
Omniverse Traveler: Spiderman Harem.

After living his entire life bedridden was rewarded by his action that helped many and given the power to travel through any reality without limit and accompanied by a Female Goudere Venom reincarnated as the most beloved by sadist author, Peter Parker also known as Spider Man. Warning: It's large harem with little character development. Also I won't do smut and just mentioned small mention but won't go into details. World - Marvel - Claymore - Then back to Marvel

Try_hard · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 1 - Prologue

A young man's eyes crack open waking up in an unfamiliar place trying to remember the last thing he could recall. Memories of the time when he's been bedridden from incurable disease and forced to live most of his life either at home or at the hospital. He never blamed anyone and understood that complaints wouldn't change anything therefore decided to live his life to the fullest he could.

He was inspired by the heroes and characters from fiction that he had watched from superman to Simon the digger. They were the beacon of hope who overcame whatever problem that the universe throws at them.

Though they were unrealistic, they still stood for something as kindness, hope and duty never physically existed yet people believed in these principles and kept them from falling to complete destruction for the Indomitable human spirit is unmatched by the cold uncertainty of the universe. Fantasy and fiction is essential in order to believe in these principles.

His favorite character has to be spiderman who always get the worst experience that the author throws at him yet he always stood up for what's right and kept going even at the cause of his happiness. He became frustrated because he believed he deserved to be selfish at times because sometimes being selfish is selfless.

The young man who see himself in spiderman life decided to be like him and be better trying his best having worked hard where he had started small business that reach unbelievable network in where he use most of the money to help people who suffer in life to ease their pain and hoped that in the future less people suffer like he did.

"How do you feel, young man?" A voice came and the young man turned to see a gentle looking old man wearing simple clothes who reached out their hand and felt a sense of belonging and unbelievable love as well as calmness. He wondered if this person was god knowing that he had already died at the age of 25.

"I am but not the god you're thinking of." He smiled as the young man took his hand and stood up, clearly baffled that he was able to even stand remembering the last time he did was when he was 6 years old.

"Take your time boy. We have all the time in the world." The old man was gentle and friendly, holding the young man who was simply overwhelmed by the feeling. Many people take things for granted being able to move freely without their body screaming in pain.

"I'm fine now, thank you, my lord." He was respectful and didn't try to act like he was worth anything in front of a higher power. The old man smiled seeing his humility and respect, being more mature for his age.

"No need to say that, simply call me grandfather or grandpa." His words gave the young man a familiar feeling like he was actually at the present of his grandparent. He never met them but if he did then this should be how it feels right?

"Alright, Grandpa." He said that made the old man feel overjoyed.

"That is good, it may be strange suddenly dragged into this place as normally mortals who have died that receive grace will be sent to heaven where they would live in paradise. But I have something I wish to speak with you about." The old man said to take the young man to a small stable near a beautiful lake.

The young man felt like his experience was the beginning of a wish fulfillment fanfic that he often read when he was unsatisfied with the stories that he was reading. He sat down and felt relaxed despite how everything was happening to him.

"Yes, that is exactly what you're thinking, my boy." He said that surprises him.

"Let me explain. You have made numerous good karma from your life and nearly zero bad karma that it's unbelievable." He was impressed having seen many people with both good and bad karma but the young boy nearly had zero karma never been able to act selfishly considering he is bedridden and only indirect harm those who have bad karma as only when doing "bad" against bad karma won't affect the person.

"That is the reason why you're here and have been selected to be my grandchild. Someone who I know won't act completely selfish nor would be blinded by their selflessness." The old man said having seen people suffer too much from being blinded by their desire to do bad and good.

"Using the karma you recieve I would be able to bestow at least 3 wishes and it can be anything you want then be reborn to any world you want. " He gave almost unlimited power to the young man who was taken aback by the offer thinking it was too much power for him.

"...can I ask a question before I give my wish?" The young man asked, having a number of question that he wanted to asked.

"I know what you're going to ask, after your death, your parents grieve for your death but move on knowing you wouldn't want them to be sad for long and your younger sibling became extraordinary people in their own rights as an honor for your positive outlook in life. The people you've helped also became amazing people that helped shape your world causing a ripple of effect and recognize you as a hero."

The old man told him of his great achievement that like many great heroes before him had done and helped shape the world. The young man was filled with happiness and joy that at least people lived great lives because he and his family lived a fulfilling life.

"I see, thank you, that's all I wanted to know." He said was geatly satisfied with everything.

"You're welcome, my boy. Now tell me what is your wish?" The old man asked.

"It might sound strange and frankly a bit strange but I want a Goudere female Venom who has the powers of the King in black, Onyx King, the Unbeyonder. Make it so she doesn't have any weaknesses." He's a bit embarrassed but his guilty pleasure was a harem story and always saw that it would be nice to be loved by many women and big families.

"Hohoho, it isn't strange at all and as a bonus I'll give you [ Essence of the Harem protagonist ]." The old man was generous and willing to give him passive power that affected women. The young man was unsure about his ability and the old man chuckled.

"Don't worry, it isn't brainwashing and suddenly spreading their legs for you only gives a charismatic air and unity among your lover." The old man reassured the young man that calm him down and continued.

"Then I wish to be reborn as Peter Parker because I want to change our lives for the better." Among all superheroes, spider man or Peter Parker always suffer even when things seem looking up for him.

"Sure, but I'll make it so you regain your memories a bit later, after you gained spider powers." The old man said.

"That's fine since it would be weird for a baby to suddenly think like an adult. As for my last wish, an ability to travel through the omniverse because I don't want to remain in marvel and want to explore other places." The young man said wanting to meet other characters and helped some people if he could.

"That's easy enough. I'm glad to have chosen you as my grandchild. You could have wished to become the strongest in any world but decided to ask for reasonable powers. Now, the moment you wake up is when you will receive everything." He said as the young man was slowly fading away and was shocked he was actually going to become Peter Parker.

"Wait, is there anything I should do? Like tasks and stuff for you?" The young man was unsure if he had to do something grand or not for the old but he simply smiled.

"No, just simply lived in a way that you had done. Be kind and strong but never forget the people that matter the most. Now until we meet again, my grandchild." The old man said as the young man vanished.