
One piece: Demon in disguise.

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Kaushik_15 · Anime e quadrinhos
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7 Chs


Nova arrives at Shimotsuki Village, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. He had promised Kuina that he would come back for her, and now, many years later, he was finally here. He looks around the village, takes in the familiar sights and sounds, and heads toward the dojo where Kuina used to train.

As he approaches the dojo, he sees a figure standing outside, practicing her swordsmanship. It was Kuina, just as he remembered her. Nova watches her for a moment, marveling at how skilled she had become since they last met.

Finally, he clears his throat, and Kuina turns to face him. At first, she looks surprised, but then her eyes light up with recognition and joy. She drops her sword and runs towards him, embracing him tightly.

"Nova, it's you!" she exclaims, holding him at arm's length to take in his appearance. "You look different, but I would know that face anywhere."

Nova laughs, feeling relieved and happy to see her again. "You haven't changed a bit, Kuina. You're still the best swordsman in the village, I bet."

Kuina grins, picking up her sword again. "Of course I am. I Take it we start our Journey today."

Nova takes a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "yes."

Kuina's expression turns serious. "I've been waiting for this moment for years, Nova. I've always known that I was meant for something greater than this village. I'll join you on one condition - that I get to surpass you as a swordsman and become the greatest in the world."

Nova nods, smiling. "I wouldn't have it any other way, Kuina. Let's set sail together and make our dreams a reality."

Kuina nods in agreement, her eyes shining with determination. Nova knew that with her by his side, there was nothing they couldn't accomplish.


Nova and Kuina arrived at Elegia Island to pick up Uta, his musician. As they were walking towards the town square, Kuina asked Nova who Uta was.

"Nova, who is this Uta you keep talking about?" Kuina asked curiously.

Nova grinned mischievously. "She's my musician. You're going to love her. She's got a great voice and can play all sorts of instruments."

Kuina looked skeptical. "I'm not really interested in music."

"Well, that's because you haven't heard Uta play," Nova replied confidently. "Trust me, she's amazing."

As they entered the town square, they saw Uta sitting on a bench, strumming her guitar and singing softly to herself. Nova walked over to her and greeted her with a smile.

"Hey Uta, ready to join our crew?" he asked.

Uta looked up and smiled back. "Of course, I've been looking forward to it."

Kuina stood awkwardly to the side, not sure what to do or say. Uta noticed her and stood up, introducing herself.

"Hi there, I'm Uta. You must be Kuina," she said with a friendly smile.

Kuina nodded politely. "Nice to meet you, Uta."

Nova stepped in to break the tension. "Come on, let's go get some food and drinks. We've got a long journey ahead of us."

As they walked towards a nearby tavern, Uta turned to Kuina. "So, Nova tells me you're a swordswoman. That's pretty cool. I've always wanted to learn how to fight i recently ate Uta Uta no mi."

Kuina smiled. "Well, if you're ever interested, I'd be happy to teach you."

Uta grinned. "Deal." And with that, the three of them walked into the tavern, ready to enjoy some good food and drink before setting sail.


As Nova, Kuina, and Uta arrive on Alora Island, they are greeted by Law and Bepo who have been busy helping Edward with the construction of the submarine. Edward proudly shows them the progress they have made so far, explaining how he has incorporated some of the latest technological advancements into the design.

Law nods in approval and notes, "This is quite impressive, Edward. You're quite skilled in shipbuilding."

Bepo adds, "Yeah, we can't wait to see it in action!"

Nova grins, "Well, it won't be long now. Once we set sail, this submarine will take us places no ordinary ship can."

Kuina looks at the submarine with wonder, "I've never seen anything like this before. It's amazing how much technology has advanced over the years."

Uta nods in agreement, "It's like a work of art."

Edward blushes at the compliments, "Thank you, everyone. It's been a challenging project, but I'm proud of what we've accomplished so far."

Nova claps him on the back, "You should be. This submarine is going to be our key to exploring the depths of the ocean and discovering all sorts of treasures."

Law smiles, "And we'll be able to provide medical care wherever we go. I'm glad to be a part of this crew."

Bepo adds, "And I'll make sure we always know where we're going. The navigator's job is never done!"

Nova grins, "That's the spirit, Bepo. Let's finish up the submarine and set sail!"

Law could be explaining how the submarine's medical facilities work, as well as its range and speed. Bepo could be showing them the navigation equipment and discussing potential routes they could take.

Nova could be listening in and providing his input, discussing potential targets and strategies for their Adventures. Uta and Kuina could also be chiming in with their thoughts and ideas.

As they continue to plan, they all become excited at the prospect of their upcoming adventure, eager to see what the future holds for them as a crew.


Nova, Kuina, Uta, Law, Bepo, and Edward arrived at the Cooks Guild on Alora Island. The guild master welcomed them and asked how he could assist them.

"We are here to recruit a cook for our pirate crew," Nova said with a smile.

The guild master nodded and then said, "I have just the person for you. Let me introduce you to our best chef, Erina Nakiri."

Erina stepped out from behind the guild master, looking a bit surprised to see a group of pirates standing before her.

Nova introduced himself and his crew, and then he began to tell her about his dream of becoming the Pirate King. He also mentioned that he was looking for a skilled chef to join his crew and that he had heard about her reputation as the best chef on Alora Island.

Erina was initially hesitant to join a group of pirates, but after hearing Nova's story and trying some of his crew's cooking, she was impressed by how bad they can cook. She agreed to join the crew as their chef.

"I am honored to join your crew," Erina said with a small bow.

"Welcome aboard," Nova said with a smile.

With a new cook on their crew, Nova and his team continued their journey to explore the vast seas and achieve their dreams of becoming the Pirate King.

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