
One piece: Demon in disguise.

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Kaushik_15 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Second crew-mate.

Nova quickly becomes best friends with Ace and Sabo and spars with them and Luffy. Despite being older, Nova is impressed by their potential and sees them as promising young pirates. The three kids look up to Nova as a mentor and eagerly ask him to teach them some of his moves.

Nova agrees to teach them some basic fighting techniques but warns them about the dangers of using their newfound powers recklessly. He encourages them to practice self-control and discipline and reminds them that being a pirate means taking responsibility for their actions.

As they continue to train and bond, the trio becomes more and more inseparable. Nova is impressed by their unwavering loyalty to each other and can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia for his childhood friends.

They then become sworn brothers.

One day, Nova announces that he has to leave the island for a few months to pursue his dreams of becoming a powerful pirate and recruiting someone. The news devastated Ace, Sabo, and Luffy, but Nova promises to keep in touch and to come back as soon as possible.



As Nova land on the destroyed island he only senses one house that was properly intact and heads there.

He knocks the door.

" who are you kid? why are you here." Asks Gordon.

" I am here to pick up my musician. My name is monkey D. Nova."

Suddenly Uta comes running to the door" Monkey D. are you related to Luffy."

"yes I am his older brother and I want you to become the Musician on my pirate crew."

"Pirate crew! you want to be a pirate don't joke around with me." Uta says in an angry tone and runs back to her room.

" Don't mind her kid she is just angry on pirates because her father Shanks left her here. I am Gordon by the way." Gordon

" Nice to meet you Gordon."


He stayed there for months trying to convince her.

During that time.

Nova, determined to improve his strength and fighting abilities, dedicated his time to mastering the six forms of Rokushiki. He spent hours each day practicing, working on his speed, agility, and precision.

First, he focused on mastering Shigan, the ability to poke his fingers at a rapid speed and pierce through solid objects. He practiced on trees, rocks, and even the ground, aiming to make his attacks quicker and more precise.

Next, he moved onto Soru, the ability to move at incredible speeds, making him appear as if he's teleporting. Nova ran and ran, honing his speed and agility until he could perform Soru with ease. He could move so fast that he could dodge bullets and even predict his opponent's moves before they could make them.

Nova then worked on mastering Geppo, the ability to jump in the air and run on the air itself, allowing him to move in any direction without touching the ground. He practiced jumping higher and higher, testing the limits of his new-found abilities.

Next up was Rankyaku, the ability to release a powerful shockwave by kicking the air. Nova kicked and kicked, practicing his aim and power until he could easily slice through solid objects like trees and boulders.

Nova then trained in Tekkai, the ability to harden his body, making him almost invulnerable to physical attacks. He practiced taking hits from monkeys until he could withstand the toughest of blows.

He then mastered Kami-e by trying to evade rocks thrown at him by monkeys only by twisting his body.

And then he mastered Life return and Rokugan.

Finally, Nova honed his Observation Haki, the ability to sense the presence of others and predict their movements. He focused his mind and trained his senses, until he could sense the slightest movements around him and predict his opponent's moves before they even made them.

Nova sat in front of Uta, his eyes locked onto hers as he spoke with conviction. "I need you on my crew, Uta. Your music is incredible and I know it can bring happiness and hope to people. Please, join me."

Uta looked away, her eyes fixed on the horizon as she considered Nova's offer. "I don't know, Nova. I have a life here on Elegia, and I'm not sure if I'm ready to leave it behind."

Nova leaned forward, his hand reaching out to touch hers. "I understand, but think about it. You can bring joy to so many people, and we'll travel the world together. It'll be an adventure."

Uta looked back at him, tears welling up in her eyes. "I want to, Nova. I really do. But I'm scared. I don't know if I'm ready for this kind of life."

Nova smiled at her, his voice gentle. "I'm scared too, Uta. But we can face it together. We'll be a family, and we'll support each other no matter what."

Uta took a deep breath, wiping away her tears. "Okay, Nova. I'll do it. I'll join your crew."

Nova's face lit up with joy as he hugged Uta tightly. "Thank you, Uta. You won't regret this, I promise."

As they pulled away from the embrace, Nova looked at Uta with a sense of determination in his eyes. "Now, let's make some beautiful music and sail the seas together."

Uta nodded, a smile spreading across her face. "Yes, let's do it."

Nova stood up, offering his hand to Uta. "Come on, let's go tell this to Gordon."

As they walked towards the shore, Nova and Uta's laughter filled the air. It was the beginning of a new journey, and they were excited to see where it would take them.


After their emotional conversation, Nova stands up from his seat and looks at Uta with a determined expression on his face.

"Uta, I promise you, I will come back for you in the year 1519. You will be a part of my crew and we will make music that will shake the whole world," he says with a fiery passion.

Uta looks at Nova with tears in her eyes and nods her head. "I'll be waiting for you, Nova. I believe in you and your dreams. We will make beautiful music together," she says with a smile.

Nova then bids farewell to Uta and heads back to the ship. He sets sail towards the horizon, feeling more determined than ever to achieve his dream of becoming the Pirate King with his crew by his side.

As he sails away, Nova can't help but think about the emotional conversation he just had with Uta. He knows that he has gained a valuable crew member and a dear friend, but he also realizes that the journey ahead of him will be long and treacherous.

But with the support of his friends and the strength of his own will, Nova knows that he can overcome any obstacle in his path. He is determined to achieve his dream and create a crew that will go down in history as the greatest pirates to ever sail the seas.

As the sun sets on the horizon, Nova looks towards the future with a sense of excitement and anticipation. The journey ahead of him will be difficult, but with Uta by his side, he knows that he can accomplish anything.


After the emotional reunion with Luffy and Ace, Nova spends some time catching up with his younger brothers. Luffy tells him all about his adventures on the island and how he wants to become a pirate someday. Ace, on the other hand, talks about his dreams of becoming a powerful pirate like his idol Gol D. Roger.

Nova listens intently to their stories and feels proud of how much they've grown in the past year. However, his mind is also occupied with thoughts of Uta and how he can't wait to bring her onboard his crew. He decides not to mention her to Luffy and Ace, as he doesn't want to distract them from their own goals.

As they continue talking, Nova suddenly remembers the secret he's been keeping from them. Sabo's supposed death. He takes a deep breath and decides to keep the truth to himself.

"Hey, guys," he begins, "I was wondering if you've heard anything about the Revolutionary Army lately?"

Luffy and Ace exchange a puzzled look before shrugging their shoulders. "No, not really," Luffy says. "Why?"

Nova hesitates for a moment before deciding to lie. "I heard some rumors about them being active in the area, but I guess it was nothing."

Ace nods, "Well, if they are around, we'll be sure to take them down. They can't just go around stirring up trouble."

Nova nods, feeling a little guilty for keeping the truth from them.

As the night wears on, Nova spends more time with Luffy and Ace, catching up on everything that's happened in the past year. They talk about their dreams, their goals, and what they want to achieve in life.

Nova listens carefully, feeling grateful to have such wonderful brothers. He knows that they will always have each other's backs, no matter what.

Eventually, the conversation dies down and Nova decides to retire to his room for the night. As he lies down on his bed, he thinks about Uta and how much he misses her already.

He can't wait to go back to Elegia and pick her up for his crew. He knows that with Uta's musical talents, they'll be able to go far in the Grand Line.

But for now, he needs to focus on his training and helping Luffy and Ace achieve their own dreams. As he drifts off to sleep, Nova feels a sense of contentment, knowing that he's surrounded by people who care about him.
