
One Piece: Battle of Trafalgar

Trafalgar Law's little sister survived but she has the soul of a very ancient being, the former Empress of a different realm. How will the future be impacted after adding the troublemaker in mix.

SizoZondi · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Dragonville War

[ Two weeks later ]

During the weeks that have passed, the girls have gotten to know each other and formed strong bonds. They had spent many hours together, chatting and laughing, learning about each other's lives.

Delta and the maids were tasked with taking care of the ships while the girls were training.. Amelia was performing music for her new friends, while Lami was teaching Alexia and Olivia how to use Qi energy to increase their physical strength and agility.

The girls were surprised to discover just how effective these techniques were, and they could feel their muscles getting stronger with each session. As they spent more time practicing Qi energy, Alexia and Olivia noticed a marked improvement in their physical abilities.

Lami has gotten to understand the personality of her crew member Alexia. She also understood everyone she had interaction with such as Amelia, Olivia heck even Delta. She found them all to be wonderful individuals who are fit to be her cremates and also her harem members.

Delta decided to join Lami's harem and she offered Delta that she will take the Nova siblings off her hands and sail with them. Delta even offered to turn that thought into reality.

Lami found a way to get the Nova siblings on her ship. She had offered them a place on her ship and Amelia accepted while her sister Olivia needed some convincing.

After some coaxing Olivia finally agreed to come aboard, not wanting to be separated from her sister. She was also impressed by Lami's skills in Qi energy and wanted to continue learning from her.

With four crew members, Lami felt her ship was nearly complete so she needed to start training them in combat skills and other necessary techniques for their upcoming adventure.

Lami was not in a rush to sail to the Grandline anytime soon so she wanted to use all that time to ensure she had a solid crew that can handle themselves in any situation.

She spent the past few days planning their next journey after they had sorted the mess in Dragonville. Lami knew that Law was also not in a rush to go into the Grandline as he needed to establish a base here in the North Blue.

The girls were excited for what was to come and they wanted to use the upcoming battle to test their newly acquired skills. The crew was ready for Prince Endo and his generals and army.

The ship was currently docked in the middle of the ocean and Lami and the crew could see Dragonville Island in the distance.

" Alright everyone I hope you are ready," Lami exclaimed to the crew. " it's time to put all that training into action," added Lami her tone confident and determined.

The crew looked at each other with excitement in their eyes ready for the challenge ahead. Lami smiled proudly at her crew knowing this battle will be a test for them to help them grow stronger and more experienced.

The time was approaching midnight and the ship was now sailing toward Dragonville Island as Lami and the crew had to put their plan into action.

As the ship docked at the port Lami and her crew jumped into action determined to take down Prince Endo and his generals and army. As they landed on the island the crew was attacked by arrows coming from a sniper that was hiding in the woods.

With their newly acquired skill " Qi sense" the crew was able to sense the arrows and dodge them before they came into sight. " I'll take care of General Arrow," said Olivia as she transformed her arm into a sniper rifle and shot in the direction of the sniper.

Olivia had eaten the Rifle Rifle fruit giving her the ability to transform her arms into any type of rifle and shoot as accurately as a professional gunman. With her skills as an assassin, Olivia can be considered among the best gunmen in the world.

General Arrow is one of Prince Endo's top generals, known for his expert archery skills and dangerous Devil Fruit the Archery Archery fruit. Olivia decided that she will engage with him while the others search for the other generals and Prince Endo himself.

As Olivia engaged in the fight the rest of the crew continued to move toward the castle. The crew came across a group of Endo's army which they started to engage with. They fought with the army and used them as a way to lure out the generals and separate them.

While they were engaging with the army one of the generals noticed the commotion and he made his way toward the commotion. As the number of the army increased Lami saw it was better to send a wave of Haoshoku Haki knocking out most of the soldiers out cold.

The general was shocked at the display of power shown by Lami as he saw all the soldiers near them suddenly start fainting. With the opponents down the general took this opportunity to strike at Lami however his attack was blocked by dual knives wielded by Delta who stepped forward to deal with the general.

Amelia also stepped forward to assist Delta in fighting the general. They were facing General Block, known for his massive axe and shield.

Lami and Alexia moved ahead and entered the castle in search of Prince Endo and the final general. The castle was filled with several guards however they were not a match for Lami's Haoshoku Haki which rendered them unconscious.

As they made their way deeper into the castle they entered the throne room where they found Prince Endo and the final general. Lami and Alexia stood their ground ready to face their opponents and bring the tyranny of Prince Endo to an end.

" Welcome home Princess Alexia," said Endo with a smug on his face. Alexia was taken aback when she found Endo sitting on her father's throne.

Despite her shock, she composed herself and replied, " Prince Endo what have you done to my father?" Endo smiled and replied, " Your father is being well taken care of by my loyal servants, but I'm afraid you won't be seeing him anytime soon."

" Why are you doing this to my kingdom?" asked Alexia with anger in her voice. Endo chuckled and replied, " I needed a way to get you to come back to the kingdom my dear."

Lami stepped up and said, " You shouldn't have made her come back because she brought me and I'll enjoy kicking your ass," declared Lami with a grin on her face.

Prince Endo looked unamused and said, " Wolf you can dispose of the princess's friend," with a wave of his hand. General Wolf moved at high speed toward Lami ready to attack.

Lami dodged the attack with ease and countered with a swift kick that sent General Wolf flying across the room and crashing near the throne. Endo was shocked when he saw his best general struggle against Lami's power.

Lami wasn't done as she charged toward Endo with a strike ready to knock him off the throne. But Lami as she approached suddenly stopped in her tracks and saw bones sprouting from Endo's body.

Lami realized that Endo had eaten the Bone Bone Devil Fruit and gained the power of bone manipulation.

She quickly blocked with her naginata as Endo's bone sword was heading for her. Their weapons clashed with such force that created a shockwave that shook the entire throne room.

" You're not too bad for a spoilt prince," Lami said with a smirk on her face. Endo replied with an evil grin, " You have no idea what I'm capable of."

General Wolf slowly got up from the ground and walked toward Alexia and said, " I guess I should use my full power to take care of you, princess,' Wolf suddenly grew in size and transformed into a monstrous wolf-human hybrid, with sharp claws and teeth.

Alexia took a deep breath ready to face General Wolf, "Once I defeat you I will go and save my father," she declared in a determined voice.

"Defeat me? Don't make me laugh even that tiger guy couldn't defeat me," challenged Wolf with a grin on his face.

' I see so Captain Tigru was defeated by this guy, that means if I can beat this guy I will be as strong as Captain Tigru and one step closer to being one of the strongest," thought Alexia as she got into a fighting stance ready to fight Wolf.

The air changed as the two circled each other looking for an opening. The battle began with Alexia unleashing a flurry of quick kicks and punches, which Wolf parried with ease.

Despite the initial setback Alexia didn't lose her cool and continued to attack with precision and focus. Every strike was calculated and aimed to hit Wolf where it would hurt.

Wolf was impressed by Alexia's martial arts as it was similar to the one Captain Tigru used during their bout. But Wolf wasn't going to let her defeat him easily so he launched a barrage of attacks forcing Alexia to dodge and parry testing her agility and reflexes.

The battle continued, and with each passing moment, Alexia's confidence grew stronger as she began to feel the rhythm of Wolf's attacks. ' Lami was right, Qi sense can help detect opponent's movements and anticipate their attacks,' Alexia thought to herself as she dodged another one of Wolf's strikes.

With a sudden burst of energy, Alexia lunged forward and landed a devastating punch on Wolf's jaw, sending him reeling back.

' And coating Qi with one's physical attacks can amplify their power, my control is still lacking however I can see improvement,' thought Alexia filled with pride as she was overpowering her opponent with her growing skills and knowledge.

Wolf coughed out blood and was shaken by Alexia's force, ' This girl punches as tough as Tigru if not greater than him and she has more speed and agility,' he thought as he was surprised by Alexia's skill, speed and power. But the fight was far from over.