
One piece: Demon in disguise.

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Kaushik_15 · Anime e quadrinhos
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7 Chs


As Marvin was walking down the street he saw an ice cream truck and approaches it.

Marvin" Hey man can I get hey what happened man? " as he was about to order he saw the man falling with a Bullet hole in his stomach.

Marvin" Hang on man I will take you to the Hospital quickly. "Marvin immediately Picked up the man and started running towards the Hospital. He was Lucky as the Nearest Hospital was 800 meters away.

As Marvin reached the hospital he quickly Called for the Doctors.

He then Came out of the Hospital and headed back to the ice cream truck to Close it down and Park it back in the Hospital.

As he opened the door of the truck he was shot in his chest.

Marvin" Man I shouldn't have come back." With that, he closed his eyes.



Marvin opened his eyes to see that he was surrounded by darkness it seemed to span infinitely in every direction.

" I am going to reincarnate you human you have a good amount of karma which I will take in exchange." said a voice.

Marvin "Wait what? Really? Damn where am I going to get Reincarnated tho? And who are you?"

" You will have to spin the wheel for that And you can call me R.O.B." Said R.O.B.

After that a big wheel with many worlds like mha, mcu, Naruto, etc were seen.

"Now spin the wheel."

Marvin spins the wheel and it rotates for a few minutes and stops on One Piece.

Marvin" Hmm! Nice."

" Now for your gifts spin the wheel again." the wheel changes it options.

As he spins it, it lands on Thunder breathing from Demon slayer world.

" spin it again."

This time it lands on "Modern Technology," the R.O.B said. "You now have access to knowledge and information about advanced technologies from your previous life. Use it to your advantage in the world of One Piece and you can transfer some of it to others."

And for the final spin.

" you get all the Rokushiki and Haki training techniques that's all now be reborn."

After hearing that from him Marvin closes his eyes.


Year 1502

Garp" Hmm! your name will be Nova. Monkey D. Nova."

Garp" Makino take good care of him please."

Makino" Don't worry Garp-san I will take good care of him."


After three years

Garp "Nova this is you brother Monkey D. Luffy get along with him.


year 1507

As Nova was walking around the village a paper falls on him and he experience a huge headache.

" I am back bitches." Marvin, who is now Nova, says out loud.

He then turns around and picks up the piece of paper.


From R.O.B,

Now that your memories are back its time to give you your gifts. And also I have decided to give you three things as I felt too bad for your death.

1) Zenitsu's nichirin blade( it is equal to a supreme grade sword)


3)300,000 tons of metals(iron, steel)(You might think its too much but the amount of iron used to make an aircraft carrier is 100,000 tons so he can make three aircraft carriers.)

After this line the letter will crumble and brace for another Head ache.


Just as the letter said he had another Huge Headache and the knowledge about Thunder breathing, Modern technology, Haki and Rokushiki started flowing into his brain."

Nova" damn it! I hate you R.O.B but thanks for the gifts anyway."


As I gazed up at the clear blue sky, I felt a sense of excitement course through me. My Thunder Breathing and my Observation Haki. At ten years old, I had been working hard to master these techniques, but progress had been slow.

I took a deep breath and began to concentrate and exhaled my breath at a fast pace, focusing on the rhythmic patterns of the thunder. I closed my eyes and pictured the lightning flashing through the sky, imagining the power coursing through my veins.

Suddenly, I felt a jolt of electricity surge through my body, and I knew that I had succeeded in channeling the Thunder Breathing. I opened my eyes and looked around, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over me.

But when I tried to use my Observation Haki which I trained by asking Luffy to Hit me with a stick, I found that I still had much to learn. Despite my best efforts, I was unable to sense anything beyond my immediate surroundings.

I sighed and sat down on the grass, feeling frustrated and discouraged. I knew that I still had a long way to go before I could become a true master of these techniques.

As I sat there, lost in thought, I suddenly heard a voice behind me.

"Hey, what are you doing all by yourself?"

I turned around and saw my younger brother, Luffy, grinning at me.

"I'm practicing my special technique and Haki," I replied.

Luffy looked at me quizzically. "What's that?"

I explained the techniques to him, and he listened with rapt attention. When I finished, he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Wow, you're really strong, Nova!"

I smiled at him. Despite the frustration of my slow progress, it was always heartwarming to hear Luffy's encouragement.

"Thanks, Luffy," I said. "But I still have a lot to learn."

Luffy shrugged. "Well, you'll get there eventually."

As Luffy and I made our way to the harbor, we could hear the panicked shouts of the townspeople growing louder. We quickened our pace, eager to see what was causing all the commotion.

When we arrived, we saw that a group of pirates had indeed docked at the harbor. They were a scruffy-looking bunch, with unkempt beards and rough, weathered skin. The townspeople were gathered around them, looking terrified and helpless.

"Hey, what do you guys think you're doing?" Luffy shouted, his fists balled up in anger.

The pirates turned to face us, their expressions turning from surprise to amusement.

" So its time for that." Nova thought to himself.

As we approached the group of pirates, they were the famous Red-Haired Pirates. Their captain, Shanks, stood at the front of the group, a calm and composed expression on his face.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Shanks said with a grin. "A couple of young lads, standing up to us like that. You've got some guts, I'll give you that."

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