
One Piece: Desperate

Transmigrated into a familiar world, in a desperate situation. No cheats, no system, not even a guarantee to survival. How will Max deal with all of this while trying to fulfil his ambitions? JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm **Disclaimers**  -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

HolyJoker · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
149 Chs

Chapter 147: Revolutionary Ideas

Chapter 147: Revolutionary Ideas


-Max POV-

When you build a totalitarian system with scummy people do top do you know what happens? People become unsatisfied with the system, so unsatisfied that they wouldn't mind a little revolution.

In my last world, that was what inspired the French Revolution. Though at the end of it, people like Napoleon were the real winners in that case.

The general population didn't like the Celestial Dragons. That was a fact. 

And those bastards had been throughout the world to see new countries. They spread their image of just how bad they can be. If someone replaced them, then no one would cry out for their names.

Well, some might, but after I kill them too, then no one will.

These thoughts went through my mind as I traveled through the darkness at breakneck speed and it didn't take even a couple of seconds to be atop the island. This teleportation ability was something that was achieved due to the combination of multiple Devil Fruits abilities. Though it isn't even teleportation, just really fast movements through space on marked places. I used the Mark Mark Fruit to mark someone in Wano as a target, and I "threw" my clothes through a random portal. In the end, I will be teleported here. 

Also when I get Robin's Devil Fruit I will have many hands, so I can mark as many places or people that I would need. 

Though first, I would like for Robin's knowledge on how to read the Poneglyphs to be given to me. Then she could go and die in a ditch for all I cared. 

But letting knowledge like that disappear from the world would be a shame. Maybe after Luffy becomes the Pirate King, I can create a situation where she will 'willingly' teach her knowledge.

Spreading my Observation Haki to its limits, I could sense everything around me and that was when I sensed Negan crash into the shore.


A white translucent dome spread out to about half the size of Wano. The Ope Ope No Mi had one weakness and that was that it required a lot of stamina to use. Something that I had in doves of. Even if I used this all day, I could probably recover my stamina faster than I was using it.



Within an instant, I was in front of Im, and just as he was about to shoot something unseen to the eye at the downed Negan.


The sound of metal clashing rang out, though it was just an invisible power against my Armament Haki that touched. Were those invisible swords? I pushed the invisible things with all my power and they scattered away like salt.

Staring at the leader of the world. He didn't seem to be anything special, we both caught each other's eyes.

"Oh, you are alive?" Im asked, with a strange voice that seemed almost feminine.

"You know, for a super-secret world leader, you're not that strong," I remarked, and by the twitch of Im's hand I could tell that he was worried… or angry? One of those, his face was shrouded in darkness even though it was bright daylight. So that made it hard to read him.


Suddenly I felt a dozen invisible attacks pierce my skin, out of nowhere. But there wasn't anything special about them. By now no one could pierce through my muscles. Also, I had seen this attack from the future, and it didn't do any damage. If it had poison in it, then Reiju was nearby to take care of that.

Suddenly, millions of microscopic attacks landed on me as if ants were eating at my skin. Blood started spewing all over my body.

Though the damage Im was doing to me seemed bad, it wasn't anything too serious. Paper cuts would do more damage to a normal person than these attacks are doing to me. 

"Is that it?" I asked, expecting more from him. 

All of this powering up and experimenting that I had done couldn't just end up being for nothing. Well, it wasn't… but where was the battle that I had anticipated and planned for? I had thought that even with this power, someone like Im would be dangerous.

I kicked off the air, and with the help of my wings and Light Fruit, I blitzed past Im and his head flew in the air. My fingers dripped with blood, but I couldn't help feeling like this had been too easy. In Mangas, it was always at this moment when the enemy was supposed to reveal their ultimate form. Though I wasn't going to let them transform.

Looking at Im's body as it plummeted towards the sea, I couldn't help but feel disappointed. I gathered flames in my fist and shot out a pillar of flames.

<Fire Fist>

The world leader's body turned into ashes and scattered in the air. So many plans suddenly became unneeded. I was prepared to go and fight tooth and nail for my victory. 

No… this was something that had become apparent a long time ago. I just decided to ignore the signs. After all, if Im had been so strong then he would have taken out the Yonko and ruled the world. I was just being overly cautious and planning things a hundred steps in "What if?" scenarios.

My enemy no longer was a challenge. I could feel Akainu's despairing gazes that he sent me, and the trace of fear deep in his soul.  I had outgrown this world so much that it wasn't even funny just how outclassed the others were against me. 

[Volcanic Eruption]

A gigantic fist of magma came towards me, I also noticed Sengoku transforming into his giant Buddha form and jumping towards me. On top of all that, Garp was attacking too, and he was enraged. Seems like the World Government finally told him who was the one who killed Ace.

Normally, I would be cautious of someone like Garp. Even though he was closing in his eighties.

But right now, I didn't feel any fear towards any of them and just crossed my fingers. "Barrier."

A giant translucent green barrier formed around me. 


None of the attacks that landed even made a scratch on it. Even as the hundreds of cannonballs impacted the barrier. One swing of my fist and the sea quaked,  air cracked and the sky rumbled. 


I controlled the shockwave to dodge Akainu, Garp, and Sengoku. So no one could stop it as it hit the water. Everything was destroyed as the sea rose, and was split apart, most of the Marine ships were sunk right there.

With a thought, the barrier around me expanded, creating an even bigger dome. Though this fruit had a couple of weaknesses, the Barriers were something that unless you were prepared for then you won't be able to breakthrough.

Of course, these were my plans just in case Bartolomeo had somehow sensed my attack and put a barrier around himself. One of the things that it had a weakness to was sound, to sound attacks the barrier was almost nonexistent so they would still hit me. 

That's something I couldn't change, but I also knew that such an attack wasn't something just anyone could do. Especially make it strong enough that it will affect me.

I transformed into my hydra-dragon form and dismissed the barrier. Taking a deep breath, the sea rose and the sky shifted. I could feel the dread of the soldiers below me. But sadly for them. 

Anyone who goes against me must… die.


Rippling heat beams came out of my mouth, and it incinerated the hundreds of ships in less than a second. The strong marines of the Admiral level or above were left alive. Meaning only Garp, Sengoku and Akainu were alive. They had jumped towards me, but it was too late as the heat beams had pushed them back and Garp even crashed into the sea as he punched and sent an air cannon toward Sengoku. This stopped the giant Buddha ex-Fleet Admiral from falling into the water.

I wanted to tell Garp that I was thankful for what he had done for me. But that was unnecessarily cruel to the old man, telling him that he had trained Ace's killer.

I might be many things, but an unnecessarily cruel man wasn't something I was. Such things were illogical to do.

Taking a deep breath, beams of fire rained down once again, but that was all just a distraction. Akainu and Sengoku tried hard to divert the multiple beams of flame coming towards them.

Garp jumped out of the water and charged at me. "You bastard!!" he yelled out and just as his punch was about to hit me it stopped half an inch away from my face. His eyes widened when he noticed the translucent barrier.

Using the Gravity Fruit, the heaviness around me increased exponentially, and instantly, both Akainu and Sengoku plummeted towards the water. Garp's eyes widened as I clenched my fist.

"Goodbye, you have no place in my world," I muttered, looking Garp in the eyes. I had no bad feelings towards him and was even grateful for what he had done for me.


His head exploded into a gory mess. This was the effect of the Sound Sound Fruit combined with a couple of others. A very dangerous Paramecia if used right.

While Sengoku sank like a rock in the sea, Akainu tried to resist by trying to propel himself and use magma. But a barrier crashed on his body and pushed him down. 

"Damn it!!" Yelled out the Fleet Admiral as he sank too.

Combining a couple of powers made it easy to use them in tandem. Also, the Devil Fruit's weakness became crippling if you fought against me at sea.

I coldly stared at both of them as they sank. "Room," I whispered, cheating a dome around myself. 

Unlike some second-rate villains, I will make sure my enemies are dead and their bodies burned to ashes.


It was an absolute slaughter, Max had come back from the dead to take revenge against his killers. That was what the people said. 

Within days, the World Government was changed. Most of the countries that had their Kings killed in the Reverie entered into a desperate civil war to try and get more power for themselves.

The world was in chaos until Max came to fix it. He was seen as a messiah as his armies destroyed and crushed anyone who interfered with the world's peace.

Dr.Vegapunk had also agreed to work for him fairly quickly, and instead of weapons, he started working on how to fix the world. By making machines that can solve sicknesses, hunger, and many other things that people around the world had. 

The monarchy system was obliterated, and instead, only local competent people that Max approved could rule the country. The position wasn't something that was inherited, and corruption was met with execution. No matter how small the charge might be, embezzling money, killing opponents, and such other things weren't allowed.


Max sat on the throne in the middle of the world, the one that Im used to sit on. He adjusted himself on the seat and frowned. "It's uncomfortable, I should change this."

Negan, Raynare, and Reiju were by his side with smiles on their faces.

"Boss-man, it seems like our journey is over, what's next?" Asked Negan excitedly. Though he seemed a little disappointed that this was the end. 

"Over?" Inquired Max, as if what Negan had said was a ludicrous thing. "Our journey is just beginning my friend."


With everything settled, it took Max one whole year to fix up everything. The world was at peace for the first time in a while.

Of course, Piracy still ran around and people like Luffy were chasing after One Piece. Max didn't mind it, just like a villain was needed for a Superhero to exist, a little bit of bad was needed in the world for the good to shine through.

The New World became the World Government's base, Max didn't bother to change the name of the organization and just let it be what it was. In the future, he planned the Marine HQ to be in Wano, but right now it was where Mariejois used to be.

Organizations like Cipher Pol expanded rapidly and Max got an invisible, but very tight grip on the world. 


Max stood on Wano and he sighed, but soon a small smile came to his face. "Negan."

Though he said the name softly, almost whisper-like. Within a crackle of lightning, Negan appeared standing next to him.

As always, Max was impressed and smiled. "Can you handle things around here? Remember, Reiju is in charge of things. But I want you to go and be the new Fleet Admiral. You will be busy as hell, but I need you for this job."

"Okay," Negan nodded, fully committed to doing this. He knew that Max had something going on, but didn't enquire about it. Slowly a smirk came to his face. "Boss-man, remember to bring me on your adventure after you figure everything out okay?"

"Yes, but make sure to not die and remember to use the Age-Age Fruit to make yourself younger in case you appear to die," Max instructed him.

Negan nodded and waved him off. "Don't worry about it, I have everything handled here."

Max smiled as a part of him ripped off and formed a new body. "This guy has about 10% of my power, use him just in case something happens."

But with how many abilities the clone had, it's 10% was about as strong as a Yonko. This was another ability Max had gotten due to a Puppeteering Fruit. Though the clone didn't have any logical thought process and only raw instinctual power.


With everything handled, about a week later Max was ready. He fled towards the sky by using his bat wings and certain combinations of powers, among which was the Dark Fruit, Light, Gravity, and even barrier. A dark wormhole opened in space and time. 

Max sweated a little, this was his next step and for the first time in a while, he didn't know what he was stepping into. Though he had taken countermeasures to survive, he didn't know if he might happen upon some invincible Cthulhu-like creature.

Luffy's luck was stolen, and now he hoped it would work. That phantom hunger was still in his stomach, but it wasn't food that he wanted to eat anymore. 

Power, more power, and after that, some more power.


On a faraway land, two young men were playing across a stream. One of them had his hair cut in a bowl cut and was wearing green kimono-like clothes. He was Hashirama.

The other kid he was playing with was a young boy with dark eyes, and long dark spiky hair. Though he was young, it was clear that he would grow up to become a handsome young man. His name was Madara.

They played skipping rocks, neither of them noticed a young brown-haired boy looking at them from afar. 

"It seems like it worked," said the young brown-haired boy, with a smile on his face.

Bear D. Max, didn't exist in this world… from now on, he was Daisuke. A random young boy in the Ninja Warring Period.



A/N: This is the official END of the story. We have followed Max's journey through the One Piece World. 

Hope you like it!!

Max was a complicated person that was put in a bad situation from the beginning. He wasn't lucky, and things seldom went his way. But with plans, strategies, scheming, and betrayal, he was able to get to the top.

Some might call him cruel, some might call him evil. But the world isn't that simple. He was good to some people and bad to others. Depending on who you ask, he might be a Saint and Savior, whole to others he would be a Devil and a Villain.

That's how it is in real life too. A hero on one side is a devil for the enemy's side. 

Remember, sometimes in life you have to be a Lion, to be the Lamb you really are.