
One piece: Demon in disguise.

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Kaushik_15 · Anime e quadrinhos
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7 Chs

Grand Line

After entering the Grand Line.

Nova's crew was caught off guard as they surfaced in front of a Marine ship led by Vice Admiral Momonga. The sudden appearance of the submarine startled the Marines, but they quickly regained their composure and prepared to attack.

"Prepare for battle!" shouted Momonga, his voice echoing across the deck of the Marine ship.

Nova and his crew had no choice but to fight. They had come too far to turn back now. Nova knew that they were outnumbered and outgunned, but he was determined to give it his all.

As the marine ship led by Vice Admiral Momonga approached, Nova quickly gave orders to his crew to man the submarine's modern cannons. "Bepo, take the helm! Law, stay alert for any enemy movements!" Nova shouted.

Kuina and Uta rushed to the submarine's cannons, preparing to fire. Edward, the shipwright, carefully aimed the canons at the marine ship. Erina, the cook, worked to keep the submarine's engines running smoothly, ready to provide power for any maneuvers needed to evade the enemy's attacks.

The marine ship opened fire, but Nova's crew was prepared. The submarine's modern cannons fired rapidly, their powerful shots slamming into the marine ship's hull with incredible force. The enemy ship rocked with each impact, but the marines onboard fought back fiercely, their cannons firing back at the submarine.

Momonga, the Vice Admiral in charge of the marine ship, stood on the deck, his eyes fixed on the submarine. "Impressive technology," he muttered to himself. "But no match for the might of the Marines!"

The battle raged on, with both sides giving their all. The marine ship was heavily armed and well-trained, but Nova's crew was resourceful and determined. The submarine's advanced technology allowed them to dodge many of the enemy's attacks and land precise, devastating blows.

Kuina was especially skilled with the cannons, her sharp aim and quick reflexes ensuring that every shot landed exactly where it was needed. Uta, meanwhile, used her musical talents to boost the crew's morale, singing a rousing sea shanty that kept everyone's spirits high.

Despite their best efforts, however, the marine ship was starting to gain the upper hand. The submarine's hull had taken a beating, and several of the crew were injured. Nova knew that they couldn't keep up the fight for much longer.

"Law, can we use the submarine's stealth mode to get away?" Nova asked, gritting his teeth as he dodged another enemy attack.

"I think so, but it'll be risky," Law replied. "We'll be completely blind while we're invisible, and we'll have to hope that we don't hit any obstacles."

"Understood. Let's do it," Nova said firmly. "Everyone, prepare for stealth mode!"

As Law activated the submarine's stealth mode, the crew braced themselves for what was to come. The submarine disappeared, its engines quieted, and the crew held their breath, waiting to see if they had made it out of harm's way.

For several tense moments, nothing happened. Then, to the crew's relief, they heard the sound of the marine ship moving away. The submarine had successfully evaded its enemy.

Nova breathed a sigh of relief, but he knew that they had been lucky. They couldn't afford to take such risks again. "Alright, everyone. Let's regroup and make sure that everyone's okay," he said, turning to his crew. "We'll continue on our journey, but we'll have to be more careful from now on."

As the crew tended to their injuries and repaired the submarine's hull, Nova couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. They faced a powerful enemy and come out alive, thanks to their teamwork and determination. He knew that their journey ahead would be filled with challenges, but he was confident that they could overcome them together.


As Nova's crew arrived at Alabasta Kingdom, they couldn't help but feel amazed by the vastness of the kingdom and the beauty it had to offer. They decided to take some time off to explore the island and get to know its people.

They went to the capital city of Alubarna where they saw the grand palace, the marketplace, and many other attractions. The crew enjoyed their time in the city, tasting the local cuisine and meeting the locals.

Kuina was particularly interested in the martial arts culture of the kingdom and asked around for a local dojo. She was directed to a famous martial arts school where she decided to take some classes and hone her skills.

Law, on the other hand, being a doctor, went around the city offering his medical services to those in need. He also took some time to study the local flora and fauna, learning about new herbs and medicines that he could use in the future.

Uta, being a musician, went around the city, playing her guitar and singing for the locals. Her music was well received by the people, and many gathered around to listen to her play.

Bepo, being the navigator, went to the local port and talked to the local sailors, learning about the sea routes and tides of the Grand Line. He also went to the local library and studied the maps of the Grand Line, learning about the various islands and their characteristics.

Nova, being the captain, went around the city, checking out the local shops and making sure that his crew was having a good time. He also met with the local authorities and made some allies, in case they ever needed help in the future.

Overall, the crew enjoyed their time in Alabasta Kingdom, and it was a much-needed break from the battles they had been facing. They decided to stay a few more days and explore the other parts of the kingdom before setting sail once again.


As Nova and his crew arrived in Skypea, they were greeted by the sight of the beautiful clouds and the strange creatures that inhabited the island. They soon learned that the island was ruled by a powerful logia user named Enel, who had taken control of the island and its inhabitants.

Nova knew that they needed to team up with the Shandia warriors, who were the original inhabitants of the island and had been fighting against Enel's rule. They were introduced to the leader of the Shandia, a brave warrior named Wiper, who agreed to join forces with them.

Nova and his crew, along with the Shandia warriors, started to plan their attack on Enel's palace, which was heavily guarded by his loyal followers. As they made their way towards the palace, they encountered several obstacles, including traps and ambushes set up by Enel's followers.

During one of these ambushes, Nova and his crew were separated from the Shandia warriors, and they found themselves face to face with Enel himself. Enel, being a powerful logia user, was able to transform into electricity, making him almost invincible.

Nova realized that they needed a way to counter Enel's logia abilities, and he came up with the idea to wear a rubber suit, which would make them immune to his electric attacks. They had the suit prepared beforehand for this very purpose.

The battle between Nova and Enel was intense, with Enel launching powerful electric attacks and Nova and his crew using their wits and skills to evade and counter them. Kuina used her swordsmanship skills to keep Enel at bay while Uta played her music to boost their morale and keep them focused.

Finally, Nova managed to land a solid hit on Enel, which surprised the logia user and allowed Nova and his crew to gain the upper hand. They were able to defeat Enel and take control of the island, freeing its inhabitants from his tyrannical rule.

After the battle, Nova and his crew celebrated their victory with the Shandia warriors and the people of Skypea. They knew that this was just the beginning of their journey, and there were many more challenges and battles ahead of them.


As the crew explored the golden city of Skypiea, they couldn't help but be amazed by the abundance of gold and riches that surrounded them. Nova and Kuina were particularly fascinated by the intricate designs and architecture of the city.

As they wandered through the city, they stumbled upon a huge bell containing a strange, ancient artifact. Nova realized that it was a road poneglyph, a valuable piece of information that could lead them to the location of One Piece.

Without wasting any time, Nova made a copy of the road poneglyph and stowed it away in his inventory, making sure to keep it safe from any potential threats.

But their exploration of the golden city didn't end there. They also managed to accumulate a large amount of gold, Nova stored it in his inventory. In total, they managed to collect 100 tons of gold 5 buildings, which they planned to use for future ventures and investments.

As they left the city, Nova couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. They had managed to secure valuable information and wealth, and he knew that they were one step closer to achieving their goal of finding One Piece.

But he also knew that their journey was far from over. With new challenges and dangers looming on the horizon, they would need to stay vigilant and continue to work together as a team to overcome whatever obstacles came their way.

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