
A Dance :)


Karl, now standing alone in the ball room, awkwardly stood there looking for an exit, escape or even possibly a partner. Just as he was about to leave to find a book or partner a hand stopped him.

"May I have the pleasure of dancing with you, your majesty?" He turned around to see ….


He turned around to see… Prince Schlatt from the Zeagia Kingdom.

He paused blinking before realizing what the other male had asked him. He smiled nervously "I must admit i'm not an amazing dancer" the other male smiled letting out a low chuckle that was enough to send shivers down Karl's spine. He slightly looked up to see his brother Eret giving him a thumbs up and nodding. He felt as if people were staring so he smiled, not a genuine but a practiced one, and gently placed his hand on the taller males. Schlatt smirked with pride as he led the smaller male into a dance. He leaned in whispering into the smaller boy's ear "I suppose I could lead if you're not confident in your skills?" Karl stiffened as he felt a faint hint of heat spread across his face. Earning a triumphant look from the other male. He could feel eyes digging into his skull. And instantly knew it was the two boys from before. They settled on a dance, a simple one sure but it was honestly fun. He laughed as Schlatt made a sly remark about someone or something. He wasn't expecting this from the Prince. Schlatt was known to be occasionally cruel, controlling , merciless; he was also known as a playboy.

And yet the man in front of him was kind, gentle and fun. He wasn't flirting or well if he was. Karl was oblivious to it. That's just how he was, he wasn't the best at reading people sure he could tell simple emotions but complicated ones were… well complicated.

He felt nauseous out of nowhere he was still dancing with Schlatt. So he assumed it was motion sickness. Yet it felt… different. It was like a gut feeling. It felt as if someone or something was screaming at him to run. It was clawing its way out painfully slowly. Karl felt the need to throw up but he quickly pushed it down.

Out of the entire group of people in the castle only two people, one not being Schlatt, noticed his odd behavior. He couldn't help but feel as if something horrible had happened yet he felt a gut feeling that something else was going to happen. And soon. It felt as if the walls were closing in the room getting smaller and smaller everyone's voice became muffled. Schmitt noticed this and quickly lead him to a less crowded area. He watched as Karl's breathing got faster and intenser. At some point he was practically gasping for air. Millions of thoughts ran through his mind yet not a single one mattered.

He felt as if all eyes were on him when truly only four people had noticed. Three of them being concerned and wanting to help. The fourth one couldn't help but smile. He smiled wickedly as he saw the despair on the young prince's face. He only hoped that the dragon would keep their word. He couldn't wait to see the look on everyone's faces. He couldn't wait to see the despair on the royal family's face. He wanted to see the Queen cry her heart out, be in pain and mourn over her son. He wanted the King to suffer. More than anything he wanted to see the King break. He wanted to see the  King whom everyone loved break down and beg for his child to be saved. He wanted the King to beg for mercy. Alas he couldn't do much except wait and wait until the dragon would strike.

He smiled as he walked back to his spot keeping an eye on the young prince as two other people walked over to help calm him down. He recognized them instantly Prince Sapnap from the Flame Kingdom. And Prince Quackity from the Nevadas Kingdom. He paused wondering if they would be a threat to his plan. He smirked once he came to the conclusion that his plan was flawless there was no way two weak, spoiled, protected brats could ever ruin this…

To be continued

Hi everyone I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Sorry if Schlatt wasnt who you expected buttt seeing C!Schlatts past relationship with C!Quackity I decided he needed a place in the story :)

Remember to drink water try not to skip meals. Your beautiful! Get rest and remember someone will always miss you! You all have so much you can do so much you can look forward to doing!