
Chapter 120 - Arrival


About an hour later, at 12 noon, the warship that Luffy and the others were riding finally arrived at Marineford. But....

"What happened!?"

"Why are we up here!?"

"How would I know! We were suddenly carried away by a giant wave but then suddenly the waves froze and our ship was trapped here!"

Right now, the warship they were on was trapped above the frozen tsunami!

"Look down there. You'll see the answer."

Crocodile who got off the boat headed to the edge of the frozen waves and looked down.

Several others then also came down and looked.


Jinbei was quite surprised to see Whitebeard and the battle that was taking place below.

"Looks like the war has started!"

Ivankov was also quite astonished.

Lepus then also came down and looked. Seeing the war going on, Lepus then said to the others.

"Okay.... You guys... find your own way down"

Lepus then summoned Kabuto-chan and boarded him with the three women.

Seeing Lepus and his three women fly away leaving them just like that, the others were dumbfounded.

Shortly after, there was information coming in that said Marine would speed up Ace's execution. Luffy finally decided to immediately launch the ship down the frozen waves by 'pushing' the ship. However, what happened was


The frozen waves were crushed under their own power!

And so..., they fell!


The prisoners screamed in terror as they fell free!

"Aaahh!!! I told you it was too much!"

Galdino blamed too much 'push'.

"It's because that stupid okama's blink!"

Crocodile blamed Ivankov.

"What!? Don't blame me, Croco! .... Aaaaahhhh!!! I don't want to die! Someone save us!!!"

Ivankov did not accept the blame and he also screamed in panic.

"Who cares whose fault is that! We're going to die! It's all ice down there! I shouldn't have followed your stupid idea, you damn rubber!"

Buggy also panicked because he knew down there was a sea of ​​ice. Buggy also blames Luffy for coming up with the idea of ​​'pushing' the ship.

"Aaaaahhhhh!!! .... Ah! I'm rubber! I'll be safe!"

While Luffy initially panicked too, but then he realized that he was rubber and would be fine.

"You may be safe, but what about us!? Do something!"

Galdino snapped at Luffy who was playing it safe by himself.


Meanwhile Jinbei and Daz Bones were silent and resigned themselves to falling.

And those who were below and were fighting were also surprised and astonished to see suddenly a warship fell.

And not long after, the ship and those who fell came to the surface of the sea.


Luckily, they survived because the ship fell into a part of the sea that wasn't frozen because it had been pryed out by Jozu earlier. Even so, the warship broke in two due to the impact.

Jinbei then dives to save the devil fruit users. While the other prisoners tried to climb into the sea of ​​ice and shipwrecks.

After being rescued by Jinbei from the water, Luffy then headed to a high place in the wreckage of the ship and looked here and there looking for Ace's figure until he finally found it.


Luffy shouted as loudly as possible looking at Ace who was on the execution stage in the distance.


Ace who heard Luffy's scream was also quite surprised to see his younger brother coming to this big war.

Not long after, the others also stood not far from Luffy.

"Gyahahahaha! Get ready for me, world!"

Buggy laughed and shouted as if he was the spotlight.

"So this is a big war that will change the era! It's quite tense indeed!"

Ivankov commented seeing the tension of the battle going on.

"Ace, we have come to save you!"

Luffy said and prepared to go forward.

Lepus and the three women who were riding on Kabuto-chan then also approached them.

"Alright! Make me impress! Hehahahaha!"

Lepus smirked despite being in the middle of a great war.

"Th-They are!?"

"Crocodile! Jinbei! And Ivankov from the Revolutionary Army!"

"And look behind them! They used to be famous pirates too!"

"They're the runaway prisoners from Impel Down!"

The Marines were surprised and astonished to see Luffy and others appear here.

"Look at that giant beetle! Some people's riding it!"

"That's Lepus the Empty Hare!"

"Not only him! Look at that red-haired woman! She's Morrigan the Bloody Princess!"

They were also dumbfounded to see Lepus and Morrigan riding the giant Beetle.

"Garp, it's your grandson again!"

Sengoku is angry to see Luffy coming and adds to the chaos of the war.


Garp himself was also surprised at Luffy's arrival.

The others were also quite astonished and impressed by the arrival of Luffy and the others.

Not long after, the great war continued.

Meanwhile, Lepus and his four women including Hancock who was secretly pulled by Lepus, they entered the gap and became spectators in this great war.
