
One Piece: Anything is Possible!

Ja who died of an airplane cash wakes up in a endless void as he's giving 4 wishes. Read as he enters into a more dangerous world of One Piece and finds out that Anything is Possible! - mc has appearance of Kenpachi Zaraki by the way

SteaIth · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


(A/N the fruit I have decided on is the Goro Goro no mi. I've been thinking about it for the past few days and I have concluded that it should be the Goro Goro no mi. It's known as the strongest fruit, and due to our MC having the fruit hito hito no mi: Strength Pillar Hercules.....I feel like he should have the fruit. Hercules's father is also Zeus who controls lightning soooo...yeah.)



[Host has acquired the fruit Strength Pillar, Hercules. There are three choices for you to choose on your body mutation before you awaken the real fruit.]

[Stone Stone Fruit (Logia)]

[Aura Manipulation Fruit (Paramecia)]

[Lightning Lightning Fruit (Logia)]

'I guess the fruit I would like to choose is the Lightning Lightning Fruit.

[Fruit has been stored inside hosts' inventory until Birth.]

'I mean if I didn't choose it I would be dumb as hell. Oda stated that with Enel's power he could become a pirate with a bounty almost reaching 500,000,000 berries. It only makes much sense for me to take this fruit. I would be dumb as hell if I didn't, since this world is much more dangerous than the one piece world.'

[Host, here is a character creation interface, since your mother doesn't know the father of the child.] The system said as suddenly a creation interface popped up in his mind with useful materials.

'Alright, let's see what we got here...hmmm....a little bit of that, and a little bit of this.....nah...too big.....ye that's just the right size!'

[Host has completed character creation.] Ja's character creation was looking nice, and let's just say he was standing at a height of 10'4.

[Do note that the things that you consume and the environments that you live in may improve your body or do the opposite. Also, would you like to be put to sleep until the time of your birth?]



[9 months later.]

+Somewhere in the Grey Terminal of Goa Kingdom.+

Ja was finally pulled out of the thing, he had some gray ragged cloth wrapped around him and he was laying on a wooden stick. Out of nowhere, he started busting out crying because if he didn't they wouldn't think he was a baby.

A woman with ragged cloth suddenly picked him up.

"Say ma'am what would you like to name you ba-"

"Shut up...I just want that monster out of my sight...I do not want to deal with any of those hardships....I wish I could've afforded that abortion pill...." Ja's mother said with a heavy breath as she had just given birth to a baby.

"Bu-" The former experienced nurse said as she was cut off again.

"l-LISTEN..!!!!" Ja's mother screamed as she suddenly started puking blood.

"GET...THAT BABY...AWAY FROM...ME...BEFORE I KILL IT MYS-!!" As soon as Ja's mother was about to finish her sentence she had a dagger in her throat, the nurse did not scream as this was a common thing in the Grey Terminal, getting raped and murdered now and then was a normal occurrence.

A ridiculously tall man with a humongous sword and a bunch of daggers stuffed inside his sash...at the height of 10'7 with a black cloak and a black scarf covering his mouth, suddenly looked at Ja and then the nurse making her gulp all of her spit and take 7 step backs.

"P-please don't k-k-kill me I'll give you anything..I'm a noble...I'll give you any amount you want!!" The nurse said as she suddenly got to her knees, put her hands in a praying position, and started crying.

"If you were a noble....you wouldn't be here...besides...no face no case..." The mysterious man said as he took off his pants and started doing a deed to the woma- (A/N na I'm just playin 🤣)

"If you were a noble....you wouldn't be here...besides...no witnesses..." The man said in less than a second you could see a woman's head was decapitated.

Suddenly another baby started crying loudly under what looked like a mini bunker of sticks.

"Sigh looks like I have to take another one." the man said as suddenly he vanished and reappeared at Foosha Village.

'System that was probably my father considering I said I wanted to be 10'4, but the question is why would he kill my mother and reappear me to Foosha Village. This one piece world is crazy....shiii I'm also in the one piece world this shit is crazy asf and the animation is crazy too damnn bruh. Nothing can compare to this, for real!!!'

[Ding! Host has passed a mission: Be born!]

[Rewards: 500 SP points, low-level bloodline shop, Lit Lit Fruit (Roy Mustang from FMA powers)] - Image

'Damn those are some nice rewards especially a bloodline shop, system put a tag on my cloth that says Eraser for my name.'

'Open low-level bloodline shop.'

[... :199 SP]

[... :299 SP]

[Fishman :399 SP]

[Skypiean :499 SP]

[... :599 SP]

[Grand Line Human :699 SP]

[... :799 SP]

[... :899 SP]

[New World Human :999 SP] (A/N rip juice)

[... :1099 SP]

[Mink :1999 SP]

[... :1299 SP]

[D. :1399 SP]

'Nevermind, I guess I gotta keep saving up. What's the year again?'

[November 1476.]



Name: Eraser

Age: a couple of minutes

Height: a couple of inches

Bloodline: N/A


Strength: 3

Intelligence: 70

Stamina/Endurance: Unlimited

Charismatic Aura: 3

DF: 0 (A/N your boi hasn't eaten the fruit yet )

Bloodline Points: 500 BP (for bloodlines)



7% Zenkai Boost (Locked until birth)

Conquerors Haki (Locked until the age of 3)

Armament Haki (Locked until the age of 3)

Observation Haki (Beginner Lvl:0)

6 Navy Styles (Beginner Lvl: 0)



Human Human Fruit model: Strength Pillar Hercules. Sandai Kitetsu grade sword, Bird Bird Fruit model: bald eagle. Lit Lit Fruit.

'Nice looking pretty good. Say system who was the other baby that my father picked up?'










+Timeskip: 3 years.+