackers, his body moving automatically.

Honestly, I like Garp, but I would love to not see his face as soon as I wake up. That kinda annoyed me, this guy just bashed my head.

Should I want to retaliate? Well, it was tempting, but if he woke up then the next time I woke up my brain damage would make me another Luffy.

Damn, it was so tempting to just get on my hybrid bear form and punch the man! Should I do it? No, no, must stay calm now.

Looking around I saw the infirmary around me, there weren't any other patients here. Which was a little surprising, but being in a ship with Garp had its boons too, except if you were someone like me of course.

Suddenly Garp yawned and stretched subconsciously bringing his fists down on me. Immediately I roll to the side and off the bed.


His fists smash down on the bed, destroying it and its parts flying all around. 

Holy shìt!! If I was asleep I would be dead! Being around this guy is a health hazard! Why did the doctor even let the man in?!

"Ugh," he grumbled, "Oh, Max, are you awake?"

"I would be dead if I wasn't," I answered him stoically, I'm too mad to try and smile politely so this was the best I could do to not lash out at the old man.

He had the decency to look at the wrecked bed and sheepishly scratch the back of his head. "Sorry about that," he then clenched his fist and smirked, "Anyway, ready for some training?"

Yeah… he didn't even bother to keep up his apologetic act for even a second. I know he isn't sorry, he will probably forget the whole ordeal by tomorrow.

"Yeah, I am ready." Honestly, could I even refuse him? Nah, it would probably lead to some kind of training where he sneak attacked me restlessly. Garp doesn't take No for an answer, it's either his way or no way.

I spent the rest of the better part of a week training under Garp. Though I had been training Haki before even meeting Garp every method that Rayleigh trained Luffy, it never was my main focus as I was still trying to build up a strong body first.

Well, at least I learned Observation Haki during my time with Garp. It was the kind of situation that I either learn or die, and that made me learn damn fast. Armament Haki too, though the thing is still gamey as sometimes it appears and sometimes it doesn't.

Today was another day like that, with me laying on the ground and Garp grinning at my downed form. 

"I am a really good teacher. You already got the hand of Observation Haki." Garp congratulated himself, "Max, guys like you have a good mindset to learn Observation Haki, but only because I was a damn good teacher did you succeed. Okay, everyone! We are having a feast to my great teaching skills!"

He then walked off to do whatever and his presence disappeared.


Immediately I jump up and dodge as Garp's fist plants through the wood where my head used to be. "Hahaha, you are learning brat!"

"Why do you always aim for the head old man, you might turn me into your stupid grandson one day," I smirked at him, and Garp seemed to fume. I said all that knowing that only he can call Luffy stupid, if anyone else insulted his grandson then they would be hit.

The old Vice Admiral charged at me with speeds that should be impossible for old men like him, and then he punched at me, dozens of afterimages of his punch appeared too. Each of them packed a punch, but by using Observation Haki I could tell their trajectories and dodge the attack. 


But the next thing I feel was Garp's other fist sinking into my gut. "You finally found some backbone, you brat."

I couldn't tell if that was an insult or a compliment, but I saw a smirk on his face as my body propelled backward.

Today I wasn't using my Devil Fruit so unlike usual, I couldn't stop myself from falling into the seawater. Using <Geppo> would have saved me, but currently, a double jump was the best I could use it at. Even though my physical strength was up to par, my body control wasn't, but it would be soon.

"Use Tekkai!!" Yelled out Garp as I saw a cannonball flying towards me, it was faster than a normal one so it was probably thrown by the old monster himself. 

But the most important thing here is that… I think he forgot that I never was taught Tekkai!


It hits point-blank and I was covered by the explosion, thankfully at the last second, I had used my hybrid form, so the damage was lessened. 

Still, as soon as I fell into the sea, my body felt powerless and started sinking like a hammer. 

I could still pick up the Sea King's presence behind me, and it was a big one, bigger than my ship by at least a hundred times. As it swallowed me, I felt a release, because sooner or later I could get out and hopefully reach some island.

Ever since I came to this world, working hard hadn't been a problem, I don't mind it, but with Garp, it's a whole other deal, he takes liberty with my life. Every training session could be my last, no day is a rest day, even sleeping depends if Garp was bored or not. His philosophy was that as long as an old man like him could do all that, then there was no excuse for a young man like me. Except he didn't accept that he himself was a damn monster that only needed hours of sleep to be back in top shape.


Suddenly the head that had swallowed me exploded and Garp's smiling figure greeted me. Something that I have started to not like at all.

Honestly, I wonder which was safer, the Sea King's stomach, or Garp's training.

He grabbed my hand and jumped off, in one leap getting above water.

"I got him!" Yelled out Garp and I see Negan's and Ray's worried expressions soften once they saw me safely land on the deck.

"Are you okay?" Asked Ray as her hands gently wiped off the sea king saliva on my face.

I nodded. "Wouldn't have minded staying some more in there, it was comfortable."

"Boss man, we will soon reach the Grand Line. The part that they call the New World." Negan informed me.

Right, if we go through the Calm Belt from the North Blue, then we would reach the New World.

"Okay, everyone else go away. Max needs his time to do some stretches. His body rested enough while on that sea king's mouth." Garp showed everyone off as he slapped my face. "C'mon now, wake up. You had your rest already."

Right… I was only in that Sea King's mouth for some seconds a minute at best yet he already wants me to get back to training. 

"Hey, I know how you Zoans work. This lizard guy, or was it fish? Anyway, this guy could fight for days, no, weeks and he would never get tired," Garp kept explaining some story to me, about this fish/lizard guy that he used in every one of his stories when talking about Zoan Type Devil Fruits. I don't know who the hell he is talking about, but sure as hell am 100% sure that isn't how Zoans work. "So yeah, I mean he doesn't even get injured by most attacks so it doesn't matter."

Wait… is he talking about Kaido? Don't compare me to Kaido, old man!! Also what the hell, he is monstrous, and that wasn't how Zoans work. 

I wanted to yell all of that at him, but it would probably earn me a punch and he would say something like 'You don't know what you are talking about' and that would be true if I hadn't seen the Anime and read the Manga, but goddamn, Garp was way too headstrong in this.

"SIR!! We have got sight on the RED HAIR PIRATES!!" Yelled out one of the marines.

Garp's smiley face turned into a frown. "Red Hair… the man who filled Luffy's mind with all that nonsense…"

He then got up and started walking away. "Everyone!! Get ready for battle!"

"..." I wanted to swear so loud right now...


Garp has been fighting monsters for so long that his perspective on certain things is different from most people. I mean in the Manga he called Luffy's 1.5 billion bounty as nothing but the small league.

HolyJokercreators' thoughts