
Omori : Coma - Konsui

"Welcome to White Space" "You've been here as long as you can remember" "Perhaps too long? Who knows" "This is our reality after all" So forth, Omori does his usual routine in headspace until something surprising he did was striking himself early in white space. with a new emergence of Sunny whose full name is Susumu Miyamoto. As thereof, there's a comatose and sleeping-like figure in this shared bedroom. It was none other than Mari, Mariko Miyamoto. What would happen next?

Mystic_Magnificous · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

File S: "Sunshine" (1/2)

Kel is busy with finally letting his babysitting duties a bit over for letting his baby sister Sally sleep in the crib. Then, he sends off the reassuring text to his parents about Sally, he feels a sense of relief wash over him, knowing that his little sister is safe and sound. Meanwhile, in Aubrey's house, Sunny and Aubrey share a moment of contentment after completing the daunting task of cleaning up the accumulated trash. The air feels lighter, and there's a palpable sense of accomplishment as they survey the now tidied-up surroundings.

Aubrey then spoke "Like you said earlier see? It is true well…very welcome I guess..that I didn't hesitate to let you come with me since you would've still followed me anyway.."

Following Sunny innocently head-tilts "What? Why would I follow you back to your house without permission?"

Aubrey chuckles softly, shaking her head at Sunny's innocent confusion. "You know, Sunny, sometimes actions speak louder than words. Plus, it's not like you have anything else to do, right?" She teases playfully, nudging him lightly with her elbow.

He got surprise as his lifeless eyes lit up for a moment more and more as he nods. Slowly nudging weakly her arm back as well and turns to glance back at the house "So is that all we have to do? Nothing else your Mom bugs you to come back here?"

Aubrey shrugs, a slight grin playing on her lips. "For now, that's about it. Mom's got her hands full with her own mess, literally and figuratively." She pauses, glancing back at the house with a mixture of weariness and resignation. "But who knows what other surprises might pop up later."

Sunny sighs in worry "Do you still love your mom despite her being like this? Or you just going back because she is your 'mom'?"

He hesitates "Wait that might be confu—"

Aubrey's expression softens as she looks at Sunny. "It's complicated, Sunny. I do love her, but it's hard sometimes, you know? She's my mom, but she's also made a lot of mistakes. It's not easy to just turn away from family, even when they're difficult." She pauses, then adds with a small smile, "But hey, that's life, right? We deal with the good and the bad."

As she headpat him she added "Besides , your also dealing with your own parents being extra busy to support you and 'Mari' right?" He nods. As she finally stretches and speaks "Now , shall we leave her be?" As suddenly Sunny whispers "Sure , but let's check in her first and Uhh…here as thanks.." he slowly kiss her cheek to reciprocate her gesture before looking away quietly blushing.

Aubrey blushes, taken aback by Sunny's gesture. She smiles softly and nods, feeling a mix of emotions. "Thanks, Sunny. That was unexpected," she admits, her cheeks still tinged with pink. "Let's go check on my mom and then head out. I think we've done enough for today." They make their way back inside, their friendship taking on a new layer of understanding and closeness.

Meanwhile , back in the Corazon house. Kel speaks his native language of Spanish and Filipino with his parents as he request if he can finally return with his friends and brother (Hero) to return to the Miyamoto house' backyard.

Kel's parents nod understandingly, pleased that he took good care of his sister. They grant his request and remind him to be responsible and to keep in touch. Kel assures them and quickly texts Hero and the others that he's on his way back to join them.

Hero and Basil were busy chatting as they held Sunny's sketchbook that has the drafts of what the interior renovated/updated treehouse look like until they hear phone buzz in Hero's Fanny bag.

Hero and Basil were busy chatting as they held Sunny's sketchbook that has the drafts of what the interior renovated/updated treehouse look like until they hear phone buzz in Hero's Fanny bag.

As Hero checks his phone, he notices the message from Kel about returning with Sally taken care of. He informs Basil and Sunny, who are intrigued to hear Kel will be joining them soon. Sunny grins, excited to have the whole group together for their treehouse project discussions.

Basil then tease a private text to Sunny "So…how's your time with Aubrey now? She doing okay? I mean…wink wink…get to know her better?"

Sunny chuckles at Basil's teasing text and replies with a playful tone, "Oh, you know, just taking out the trash and getting to know each other's family dynamics. Nothing too exciting... yet!" He adds a wink emoji to emphasize his lightheartedness.

Back at Aubrey's place as Sunny ends the text , he turn to Aubrey "Hey Kel is also done with his own household duties so Uhh…Aubrey?" As he turn around looking for her as he heard murmurs somewhere in the area of the house that is very dark (which his phobia of the dark kicks in) yet he force himself to pull through. Until , he silently froze witnessing the dynamic of the Aubrey's Mother and Aubrey herself having some disagreements for something.

The argument between Aubrey and her mother is tense as they discuss Aubrey's responsibilities at home versus her desire to spend time with her friends and work on the treehouse project. Her mother insists that Aubrey should prioritize her family duties, including cleaning and taking care of the house. Aubrey, on the other hand, argues that she should have the freedom to spend time with her friends and pursue her interests.

As Sunny observes this exchange, he feels a mix of concern and discomfort, especially considering his own experiences with family dynamics. He hesitates to intervene but remains attentive to the situation, unsure of how to navigate the tension between Aubrey and her mother.

Then , something snap for a moment when Aubrey spoke "YOU DONT EVEN ACT LIKE A MOTHER—" A glance on Sunny's own forgotten/repressed memory of that DAY "Your not even my sis—" As he shouted angrily (anger for the first time) "BOTH OF YOU STOP IT—" when the mother is about to slap to shut her up Sunny dash to take the slap that shock them both.

As Sunny intercepts the slap, there's a moment of stunned silence in the room. Aubrey's mother, taken aback by Sunny's sudden action, pauses mid-motion. Aubrey herself is wide-eyed, her anger momentarily replaced by surprise and concern.

Sunny, breathing heavily from the adrenaline rush, stands firm despite the sting of the slap on his cheek. He looks directly at Aubrey's mother and speaks firmly but respectfully, "Please, Mrs. Watson, let's not escalate this further. Aubrey and I will handle our differences."

Aubrey, realizing the gravity of the situation, steps forward and takes Sunny's hand. She speaks to her mother in a calmer tone, "Mom, we'll talk about this later. Sunny's right; this isn't helping anyone."

Aubrey's mother, still processing the unexpected turn of events, nods reluctantly. The tension in the room eases slightly as Sunny and Aubrey guide her towards a more peaceful resolution.

Sunny's outburst, fueled by his protective instincts and a surge of pent-up emotions, marks a significant moment of character development for him. It shows his willingness to stand up for what he believes is right and to protect those he cares about, even in challenging situations.

Then , the mother spoke softly that made the two pause their moment to leave the room "Aubrey dear I…I…Sorry…okay? You still ARE my daughter right?"

The apology from Aubrey's mother catches both Aubrey and Sunny off guard. They exchange uncertain glances before Aubrey nods slowly, acknowledging the apology but still processing the intensity of the situation.

Sunny, despite the lingering sting on his cheek, manages a small smile and replies, "It's okay, Mrs. Watson. Emotions run high sometimes. We'll talk things out."

Aubrey's mother nods, visibly relieved that the tension has eased. She gestures for them to leave the room, indicating that she needs a moment to herself.

As they step out into the hallway, Aubrey turns to Sunny with a mix of gratitude and concern in her eyes. "Thank you, Sunny. I didn't expect you to... do that."

Sunny shrugs slightly, trying to downplay the moment. "It's nothing. I just couldn't stand seeing you both like that."

Aubrey smiles softly, a genuine warmth in her expression. "Well, you did, and I appreciate it. Let's talk more once things settle down."

With a nod, they part ways briefly, each lost in their thoughts about the unexpected turn of events. Sunny's actions have not only surprised Aubrey but also himself, hinting at layers of depth and courage beneath his usual calm demeanor.

He blinks as he cutely spoke "Ow.." like a cute monotone boy as Aubrey giggles to touch his slapped cheek and ask "Sorry for leaving you out when you seem preoccupied with your phone for a moment….Didn't expect you actually dive in that way…"

Aubrey's laughter eases the tension further as Sunny's monotone reaction adds a touch of humor to the situation. He rubs his cheek playfully and replies, "It's okay, Aubrey. I got distracted, but I'm here now. Things just got a bit intense back there."

Aubrey nods in understanding, her smile softening. "Yeah, they did. Thanks for stepping in, Sunny. You surprised me today."

Sunny chuckles lightly, his usual calm returning. "I surprised myself too. Guess we both have our moments."

As they continue their conversation, the weight of the earlier argument begins to fade, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and mutual support. Their bond strengthens as they navigate through moments of conflict and understanding, deepening their connection beyond mere friendship.

Aubrey sighs as he stare at her current oddly pretty and calm eyes as she stares back how his black eyes slowly again have dilation again or life them. Sunny tried to break the silence but hesitated as he sign language instead to test if Aubrey recalls a time he does this to speak if he is nervous that translates - if you understand me Aubrey….How did that moment escalated so quickly if were already finish about your Uhh…household duties here as your Mom ask? Is there a deeper context?"

Aubrey observes Sunny's sign language, a method they've used before to communicate deeper thoughts or concerns. She nods in understanding and responds, also using sign language to convey her thoughts.

Her signs translate to: "It's complicated. Sometimes things just build up, you know? It's not just about the household duties. There are underlying issues between me and my mom that go way back. Today was just one of those moments when everything boiled over."

Sunny nods, absorbing her words and continuing the sign language conversation. "I get it. Family stuff can be tough. Just know that I'm here for you, Aubrey. Whatever you need."

Aubrey smiles softly, appreciating his support. "Thanks, Sunny. It means a lot."

Their silent exchange speaks volumes about their bond and the unspoken understanding they share, adding depth to their relationship beyond words.

Aubrey finally whispers "Beside , I already told you somewhat how she got like this with me and I return.." As Sunny chuckles and whisper back "Although , I assume base on what you told me earlier today of your current family backround…SHE IS the only related family you had left besides not knowing What your dad is up to…"

Their whispered conversation continues, deepening their connection as they share personal insights and vulnerabilities.

Aubrey nods in agreement, her expression thoughtful. "Yeah, she's all I have left in terms of family. As for my dad...well, he's a mystery. I don't even know if he's still around or what he's doing."

Sunny's smile fades slightly as he listens, understanding the weight of Aubrey's words. "That must be tough, not knowing. But at least you have each other, right?"

Aubrey smiles back, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Yeah, we do. And I have my friends too, like you."

Their exchange highlights the importance of chosen family and the support they find in each other and their friend group, despite the challenges they face with their respective families.

They blush realizing how close they got as Sunny scoot away , Aubrey like a tsundere fixes her natural black hair that is partially dyed pink with her blue contact lens eyes. As Sunny nervously fiddles his fingers "No , your real current 'friends' that help you when I was not around was the 'hooligans' and Kel too…"

Aubrey chuckles softly, adjusting her hair. "They are, yes. But you're also my friend, Sunny. A special one."

Sunny smiles warmly, his black eyes reflecting a mixture of emotions. "I appreciate that, Aubrey. And you're a special friend to me too."

Then after a while. They walk together hand in hand by the sidewalk as Aubrey gasp "Ohh shoot that's why you were looking for me earlier after we clean up the house. Kel and I can finally join you guys on that treehouse project yes!!!!"

Aubrey's excitement about joining the treehouse project with Sunny and Kel shows her eagerness to be part of the group's activities. Sunny smiles, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, that's right! It's going to be awesome having everyone together for this."

As they walk, Sunny squeezes Aubrey's hand gently. "I'm looking forward to it. It'll be great to have everyone working together on something fun."

Aubrey grins, her eyes sparkling. "Definitely! We'll make it the coolest treehouse ever."

Then, Hero gets worried while waiting for Aubrey and Sunny since Kel is busy playing UNO with Basil while waiting. He suddenly beams when spotting the pair coming back yet concerned again when he spoke "Hey!!! How did Sunny get a slap on his face?"

Hero's concern for Sunny's slap shows his protective nature towards his friends. Sunny smiles sheepishly, rubbing his cheek. "Oh, it's nothing, just a little accident. Aubrey and I had a small disagreement with her mom, and things got a bit heated. But it's all good now."

Aubrey nods in agreement. "Yeah, it was just a misunderstanding. We sorted it out."

Hero relaxes, relieved. "Alright, as long as everything's okay now. Let's focus on the treehouse project!"

With everyone back together and resolved, they resume their planning for the treehouse, their bond stronger after overcoming a moment of tension.

Kel and Basil stop their game and was happy of their return. As Basil softly spoke "Ohh…Sunny…that's sorta brave?…yet you should be extra careful next time..since.." Kel chimes in "What Basil meant is!!!! You're so cool being all tough Sunny!!! Even I didn't expect that maybe Aubrey can share the proper 'details' to understand how he got this mark?"

Kel and Basil's reaction shows their admiration for Sunny's bravery, albeit with concern for his well-being. Sunny chuckles nervously, trying to downplay the situation. "Ah, it's really nothing. Just a small moment of misunderstanding. Aubrey and I sorted it out."

Aubrey nods, adding, "Yeah, no need to worry. It's all settled now."

Basil smiles warmly. "Well, I'm glad everything's okay. But do be careful, Sunny. We wouldn't want you getting hurt."

Kel jumps in with enthusiasm. "Yeah! And maybe Aubrey can fill us in on what happened later, so we're all on the same page!"

With their concerns addressed, the group shifts their focus back to the treehouse project, eager to continue working together.

Hero sighs and headpat Sunny and Aubrey as he acts like the eldest of the group (as he is) "Hmph…Still , you sure Aubrey you really don't mind living with your mother that way a lot? I know I am preoccupied with college yet Kel manages to inform me sometime by dial…"

Aubrey looks up at Hero, her expression thoughtful. "It's complicated, Hero. I mean, she's still my mom, you know? Despite everything, there are moments when she's not like this. But I understand your concern."

Sunny adds, "Yeah, it's not easy. But Aubrey handles it well most of the time. Right?"

Aubrey nods with a small smile. "I do my best. And having you all around helps a lot."

Hero smiles back reassuringly. "Well, that's what friends are for. Just remember, if you ever need anything, we're here for you."

Kel chips in, "Definitely! Family doesn't always mean blood. We've got our own little family here."

Basil nods in agreement. "Exactly! And we'll make sure the treehouse is a place where we all feel at home, no matter what."

The group shares a moment of solidarity, reaffirming their bond and support for each other as they continue their project with renewed determination.

Aubrey cries with a smile as they had a group hug. Uttering "Aww you guys NEVER CHANGE A BIT for something like this…I also can't wait MARI to come back for the family.." As Sunny process the entire thing , he internally reverts being quite and poker face a bit (Why…Ughh..Why do I still feel terrible being happy with everyone?….Aubrey's Mom..Mari…the more I realize…I miss Mari…I miss you Mari..please sister I hope you wake up with better treatment..) As only Basil notice this so he distracts everyone "Hey!!! I have a fun idea how about we have a GROUPFIE of us hugging together just exactly like this for a nice memory?"

Basil's suggestion lightens the mood, and everyone agrees enthusiastically. They gather together, Aubrey wiping away her tears with a smile, as they take a group selfie, capturing the warmth and closeness of their friendship. The moment feels genuine and precious, a testament to their bond and resilience despite challenges.

After the photo, Hero suggests they continue with their plans for the treehouse, channeling their positive energy into something they all enjoy. Sunny quietly resolves to focus on the present moment and cherish the time he has with his friends, knowing that supporting each other is what truly matters.

As they keep fooling around amidst setting up the layout of the interior of the treehouse. They spot old nostalgic items they debate to throw away , repair or safekeep - as follows it Hero's old frying pan. Some now crooked Bean bags. Kel's old toy xyolphone with no battery. Aubrey's old Bunny life size plushie and Basil's now withered first ever sunflower out of the plants he taken care of back then.

As they come across these nostalgic items, they engage in a lively debate about what to do with each one:

Hero's old frying pan sparks memories of their camping adventures and impromptu cooking sessions. They decide to keep it as a symbol of their shared experiences and the delicious meals they've cooked together over the years.

The crooked bean bags evoke laughter as they recall countless lazy afternoons spent lounging and chatting. They decide to repair them, seeing them as a comfortable and familiar part of their hangout space.

Kel's old toy xylophone brings back memories of childhood music sessions. They decide to keep it as a quirky decoration, even though it no longer plays music without batteries, as a nod to their playful past.

Aubrey's old bunny life-size plushie elicits nostalgic smiles, representing her love for cute and cuddly things. They agree to safely keep it, recognizing its sentimental value to Aubrey.

Basil's withered first sunflower plant holds sentimental value as his first successful plant-care project. They decide to replant it with care, seeing it as a symbol of growth, resilience, and their shared journey of nurturing friendships.

Each item symbolizes a unique aspect of their friendship and shared history, reminding them of the bonds they've built over time.

As they finally relax on the nearest bark of the treehouse together sighing. Kel chuckles "It's funny even AUBREY can't deny there's nothing childish not wanting to throw away an old toy buddy she used to have…"

Kel's observation prompts a round of chuckles and nostalgic smiles among the group. Aubrey playfully defends her attachment to the old toy buddy, sharing fond memories of imaginative adventures and comforting moments spent with it. They all agree that some things, no matter how old or worn, hold special significance and should be cherished. It becomes a moment of bonding over shared childhood experiences and the value of sentimentality in their lives.

Aubrey smiles warmly at Kel's comment, her eyes sparkling with memories. She then turns to the group, holding up the old toy xylophone playfully. "Hey, this little guy might not make music anymore, but it's a reminder of all the fun we had when we were younger. Who knows, maybe one day we'll fix it up and hear those tunes again," she suggests with a grin.

Hero nods in agreement, adding, "And remember that time we used my old frying pan for our pretend cooking adventures? It may be a bit dented now, but it's a symbol of our creativity and friendship."

Basil joins in, pointing to the worn bean bags. "These may not be as fluffy as they used to be, but they're like a comfy time capsule of all the laughs we shared."

Kel chuckles, picking up Aubrey's old bunny plushie. "Aubrey, I think this guy's been through as much as we have. It's like our mascot, a symbol of our friendship that's stood the test of time."

As they reminisce and debate which items to keep or restore, the treehouse feels more than just a project; it's a gathering place filled with cherished memories and the bonds of friendship that have lasted through the years.

Sunny listens quietly hugging his knees in comfort before uttering "I sorta forgot…neither me or my parents even clean up the treehouse before this time…hmm…I wonder if Mari and I ever left some forgotten trinkets here too…"

Sunny's nostalgic reflection brings a thoughtful silence over the group. Aubrey leans in, her eyes bright with curiosity. "Maybe we'll find some hidden treasures from your childhood, Sunny. It's like a journey back in time, discovering pieces of ourselves in these forgotten corners."

Hero nods, adding, "And who knows, we might stumble upon something that sparks a new adventure or a fun memory to share."

Basil, always eager for a new discovery, chimes in, "I bet there are stories waiting to be told in every nook and cranny of this treehouse. It's like unlocking a whole world of possibilities!"

Kel smiles, his eyes scanning the treehouse with newfound excitement. "Let's make this place not just a renovation project, but a treasure hunt too. Who's up for some exploration?"

The group agrees enthusiastically, their shared anticipation turning the task of cleaning and organizing into a thrilling adventure of rediscovery and nostalgia.

They chuckle as Kel winks with a tongue out "Just kidding!!! We can do that AFTER THE PROJECT as again…Hero..Sunny , Basil and Aubrey…we all agreed perhaps we finish this up until a week so we have time for other things to do right?"

Kel's playful tone adds a touch of humor to the moment, lightening the mood after their reflective thoughts. Hero nods in agreement, his expression relaxed. "Absolutely, Kel. A week gives us a good balance between dedication to the project and enjoying our other activities."

Sunny smiles, appreciating the flexible timeframe. "Sounds like a plan. We can pace ourselves and make sure everything is just right."

Basil, always full of energy, adds, "And it gives us time to brainstorm more creative ideas for the treehouse. Who knows, we might come up with something amazing!"

Aubrey, nodding in agreement, says, "I'm excited to see how everything turns out. Let's make this treehouse not just a place to hang out but a place filled with memories and laughter."

With their goals set and a clear timeline in mind, the group's enthusiasm reignites as they look forward to the days ahead, filled with teamwork, creativity, and friendship.

Meanwhile , as they are laughing amongst the bushes of The backyard there is a group of people hiding as Mikhael (the maverick) ask Kim who is using binoculars along with her older brother Vance "Wait , why DO WE NEED TO CHECK on our boss again when she seems okay with her old buddies?" As even Angel the boy with them agreed. While Charlie shyly nods.

Kim adjusts her binoculars, scanning the scene carefully before responding to Mikhael. "It's just a precaution. Boss wants to make sure everything goes smoothly without any surprises, especially with the upcoming plans."

Vance nods in agreement, his expression serious. "Yeah, we can't afford any slip-ups. Plus, it's good to keep an eye on things from a distance."

Angel chimes in, "I guess that makes sense. Better safe than sorry, right?"

Charlie, though hesitant, adds, "I hope everything goes well. Boss has been stressed lately, and we don't want to add to that."

As they continue their surveillance, they remain vigilant, ready to act if anything seems amiss, showcasing their loyalty and dedication to their leader's goals.

Then, they hush Mikhael when he flamboyantly fixes his hair and utters "Oh come on guys!!! Boss has also trust to befriend us for years!!! Surely since last time we help with that silly 'project' these other guys are up to they could welcome us—"

Kim gently interrupts Mikhael, placing a hand on his arm to calm him down. "Let's not forget our roles here. We're observers, not participants in their activities. Boss trusts us to keep a watchful eye, not to interfere unless instructed otherwise."

Vance nods in agreement. "Exactly. We're here to gather information and ensure everything goes smoothly from a distance. We don't want to draw unnecessary attention or complicate things for our boss and her friends."

Angel adds, "Yeah, Mikhael, remember our mission. We're here to support, not to make waves."

Charlie, though still a bit nervous, nods in understanding. "I get it. Let's just focus on our task and report back to Boss if we notice anything out of the ordinary."

With their roles clarified, they resume their surveillance, maintaining a discreet presence while keeping an eye on the unfolding events.

Then, Basil cling on Sunny worried of feeling being watched (confuse that sights of moving bushes as his own something wrapping him up) "Su-Su-Sunny….is it just me or I felt were being watched?"

Sunny pats Basil's back reassuringly, trying to calm his nerves. "Hey, it's probably just your imagination. We're in a backyard, after all. No need to worry about anything watching us."

Kel glances around, a bit more alert. "Maybe it's just some animals or the wind rustling the bushes. Nothing to get worked up about."

Aubrey joins in, trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah, Basil, don't let your imagination run wild. We're all here together. If there was anything to be concerned about, we'd handle it as a team."

Hero, scanning the area, nods in agreement. "Let's focus on the task at hand. We've got this project to finish, and then we can relax."

With their reassurances, Basil gradually relaxes, attributing the sensation of being watched to mere coincidence or natural occurrences.

As they were busy , Aubrey let them do their own set up of the nostalgic items they found to be used and set aside for future discussion to approach The now frantic bushes as she knelt down "Pssh…Guys..what are you all doing here like this? Didn't I text Kim I be fine returning to my house as is? Along with continuing this new personal project with my old friends?"

As Aubrey kneels down, her friends look sheepishly at each other, realizing they've been caught. Mikhael steps forward, trying to salvage the situation. "Ah, Aubrey, sorry about this. We were just... curious about what you were up to. You know, old habits die hard."

Kim nods in agreement. "Yeah, we just wanted to make sure everything was okay. You know how it is, looking out for each other."

Vance, trying to be diplomatic, adds, "We're not here to intrude. Just passing by and thought we'd check in. Totally didn't mean to interrupt your project or anything."

Angel and Charlie, feeling a bit embarrassed, mumble their apologies as well.

Aubrey smiles, understanding their concern. "It's alright, guys. I appreciate the concern, really. But everything's fine here. We're just working on this project and catching up."

Sunny, sensing the tension, chimes in, "Yeah, don't worry about us. We've got it under control. Thanks for checking in, though."

With Aubrey's reassurance and the group's apology, the atmosphere relaxes, and they continue with their activities, the momentary interruption soon forgotten.

The group jump since Sunny has a very weak aura and he is very quiet and introverted every-time they spot or interact with him as even Sunny backs away with a weak gasp calmly saying "Ohh right…sorry Hooligans…It's just hiding like that is not good…"

The Hooligans nod in understanding, realizing they might have startled Sunny with their sudden presence. Mikhael scratches the back of his head sheepishly. "Sorry about that, Sunny. We didn't mean to startle you. We'll be more careful next time."

Kim adds, "Yeah, we'll make sure to announce ourselves next time we want to say hi or check in. Didn't mean to give you a scare."

Aubrey, seeing Sunny's discomfort, steps in reassuringly. "It's okay, guys. We're all friends here, just caught off guard for a moment. Let's just continue with what we were doing."

The tension eases as the group returns to their tasks, with the Hooligans keeping a bit more distance and being mindful of Sunny's quiet nature. Sunny, though still a bit flustered, appreciates the consideration and resumes his work with a calmer demeanor.

As she wave at her friends she turn and notice Sunny finally laughing in tears as he uttered "Didn't expect the HOOLIGANS of faraway are much as a dorks like us being your old friends Aubrey—" This flustered Aubrey to defend herself in a tsundere tone

Aubrey's cheeks flushed slightly as she retorted in a playful yet defensive tone, "Hey, they're not dorks! They're just... unique in their own way. And they're good friends, like you guys are to me."

Sunny grinned, wiping away his tears of laughter. "True, true. I guess every group has its quirks and dynamics that make it special."

The group chuckled, the moment of light-hearted banter easing any lingering tension from the earlier surprise encounter. They continued with their tasks, enjoying each other's company and the camaraderie of working together on the treehouse project.

As they got back , Kel happily jump in saying "Say now that we're almost progressing today for the interior come on!!! Give me the scoop in what's up with Auby's abode today!!!"

Kel's enthusiasm was infectious as he eagerly awaited Aubrey's explanation about what had transpired at her house earlier. Aubrey, still a bit flustered from the encounter with the "Hooligans," took a moment to gather her thoughts before sharing.

"Well, it was a bit of a whirlwind," Aubrey began, her voice a mix of amusement and slight exasperation. "Sunny got caught up in a moment with my mom, and things got a bit tense. But it's all settled now, and we managed to finish up the chores. Nothing out of the ordinary, really."

Sunny nodded in agreement, adding, "Yeah, just your typical family drama. But we're good now, right Aubrey?"

Aubrey smiled and nodded. "Right, everything's back to normal. Now let's focus on finishing up the treehouse. We've got a week to make it awesome!"