
One Last Wish

"I don't care what I'm getting myself into, as long as it's for you." Jane whose days are numbered on earth because of her terrible illness only wished for one thing. To experience this thing called love before her death. The remaining of her days were on an adventure she couldn't believe and so many truths were unfold, and betrayals from those she never expected. Was she able to seek it and what would be her journey if she was able to find it.

Favyhm23 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
125 Chs


She got off the car the moment it pulled in front of Lisa's building. She rolled her bag along with her to Lisa's apartment. She rang the doorbell severally, but no reply. She tried calling her number severally but it was out of reach.

"Uhm, excuse me." She called to a man who just opened his door, staying the room next to Lisa's.

"Yes, how may I help you?" He asked calmly.

"Uhmmm, have you seen my friend."

"Oh Lisa?" She nodded. "I haven't set my eyes on her for some days now.

"Oh. Okay. Thank you." Her voice saddened and the man left.

She had been so worried about Lisa. First, her sudden behavior at the show, and now, she hadn't been seen for quite sometime? To make matters worst, her number have been out of reach.

She walked into the elevator and out of the building with so much heaviness in her heart. First, her lover Francis and now, her bestfriend Lisa. Could this day get any better for her?

She got into a cab and back to her parent's house. She felt like screaming at the world for making her life this way.

The car finally halted in front of her house. Her granny and her dad welcomed her back warmly the moment she stepped in.

"Oh my dear, I can't say how much I've missed you." Her grandma spoke hugging her tight. "Are you alright dear?" Her grandma spoke looking at her eyes the moment Jane broke away from the hug.

"Grandma....." She said and tears rolled down her eyes and she hugged her back.

"Oh my dear." Gently rubbing her back to sooth her. "Did you guys break up?" Her grandma asked guessing the reason to her sudden tears could be a breakup from her boyfriend.

Jane nodded on her shoulders and kept on crying.

"Oh dear. It's alright okay. It's okay now. Shush..." Trying her best to calm her crying grand daughter.

"It's alright cupcake." Her father spoke. "Things like that happen, you just have to be strong."

"Dad...." She went to her dad and hugged him tight, sobbing on her shoulders.

"It's okay dear." Patting her head. "You'll be fine."

She cried her eyes out on her dad's shoulders. He pulled her away and wiped her tears with his thumbs, cupping her face. Her grandma and dad assisted her up to her room.

"You should rest now." Her grandma spoke the moment they arrived at Jane's rooms, cupping her face.

"Thank you grandma. Thank you dad." Staring at the both of them.

They kissed her on her cheeks and left. She tried to pull herself together and tried reaching out to Lisa. She called severally and her number was still out of reach. She had sent tons of messages to her, praying that she'll finally reply. Her heart have become too shattered thinking of Lisa and Francis. She sat on the ground close to her bed and rested her head on the bed. With her phone in her hand, she was hoping to get a call from Lisa. Hours passed by and it was now getting dark, and there was still no call or any message from Lisa.

"Where are you Lisa?" She muttered to herself sounding really worried.

Her stomach made an angry sound. She got up and went downstairs only to see her grandma and her dad watching TV. A knock came at the door and Jane retracted her steps. The moment she opened the door, a hot slap landed on her face.

"How dare you, you this poor little brat."

Without wasting much time, her grandma came and landed the lady a hot slap. "How dare you slap my granddaughter Sia?" He grandma now looking furious.

It was Lisa's mom. She wore a face about to go for a war that won't seem to end now. Mrs Hien and Lisa's mom have never been in good terms since the beginning of time. They end up starting a scene anytime they meet.

"And I will do that over and over again to your stupid...."

Her grandma had landed another slap on her face before she could speak further. "Now get the hell out of my house." Gritting her teeth in fury.

"Ma'am, with all due respect, please leave." Mr Ken spoke.

Sia gave him a tight slap and her grandma landed two sharp slaps on her face.

"You hypocrite." Sia spoke in so much fury. "How dare you...."

"And I will do it a thousand time if you don't leave my house this minute."

A wicked wry curved up on her lip. "Tsh. How pitiful of you. After all these years, I see you haven't moved on with your shameless life Hien."

She gritted her teeth harder, her body shaking in fury. Mr Ken and Jane tried calming her down.

"Get out of my house you shameless woman." She yelled at her.

A wicked smile curved on her lips. She gave Jane and her grandma a wicked look. "Now just watch how I turn your granddaughter against you Hien."