
Omori : Coma - Konsui

"Welcome to White Space" "You've been here as long as you can remember" "Perhaps too long? Who knows" "This is our reality after all" So forth, Omori does his usual routine in headspace until something surprising he did was striking himself early in white space. with a new emergence of Sunny whose full name is Susumu Miyamoto. As thereof, there's a comatose and sleeping-like figure in this shared bedroom. It was none other than Mari, Mariko Miyamoto. What would happen next?

Mystic_Magnificous · Video Games
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46 Chs

File R: "Reverie"

In the quiet moments of late afternoon, Sunny, Basil, and Aubrey tiptoed upstairs, their curiosity piqued by the sound of laughter and splashing coming from the bathroom. As they reached the door, they couldn't help but peek inside, where Hero and Kel were playfully coaxing Mewo, the black kitten, into a bubble bath.

Mewo, with wide eyes and a twitching tail, seemed both intrigued and unsure about the bubbly water. Hero and Kel, wearing matching mischievous grins, were trying their best to make bath time a fun experience for their feline friend.

Sunny chuckled softly at the scene, enjoying the simple joy and camaraderie shared among his friends. Basil's eyes sparkled with amusement, while Aubrey couldn't help but smile at the playful antics unfolding before them.

It was moments like these, filled with laughter and warmth, that reminded them of the bonds they shared and the comfort found in each other's company.

As they finally finished drying the cat off , Hero chuckles and turn to the door "Oh hey guys!!! Sorry we're taking awhile!!! Mewo is a bit stubborn here.." As Kel added using a bath towel to dry off Mewo's fur "Plus!!! Guess you all already finish your respective duties For Sunny's House?"

Hero's cheerful greeting broke the spell of observation, and Sunny, Basil, and Aubrey stepped fully into the bathroom. Aubrey nodded with a smile, her eyes still twinkling from the sight of Mewo's bath time adventures. "All done for now," she replied, her voice light and cheerful.

Basil, with his usual calm demeanor, added, "Everything's sorted downstairs. We just wanted to see what all the fuss was about." He gestured towards Mewo, who was now looking quite content after the bubbly bath.

Kel grinned, his enthusiasm infectious. "Isn't Mewo adorable when he's all fluffy and clean?" He ruffled the cat's fur gently, earning a purr of approval from Mewo.

Hero nodded, a sense of accomplishment in his eyes. "It's always a team effort with bath time. Thanks for helping out, everyone."

The bathroom was filled with a sense of camaraderie and joy as they finished up with Mewo's grooming. It was moments like these, shared tasks and laughter, that strengthened their bond and made their home feel warm and welcoming.

Sunny sighs "Say , what else do we need to progress in our treehouse renovated expansion again?" As Hero and Kel contemplates while Basil spoke "I recall we're debating how we can fix up the interior now the exterior is finished….and WE EVEN GIVE NEW PAINT ON IT…."

Hero nodded thoughtfully, his eyes scanning the bathroom tiles as if searching for inspiration. "Right, we've got the structure all set. Now it's about making it cozy and functional inside. Maybe some new furniture or decorations?"

Kel, always full of energy, chimed in, "Yeah! We could add some comfy chairs, maybe a little table, and definitely some cool posters or art on the walls."

Basil nodded in agreement. "Painting the exterior was a good start. Inside, we can focus on making it a space where we can hang out, read, or just relax."

Aubrey, who had been quietly observing, added, "And don't forget about plants! They always add a nice touch to any space."

Sunny smiled, feeling a sense of excitement about the project. "Sounds like a plan. Let's make it a space we all love to spend time in."

Basil spoke "Aubrey didn't we already agree my new garden for it is by its rooftops? Plus umm…Sunny did already given an idea in the interior like how it can have a mini kitchen for Hero to work on. As we also need to debate how are we going to have other stuff like personal tv in there to just hangout…"

Basil's suggestion sparked nods of agreement from the group. Aubrey replied, "Right, the rooftop garden would be a great addition! It'll bring some greenery and freshness to the space. And I remember Sunny mentioning the mini kitchen idea; that could be really handy for snacks and drinks while we're up there."

Hero, with a grin, added, "I'm all in for a mini kitchen! Cooking up some snacks while enjoying the view sounds perfect. And we definitely need a TV or some entertainment system for movie nights or gaming."

Kel, ever enthusiastic, exclaimed, "Oh, and don't forget about a music corner! We could have a small area with instruments or a stereo system for some tunes."

Sunny nodded in agreement with the ideas. "Yeah, let's make it a versatile space where we can do a bit of everything. I'm sure we'll figure out the details as we go along."

Then Kel pause "oops wait…you don't mind Sunny? Since well your still debating when you could actually try practicing violin again that you safekeep for so long…"

Sunny smiled warmly, shaking his head. "No worries, Kel. I've been meaning to pick up the violin again. Having a music corner in the treehouse might just be the motivation I need to start practicing regularly."

Aubrey chimed in, "It's great to see you getting back into things you enjoy, Sunny. And having a space dedicated to music will be awesome!"

Basil added, "Absolutely! The treehouse is turning into a space that reflects all of us and our interests. It's going to be fantastic once it's fully set up."

As Hero sighs listening to everyone and exhale. Internally thinking (Oh please Mari , if you were ever here and awake as we go…We can't wait to finally spend time like before again…Love you so much) As they gasp when noticing Hero crying with a smile as Sunny understand for he ask "Hero…is there something in your mind just now?" As everyone prepares their things downstairs for the backyard where the treehouse was to keep coming up how to fix up the old interior with a new one.

Hero wiped away his tears, smiling softly. "Sorry, just got a bit emotional thinking about Mari. I really miss her, you know? But let's focus on making this treehouse amazing. It's a project filled with memories and love, just like our friendship."

Sunny nodded, understanding the sentiment. "I miss her too, Hero. But I believe she can feel our love and dedication to this treehouse. It's a symbol of hope and togetherness."

Basil added, "Exactly! Let's make this place a sanctuary where we can create new memories and cherish the ones we've had with Mari. She'll always be a part of our adventures."

With renewed determination, the group headed to the backyard, ready to continue working on their beloved treehouse project.

As they work on it , Aubrey got a call from her phone again same for Kel as they chuckle and excuse them taking a moment.

As Kel and Aubrey dealt with their respective calls, the atmosphere among the group shifted slightly, a reminder of the outside world's demands and challenges. Sunny, Basil, and Hero continued their work on the treehouse, but there was an unspoken understanding of the complexities of life beyond their project.

Sunny glanced over at Aubrey, a mixture of concern and empathy in his eyes. "I hope everything's alright with your mom, Aubrey. If there's anything we can do to help..."

Aubrey nodded, a forced smile on her face. "Thanks, Sunny. It's just the usual stuff. I'll manage."

Kel returned from his call with a sigh. "Sorry, guys. Looks like I need to head back for a bit. Baby duty calls."

Hero patted Kel on the back. "No worries, Kel. Family comes first. We'll keep working here."

With a mix of determination and understanding, the friends continued their work, each dealing with their own personal responsibilities while finding solace in their shared project.

As Hero also added "also say hi for Sally our little sis okay? Guess we all have epic CORAZON duties…" he says with charm.

Hero's charming remark lightened the mood, bringing a smile to everyone's faces. Sunny nodded in agreement. "Definitely, family always comes first."

Basil chimed in with a grin. "And we're like a family too, aren't we? Taking care of each other and building something amazing together."

Aubrey nodded, her smile genuine this time. "Yeah, we are. Thanks, guys. Let's make this treehouse something Mari would love too, once she's back with us."

With renewed determination and a sense of unity, they resumed their work on the treehouse, their bond strengthened by both their shared dreams and the realities they faced.

As Sunny turn to Aubrey "So , you're going to go back home for awhile to or just still stay here to work with us? Since you seem sort off…stressed?"

Sunny's concern for Aubrey's well-being was evident as he inquired about her plans. Aubrey hesitated for a moment before replying, "I'll stay for a while longer. I think being here with everyone helps take my mind off things, you know?"

Sunny nodded understandingly. "Yeah, sometimes being around friends is the best way to cope with stress. We're here for you, Aubrey."

With that, they continued their work on the treehouse, each contributing their ideas and efforts to create a space that would be both functional and comforting for all of them, especially for Mari once she returned home.

Meanwhile , Kel was whistling back home and greeted his familiar family dog Hector with a Pat. He turn and notice Kim passing by and he says "Hey!!! Kim!!! Been awhile!!! So how are you And the other hooligans lately? Since I guess sorry if Aubrey is busy hanging out with me and her other old friends…" As he rambles "Also thanks for making it easier to improve the treehouse yesterday with the materials and all" before Kim can speak as she fixes her glasses

Kim smiled warmly at Kel and adjusted her glasses. "Oh, don't worry about it. We've been doing fine, just keeping ourselves busy with our own projects and adventures," she replied.

Kel nodded, appreciating the update. "That's good to hear. And thanks again for helping out with the treehouse. It's been a fun project," he said with a grin.

As they chatted, Kel couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia and gratitude for the camaraderie among his friends, both old and new.

Kim frowns "Yeah yeah Basketball boy so Uhh…how is my girl doing?" She says with care. As Kel ask "good good like I said wait..what's wrong?"

Kel reflects on Aubrey's challenging family situation, remembering how her father left and her single mother struggled to maintain their home. He expresses concern about Aubrey's well-being in this situation.

He nods as he ask "what about it Kim?"

Kim sighs "Let's just say that both of us know Aubrey isn't the happiest with what she needs to do back at her place…" as she adjust her glasses.

As he blinks "what? So she is suppose to return home to?" As Kim gasp "you didn't realize that? I thought your her old friend? Plus , I am saying this since I notice your mother left your house as it seems your having something to do there right?"

Kel nods understandingly, "Yeah, I get it. Sorry, I've been busy with stuff here too. Aubrey's been helping out a lot with Sunny's project and all. I'll make sure she's okay, though. Thanks for letting me know."

As he left to jog back to his house as Kim sighs "Are they at the house of that Hikkimori..I mean you said Sunny so it's Miyamoto residence right?"

Kel nods in agreement, "Yeah, that's the place. They've been hanging out there a lot lately, especially since Mari's been hospitalized. Aubrey's been really involved with helping out there."

Kel waves and says, "Anyways, gotta go. Chat later after I babysit my sister Sally." Kim waves silently with a nod before frowning, trying to text Aubrey to check on her.

Meanwhile, Aubrey is busy helping Sunny and Basil readjust the colorful pinwheels like a pathway fence to the treehouse's ladder. Hero is occupied tightening the rope of the tire swing.

As Aubrey felt her phone buzz, she muttered, "It better not be mo—Oh..." Her tone shifted as she realized the new text was from Kim.

Basil and Sunny had just finished readjusting the colorful pinwheels along the pathway fence to the treehouse's ladder. Basil glanced at Aubrey's phone and asked, "Ohh...is it someone else this time texting you, Aubrey?"

Sunny, ever calm, added, "Need a moment again?"

Aubrey glanced at her phone and sighed softly, "Yeah, just Kim checking in. She's worried about me going back home for a bit."

She then turned to Sunny and Basil, a determined look in her eyes. "I'll be fine, guys. Just need to sort out some things at home. I'll come back as soon as I can to help with the treehouse."

With that, Aubrey excused herself to take the call and discuss her plans with Kim.

They shrug it off for now while Basil notice Sunny is concern and curious as he whispered "worried about how you missed out what happened to Aubrey's family?" As Sunny nods and spoke "I just…I thought Her dad is still with them despite 4 years passed since that accident with Mari despite she said…it wasn't because of that.." while Aubrey chats with Kim in the background warning of Aubrey's Mom (Ms.Watson) bad mood back home if she returns.

Basil nodded understandingly, his expression sympathetic. "It's tough when we don't know everything that's going on with our friends. But Aubrey knows she can count on us for support, even if we don't have all the details."

Sunny sighed softly, feeling a mix of concern and guilt. "Yeah, you're right. I just hope everything works out for her at home. We'll be here to welcome her back whenever she's ready."

Basil spoke "Uhh So Uhh Sunny.." as they finally sit down somewhere as Hero was still busy analyzing how eveything of the treehouse goes well "Do you still….have feelings for her despite what 'we' kept a secret from everyone from that day 4 years ago?" (About the truth of the night that caused Mari's Coma).

Sunny looked thoughtful for a moment before replying, "I care about her a lot, Basil. But it's complicated, you know? Things changed after that night, and I'm not sure where we stand now. Besides, she has her own life to focus on, especially with Mari." He glanced at Hero, who was engrossed in his task, then back at Basil. "I guess... I'm still figuring things out myself."

As he blush a bit "wh-why did you ask a-anyways..?" As Basil points out with his gardening gloves "well you just told me and Kel earlier this morning how you dream about her dream version admiring you so much despite that's not how she acts around you…And~ You did slowly start reciprocating as 'Omori' there yes?"

As Sunny cover his face nervously and slowly scratch his neckbrace "Still , I feel bad only you know the secret I do 'like' her yet…these past few days…I don't want to put her on the spot.."

Basil nodded understandingly. "I get it, Sunny. It's a lot to unpack, especially with everything going on. Just take your time, and when you're ready, you'll figure out what to do." He patted Sunny's shoulder reassuringly. "And hey, we're all here for you, no matter what."

Finally , Hero return and ask "Ohh did Aubrey got home already too?" As the two boys shook each of their heads , while Aubrey got back finishing her call with Kim as she frowns a bit "Oh I am still here Hero…" As Hero turn to ask "Well….what's up then?"

Aubrey sighed, trying to shake off the frustration from her call. "Just some family stuff. Nothing new, really," she replied with a forced smile.

Sunny stood up as Hero nods. Basil following Sunny behind. As Sunny gulps and scratch his bandages arms (to hands) to utter "Can I…be the only one coming with you? If you don't mind..? It seems important…" referring to Aubrey that surprise her and Hero.

Aubrey glanced at Sunny, noting the nervousness in his demeanor. She exchanged a quick glance with Hero, who nodded in understanding. "Sure, Sunny. If it's something important, I'm okay with it," Aubrey replied, her curiosity piqued.

As she waves and held Sunny's hand as they walk ahead. Hero sighs and uttered that made Basil shyly smile for he spoke "It's really Bizarre how quickly Sunny adapts being with us and outside after 4 years huh?"

Basil's observation prompted Hero to nod in agreement. "Yeah, it is. He's come a long way," Hero remarked with a hint of pride in his voice. "But you know, sometimes all it takes is the right moment or the right person to make a big change," he added with a thoughtful expression.

They nodded , while Aubrey walks ahead and spoke softly (trying not to show being flustered) holding Sunny's hand as they went to the side walk to travel to her house for she ask "Sunny hey….I wonder why you volunteer to come along? I told you and even Basil with the rest said it's not something you need to worry abou—" As she listens when Sunny sighs and prepares to speak

Sunny took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding, "I know, Aubrey. You've made it clear that it's not something I should worry about. But I guess... I just wanted to be there for you, especially if things get tough at home." He glanced at her, his expression earnest. "And maybe, deep down, I also wanted a chance to spend more time with you outside of our usual hangouts."

He blush when she turn with a smile "Really Sunny? You really are full of surprises even after not in contact for 4 years huh? Fine…Just follow my lead okay?" As Sunny nods as he spoke "Plus Aubrey , it's okay if you can't tell me what really happen…between your own mom and dad it's just…I want to really make up for lost time…"

Sunny's sincerity and desire to reconnect were palpable, and Aubrey couldn't help but appreciate his genuine concern. She smiled softly, touched by his words. "Thanks, Sunny. I appreciate your understanding." She squeezed his hand gently. "Let's focus on making the most of the time we have now."

As she uttered when they walk "So….curious now that I think about it. I wonder why my version of our childhood in your 'dreamworld' for 4 years admire 'Omori' so much…."

Aubrey's curiosity about her dreamworld version and its admiration for Omori intrigued Sunny. He pondered for a moment before replying, "Maybe it's a reflection of how you see yourself deep down, or how you wish to be seen. Dreams can be like mirrors sometimes, showing us what we yearn for or what we're afraid of."

She chuckles when he blush speaking "Ohh sorry you mean HOW WHY I subconciously made you act like that towards my persona?"

Sunny continued, trying to navigate the delicate topic without revealing too much about his feelings. "Yeah, something like that. Our minds can create fascinating narratives in dreams, often weaving in aspects of ourselves and others in unexpected ways." He smiled, hoping his response sounded casual enough.

Aubrey sighs ruffling his hair in disappointment "nevermind.." As Sunny walks ahead holding her hand "Yeah sorry , maybe I can give you an answer some other time okay? Wait why are you suddenly curious?"

Aubrey sighs ruffling his hair in disappointment "nevermind.." As Sunny walks ahead holding her hand "Yeah sorry, maybe I can give you an answer some other time okay? Wait why are you suddenly curious?"

Aubrey smiled softly, feeling reassured by Sunny's attempt to lighten the mood. "It's just something I've been wondering about lately, you know? Maybe it's all this talk about dreams and reality mixing together," she replied as they approached her house. "But hey, let's save that conversation for another time. Right now, let's focus on whatever's going on at home."

They nod as they stood up as Sunny felt her tense expression to exhale to open the door as he peeks at the state of the house interiors. Lots of trash , empty alcoholic beverages , some junks that has flies around as Aubrey spoke "Mom I am finally home so WHY DID UOU need me back here to help with your junk?!!!"

Sunny quietly reacted with shock at the sight of Aubrey's mother, taking in her tired appearance, messy hair, and irritated demeanor. He observed the interaction, seeing Aubrey's mother lecture her about acting however she pleased but reminding her that they still shared the same house. Sunny's expression shifted subtly, reflecting a mix of sympathy for Aubrey and disappointment at the situation.

Then , Aubrey made sure to shield Sunny for she then pauses and turn. Aubrey's Mom said "WHO IS THIS? Ohh is that one of your 'old friends' your lately hanging out with right?"

Aubrey, with a hint of passive-aggressive rebellion, replied, "Yes, Mom, this is Sunny, one of my oldest and dearest friends. Unlike some people, he actually cares about me and doesn't let me down." She spoke with a mixture of defiance and frustration, standing up for Sunny while expressing her disappointment with her mother's behavior.

The mother gasp then shrugs and spoke "Fine fine just help with throwing the trashes here as I said in call okay?" As Sunny finally spoke "Uhh Ms.Watson? Am I allowed to help your daughter?"

Sunny's polite inquiry caught Aubrey's mom off guard. She hesitated for a moment before nodding reluctantly. "Yes, you can help. Just make sure you don't mess anything up." Her tone softened slightly, acknowledging Sunny's respectful approach.

He nods as she left to her room , he turns to notice AUBREY's expression finally stop tensing up as she continue dealing with the current trash as Sunny whispers "Did you really mean what you said to your mom? That I care about you more than she did?"

Sunny's question hung in the air, reflecting the concern he felt for Aubrey's well-being. Aubrey paused her task, meeting his gaze with a mixture of surprise and gratitude. "Yeah, I did mean it," she replied softly. "Thanks for being here, Sunny. It means a lot."

Sunny helps then notice her fears of joy for the first time as she sort the recyclable and other trashes for he spoke "You welcome then , still….When did she start acting like this over the past 4 years?"

Sunny listened as Aubrey recounted the changes in her mother's behavior over the years. She explained how things had gradually deteriorated since her father left, leading to her mother's current state of neglect and indifference. Sunny nodded understandingly, realizing the weight of Aubrey's struggles at home.

Then as they did their work he listens more when she reassured Sunny saying "I think you deserve it when out of all 4 years why my father left me and mom…especially the last time you known him is when you and Mari used to prepare for the recital…"

It was clear to Sunny that Aubrey's father leaving had left a significant impact on her, especially since it happened during a time that held special memories for her. Sunny listened attentively, empathizing with her feelings of abandonment and loss.

As they continued sorting through the trash, Aubrey narrated the pivotal event when her parents started drifting apart. She described how her father became distant and less involved in their family life. It started with small arguments that escalated into bigger conflicts, leading to emotional distance between her parents. Aubrey vividly recalled the tension in the household, the nights spent worrying about her parents' relationship, and the eventual realization that her father was no longer coming back.

She shared with Sunny the moments when he and Mari would practice for their recitals, hoping that their music would bring some semblance of harmony back to her family. However, as time passed, it became clear that her parents' relationship was beyond repair. This period marked a significant shift in Aubrey's life, shaping her outlook on family and relationships.

Sunny listened with a mixture of sadness and understanding, realizing the depth of Aubrey's experiences and the impact they had on her. He silently vowed to be there for her, offering support and companionship during difficult times like these.

As she worked, Aubrey reminisced about the time when she watched in awe as a child, seeing Mari and Sunny practicing for the upcoming recital together. It was a moment filled with hope and excitement, a glimpse into a harmonious future. However, as she continued sorting through the trash, her thoughts drifted to the night before the day the 'accident' happened, leading to Mari's coma (unaware of the true cause). That night marked a turning point, a moment when the fractures in her family became more pronounced, and the once-promising harmony shattered into discord.

Sunny shudders a bit as she notice "You okay Sunny?"

Sunny shuddered slightly at Aubrey's question, a mix of guilt and sorrow flickering in his eyes. "I... I am so sorry for not being there for you that day," he admitted, his voice tinged with regret. Memories of that pivotal moment, which led to him becoming a Hikkimori, flooded back as he continued helping her with the trash.

Aubrey placed a gentle hand on Sunny's shoulder, offering a warm smile filled with understanding. "Sunny, it's not your fault. You didn't cause any of this," she reassured him softly. "We all have our struggles, and what happened that day was beyond anyone's control. Please don't blame yourself for what happened or for how you coped with it. We're here for each other now, and that's what matters." Her words carried a sense of sincerity and comfort, trying to ease the weight of guilt that Sunny carried.

Sunny internally felt worse as something felt to haunt him as he slowly hit back and smile to speak "Right right , but still I meant this for you….Atleast I am back now right? Plus , when you start ready to bug me properly with Kel besides with erm Basil.." As he blush when she finally kiss his cheek a bit before huff while carried their trash outside the garbage cans of the house for she replied "I know I know , but Sunny…look at the 'you' now and once Mari wakes up it would make my day as always…."

Aubrey's kiss on Sunny's cheek brought a slight blush to his face, and he smiled at her as they disposed of the trash. "You're right, Aubrey. We'll get through this together, and I'll do my best to be there for you and everyone else," he replied, his voice filled with determination and a touch of warmth. "And about bugging me with Kel, well, I'll leave that to you to figure out." He chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood.

She chuckles as she scratch her head when they sort out disposing the empty bottles as well when Sunny said "Still…Thanks as well for allowing me to come with you despite your initial hesitation of letting me suddenly being involve of your current life."