
One Piece: Cipher Pol Spandam

no cheats, no desires, no meeting gods, no systems, no overpowers mc, only weak main characters... I wrote this a few years ago when I was in high school. Even if it's only a few chapters, maybe I'll continue. "If you like OP MC... Don't read this-" (Spandam) - *buy panda a cup of coffee ko-fi.com/spandam

Spandam · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 10 - Lifetime Contract

It had already been a month since Spandam had gotten Tesoro and Stella, but due to his excessive anxiety as usual, Spandam still didn't dare to give Tesoro a little freedom.

Because of the urgency of returning to the branch office in East Blue in the next month. This afternoon Spandam had decided to make Tesoro his first personal agent. He had all plans in his head for Tesoro. Because he wanted to gain minimal trust or at least convince himself that Tesoro wouldn't have thoughts of betraying him.

However, even if Spandam say it to be his personal agent, after all, he is currently serving the world's governments as Cipher Pol. Meanwhile, Tesoro is a slave of the Tenryuubito who is one of the protection targets for every Cipher Pol agent. So this was the same as telling Tesoro to work for the world government that had made him and Stella suffer all this time.

It would be very difficult to convince him to become an agent without using Stella as a bargaining chip. So, in the end, Spandam had no other way to convince Tesoro.

After Spandam had lunch with his mother, he went straight to the basement to meet Tesoro. He walked for a while in dark hallways with various rooms that only had iron doors.

This was his mother's slave prison for a long time. There are some slaves who are locked up here just because of angering his mother. Spandam ignored the other slave rooms and headed straight for the farthest room.

Arriving at the end of the room, Spandam stood in front of the iron door of the prison room. This room was just like any other room, it was just a room with dark and damp stone walls. On the metal door, there is a small window that can be opened to see who is in the room.

Spandam then took the key from his shirt pocket and put it in the keyhole of the iron door. *Clang* There was a sound of a lock opening which warned Tesoro who is in the room.

Spandam pushed the metal door open completely. Finally, the interior of the room is clearly visible, with a small dark and damp room. There was a disheveled man sitting on his knees on the floor.

Tesoro had a dirty and pitiful appearance, with an explosive chain around his neck, his identity clearly visible as a slave. When the door opened, he lifted his head and looked at Spandam walking into his prison.

He looked at Spandam who was standing in front of the door with gloomy eyes. Although until now he had never been physically hurt by his new master. But, because he did not know Stella's condition until now made him very frustrated and desperate.

Until now he had acted obediently, even he speaks more politely compared to his old master, Saint Philip. Apart from knowing that his new master's identity was higher than Saint Philip's, considering the events back then. But, also because he was very worried about Stella's condition.

Unlike the Tenryuubito who tortured him for pleasure. Until now, Tesoro still didn't know the purpose of this new master, because until now he had only come to ask irrelevant things that the Tenryuubito couldn't possibly ask.

While looking at his new master who was the same age as him, Tesoro thought in confusion 'I really don't understand... he only comes once a week this month... and every time he comes, he just asks weird questions... when I became a slave, where I came from, and even my dreams... why did he ask all that... after that he left without answering my questions about Stella... or rather, he didn't torture me for speaking without permission... what is the real aim of this one world noble.'

Spandam walked in slowly, until he finally arrived a few meters in front of Tesoro. However, Spandam did not immediately speak. He was silent as if waiting for something.

Until finally two people in black suits typical of Cipher Pol agents entered the prison carrying a tea table and chairs. A chef who works for the world government also comes in with Spandam's favorite red wine and cake along with a beautiful glass cup, fork, dessert knife, and a candle to light the dark room.

"Please Spandam-sama..." Said one of the agents after finishing arranging everything, the three people then stood behind while waiting for further orders. This was actually his mother's order, she thought Spandam was having fun torturing his slaves here. So she ordered people to bring him a seat and snacks.

'Mom... your attention is always excessive in strange places.' Spandam immediately sat in his comfortable chair and took a glass of red wine from the table "Good job... you can go now."

"""Yes, Spandam-sama.""" Hearing Spandam wishing to be in prison by himself with the slaves, the three people nodded and obediently walked out of the prison.

No one questioned Spandam's decision, as it was something the nobles here usually do when it came to torturing slaves and fulfilling their personal fetishes.

After they left, Spandam took a slow sip of his drink. He tried to calm his mind as he drank his favorite drink.

Tesoro just stared in silence waiting for him to open his mouth. He was used to this and he also became curious as to what his new master would do or ask this time.

Even though it doesn't get much attention, Tesoro has high physical talent as he is even able to fight and compete against the main characters. If properly trained he might be able to become an agent on par with Rob Luci or at least that's what Spandam hoped for.

"Huu~" Spandam let out a small sigh and opened his mouth "Tesoro... You must be curious aren't you, why I didn't do what a noble should do to a slave like you...?"

"Yeah... you're a weird guy." Tesoro answered straightly without realizing it and when he realized it, he immediately panicked. Tesoro is a delinquent who is not used to speaking politely. He didn't want Stella to get into any more trouble because of his uncontrollable words. "M-My apologies Master, I didn't mean-"

"No problem..." Spandam cut him off and continued his main purpose of coming here "Well... I won't mince words and get to the point."

"I have a proposal for you... or should I say contract...?" Spandam said as he put the glass on the table.

"Contract...?" Tesoro became confused as he waited for Spandam to continue speaking again.

Spandam nodded while saying "Yes contract... this is a contract agreement between you and me..." He then took out a piece of paper from his black jacket.

Spandam bowed slightly as he placed the paper on the floor right in front of Tesoro. "You can at least read right...?"

"O-Of course I can..." Tesoro looked down at the white sheet of paper on the floor and started reading slowly. Not much was written on this sheet of paper. But, Tesoro kept reading it over and over to make sure he didn't miss a single word.

Spandam had no problem with that, he just waited while pouring red wine into his empty glass. 'Red wine has a positive health impact on the body if I drink it in limited quantities... a maximum of one glasses a day. But, that's for a body from the earth… I don't know about a body from this world…' While waiting for Tesoro, Spandam thought randomly while looking at his glass filled with red wine.

He used to go to college in the medical field, so he has little knowledge of it. But he felt that his knowledge would not be of much use in this world. 'The antioxidants are great for the brain and memory... I guess I'll keep it to two glasses a day. It should be alright.'

After a while, Tesoro who had been reading over and over again raised his head to look back at Spandam.

Spandam just stared back at him silently waiting for his reaction while putting his empty glass back down. Spandam gave a small smile because he could clearly see his expression that looks surprised, confused, and disbelieving.

Tesoro's mouth trembled as she tried to speak "M-Master... what, what is written here... true?" He spoke haltingly.

As long as Spandam spoke with Tesoro in this one month, he understood that Tesoro here was different from the future.

Right now Tesoro was just a slave, powerless, and in a state of despair. The only hope that kept him alive was Stella. But that was also Tesoro's only regret and cause for despair.

"Yes...everything is written there is real." (Spandam)

That was why, when he was faced with the opportunity to save Stella, even at the cost of his life, he would be willing.

Hearing Spandam's approval, hope appeared in his eyes. But he didn't agree right away and was still hesitating. Spandam might not treat him like the Tenryuubito who was his previous master, he also always forgave Tesoro when he subconsciously spoke impolitely, but after all, Spandam was a Tenryuubito.

Tesoro is afraid that this is all a lie, there is no guarantee that everything written here is real. Tesoro had only known Spandam for a month and he had only seen him no more than four times. So Tesoro doesn't know what Spandam is really like.

Tesoro wanted to ask, but he didn't know how to ask politely. So his mouth kept shaking as if he wanted to speak but no sound came out of it.

"You want to ask something...? Speak, you don't have to hold back... I'll answer as best I can." Spandam said.

"Y-Yes..." Tesoro started to speak slowly, after thinking carefully about the question.

"Is what's written here true...?" The first question that came out of Tesoro's mouth was exactly the same as the one asked before.

Spandam smiled at this and immediately replied without thinking at all "Yes, as I said at the beginning... this is true. No lies were written there. No trickery or anything similar."

"I'm a fair person... This is an exchange. As the paper says, I'll grant your one wish as long as it's reasonable and in exchange, you'll swear allegiance to me."

Granted one wish. That was the way Spandam thought of using Stella as a bargaining chip but without using Stella directly. After all, Spandam wanted to make a good impression, not the other way around, so here's the answer Spandam found.

"I see... But, why...?" Tesoro was actually confused by the contract that Spandam had given him. "I am your slave... why do you have to ask for my loyalty? I couldn't fight you in the first place... You even have many people serving you. Why would you even want a weak slave like me...?"

"That's... I'll be honest. I see value in you. You have great talent and I want you, not as a slave. What I want are subordinates, knights, soldiers, and shields who faithfully protect me. I want someone I can trust even when behind my back.

I want to build a special army that will only serve me. That's why I will put my trust in you and you will put your trust in me. This is an exchange." (Spandam)

"Is that so..." Tesoro pondered hearing Spandam's answer. This feels unreal. A world noble asked a slave to become a knight to protect his life when he had many knights here. What if he is betrayed by his slave. "... you're really a weird guy."

"Yeah yeah, you already say it earlier." Spandam just stared at him with flat eye. 'You've always been saying the same thing since my second coming. How many times until you are satisfied...'

"E-EH?! N-No, I didn't- I didn't mean-" Panic could be clearly seen in Tesoro's expression. Spandam who saw this could only sigh inwardly 'He's too impulsive sometimes isn't he...'

"Yeah. I know. You can't change your habits that easily." Spandam didn't care about that anymore. "So what's your answer?"

"Th-That..." Tesoro lowered his head and pondered "Can I really ask for everything...?" he asked.

"Not everything, it's only as long as I have the ability to fulfill it. If I can't, then I can't." (Spandam)

"What if I told you to free me?" (Tesoro)

"That would be a problem... because I want you to be my subordinate. You won't be completely free. (Spandam)

"What if I asked you to free all the slaves in Marijoa...?" (Tesoro)

"You sure have ambition huh... but I can't do it. I don't have the ability to do that. So no." (Spandam)

"I see... What if I asked you to free just one slave...?" (Tesoro)

'Hmm..? Oh, I see. I've been waiting for this.' Spandam began to understand the direction of this conversation. In the end, Tesoro wasn't a pure man who cared about the lives of people he didn't know. There was only one person he cared about. "If it's just one... I can do it. I can take the slave's collar off and transfer him to a random island or something. Of course, as long as the slave isn't yourself."

Spandam could see the light in Tesoro's eyes, not literally. But, more like... hope.

"So you can do it...?! then, then can you free... Stella!" Tesoro got excited when he found out that he could save Stella and raised his voice unconsciously.

Spandam smiled slightly seeing this, finally, the name he had been waiting for came out of Tesoro's mouth. "So... you've decided huh. I can do that..."

"R-Really?!" (Tesoro)

"Yeah... I could, if it was just one person. It wouldn't attract attention..." Spandam nodded, reassuring Tesoro that he could do it. "But... I'm not sure it's a good choice."

Tesoro became confused by Spandam's response "Wha- What do you mean? Why do you say that...?"

"Alright, since you'll be working under me in the future, I guess I'll tell you some of my thoughts and maybe some suggestions." Spandam said in a serious tone this time. "First, though, let's say that this person named Stella is free from the Tenryuubito slavery. But in reality, she will have a hard time living in normal life."

"Why is that...? She's... free." (Tesoro)

"Did you forget? Even if she's not in chains anymore. The slavery will still be there until she dies." (Spandam)

"That..." (Tesoro

"Those 'Heavenly Claw' marks, will imprint. Unless... you fill them with bigger marks. But of course it will hurt her, it's made with hot iron after all." (Spandam)

"T-That's right..." (Tesoro)

"Her memories of living as a slave will also be hard to forget. Moreover, she will be living alone... that would be difficult. Especially not having you by her side..." (Spandam)

"I might be able to give you a day off from your future work, but that might only be done once every few months. Even, That's if the situation allows." (Spandam)

"..." (Tesoro)

"Well, since you'll be working under me, of course, you'll get a salary and you might be able to send it to her to make her life easier. But that's about it." (Spandam)

"Besides, I don't think it would be good for her..." This time Spandam said in an uncertain tone.

"What do you mean...?" (Tesoro)

"This Stella... is the blonde slave girl I brought with you right?" (Spandam)

"Y-Yeah that's her... did something happen to her?" Tesoro got worried seeing Spandam's unsure tone. 'Did he do something to Stella?!'

"Well, you don't have to worry about me doing anything to her. On the contrary, I never touched her let alone talked to her. I brought her along because she happened to be with you on the show." Spandam said as if he never intended to take Stella and made Tesoro believe that she was of no value in Spandam's eyes.

"Then why...?" There was some relief in Tesoro's tone, but there was still concern about Stella's condition.

"That is... how should I put it..." Spandam racked his brain a bit to think of the right words to explain Stella's condition to Tesoro.

Tesoro's heart rate increased involuntarily, anxiety began to show on his face, and his body began to move as if he was agitated by something. 'What happened to Stella?!'

If Spandam used to be a student in psychology, then he must have studied well because he could play with Tesoro's psychology. Just delaying his words with hesitation already made it almost impossible for Tesoro to think rationally.

"That girl... Stella... she probably can't live much longer." Spandam said slowly.

"?!" The world went dark in Tesoro's eyes. His body, his hands, his lips, everything was shaking violently as if his body was expressing his deepest thoughts. "W-What do you mean Master! You joking right?!"

Tesoro began to lose his mind and began to speak in a high tone, though he still used polite language to Spandam.

This was the norm in Spandam's eyes, as Stella was the only reason for living for the current Tesoro. When he heard that Stella couldn't live much longer, this would trigger the negative thoughts he had accumulated since becoming a slave.

So it was undeniable and Spandam could understand that "... I'm not joking right now-"

"-and also, calm down... I'm not done talking yet." Spandam continued, trying to win over Tesoro even though he was the one who caused this. Spandam did it because he felt that if he didn't stop Tesoro now, then Tesoro might become like him in the story.

Hearing that Spandam wasn't finished talking, Tesoro calmed down a bit and thought that he had come to his own conclusions just now "S-Sorry Master. I-I lost control a bit there."

"Well don't worry, somehow I'm getting used to it... it's good that you've calmed down." Spandam just let out a light breath in return and continued "Stella's condition is really bad right now... those are the injuries she got earlier... as long as you guys were slaves of the Tenryuubito before. It seems it's piled up and her body can't take it now."

"I've tried ordering people to treat it, but it's not optimal due to the lack of sophisticated equipment. I can't bring slaves to the Tenryuubito hospital, after all, it's located in Pangea castle. So... you know... that's how it happened. ..." Spandam spoke in a helpless tone though 'I can do it if I insist... but it's not good for my plan...' he thought

"H-How bad is her condition? Can Stella still survive...?" Tesoro looks confused and very worried about Stella's condition. He even crawled closer to Spandam even though his legs were chained to the wall.

"That..." Spandam fell silent at his reaction and thought of the right words, whether he should be honest or lie. But if he wants his plan to run smoothly to get Tesoro. He had to come clean about Stella's condition.

Tesoro who saw Spandam silent became even more frightened "What's that really bad, Master?! Please tell me!"

"Huu~ if you insist..." Spandam sighed hoping Tesoro wouldn't lose control and hit him in the face. Because that's what always happens to Spamdam in canon stories.

"Well, I don't really understand it because I'm not a doctor... but the person I ordered said that her condition was terrible..." (Spandam)

"What...?!" (Tesoro)

"He said that Stella... maybe wouldn't be able to survive in the next few months..." (Spandam)

"?!" Tesoro froze for a moment when he heard Stella's condition. 'Stella- Stella will... die?' The world became silent and frozen for him. The only person who was most precious in his life would die in a few months.

'The light in his eyes... is gone.'Spandam decided to be silent for a moment to leave Tesoro with his own thoughts. If necessary he would return for another time, waiting for Tesoro to calm down a bit.

Because this is the critical moment for Spandam to get Tesoro, making him in debt for the rest of his life. So Spandam didn't want to rush. 'At least he's not being impulsive and blaming me . . . my face is safe.' But Spandam was sure, Tesoro would use that 'wish' on her right now. He would definitely ask him to save Stella.

'Ahh here it is...' thought Spandam when he saw Tesoro raise his head and stare at him.

"Master... can she still be saved? That's possible, isn't it?! Please save her! I will do anything! Please!" Tesoro started to prostrate to Spandam for help, he didn't even doubt Spandam in the slightest. That was because from the start Stella's condition had been that bad, after all, it had been more than a year since they had become slaves.

Tesoro thought back to when they were in prison together, at that time Stella's condition was bad enough. But her smile made Tesoro think that she could survive or rather, Tesoro didn't want to believe it at that time. He knew that Stella was lying so he wouldn't worry.

When someone else said the same facts as he had discovered, Tesoro became aware that from the start Stella's condition had been very bad and was now getting worse. It was just that Tesoro didn't expect that Stella didn't have much time.

Spandam didn't feel happy to see this disheveled green-haired man prostrating in front of him with unbearable sobs. Instead, he felt bad about it. But he had come this far, there was no choice to turn back. As long as he could keep his promise, it would be fine.

Because of that Spandam hid his expression and said "That is your... wish? Remember, you only have one wish."

"Yes! Yes! That is my request. I will serve you for the rest of my life. Please save her. Please..." Tesoro raised his head with a hopeful face because for him life without Stella is not a life anymore.

Back when he was Saint Philip's slave, as long as he saw Stella's smile, he felt like he could endure a thousand of torture from those Tenryuubito. But thinking that he would lose Stella- 'I'd rather die with her than live without her.'

"I could do it. I can order people to treat and heal her wounds. At least she won't die in the next few months... but that's it. Nothing more." Spandam clarified their initial contract. One request and nothing more. Although Spandam said he was fair in the beginning, the agreement itself didn't feel fair. One request is replaced with a lifetime.

But, Tesoro thought it was fair considering his status as a slave. "Y-Yeah! As long as you can save her, I'll do anything."

"Is that so...? I'll ask again, are you sure, using that wish for someone else? not for yourself?" Spandam asked back.

"Yeah! I'm sure, really sure. Please, Master." Tesoro nodded without hesitation and lowered his head again.

"Looks like she's really a very important person to you huh... if that's the case I'll make it clear." Spandam sighed and felt bad saying it, but here's the contract "her status remains a slave. she will only end up in this prison or somewhere else. I can free her, but I won't take care of her or vice versa. That's the deal. Just one and nothing more."

"That..." Tesoro fell silent and realized what Spandam meant. That's right, in the end, Stella was still a slave, even if she survived, it didn't mean she would be fine in the future. 'What must I do...'

Tesoro felt confused and restless again. He kept thinking, but from a young age he was not a smart person, he was a delinquent and an uneducated person. He currently has no experience, especially in negotiating. So that's normal, Tesoro was confused looking for a way out at this time. "Master... I- I will do anything. I will do anything for you... can you-"

"That's the contract. Tesoro, that's the contract..." Spandam cut him off and reminded him of their contract.

Tesoro was silent, his eyes widened as if he had come back to reality. 'Th-That's right... we are just slaves. There are many people like us here. He could just find another slave... and if that happened, Stella would- Stella would...'

Spandam was speechless. He could see the despair in Tesoro's eyes. 'Hey, hey, why don't you beg again? did I push it too far? he seemed to have lost consciousness. Ahh~ I guess I don't need to push this any further. I've got what I wanted. He... had not doubted my words since a while ago. That means he already believed in me subconsciously, despite knowing that I was a Tenryuubito.'

"Haa~!" Spandam took a long sigh which caught Tesoro's attention. On the purpose of course.

"Tesoro... the agreement is one wish... and you serve me for life. Even if I say serve me, you will work as an agent... my personal agent, but you will still carry out missions for the world government... you will kill someone in the future and it could be an innocent person. You still have to do it, because in the end I also work for the world government. Can you do it...?" Spandam started talking about his job as a government agent. At least Tesoro should know what he will do in the future.

Tesoro who heard that, lowered his head again. Because it was something he had hoped for from the start. He had said many times, that he would do anything. What matters to Tesoro is Stella, she is like Tesoro's heart. As long as she lives, Tesoro will still live, even if Stella says that she hates criminals, Tesoro will do it if it can save Stella.

Seeing no response from Tesoro. Spandam continued "If you can do that... I might be able to make an exception for this time..."

Hearing what Spandam said, Tesoro immediately raised his head and looked back at Spandam, making sure he didn't hear wrong. "E-Exception... Master did you just say-"

"Yeah..." When he got Tesoro's attention, Spandam started to speak in an awkward tone while scratching his head, which of course was on purpose too. "I think... I can give her a job... maybe she can be my personal maid... or something. Well, at least she can make coffee, right?"

"I-Is that true, Master?! You can give her a job too?" Tesoro became happy instantly and speak in a loud voice. What was on Tesoro's mind right now 'If Stella works by Master's side too, then we can see each other almost every day.'

"Only this time... I'll make an exception." (Spandam)

"Th-That..." Tesoro who heard the confirmation from Spandam became even happier and suddenly bowed back "T-Thank you very much, Master! I will work hard!"

"W-Whoa" His sudden movement startled Spandam so that he lifted his feet off the ground. 'That startled me... Good thing I didn't fall, otherwise it would be embarrassing'

"Don't move all of a sudden . . . and your voice is too loud." Spandam said in an flat tone.

"S-Sorry..." Tesoro said out of guilt.

'Did I just tame a dog?' (Spandam)

'and this is easier than I expected...' (Spandam)


Hmm weird... (´。_。`) well, who cares.

Spandamcreators' thoughts