

Totto Land was in complete chaos!! Half a dozen islands thought they were under attack with the death toll already in the thousands, and to top it all off, the perpetrators had somehow bypassed the underwater tracking devices and made it all the way to the center of Big Mom's territory, to the Whole Cake Island.

"COME ON OUT AND FACE ME!!!" Luke roared loudly as he sent a wind blade from his right sword towards the castle, no doubt belonging to the Empress herself. Scrubs all around tried to engage Luke to bring him down, but everyone that came after him were all B-rank at best, allowing Luke to literally erase them from the world in a matter of seconds. Well, other than a few piles of ash or mangled flesh, but you get the point.

Not too far away from him, Jack was ripping people apart, having already burned every ship in sight. Unlike Luke, no one even bothered to try and fight Jack. Apparently the field of dread surrounding him was enough to scare even high ranking pirates. As everyone ran, Jack appeared in front of them before he either beheaded them or shot them twice in the skull, making sure there was no chance of them still being alive before he moved on to the next unfortunate soul.

Jack knew that he and Luke could leave now and they would have still accomplished their task, what with the poison already being planted and the ships burned, but it just didn't sit right with him. He felt if he was gonna do something, he may as well not half-ass it, and do it right!

Off in the distance, Jack could see the stronger members of Big Mom's crew making their way towards him and Luke, causing him to grin maniacally. The remaining two sweet commanders, Katakuri and Cracker who were in the lead, cut away from the large group, both heading straight for Luke while the army of thousands of others charged towards Jack.

"What the fuck?!" Jack shouted, outraged at why Luke was getting preferential treatment over him. Sure the army was big and all, but Katakuri and Cracker were the backbone of this whole place. If they weren't gonna attack him, Jack figured he may as well go home.

Feeling a little annoyed, Jack decided to teach them a lesson for sending him small fry. Raising his hand into the sky, a ball of darkness started to form above his head, causing the approaching army to halt in their steps. Everywhere within a a few kilometers, the Homies began to disappear.

(A.N. Homies are objects or animals which have been infused with a soul from Big Mom's Devil Fruit, allowing them to gain sentience and walk and talk like humans.)

Destroying the Homies, Jack made the soul fragments return to their original hosts, and those without an owner to return to, simply dissipated back into the afterlife.

(A.N. I don't know if the soul fragments return to their original hosts when the Homies are destroyed, I'm just basing it off of Gecko Moria's power. Considering they both can be destroyed by salt and Sea Stone, I'm going with the same.)

Upon seeing the Homies being destroyed by the thousands, the pirates began to panic while the remaining Homies began to flee in terror. Cracker and Katakuri were outraged, but they couldn't go after Jack, having been ordered to go after Luke by their mom.

There was one pirate in particular that was absolutely pissed when she saw the Homies being destroyed. "SPARROW!!!" Big Mom screamed, her eyes already glowing red from rage. "Sup!" Was all Jack said towards the empress before he threw the mass of darkness towards the army of pirates in front of her.

Everyone tried to flee from the approaching darkness, but it was a literal blackhole, sucking them into the abyss. Before too many of her children and underlings could be devoured by the darkness, Big Mom shot into action, turning her hat into a sword then slashing towards the blackhole. The first strike didn't really do anything to the mass of darkness, but the next 4 did the trick of dissipating the attack.

Jack figured if the woman just used her body to plug the hole, it would have worked, but he kept that to himself. "So, the queen bitch herself has come to greet me personally!! How disgusting!" Jack shouted, causing silence to rain over the battlefield. Even Luke took a pause to see what was gonna happen.

Looking towards the Empress, everyone could see that she was moments away from losing what was left of her rationality, but that was pretty much what Jack was counting on. "What's the matter, you fat cunt?!! Feeling remorse over the loss of a few children or the fact that I interrupted snack time?!! It could honestly go either way, and yet your children still love you... or they fear you!"

Jack could tell his words were doing the trick, making a few of her children in hearing distance look around to each other. They all knew how their mother felt about them. If you weren't strong or had a special ability, you were nothing to her but a way to gain influence through marriage.

"HOW DARE YOU?!!" Big Mom shouted as she charged towards Jack. For how big she was, she moved like a demon, appearing beside Jack almost instantly. For his part, Jack smirked as activated his void domain, canceling out all Devil Fruits within a few meters around him, Big Mom included.

In her raged state she failed to notice how Napoleon, her sword, had turned back into her hat, which was it's original form. For his part, Jack met her hat with his sword, but to his shock and amusement, she had coated the hat with Haki, blocking his strike.

Seeing his little attempt had failed, Jack jumped back a few feet to put some distance between them, at which point he decided to try one of his other plans. Pulling a premade cake from his inventory, Jack held it out towards Big Mom, whose eyes were immediately drawn to the delicious dessert. 'How the fuck did she become an Empress?!!' He mentally screamed, seeing how easy her attention was diverted from the battle.

Without uttering a word, Jack threw the Cake at Big Mom, who stupidly caught the dessert in her mouth, practically swallowing it whole, along with the few dozen Sea Stone beads that were hidden inside of it. "My God, you're stupid!!" Jack nearly shouted as he doubled over laughing. In the sky away from them, Luke was shaking his head, not believing what he had just seen. "That bitch just cost me 6 months of my life!! How stupid is she?!!" Luke shouted towards Katakuri, not believing his mom could be so stupid.

Before this whole thing when Jack prepared the cake, he made a bet with Luke about whether this would work or not, and now he had been proven right. Katakuri didn't feel like answering, instead he was drawn out of his momentary shock and charged towards Luke once more. He had watched the scene of his mom eating the cake before it happened with his future vision, but there was nothing he could have done to change the outcome without Luke capitalizing on it in some way.

Not wanting to wait around any further, Jack started his assault, striking while the woman was momentarily in a happy mood after having eaten the little piece of heaven he had just given her. It seemed her title wasn't just for show, because as soon as his sword got within a three feet of her, she jumped back out of the way, although now it was apparent she knew she had lost the connection with her Devil Fruit powers.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!!" She screamed as she grabbed a fallen sword nearby from one of her slain children. Jack didn't answer, instead he danced circles around her, moving unlike any person she had had ever fought. He would always move in to take advantage of a weak spot, cutting her every now and then, frustrating her even more.

Big Mom was having a rough time of it, because it wasn't only Jack she had to worry about. Every so often, Luke would take advantage of a blind spot and shoot a bolt of lightning at her, drawing her attention away from Jack, who used the opportunity to deal some damage.

As for Cracker and Katakuri, they were indeed monsters who lived up to their reputation, especially Katakuri who could glimpse a few seconds into the future every so often. However the future vision didn't really help if he couldn't do anything about it, not being anywhere near as fast as Luke who capitalized on his speed.

Luke being Luke, also didn't really fight fair by any means either. He knew how Katakuri loved his family, so he would send an attack towards the nearby members of Big Mom's crew, knowing Katakuri would have to either let a family member get hit with the attack or do something about it himself, which he did more often than not, much to Luke's delight.

"Coward!! The fight is with us, not them!!" Cracker yelled, his true form long having been exposed. Luke didn't even need Jack's help to figure that out, instead he slaughtered the biscuit soldiers way too fast and electrocuted the real Cracker to the point Katakuri had to step in to save him.

Normally, both brothers would hate having outside assistance and would rather fight Luke in single combat, regardless of how superior the fight was, but with how much damage Luke had done, and the fact that people outside the fight were being slaughtered before their very eyes, the two of them had no choice but to work together.

Keeping his distance, Luke had been kiting the two commanders, never allowing them to be able to attack him properly. Although now that he could see the desperation Cracker was showing, Luke figured it was about time he step this up a notch. Him and Jack wouldn't be here too much longer anyway.

Using this moment, Luke sent a Kamehameha wave at Big Mom, then rushed Cracker. Katakuri having seen the outcome, rushed to intercept Luke, otherwise Cracker would have fallen, but his mother would survive the blast. Jack having guessed what Luke would do, distanced himself from the old hag, letting the attack get rid of Big Mom's hair, damn near taking her head with it, but it could never be that easy. Seeing the attack only managed to piss her off more, Jack laughed happily before he rushed in once more.

After a good 20 minutes, she was covered in small wounds and was missing her left eye and her right arm was gone from the elbow on up. "I could have killed you when we first started this shit show, but I need you alive for the next few months! But don't you worry, I'll be back!!" Jack shouted with a happy smile on his face.

Between the two, he was in a far better condition than the fat lady, who had somehow lost considerable weight since this fight had begun. Apparently her fat was stored energy from some technique she used, but Jack didn't really pay much attention to it. He had a few tiny scratches on his shoulders and ribs, but they were so minimal that they weren't worth mentioning. Although his head was slightly ringing from when she got a hit in when he was baited to take an opening that she had planned for.

'Maybe she does have some strength to her.' He had thought after feeling like he had just been run over by a freight train. Getting some distance between her, Jack looked around at their spectators and couldn't help but laugh evilly at the situation. What was left of The Big Mom pirates were cowering at a distance, their attention going from him to Luke and back again, wondering when the next attack would come. They didn't come anywhere near his fight with Big Mom, otherwise their deaths were guaranteed.

"HEY LUKE!!" Jack shouted as he glanced towards Luke. The man was in his Ultra Mode, as he called it, his hair pointing to the sky, no longer blonde, but a bright white color. Jack didn't know how, but Luke also gained about 3 and a half feet in height, and his eyes looked like they had been warps to something out of a horror movie. They looked as though you were looking into a cosmic power that had been unleashed, which wasn't too far off considering how Katakuri could only defend himself and Cracker, who was missing his legs and spikey purple hair. Watching this, Jack could tell Luke was just toying with them, but by how long he had been in this state, Jack knew it wouldn't be for much longer.

Luke who had heard Jack shouting, stopped his playing and glanced towards him. "WHAT?!!" Luke asked, no doubt casually, but to everyone else it sounded like hundreds of people speaking at the same time.

"God that's creepy!! Anyway, let's get the hell out of here!! They know where we'll be, so let's wait them out!!" Jack shouted, getting a nod from Luke. Before anyone could react, Luke appeared next to Big Mom and slapped her right across the face, sending her flying a good distance away and into the ground.

"I so needed that!" Luke said as he deactivated his Ultra mode. The repercussions of the form took it's toll immediately, causing Luke to double over, nearly falling to the ground. "You good?" Jack asked as he stepped over to help him. "A good meal and a few hours of sleep and I'd be right as rain!!" Luke answered, taking in a few deep breaths before he stood back to his full height.

Apparently losing a few feet wasn't very comfortable, so he would be relying on Jack from here on out. Seeing Luke was just fine, Jack looked to the wary members of the Big Mom pirates, especially the queen bitch herself. Luke didn't hold back at all, causing the woman to struggle trying to get to her feet.







Jack shouted as a corpse appeared in his hand. He threw the corpse a few feet away from him, then he grabbed Luke and vanished from everyone's eyes.

(Katakuri POV)

Katakuri who was bleeding, bruised, and breathing heavily recognized the corpse almost instantly as Smoothie's. 'So she challenged those monsters alone...' He thought sadly as he fell to the ground. He never would have thought how monstrous some people in this world could be until just now. Luke had left him scarred, but he would live, only now he realized he needed to step up his training if he was gonna survive the next attack.

And not just him, but his whole family. 'At least what's left of them...' He thought as he glanced around the battle field. His mom was breathing hard, her round figure all but gone and she was quite skinny. Her shiny bald head sparkled in the sunlight, but he didn't really care about that. He had always thought his mother was unbeatable before today, but after seeing how that monster in human skin had beaten her, he realized that the future did not look good for their big family.

Glancing at Cracker, Katakuri was glad to see he was still alive, although he had definitely seen better days. 'He toyed with us!' he thought angrily, hating the fact that he was so weak. He was broken out of his turmoil when a wet cloth wiped some blood from his left eye.

"They sure got us good, didn't they?" Brulee asked, sadness and anger evident in her tone, along with many other emotions she was probably feeling. He didn't bother answering, it being plain for everyone to see. The casualties from today were probably in the thousands, the damage easily in the billions, and the humiliation unbearable.

After word spread of what happened here today, there would probably be a few pirate groups that would get cocky and try to attack them. The marines were still in a recovering phase, so they wouldn't try anything. Whitebeard and Shanks didn't care for Big Mom's territory of Totto Land, but some of the islands under her control close to their territories might be taken from them.

Kaido was another matter all together. Katakuri didn't think Kaido himself would come to attack Big Mom or her territories, but he wouldn't stop the rest of the Beast Pirates from helping themselves to her territories.

"We need to recruit, train, and prepare for the next attack. Momma will most likely want to attack them in East Blue, but that's just what they want. Two of them demolished us in our own territory, imagine what they could do to us with their full force in their territory..." Katakuri said, mostly to himself, but the people around him still heard him. They all knew he was right, and if their momma tried to attack them, it would most likely be the end of the Big Mom pirates.

"SPARROOOOWWWW!!!" Big Mom screamed in anger, causing everyone to divert their attention to her, Katakuri included. He watched as his Momma began screaming, kicking the ground, and smashing the surroundings with her remaining arm.

Really, it looked like an overgrown child throwing a tantrum, although for the first time in years, this tantrum was justifiable, rather than just wanting something delicious to eat. 'Is she hungry or grieving?' He thought coldly, knowing Jack hit the nail right on the head when he said that she didn't care for him or his siblings.

He knew it, hell they all knew it! But... she was their mother, their captain, and they would fight for her! Katakuri watched as she got her anger out on the surroundings, then start eating some food a few people had brought over towards her. She still couldn't use her Devil Fruit due to the Sea Stone inside of her, and Katakuri had no idea how long it would take for them to get it all out of her.

'With a cake.... He weakened us with a fucking CAKE!!' He practically screamed internally, and without even thinking about it, his mother was eating Cake that people brought to her without a second thought. 'We're so fucked!' He thought as he closed his eyes, praying to God this was all just a horrible nightmare.


A few hours later, Jack dropped a little harder than he had intended to onto the deck of the Pearl. Luke was half asleep, choosing to stay awake until he knew they were safe. He wouldn't have been much help given his current condition, but he would fight until his last breath. "Hehe... given how things turned out, this day was better than expected." Luke said tiredly as Jack put him down onto the deck.

Taking a seat next to Luke's prone form, Jack let out a soft laugh before he said, "You probably slapped her so hard, she might be sane." Luke laughed at that, feeling as though it was the right call. "You sure leaving most of them alive was the right move?" Luke asked after a short moment of silence.

"No... from here on out, everything is an unknown. But if her territory is unprotected before we're strong enough or the WMP is, than pirates and criminals are just gonna take over and do more damage than she did. Right now, if they have any sense, they'll recruit, train, strengthen their people and territories, and make sure the other Emperor's don't make a move on them." Jack answered as he looked up into the night sky.

He was brought out of his musings when Smoker appeared next to him with Nojiko and Robin. "OH MY GOD!!! ARE YOU OKAY?!!" Nojiko shouted as she ran to Jack, looking at his torn and bloody clothes, most of the blood not even belonging to him. The torn clothes made it look like he was just tortured, but he did have quite a few little scratches, serious bruising, and most likely a concussion.

"It's nothing a little pampering won't fix!" Jack said, happy that he had someone that cared enough to worry about him. She ripped off his shirt, inspecting his upper body for every little scratch on him, and was only satisfied when she knew it was nothing serious. She still hugged, kissed, and threatened his life if he ever tried to do something like that again without her, but he was still happy.

Luke, who felt like he was being ignored up to this point looked at Smoker and Robin as he said, "Where's my kiss?!! I helped too!!" Smoker looked a little irritated and Robin laughed, but neither moved. Luke was about to speak again when Nami and Tashigi walked outside and saw them, gasping at their conditions.

When they found out they were just fine, Nami used this opportunity to tease Luke, knowing he could barely move in his current condition, however Smoker took advantage of the situation and made her fall on top of Luke, her face mere inches from his. Smirking, Luke leaned forward and gave her kiss, followed by her slamming a fist into his face, almost breaking her own fingers after he hardened his body with HAKI.

She screamed and then angrily left, mumbling about 'immoral lunatics' and a few profanities. Smoker stared down at Luke as he said, "That's about as good as you're gonna get from me." Luke laughed and thanked him, then asked if he could help him to his room. Smoker didn't really get the chance to reply before Selene came outside and damn near had a panic attack.

"YOU'RE HURT!! OH NO!!" Selene screamed, then started crying as she hugged Luke with her little arms, bring a smile to his face. "I know I should feel bad for making her cry, but I feel so good right now!!" He said to Smoker, making Smoker actually laugh.

"Of course you would feel good about making a little girl cry!" Smoker said, getting a laugh from Robin, and a glare from Luke. "Why don't you two make like trees, and fuck off!!" He said as he comforted Selene and let her know that he was just fine.

She made him promise her that he was fine, and that he would play with her tomorrow, then she helped him to his room so he could sleep. He needed a shower, but he was in no condition to move properly, opting to get new sheets if they got too stained with his blood.

While Jack and Luke went inside to get some rest, information of their battle was already spreading to certain powerful ears, some in the marines, and some to the World Economy News Paper. By morning, the entire world would be reading about the events that took place, causing a wave of events that would rock the world.

Here it is!! I would also like to let anyone that is interested know about my Borderlands Fan Fic. First Chapter will be out shortly after this one. Book is called Rogue of Borderlands, and if you've ever played the game, I think you might enjoy it. This will still be prioritized, so yeah. Anyway, enjoy!!

P.s. Or don't, I don't really care!!!

GrimsReapercreators' thoughts