
One Piece: Adventure of Leo

------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the world of pirates, a young man wakes up on an unknown island, and after figuring out that he is in one piece world, a world where people can easily destroy the island, can turn into elements or mythical beings, he would try to survive and live his second life while trying to satisfy his hungry for adventure with a system that is surprising helpful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just want to point out that MC will not join Straw Hats, but he will recruit some members from it. The choice MC makes in the profession will only affect the mission given by the system. Hope this will clean up the confusion the mc is going to be a hero. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- My release rate is 4 chapters/week for now And, If you want to read ahead or support me, then go to: https://www.patreon.com/Hit30 There are at least 11 advanced chapters on it . If you want you could also join my discord server: https://discord.gg/XFYKYnvcqr . --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- This is my first time writing fanfiction & English is not my first language. So, please point out errors I make in this. Thank you

Hit30 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Chapter - 32

" " - Speaking

' ' - Thinking

[ ] - System Talking

!! !! - Crew Card


"I don't know, but from what I can see is that this island has a port, and as for other things like his name, we will find it out after reaching it," Leo said while giving Black Pearl the command to move at full speed,

And with his full speed, it covered the distance of 5 hours travel in merely 6 minutes,

When the people walking or working at the port were stunned when they saw Black Pearl moving at such a fast pace toward the island,

It was much faster than they saw any ship moving, much less a gallon of that size,

If you asked anyone seeing this how much faster than any other ship, then they will only reply, "Too fast," so fast that it should be unattainable to any ship that wants to sail in the sea,

But they are seeing it with their own eyes that this huge gallon was moving so fast that it should not even be possible,

After all, Black Pearl's full speed almost approaches Mach 2(twice the speed of sound).

The moment ship reaches the island, it slowdown and quickly docks itself at the port,

Leo and Zoro look at each other before exiting the ship and start walking toward the town, but not before Leo gives Black Pearl the usual command to capture anyone if they try anything funny with him,


While walking toward the town, Leo asked a person working at the port about any recommendations for a restaurant,

"If you want to find any good place for a meal, then you could go to the food street on the north side of the city as it has all types of food you could want," the worker said with a longing expression on his face,

"But you should not go there if you don't have enough money, as the food there is somewhat expensive," the worker advised him before going back to work,

"Ah, thank you for telling me that," Leo thanked him before moving toward the food street with Zoro,

"So, you will not be cooking dinner today," Zoro asked with a straight face,

"No, we are going to eat at this food street," Leo answered before making an annoyed face at Zoro and replied, "And I am not the damn cook of our crew,"

"Yeah, keep telling that yourself," Zoro shoots back with a lazy look on his face while drinking booze from his new bottle,

'It's not my fucking fault that my cooking skill keeps on increasing in mastery without even training on them,' Leo thought while feeling annoyed with his cooking skill,

'And, I don't know whether to feel happy about the fact that now I have the highest mastery skill between us or feel sad because that skill is cooking,'


[Cooking{Mastery - Intermediate(40%)]


After a few minutes of walking and trying to keep Zoro from getting lost on the straight street, they finally reached the food street,

"Finally, the food street," Leo said while looking at the road full of different food stalls,

(Image here)

Zoro rolled his eyes and said, "And we would have reached earlier if you didn't keep going in the wrong direction,"

"Seriously, you were saying that the one getting lost was me, not you," Leo asked stupefaction look on his face,

'Then how come you almost get lost on a straight road and even when I am walking with you, and not just one's but a total of six times,' Leo thought with an aggravated expression on his face,

"Forget it," Leo muttered while shaking his head slightly as he walked toward a stall with a long waiting line,

"Hey, my friend can you tell me which one has the best food," Leo asked a person standing at the end of the line,

"They all are good, but if you have enough cash, then you could always go to the Miss Kobayashi restaurant, as it has the best food you could ever eat," that person replied with a dreamy expression on his face,

another person who was standing near them said, "Yeah, the food made by Miss Kobayashi is indeed the best in the world,"

"So true," another one joined the conversation,

Another one with an average face said in a helpless tone, "I am still saving money to have a chance to eat Miss Kobayashi's dishes again,"

"Me too," A young woman also joined the conversation,

"So, want to go together," the average one asked in a hopeful tone,

"Sorry, but you are not my type," the young woman shoots down his offer in a non-apologetic manner,

"Damn, that's your 68'th rejection, Zack," His friend said,

"Even if you don't speak, no one will think you are mute, Mark," Zack shouted at his friend for his comment,

Leo, who was standing there, had an awkward look on his face while thinking, 'At least tell me the location of it before talking to each other,'

"Let them talk, it always happens when someone asks about the best food on this island, and you just have to go in a straight line, and you will find Miss Kobayashi's restaurant," one of the stall owners said before walking toward the growing circle of people that were still talking about Miss Kobayashi greatness,

'Whoever this Kobayashi is, she must be one hell of a cook to make them all his almost zealots followers,' Leo thought while raising his eyebrows at this display,

"Alright, thanks for telling me that," Leo said to the stall owner, who just waved his hand in response,

Before turning his gaze at Zoro, and asked, "So, what to check that one out,"

Zoro just shrugged his shoulders and replied. "Sound good to me, so let's go,"

After saying Zoro started walking in the opposite direction,

"An shit, here we go again," Leo muttered after he saw Zoro walking in the opposite direction,

But before Zoro could walk away, Leo's hand yanked him from behind and started dragging him in the right direction,

"Oa, Leo, stop dragging me, and now we are going in the wrong direction," Zoro said while struggling to get his hand off,

But Leo just ignored his struggle and continued to walk on the road toward this Miss Kobayashi restaurant,

While walking down the street, Leo saw many dishes that he had seen and even eaten in his previous life being sold, with almost all of them being fast food,

'I can understand burger, hotdog, and even a zapiekanka because burgers and sandwiches are shown in the anime, as hotdogs and zapiekanka both use buns of different kinds, but seriously that guy is selling tacos, and that one selling panipuri,'

'I mean, what the actual fuck, is this place in some kind of food island which has almost all variety of food,' Leo thought before a random thought came to his mind which shocked him,

'Or it could be that, but really is this even possible, but I am also here, so it is possible,' Leo grimly thought before walking toward a stall that was selling dosa,

"Hi, bro, I can have one," Leo asked the stall owner,

"Oh, sure, it would be 1500 berries," the stall owner replied before he started preparing the dosa,

"OK, I will have two plates," Leo said before asking, " So, what is this dish's name,"

"You are not from this Island, right," the owner asked with a small laugh,

"Yeah, why is this dish your island specialty," Leo asked with a curious look on his face,

"You could say that because the dosa was created by Miss Kobayashi, and then afterward, she taught us how to make it," the owner replied while putting the stuffing on the dosa and folding it,

"So, are all the other food in this street also made by Miss Kobayashi," Leo asked with a smile, but inside, he was non-stop chanting, 'Please say no, Please say no,'

Hearing his question, the chef who was plating the coconut sauce stopped in mid-action with a shocked face,


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The links is also in the synopsis


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