
One piece: Demon in disguise.

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Kaushik_15 · Anime e quadrinhos
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7 Chs

The other Crewmates.

The year is 1918 and Nova is on a mission to find more crew members for his journey. He travels to the West Blue and eventually arrives on Alora Island, a place known for its skilled shipwrights. Upon arrival, he heads straight to the local guild to ask for information about the best shipwright in town.

Nova: "Excuse me, I'm looking for the best shipwright on this island. Can you point me in the right direction?"

Guild Master: "Well, we have a few good ones here, but if you're looking for the best, you should go see Edward. He's the most talented shipwright we've got."

Nova: "Thanks, I'll go find him."

After getting directions to Edward's workshop, Nova makes his way over and finds him working on a ship. Nova observes him for a few moments before speaking up.

Nova: "Excuse me, are you Edward? I've heard you're the best shipwright on this island."

Edward: "That's right. Who are you?"

Nova: "My name is Nova, and I'm searching for crew members for my journey. I heard about your skills and I was hoping you'd be interested in joining my crew as our shipwright."

Edward: "Hmm, interesting. What kind of journey are you embarking on?"

Nova: "It's a journey to find One Piece and become the Pirate King."

Edward: "I see. Well, I'm interested in joining your crew. But before I agree, I need to see if you're worthy of my skills. I have a challenge for you."

Nova: "What kind of challenge?"

Edward: "I need you to defeat my younger brother in a sword fight. If you can do that, I'll join your crew."

Nova: "Okay, I accept your challenge."

Edward leads Nova to a nearby field where his brother is waiting. The two engage in a sword fight, but Nova quickly gains the upper hand and defeats Edward's brother.

Edward: "Well, I'll be. You're stronger than I thought. I'm in. When do we set sail?"

Nova: "Not yet, I still have a few more crew members to recruit. But once we have a full crew, we'll set sail and start our journey."

Edward: "Sounds good to me. I can't wait to start building our ship."

Nova: "Great. Let's get to work."

And so, Nova adds Edward to his growing crew and continues on his journey to find the rest of his crew members.

As he was walking around the island, he spotted two people: Law and Bepo. Nova approached them and introduced himself.

"Hey there, I'm Nova," he said with a smile.

"Law," the tall man with a stern expression replied.

"Bepo," the polar bear beside Law said.

Nova noticed their tattoos and realized that they were pirates. He was intrigued and decided to strike up a conversation.

"So, what brings you guys here?" Nova asked.

"We're here to lay low for a while," Law answered.

Nova's eyes widened in surprise. "You guys are pirates! I'm a pirate too!"

Law and Bepo exchanged a glance. "What kind of pirate are you?" Law asked.

"I'm on a journey to become the Pirate King," Nova replied confidently.

Law raised an eyebrow. "You have big ambitions."

"I know, right?" Nova chuckled. "But to do that, I need a crew. That's why I'm here looking for a shipwright."

Law and Bepo looked at each other, considering Nova's words.

"I'm a doctor," Law said. "But I could navigate if I had to."

Nova's face lit up. "Perfect! I need a doctor and a navigator for my crew. What do you say?"

Law and Bepo exchanged another look before nodding in agreement.

"We'll join your crew," Law said.

Nova grinned. "Great! You won't regret it. I'm going to be the greatest pirate in the world!"

As they were walking, Nova and Law discussed their common enemy, Doflamingo. Nova expressed his desire to bring him down and become the Pirate King.

"I'll take down Doflamingo, and in return, you help me become the Pirate King," Nova said.

Law gave him a skeptical look. "Doflamingo is a Shichibukai. Taking him down won't be easy."

"I know, but I'm not one to shy away from a challenge," Nova said confidently. "And with you guys on my crew, I know we can do it."

Bepo chimed in, "Captain, we believe in you."

Nova felt a surge of confidence. He knew that with Law and Bepo on his crew, he could accomplish anything.

"So, let's go take down Doflamingo and become the greatest pirates in the world!" Nova exclaimed, his excitement palpable.

Law and Bepo looked at each other and nodded. They were ready to join Nova on his journey to become the Pirate King.


Nova turned to Law and Bepo and said, "I need you guys to stay with Edward and help him build the ship. Use the manuals I gave you to train your observation haki while you're at it." Law nodded and replied, "Got it, Captain. We'll make sure to get the ship built as fast as possible." Bepo added, "And we'll train our haki so we can become stronger crewmates." Nova smiled and said, "That's what I like to hear. I'll see you guys in a few months when the ship is ready."

He then heads back to Dawn Island.


Year 1519

Ace and Nova stood on the deck of their new ship, waving goodbye to their friends and family. Luffy, Makino, and the others had come to see them off.

"Take care of yourself, Ace, Nova," Luffy said, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Don't worry, I will," Ace replied, grinning. "I'm a pirate now, after all."

Nova stood next to Ace, looking out at the horizon. "I have a feeling we're going to have an adventure like no other," he said, excitement in his voice.

Makino walked up to them, tears in her eyes. "Be careful, you two," she said. "And don't forget to come back and visit."

Ace smiled at her. "We won't forget, Makino. You take care of the place while we're gone."

Nova nodded. "We'll be back soon enough, and we'll bring back plenty of treasure for everyone."

As the ship began to pull away from the dock, the crew started to sing a shanty, and Ace and Nova joined in. Luffy and the others waved goodbye, watching as the ship disappeared into the horizon.

"Well, that's that," Luffy said, wiping away a tear. "They're off on their own adventure now."

Makino smiled at him. "Yes, they are. And I have a feeling they're going to do great things."

The others nodded in agreement, and they all turned to head back to the village, already looking forward to the next time they would see Ace and Nova.

After some time Ace and Nova then head off in different directions.