
One Night Stand Accident

Naruto has been searching for Sasuke for years. Now, four years after the war and the last time Sasuke was heard from, they meet again. Due to the involvement of alcohol they end up in bed together but even as Sasuke states it was an accident and disappears, Naruto doesn't give up on him and refuses to go back to Konoha. That is till he starts to throw up every morning. SXN, Mpreg

Sasunaruneechan · Anime e quadrinhos
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3 Chs

“My desperate wish”

Naruto groans as flittering light from the morning sun shines past the curtains in his face. Irritated he turns around in his bed and hides under the covers to shield himself against the light that announces the beginning of another dreadful day. Another day starting the same way as the ones that don't bear any fruits on his search. Another day where the longing hasn't yet lessened, like his friends had promised it would. Not being able to fall asleep again, Naruto sighs and stumbles out of bed. Hearing so.

me noise he opens a window of the dingy and cheap room and takes a look at the street down below. He sighs at the sight of some drunkards being kicked out of the pub across the inn he is currently staying at. The sight being as depressing as he was feeling. You'd think seeing other people being more a mess and miserable would make you feel less so.

It has been two months since he left the village to search for Sasuke again and he knows he has to go back. Back to a village that never really felt like home before the war and never became one after. Back to villagers that judge his actions and push him to perform the ones they expect him to. Back to friends that do not seem to want to undertand him. It will take another month to get back to the village even with the use of Kyuubi Chakra mode and even with that time he dreads starting on the way back. It meant giving up. Again. This search, like all the other ones, appears to be also in vain since he didn't find a trace of his best friend yet again. Naruto sighs and closes the window to block the yelling out, knowing that once he's back in Konoha again, he would have to listen to a lot more of it.

"Alright no need to get depressed again." Naruto says while he softly slaps himself awake, the tingling of his cheeks reminding him of who he is. {Who knows, maybe I'm lucky today.} Naruto thinks as he walks to the bathroom to clean himself up, automatism taking over as he continues to let his thoughts spin. {How many times have I said that to myself now?} Naruto's subconscious asks like a viper of darkness hidden in some corner of his mind. {To many. But I can't give up on him. He's always been my dream and if I will no longer believe in him, who will? I just can't give up on him.} Naruto looks at his reflection in the mirror and sees his own determination in his eyes, the viper slipping back to the dark corner it came from. Grinning Naruto finishes his routine and leaves the inn. He buys some food for on the way and leaves the small town behind.

Birds chirp happily as they dance in the morning light, the suns rays flittering through the leaves of the lush forest. Naruto takes a deep breath, gratefull for the world he still gets to live in and rejoicing the smaller things and beings that are a part of it.

While rushing through the trees Naruto suddenly senses three travelers coming closer. He also senses five others surrounding the three and he knows the clear signs of an ambush. The three travelers, containing a young woman, a man and a boy slightly younger than Naruto, stand back to back to defend each other. The young woman has dark brown hair tied up in a braid, that reaches till halfway her lower back. She's dressed in brown, dark green and black, a quiver of arrows on her back and having a bow and arrow in her hand, ready to fire it at the bandits. The boy was dressed in the same type of clothes and has short brown hair which is messed up in a fashionable way, a short blade in his hands. The man is dressed in the same kind of way as the other two, his black-grayish hair in a low pony tail that reaches his waist and he has a small beard. He also has a scar across his right cheek and holds a Katana in his hand which is slightly longer than average.

Having assessed the entire situation well before he even reaches them, Naruto wastes no time, taking no chances, as he attacks the bandits faster than the eyes can follow. Before any attacks are exchanged with the trio Naruto manages to knock out all of the bandits. The travelers look at him stunned as Naruto summons some shadow clones to tie the fiends up and have them brought back to the village he just left.

"Phew, that was a rather close call. Hope you guys aren't hurt." Naruto says as he walks up to the three who put their weapons away reluctantly.

"No we aren't hurt. Thanks for the help. My name is Zanzaku and these two are Kira and Kèze." The old man says while shaking Naruto's hand as he had extended it to the man.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki. Nice to meet you. May I ask where you're headed?" Naruto asks after shaking the hands of the other two as well. The younger ones look at him curiously.

"A small town a little to the east from here." Kira answers, with still that look of awe and weariness in her eyes, and Naruto nods knowing that it will take them another two days to get there.

"If you want I could escort you there." Naruto suggest, hoping to find some delay from his way back.

"No that's okay. We can take care of ourselves." Kira taps a few times on her bow and Naruto nods. He understands. Not everyone is waiting for some great hero to come and safe them, nor does he want to come across as such. The man clears his throat though.

"What Kira means is that we wouldn't want to delay you from your trip. You've helped us a lot already by preventing unnecessary injuries. If there is any way we can repay you..." Zenzaku says and looks at Naruto questioningly.

"Ah, well, there is something I'd like to ask. I'm searching for this person you see." Naruto says while he takes the picture of team seven from under his jacket where he usually keeps it, close to his heart. He gives the picture to Zenzaku and points at Sasuke. "He's my best friend and I've been searching for him for a long time. On this picture he's twelve. He's twenty now, oh and his eyes can turn red. Have you heard of him or seen him?" Naruto asks with slight hope in his voice and eyes. It was a slight chance, but even just a rumour would be like sunshine for his wilting heart.

"Hmm... Sorry kid, I don't think I've- Wait a minute. Red eyes you say?" Zenzaku says while he looks up from the picture.

"Huh... W-what?" For a moment Naruto is stunned. He has asked countless people about Sasuke but none of them had a clue. They never said they knew anything, not even of rumours of a red-eyed mysterious guy.

"Oh my god. That's him! You know that incredibly hot guy at that abandoned hide-out, whom I told you about." Kira says at Kèze, swatting at his arm as if the boy should have known it.

"Really?!" Naruto jumps forward and takes Kira's hands in his, startling her slightly. "Tell me, please tell me where this hide-out is!" He says while looking at her with hope burning so strongly in his chest he isn't sure how it's not also streaming out of his eyes. This is the best news he's had in months and it would mean he wouldn't have to go back to Konoha yet.

"Ah, sure I guess we can lead the way." Kira says while nervously grinning at Naruto's enthusiasm. Naruto can feel his grin growing. He has to remind himself to not get his hopes up and he takes a shaky breath to calm his fastly thundering heart that seems to want to leap out of his chest and straight to were Sasuke is.

Zenzaku nods and gives the picture back to Naruto with a kind nod. Kèze seems to want to say something but Kira stops him with a death glare, effectively making him shut his mouth and look away.


After traveling for the rest of the day they set up camp when the night falls. After talking some more over dinner Naruto came to know the three a little better. Kira and Kèze are siblings and travel with Zenzaku to a village where an acquaintance of his lives. Kira and Kèze are orphans, like Naruto, and they don't know their parents. Zenzaku had found them when they were just kids and raised them himself.

Naruto enjoyed talking with them and listening to their stories. It has been some time since he traveled in a group and the times he has, conversations would mostly turn sour or uncomfortable rather quickly.

When everyone goes to sleep Naruto decides to leave camp for a bit to get some time for himself. Out of sight of their camp Naruto settles himself on a big rock and looks over the valley before him.

They had decided to camp in a copse of trees not far from a cliff that showed a beautifull viewpoint of a valley. Naruto takes his surroundings in for a moment, looking over the varied vegetation as a calm breeze plays as much with the leaves of the trees as the strands of his hair. Then he closes his eyes as he takes on a meditative pose, letting all the tension in his body flow away, as much as he is able. Using Kyuubi Chakra mode he scans the area as far as he can in search for Sasuke. Past the cliffside, the cobbeling water of the river at the bottom of the valley, the waterfall in the distance that rumbles and roars like thunder, past the wild animals of various kinds that continue their own struggle for survival. Ignoring all natural sounds, it's the silence of the sky that echoes within the blonds mind, calling forth an emptiness that is only accompanied by loneliness. With a sigh Naruto gives up on his search, knowing he can't reach any further and that he'll likely just has to be patient. He should have asked the three how long it would take to get to this hide-out.

{Sasuke... You're not far anymore right? It's only a matter of time now.} Naruto thinks even as fear and hope war within his head and heart. {But why would you be at an abandoned hide-out? Why didn't anyone pick up your trail faster? Wait a minute... That can't be right? There is no way they would do that. There is no way Konoha would hide information about you from me... Right?} Naruto closes his eyes stiff and clenches his fists, doubts suddenly assailing his tired mind as if the darkness around him has called forth the darkness within. {Sure they don't really care much for Sasuke anymore but that doesn't mean they would hide his whereabouts from me. We are still friends and they want what is best for me too. I shouldn't doubt them. Just like there is no doubt on my mind that Sasuke still lives and I will find him!} He takes a deep breath and he throws his head back to look up to the sky where countless stars shine so brightly he feels like they are trying to chase his dark thoughts away. {I wonder if he's changed... I hope for the better but if it's for the worse... I wonder if I'm capable of getting through to him... Damn it Sasuke, why do you have to be so god damn stubborn...}

Naruto closes his eyes and sighs deeply. He slowly opens them when he feels two hands on his shoulders that start to massage him.

"It looks like you're stressed out." Naruto recognizes Kèze's voice, had felt him coming closer to him. He didn't expect him to get so up close and personal though. Naruto has a hard time holding back a moan of pleasure caused by Kèze's skillful hands. He had been tense for a long wile after all and despite his meditating, he hadn't realized how tense his shoulders have become.

"Gheheh. You're quite good at this huh." Naruto states and tries to hide another moan, not being able to resist leaning into the touch.

"It would feel better if you relaxed some more. Clear your mind from all your worries, just for tonight, just for a little bit." Kèze says and he pulls Naruto's shirt off him so he can get some more access to his muscles. Naruto lets him, tiredness and curiousity getting the better of him and as Kèze gestures for him to change his position, he can't find a reason to decline it.

{He's right.} Naruto thinks while he lays down on his stomach so Kèze can massage him better. {There is no use worrying over things that can't be changed right now.} It's something his old mentor Jeraya would have said. That man did always know how to just take the pleasures of life that came on his path. Naruto sighs out of enjoyment as he lays with his head on his folded arms. Kèze sits on top of Naruto with his legs on both sides of his waist. He uses some more pressure as he massages Naruto's upper and lower back.

"Hmmm... A little lower... Ah, yes right there." Naruto moans softly under the gentle treatment. Kèze licks his lips and grinds with his hips a little forward and back in the same rhythm as his moving hands. Sitting on Naruto's ass, Naruto is slightly aware of his hard on.

"Does it feel good, Naruto?" Kèze asks and a soft moan escapes his lips as he grinds against Naruto's ass again.

"Hmmm... Yes, It does.... Hah...." Naruto mumbles and moans again as he momentarily lets the lethargic feeling course through him. He doesn't even care how Kèze pulls of his own shirt.

"I can make you feel so much better. Let me take care of you and take all your worries and sorrow away." Kèze whispers into Naruto's ear seductively. Shivers run down the blonde's spine as he feels Kèze's breath on his ear, the heat where their bodies connect. It had been overly long since he had any kind of action. And, well, he does need to keep a better mind of the lessons Jeraya has thought him. And there is no doubt in his mind what advise his old mentor would give him right now. "Just turn around..."

Kèze kisses Naruto's neck gently and Naruto, having made up his mind, complies to his whishes. Kèze smiles as he now sits down on Naruto's crotch and they both moan as Kèse grinds their members together. The brunette leans down and kisses Naruto's neck again as his hands move all over his chest, fingers skimming over nipples. They both moan in unison as Kèze moves his hips again and Naruto can feel him smile when he feels how turned on Naruto gets. He places his hands on the younger man's hips, letting them roll over his own even as Kèze moves in to kiss his neck. Shivers of desire course through Naruto and as their members are crushed together particularly good he can hear the other moan more loudly. Brown eyes smile down on him when Naruto looks up.

Before Kèze knows what's going on he lies on his back under Naruto who's face is hidden in his neck. Kèze moans loudly when Naruto grinds against him harshly, pressing tight for a hot moment. He whimpers with disappointed when Naruto suddenly stops and he opens his eyes slowly. Brown eyes, filled with lust, meet cold, emotionless blue ones. Kèze pants softly as he looks at Naruto's expressionless face, time seeming to streatch out between them. Much to his disappointment Naruto moves away from him.

"You should get some rest. We're gonna leave early in the morning." Naruto stands up, turns around and puts his shirt on again. He intends to walk away but is stopped by Kèze's arms who hugs him from behind.

"Please..." The brunette pleads. "I-I really like you, Naruto. You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen. I-It doesn't have to mean anything if you don't want it to. At least let me take care of this for you." Naruto hisses as Kèze takes his clothed member in his hand. It throbs in the tight grip of his warm hand and for a moment Naruto wavers once more. Giving in would be so easy, to just take and not having it mean anything. To just have a quick fuck with a guy he doesn't really know and whom he'll likely never see again. It wouldn't have to mean anything… But he just isn't wired that way. He quickly moves away and turns around to face Kèze who is surprised to see anger in those cold blue eyes.

"I have no such interest in you, Kèze. I am not the type of person who falls for a one-night, meaningless fuck. Not to mention that you are too young and we barely know each other. Go back to camp. Tomorrow we will part ways when we get near that hide-out." Naruto turns around and ignores Kèze's call as he teleports away.

At a spot near a lake, far from camp and Kèze, Naruto lays on his back after taking care of his 'little problem' and cleaning up. He looks at the stars in the ink black sky and sighs deeply as a calm settles over him.

{I guess there is no denying it now.} Naruto thinks and closes his eyes, a soft sarcastic chuckle leaving his lips at the realization that just fits so well with him. {I really am so gay…}


"There it is." Kira says softly while looking over some bushes to the entrance from the hide-out. Naruto nods and turns his eyes away from the entrance to face the other people he's been traveling with for nearly two days.

"We part ways here then." He says and the others nod.

"Good luck finding him. It sure was a pleasure to meet you, Naruto." Zenzaku says and shakes his hand. After saying their goodbyes Naruto doesn't hesitate to enter the seemingly abandoned hide-out.

The hide-out lies half under the ground. The walls are a dark grey color and the building exists of many halls and small rooms. The doors, wooden and rotting, creak on their hinges and a musky smell of dust and abandonment lingers in the air. The whole atmosphere gives Naruto the shivers, an ominous feeling crawling across his skin as he explores the place.

The lowest ground was where prisoners were held. The ground above was for experiments. The one above that was for the guards and such. Above that one was the floor where Naruto started on and was for meetings and such. The floor above that was for the higher ups.

Naruto rushes through the halls, opening each door in his search for Sasuke, which gives him a slight feeling of déjavu. His heart flutters each time he opens up a door and calls for the one he's looking for, hope and fear batteling within it. His search stops for a moment when he reaches two big wooden doors. Naruto looks around him to make sure he is alone and activates Kyuubi Chakra mode to scan the area, but is not capable of seeing what or who is beyond those doors. Naruto frowns as he looks up at the intricately carved doors again.

{Why would an abandoned hide-out have such security?} Naruto wonders as he starts to push the heavy doors open. Behind them lies a big empty room which normally would be used for meetings. Across the doors Naruto came through there are another two big wooden doors, carvings within them barely visible in the dark wood. The right wall has windows that are blocked with wooden panels so the room is completely dark. The left wall is covered with empty book cases that streatch from floor to ceiling.

Naruto walks into the dark room and when he reaches the middle of it, the doors he came through close with a loud, condemning bang. He now senses how he is surrounded by at least fifty people that had hid themselves behind broken furniture and shrouding darkness. They grin and smirk, undoubtedly thinking that they have their target right where they want him. Naruto sighs and activates Kyuubi Chakra mode.

"So much for abandoned huh." Naruto mumbles before engaging himself in battle. Normally he would've finished the battle a lot faster, but in the dark room Kyuubi Chakra mode is like a beacon. Naruto screams it out when a sharp pain, caused by an arrow, comes from his left upper arm, the shaft sticking out but not piercing through and he breaks it of as close to the wound as he is able. He uses his Rasingan to blast the five around him away and smacks another one on the ground at his feet. Said boy groans and moans in pain and Naruto is surprised to recognize the sound. He pulls the boy closer so he can see his face.

"Kèze?!" Naruto's eyes are now filled with anger, hurt of betrayal coursing through him, flickering white and hotter than the blood pulsing around his arrow wound. Whit a single hand sign he summons a dozen shadow clones. They separate to different parts in the room to deal with the attackers that are left while others remove the plates in front of the windows to bring light into the darness. The fight has come to a hold as Naruto looks at the faces of his attackers. He feels a pain in his chest when he recognizes Zenzaku and the young woman who shot the arrow in his arm.

"Why?" Naruto asks while holding his anger back, the raging anger so strong he feels it must be Kurama's and not his own. He sure hopes it's not his own.

"Gheheh, you honestly thought we were friends just like that? Boy are you naive." Kira says with a mean smirk.

"The power that is sealed within your body is too strong to stay in the possession of a mare child. You use that power as if it is your own." Zenzaku says, earning a fast and defensive reaction from Naruto.

"I only use Kurama's chakra and my own for justice and to protect those who are dear to me."

"Your justice may well be different from someone else's! Your friends might make enemies of innocent people! Who are you to decide what justice is? You are just a boy who doesn't understand his own feelings nor knows how to control them. You are naive and easily influenced by others. You are too young and too inexperienced to carry the responsibility of powers you can't even oversee." Naruto is stunned for a moment but his anger soon returns and he folds his fists.

"You have no idea what you're talking about. I won't even bother to explain. I only have one question. Sasuke was never here was he?" Naruto asks while gritting his teeth, his anger overflowing and surely it will consume him if he doesn't let it out soon.

"Gheheh. Can't believe you fell for that. It's like you made your own trap! Have never heard of the guy. Whoever he is, he must be quite desperate to have you as his friend." Kira says evilly, not seeing how Kèze makes his way to her. "No wonder he left you. He probably doesn't even want to be found. Who would ever wish to be friends with a naive monster like you?"

The sound of a slap echo's through the room, emphatizing the quiet that fills it for a moment. Kira softly lays her hand on her red left cheek and looks at her sibling with surprise.

"He might be our enemy now, that doesn't mean you can insult him like that. When you speak words like that, sister, you just disgust me." Kèze's voice is filled with anger and despise. He sighs and turns to face Naruto, a look of cold pity in his eyes. "It's a shame." Kèze says. "If you hadn't rejected me I would have warned you, Naruto."

Naruto's eyes narrow at his words, jumping forward to attack as he hisses: "You are no better than your sister." Naruto no longer hesitates with his attacks, giving in to the burning rage, not caring if it is Kurama's or his own. Naruto got into plenty battles in which he had to kill before and he has no intention of holding back this time. Locking away his other emotions, Naruto kills one after the other including those who betrayed him.

After the last body stops moving, an oppressing silence falls over the room as if time has stopped everything around him. Naruto stands in the middle of all the bloodshed and stares emotionless at Kèze's blood-stained body. Flashes of memories whirling in his mind of what he had almost let happen last night. With still his emotions off, Naruto summons some toad oil and spreads it over the bodies and the rest of the building, leaving some explosion tags every now and then. His actions are precice, tactfull and compleately on auto-pilot.

Once outside he turns around to look at the building one more time and snaps his fingers. Naruto watches the explosions and the fire burning. After the last explosion Naruto falls down to his knees and hits the ground with his still blodied fists as tears flow down his face. He screams and cries all his frustration and disappointment out as his fragile hope falls to pieces.