
One Piece: Cursed and From Another World

Imagine going to bed only to thrown into your favorite Anime World. Well, this is what happened to this unfortunate young man. He was tasked to help a certain someone become the Pirate King if he wanted to return home.

Drive_Night326 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
69 Chs

A Forced Retreat

(3rd Person View)

Kaido, King of The Beasts, floated in his dragon form above the battle scene.

"Wororororo!!" He let out a laugh, "Look at what we have here! A couple of brats fighting and then you have pesky marines trying to break it up! Wororo!!"

As Kaido looked down at them, his flagship approached the battle in the distance. Aboard the ship, King and Queen stood at the front looking at this.

"Oi! You fuckers wanna go any slower?!" Queen shouted at their men, "Kaido-san is already there!"

The beast pirates ran around as they prepared themselves for an incoming battle.

"Quiet down, Queen." King said calmly as he looked ahead, "We'll arrive there, shortly."

"Why didn't you fly with him anyway, King?!" Queen shouted at him

"He wanted to make an entrance." King replied

"Well, that he surely did!" Queen said

Back to the battlefield, Starrk looked up at Kaido who floated in the sky.

"Now, what the hell is he doing here?!" He exclaimed

The Dragon Knight looked up as well, seeing the massive dragon that towered over them.

"Tch." He said, "This changes everything!"

He grabbed his sword and launched himself towards his ship.

As this happened, Starrk took a step back as he looked up at the Yonko.

"How the fuck did it come to this?" He muttered, "All we wanted to do is loot a navy ship, now we're dealing with an actual Yonko?!"

Kaido floated closer to the ice, he noticed as from a wall of smoke and flames, Kuzan emerged. He was clutching his head as he was bleeding a bit.

"Ara ara." Kuzan said as he looked up, "Here I have a massive headache from whatever i was hit by and now this thing come here."

Kuzan noticed that Garp's ship was closer than his, he then launched himself over to it.

As he landed on the deck, Garp walked up to him.

"Oi Kuzan!" Garp exclaimed, "We ought to abort the mission. We can't deal with this at the moment."

"Agreed." Kuzan said

Kaido looked over to Starrk, who was the only one remaining.

He let out a smirk, "Well well well…." Kaido said as Starrk looked up at him with a scowl, "If it isn't The Black Wolf himself. You've earned quite the reputation recently. Whitebeard's newest recruit.."

Starrk didn't respond to this. He was merely looking back at him.

Before Kaido said anything else, he heard some static from a loudspeaker.

"Oi, Kaido!" Garp's voice was heard, "I am going to be frank with you. What the hell are you doing here?!"

Kaido looked over to Garp's ship.

"These are my waters, Garp!" Kaido bellowed, "I have some newly attained territory nearby and I'll be damned if i was going to let you lot have a party out here without me having anything to say about it."

Garp scowled, "I didn't hear anything about that." He whispered to Kuzan

Kaido looked over to the Dragon Knight's ship.

The Dragon Knight merely looked at him from the side of the ship, next to him a wall of flames and smoke. His crew was trying their best to put the flames out.

"So you're the brat that has been messing with Linlin, eh?" Kaido said as he floated closer, "I'll give ya a word of advice, brat. Don't think you're in the clear with that hag, she'll go for your head! And if you ever think about messing with me, let me give you a demonstration of what's to come.."

Kaido then floated back up to the clouds and reared his head back. He then faced the direction of Starrk's ship and saw kuzan's navy ship at the edge of the ice.

Suddenly, his mouth started to glow brightly.

He opened his mouth,

"Boro Breath!!"

He let out a massive beam of flames and fired it at the Navy Warship. Upon impact, the warship instantly exploded into a massive explosion that completely annihilated almost the entire thing.

The explosion was so massive that it's shockwave completely shattered the ice around Starrk's ship.

Starrk's men were holding onto part of the ship as it rocked violently.

"What the fuck?!?!" One of the guys said

"He completely wiped out that ship in an instant!!!" Another said

All of the remaining marines that were on the other ships watched this unfold in utter shock.

Garp scowled as sweat ran down his forehead.

Kuzan stared at this with his eyes widened.

He then clenched his fist, "That bastard!!!" He growled as he took a step forward

Bogard then grabbed him from behind, "Calm yourself, Kuzan!" He said, "There's nothing we can do now!"

"Are you fucking with me?!" Kuzan snapped at him, "Those were my men!!"

On Kaido's ship, which was approaching even closer, King and Queen saw this.

"It appears that Kaido-san decided to provoke them." King said

"Haha! Serves them right!" Queen laughed

Kaido gave a smirk as he looked down at the Dragon Knight.

The Dragon Knight merely looked at the massive pillar of smoke and flames caused by the explosion.

"Hm." He said, "We're leaving."

Suddenly, a thick black fog emerged an engulfed the ship and its surroundings. Kaido narrowed his eyes at this and noticed that the fog started to cover a massive part of the sea around the Dragon Knight's ship.

He then smirked, "What I thought."

He looked at the Marines ships

"I take it you lot won't show any resistance and will leave my waters?" He asked Garp

Garp gritted his team, "All Ships retreat." He gave the order, "We cannot deal with a Yonko as of this moment. Not him."

Kaido watched as all the Navy Warships began their retreat. As this happened, his ship reached the scene.

Kaido then looked at Starrk who had jumped over to his ship.

"Oi, Black Wolf!!" Kaido called

Starrk looked at him, "Fuck you want?"

Kaido smirked, "Worororo!!" He laughed,

"Join my crew!"