
One piece: Demon in disguise.

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Kaushik_15 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Shimotsuki Village.

Nova decides Not to interact with Shanks and his crew Until Luffy gets his hat Back.

" Makino I am going to go to Shimotsuki village to meet someone and train there for some time."Nova.

" Are you sure Nova? if so I will talk to some merchants and make them drop you there. Be careful not to hurt yourself during this time." Said, Makino.

" Thank you, Makino."Nova


As Nova arrived on the island he immediately decided to go to the Dojo.

As he enters inside he sees a green haired boy on the ground and a girl standing on top of him.

"Admit it Zoro I am better."Kuina

Zoro without saying a word ran outside the Dojo.

"Do you want anything from our Dojo kid?" Koshiro asks him.

"Yes," I replied, trying to sound confident. "I want to learn swordsmanship."

Koshiro studied me for a moment, then nodded. "Very well. You can join our dojo, but you'll have to prove yourself worthy first."

"I was eager to get started, so I followed Koshiro's instructions and began practicing with the other students I couldn't see Zoro maybe he practices alone everyday. I could feel my skills improving every day, and I pushed myself harder than ever before." Nova thought to himself.

One day, I asked Koshiro if I could spar with his daughter, Kuina. She was known as the strongest swordsman in the village, and I wanted to test my skills against her.

Koshiro agreed, and Kuina stepped forward, her eyes focused on me. "You think you can beat me?" she asked with a smirk.

"I'll certainly try," I replied, getting into a fighting stance.

The fight began, and I could tell that Kuina was skilled. But I was determined to win, and I used everything I had learned in the dojo to my advantage.

In just two hits, I was able to disarm Kuina and win the match. She looked surprised but also impressed.

"Looks like you've been training hard," Koshiro said, walking over to us. "You have potential, Monkey D. Nova. Keep up the good work."

I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over me. I had proven myself to Koshiro and his daughter, and I knew that my skills would only continue to grow from there.


" I knew it Men are stronger than women and I won't be able to face them." said Kuina out loud.

" That's a wrong assumption. You see there are many strong women in this world like Charlotte Linlin. She can easily defeat many strong opponents on her own. You can get stronger too if you put some Hard works into it." Said Nova as he approached her.

" Really I can Become strong too?" asks Kuina while holding back her tears.

" Yes as long as you work hard nothing is impossible." Nova says with a fire in his eyes.

" Ok! I will work very hard to become stronger." Kuina.

Suddenly they heard a voice from behind.

" oi! I heard that you defeated Kuina. Have a battle with me." says Zoro.


Zoro gets into his iconic three sword style stance and charges towards Nova.

Nova immediately dodges and strikes Zoro on his head making him fall.

" Damn it! I will defeat you both one day just you wait." after saying that Zoro ran away.


As I spent more time with Kuina and Zoro, I realized that they both had the potential to become great members of my future crew but I can't steal Zoro. Kuina's skills with the sword were impressive, and her determination to become the world's greatest swordswoman was inspiring.

One day, as we were sparring together in the dojo, I approached Kuina and asked her a question that had been on my mind for a while.

"Kuina, would you like to join my crew in the future?" I asked, a serious expression on my face.

Kuina looked surprised but also pleased at the same time. "Your crew? You're planning to become a pirate?"

I nodded. "Yes, I am. And I want you to be a part of it. Your skills with the sword would be invaluable."

Kuina looked thoughtful for a moment, and I could see the determination in her eyes. "I've always dreamed of becoming the world's greatest swordswoman, and if joining your crew can help me achieve that dream, then I'm in," she said with a smile.

I grinned back at her, feeling happy that she had agreed. "Great! I'm looking forward to sailing the seas with you by my side."

We continued to spar together, but now there was a newfound sense of camaraderie between us. I was excited about the future and the adventures that awaited us.

" Kuina I have decided to go back to my Island. I promise to comeback often and make you a part of my crew when I turn 17 (and I prevented you from dying)."Nova said.

"Hmm! ok I trust you. be careful on the Journey."Kuina said with a smile.


As Nova arrived in Makino's Bar he saw her cleaning the tables.

" Makino I am back."

"Nove welcome back I missed you so much especially Luffy." Makino said with tears in her eyes.

"Makino where is Luffy now?"

Makino" Garp-san took Luffy to the mountain and left him with Dadan."

" Is that so I will go there now thanks for telling me that Makino."


As Nova arrived at Dadan's place, he could see Luffy, Ace, and Sabo running around and causing chaos. He smiled to himself, glad to see that his little brother was doing well.

"Luffy!" Nova called out, and Luffy's head snapped up in surprise.

" Nova!" Luffy cried out, running towards him.

He scooped up his little brother and hugged him tightly, laughing at Luffy's excitement. "It's good to see you, Luffy," Nova said, ruffling his brother's hair.

"Who's he?" Ace asked, eyeing John warily.

"This is my older brother, Monkey D. Nova," Luffy introduced proudly. "He's really strong!"

Nova nodded in greeting, his eyes flicking over Ace and Sabo. "Nice to meet you both," he said politely.

Sabo grinned. "Luffy's been talking about you a lot," he said. "He says you're really good with a sword."

Nova grinned. "Maybe I'll have to show you guys sometime," he said teasingly.

As they settled down to catch up, Nova couldn't help but feel grateful for the family he had. Even though they were all so different, they were all bonded by their love for each other. Nova knew that he would always have their backs, and he hoped they knew he would always have theirs.