
One Piece: A Truly Broken person

The_Wild_Trill · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

3 Wishes in a new life

Jahvon was confused as to why a screen was floating above his head, maybe all the drinking and smoking had gone to his head. He just sat down as he saw the words in front of him.

[Does Host wish to start?]

Jahvon: "What the hell?.... am I trippin?.... well might as well go with it cause I aint doing anything good with my life."

He decided to say yes to the weird message where it began to ask him some Questions.

[What anime world would host like to be transmigrated into?]

Jahvon: "Umm that's a tough choice but I'll go with one piece for now."

[What race or hybrid would host like to become?]

Jahvon: "A lunarian human hybrid would be good, I don't think I need anything more."

[Host may make 3 wishes for any bloodline, power or ability that he wants to posses]

Jahvon: "For the 1st wish, I would want the ability to eat an infinite amount of devil fruits without dying, also all negative effects will be gone one I consume it. 2nd wish would be to have an anime system where I can buy anything from skills to bloodlines, I can even buy weapons and potions. 3rd wish is to have the highest amount of system points that I can possibly receive. With those wishes I'm sure I can solo the one piece universe in a couple years."

[Would host like a weapon?]

Jahvon: "Yea I would like one. Do I get to pick or is it random?"

[Host will get 2 weapons randomly. One weapon will be from a random universe while the other will come from the one piece universe.]

Jahvon: "Ok let's see what I get."

[Host has received Excalibur (Destruction) and Ace]

Jahvon: "Ace? Ace as in Gol D. Roger's weapon?"


Jahvon: "I can tell that this Excalibur is the one from highschool dxd, it's alright I guess."

[Host also gets 3 free perks randomly, does host want to roll?]

Jahvon: "Yea."

[Host has received Godly Mortal, The Translator and Hassoken Martial Arts]

Jahvon: "Hassoken? that martial arts was busted, it's basically a nerfed version of whitebeard's devil fruit but what are the others?"

[Godly Mortal- This perk causes host to have a godly talent in all aspects of life whether fighting, cooking, singing, swordsmanship, sex or any other physical activity. This also gives host a massive increase in strength, adaptability and durability to the point that only haki infused attacks do damage.]

[The Translator- This allows host to write, talk and understand all human, alien, animal and supernatural languages. Host will be able to decipher any type of text or code.]

Jahvon: "That first one is godly indeed and the second one is really helpful. Is there anything else?"

[Where would host like to be sent?]

Jahvon: "Hmmm...I honestly don't want to follow canon all the way cause I want my own individual journey but I would want things to go different. Can you put me on a deserted island close to marineford.... Make it about a year before Ace's execution."

[Island has been found 300km away from marineford, host will be sent off..... have a nice adventure!]

Jahvon: "Well thanks if you say sooOOOO!"

Jahvon couldn't finish his sentence as a large blackhole suddenly appeared and sucked him inside before disappearing as if it were never there. No one would know of the events that happened here and the young man would never be seen again.....for now.

{In the One Piece Universe- Some random Island}

On a small island where there were no humans and only large animals, a large blackhole appeared and a guy came falling out of it before it mysteriously disappeared leaving the man face down in the dirt. He slowly got as he grumbled some not so nice words.

Jahvon: "When I woke up this morning seeing weird sentences I did not expect to be eating dirt just seconds later..... talk about bullshit. Anyways I guess that those questions actually came true... let me test that, Status?"

[Name: Gol D. Flare/ Jahvon

Age: 18

Race: Lunarian-Human

Overall strength: Ensign (You're weak buddy)

Bloodline: None

Haki: None

Martial Arts/ Swordsmanship: Hassoken (Beginner)

Devil Fruit: None

Weapons: Exacalibur(Destruction), Ace

Perks: The Translator, Godly Mortal

System Points: 100 Trillion points

Inventory: One Piece Package]

Jahvon: "Well I can't say I expected to be Admiral level but it feels hurtful being called fodder... I don't like being a Yamcha so I'll just stay here for a year and train as hard as I can before heading off to save ace. Also, one piece package? Open it."

[Host has received Busoshoku Haki, Bat Bat fruit: Model Vampire and Semi-Master Swordmanship.]

A sudden rush of knowledge appeared in his head as he could now feel his haki running through his body. He also felt knowledge on how to properly use a sword flow into his brain. This all took roughly 5 seconds before all the knowledge was finished. His eyes widened when he felt a rush of power that made his body feel so powerful, it was kinda addicting.

Jahvon: "Well, A mythical zoan is really nice but I won't eat it yet. I want to focus on 3 things before I eat a devil fruit. Haki, swordsmanship and martial arts are gonna be my focus for now. I guess I should start calling myself Flare from now.... System why is my name similar to him?"

[Host is the biological nephew of Gol D. Roger and cousin of Portugas D. Ace. Host is the son of the younger brother of the pirate king. Your father's name was Gol D. Pryde and mother was a full blooded Lunarian named Sharlyia. Both parents were hunted down and killed by the World government after Roger was executed but they managed to put their son in a small boat and send him away before they died.]

Flare: "Mhmm, well at least I have strong genes.... Nephew of the Pirate King huh..... I haven't even looked at my appearance since I got here, well let's check that."

Flare looked in the water close by him to reveal a tall young man about 18 years old with dark black hair but there were white streaks found inside as well. He had a sharp jawline with golden eyes that glowed in the dark. He also his hair wrapped up in a small ponytail while a small portion covered a small part of his face. He had also had two massive black wings on his back along with a small flame in the center of his wings on his back.

Flare: "Well at least I don't look too bad, the wings make me look badass tho."

Before he could admire himself some more he heard a loud roar. He turned his head to see a massive lion coming out of the jungle and looking at him. His eyes widened when he saw it's size, it was bigger than a school bus but he couldn't allow himself to get too scared. It was either fight it or die but he had some backup plans as well. He had the devil fruit that he got earlier plus he was pretty sure that he could buy health potions from the system just incase anything went wrong but he was gonna use this island to train as much as he could.

He immediately took Excalibur from his inventory as he saw the massive lion sprinting towards him. The lion brought it gigantic paw down on him but he swung it with all his might towards the paw. When it collided there was a massive explosion where one could see a massive lion trying to shred a man but the man was using his massive sword to stop the attack. Flare's strength was much weaker than the lion's strength but what made him stop the attack was due to the passive ability of Excalibur (Destruction) which was that it amplified attacks by 200%.

The clash sent shockwaves that destroyed the ground around the two but none of them backed down. Soon the lion pushed Flare back, sending him flying through a couple trees. Flare had gotten into fights over the years but it was never anything like this. He had the knowledge of the swordsmanship in his head but he had never practiced with a blade so he was a complete novice in that regard.

Flare got up and saw the lion coming to do a second attack but this time he wasn't gonna use the sword to defend. He was gonna try out the hassoken for the first time. He closed his fist as a light green aura glowed around it before he sent his fist towards the giant paw headed for him. This time when they collided the lion was sent flying back due to the shockwaves that just passed through it's body. While the lion was one the floor, flare ran towards it as he covered Excalibur in busoshoku haki and brought his hands down with all his strength.

Flare: "One Sword: Executioner's Slice."

The lion could only look up before a giant haki coated sword directly cut it's head clean off. If flare had not used haki then it could have only cut the lion's skin due to it's tough hide. The haki actually increased the sharpness and durability to the point where the tough hide became soft as butter. A normal sword or katana with haki may have only scratched the lion but due to Excalibur being extremely powerful even before it was haki coated, it made it slice through the lion with ease.

[Host has taken his first kill: One reward]

Flare: "Collect it."

[Host has received: Devil Fruit randomizer]

Flare: "Well I guess this will give me a random devil fruit...ok roll it."

[Host has received: Bird Bird fruit: Model Sun Phoenix]

Flare: "Sun Phoenix? Isn't this just marco's devil fruit? Or is it something else?"

[Bird Bird fruit: Model Sun Phoenix- This Mythical zoan gives the user an immortal body of flames which the user can manipulate to their will. The fruit grants the user an immortal body similar to the normal phoenix fruit however the flames are not able to heal others. The user is able to produce different types of flames:

1. Normal Flames

2. Blue Flames- The hottest natural flames that burn even magma

AWAKENED- When awakened, the user will be able to produce black flames which is said to burn every and all things. The user will be able to manipulate the surrounding in either normal flames, blue flames or black flames. This Devil fruit can follow all the current classifications

1. Zoan- It gives the user a beast form and a hybrid form

2. Logia- It gives the user an elemental body

3. Paramecia- It allows the user to manipulate the surrounding just like an awakened paramecia.]

Flare: "Wow, so this fruit follows all the classifications... well at least I have a backup plan for immortality. I should probably start practicing my haki since I will be going to marineford in a year. I want to be able to at least damage Akainu cause honestly he's an asshole. Can I call you Astaroth since calling you system gets old real quick."

[For naming system, Host has received: random bloodline]

Flare: "Random bloodline? let's see if I still have my good luck, spin it."

[Host has received: fallen angel bloodline (DXD)]

[Due to fallen angel bloodline (DXD) being compatible with Human-Lunarian DNA, system will fuse them together...]





[fallen angel bloodline (DXD) and Human-Lunarian DNA have fused to form: Ancient Fallen angel]

[Host has obtained Magic]

Flare suddenly felt his muscles expand then contract as they became even denser than before, he felt his power double and even his haki became stronger. He opened his hand as a dark purple spear of light formed in his hand, he looked at a large rock that was a distance away and threw the spear towards it. When the spear collided with the rock it exploded on impact causing a large smoke cloud. Flare smirked as he saw that the rock which was the size of a large mansion was reduced to ashes.

Flare: "Well, this ain't bad..... ain't bad at all.

This hurts............................. Finding a good one piece fanfic is hard so i made one.

The_Wild_Trillcreators' thoughts