
Omniverse Traveler: Spiderman Harem.

After living his entire life bedridden was rewarded by his action that helped many and given the power to travel through any reality without limit and accompanied by a Female Goudere Venom reincarnated as the most beloved by sadist author, Peter Parker also known as Spider Man. Warning: It's large harem with little character development. Also I won't do smut and just mentioned small mention but won't go into details. World - Marvel - Claymore - Then back to Marvel

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 2 - Marvel verse

His eyes flickered and opened to reveal an unknown yet familiar ceiling as a set of new memories flooded his mind. He finds himself becoming the man, the myth, the legend, Peter Parker also known as Spider Man. His previous life had ended and now he is Peter Parker. He was a nerdy young man and only recently was bitten by a spider yesterday. It was uncertain what version of the universe he was in but he was the close friend of Ned Leeds and Gwen Stacy.

Mary Jane is a childhood friend but had been distant with her ever since she surrounded herself with the popular kids like Flash Thompson and Harry Osborn who often bullies Peter. He always disliked Mary Jane in the comics and movies since she was self-centered and always cheated with her partner. She often plays the victim even and never tries to be there for Peter.

Peter's feelings were neutral and would likely ignore even her old crush for her was gone now that his previous life fuse with his current one. He was currently at highschool but Iron man and many other superheroes exist except the fantastic four.

Around a few months had passed as the rise of more superheroes and vigilantes arose. Mutants exist and believed that with his knowledge would be able to help remove the discrimination against them soon. If not then he could make krokoka early.

He sat down and reached out for his phone that was rather outdated compared to what he's used to having in the 2012 phone era. Peter checked the message to see Gwen and Ned asking how he was feeling and quickly gave them a reply before turning it off. He ignored Mary Jane and even went to a safe to completely delete her number because it was best to sever his connection with her.

[ Morning, Darling~ ]

He was taken aback hearing a familiar voice that was filled with love and devotion sharing the same feeling and understood who it was. This was the female venom that he wished for and understood that she is crazy for him and would do anything for him.

"Venom…so my wish is true." Peter thought to himself, taking a moment to stand up and looked at a nearby mirror to see his attractive face and a body that was perfectly lean having lost all the unnecessary fat. He had formed an understanding of his ability but needed time to master them. Peter needs to develop the way of the spider Martial art or learn from a master in another world with his extra dimensional travel.

[ Yes, and we have many things that need to be done. If it is alright, will you allow me to eat those that bully you darling? ]

She saw memories of Peter and was mad at what they did to him. Anyone who harms his darling deserves death! If not then endless torture! She won't allow her beloved to ever suffer and only deserved the best.

"Uhmm, no, unless they gave me a reason too." Peter didn't think they deserved death for what they did but he was at least going to punish them when he got the chance.

"For now, it would be best if we test out my ability and afterwards think of our future plans." He said calming venom down who didn't refute and respect her darling's decision. It was fortunately weekends and gave him enough time to get a hang of his powers. He went to the bathroom to take a bath while sweating nonstop the other night because of his transformation. Peter took off his clothes and saw his third leg that was above average enough to satisfy numerous women.

[ I can't wait until we could breed together, Darling~ ]

It is certainly strange that he was a young man who died from his illness to a superhero with an obsessive lover. He simply accepted everything and was grateful for it. Peter won't let anyone who is important to him get hurt, especially his uncle Ben and aunt May who had been taking care of him.

'I need to make my own company then help my aunt and uncle have their well deserved retirement.' He was now Peter Parker and meant he has the same familial love that he had for them.

'My intellect seems good enough that I should be able to make my own company.' Peter thought since the superior spider man was able to make his own company matter in a few months.

'Venom dear, can you infect people and control them?' He felt it was natural calling her a nickname as if they have years of connection. It didn't feel cringe and out of place that made Venom happy.

[ I can, are you planning on overthrowing the entire syndicate? ]

Venom was eager to show her devotion for him and Peter smiled, planning on having a network both underground and public eye. He isn't naive enough that it was wrong to side with criminals but more times than not some are necessary for maintaining peace.

'You know me well, Dear.' Peter chuckled as he continued washing himself then got out of the shower as Venom immediately made some clothes from him.

'Thank you, Dear.' He thought.

[ You're welcome, Darling~ ]

Venom said as Peter headed down stare where he saw two elderly couples with his aunt setting up the tables and his uncle reading the news newspaper.

"Oh, morning Peter, I hope you're feeling better now. You looked awful when you came back." His aunt May said a bit distressed remembering how he was sweating bullets and stumbling as he got into his room.

"That right, if you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask, Peter." His uncle stood up walking up to him and placed his hands on his shoulder.

"Even though I taught you with great power comes responsibility doesn't mean you should shoulder everything alone. Remember, you have us and you have friends." Uncle Ben felt that his nephew's eyes felt more mature than before and felt a nagging feeling that he might burden himself with too much responsibility in the near future.

"I…I promise I'm fine. And I'll keep in mind what you said." Peter was happy to have a loving aunt and uncle to be by his side. He would make sure that they wouldn't ever be harmed like in other stories.

"Alright, I think it's best if we have some breakfast since you missed dinner last night." Aunt May said as Peter and Ben smiled taking a seat before having their breakfast. He felt rather hungry and easily devoured his meal that surprised his Aunt and uncle but didn't say anything and fed more than normal. After a while, Peter helped with the dishes even though Aunt May insisted not to.

"It's surprising your acting more mature, Peter." Aunt May said as the two washed the dishes.

"It's only a matter of time. And it's not like there's too many plates that need to be rinsed." Peter said and soon finished before he told them that he was going somewhere. He got outside and was greeted by the fresh air of New York City. Even though it's polluted it still felt amazing, finally able to move around and see the world around him.

"Peter?" His moment was interrupted by another familiar voice and turned to see a young woman the same age as him with an extremely beautiful, green-eyed redhead. She exudes a popular and charismatic girl but to Peter it was an eyesore.

"Mary Jane." The way he said perflexes Mary Jane and felt like she was nothing but stranger to her. She felt extremely uncomfortable even more the way Peter looked at him finally noticing that his body was more fit than before and handsome. Her boyfriend Harry didn't exude the same appeal to what Peter had now. Mary Jane ignored it believing it was because Peter didn't feel good yesterday that he was acting distance.

"How are you feeling? I heard you were sent home during our trip in the Oscorp industry." Mary Jane said. Peter was annoyed that she's acting this way when she never asks how he was when flash or harry bullied him.

[ Should we kill her, Darling? ]

Venom was eager to kill her seeing how much of a hypocrite the woman was in front of her darling. Does she really care for her darling? Then where was she when her boyfriend and "Friends" bullied her beloved.

'...No, best if we ignored her.' Peter disliked her and wanted nothing to do with her. He blankly looked at her, which somewhat scared the attention Whore then started to leave, shocking Mary Jane.

"Hey, where are you going?" Mary Jane called out while Peter simply ignored her leaving the red haired woman feeling lost for the first in a long time. She couldn't understand how she felt being ignored by her childhood friend who seemed to change but hoped that it was simply because he was feeling like he usually does.

Meanwhile back to Peter, he went to find a place where there shouldn't be anyone looking and tried to form portals that connect to whatever he desired and stepped inside before closing it. He finds himself in an abandoned warehouse perfect to see what extent his power reaches.

'It seems I can open anywhere, even places I don't know so long I have the intent and desire for such a place.'

Peter thought to himself and immediately tried opening another portal where the other end was behind him and saw that he could adjust the size and even move the portal. He tried to make the portal act like black hole and was amazed it actually worked by thinking of a dimension that acted like black hole.

He could even open a portal to slice through objects forming them between the objects. He was unsure to what extent it could split through but he was confident only few could withstood it.

'This is going to be useful especially with my Spider sense and hyper awareness.' He knew the versatility of having the ability to form portals and the library of places he could visit was endless. Once he was done examining his ability in portal creation went to his spider ability walking close to the wall where he placed his hand where he could feel the tight grip and began to crawl then place his feet on into the wall standing sideways.

He didn't feel dizzy and the reason he is able to stick while having shoes on was not because he had satae like the movie version but had an electro-magnetic field manipulation, through both his fingers and toes.

"Nice, he looks fun. Now how about webs…"

Peter looked up to the other side of the wall and reached out doing the signature gesture that instantly made an organic web then pulled himself forward after detaching himself to the wall and propelled himself forward immediately to the other side.

'I'm getting the hang of this. Dear can you help me retrace the fighting style that I often watch and make it into muscle memory?'

He had an obsession with fighting from his previous life and always fought himself watching countless martial arts and discipline. Peter knew even with knowledge and skills of fighting would be completely different from actual experience. Not to mention, he needed to pull his punches and not kill the thugs he was about to capture.

[ I can easily do that, Darling. ]

Peter jumped down and immediately felt his mind getting rewired by Venom letting her do her work that didn't take long until he took a stance and immediately showed a level of skills comparable to world class athletes. He understands that he has gotten stronger and improved every passing moment until several hours became really hungry.

"Damn, now I'm hungry…" He complained feeling his stomach growling as it was now time for lunch and looked at his pocket to see that he didn't have much.

[ How about we eat some thugs? ]

Venom suggested knowing it could fill their stomach quite a bit but Peter felt hesitant yet wasn't against the ideas thinking that his morals were slightly altered enough that he didn't find it too strange.

"Sure, why not but it's best if that version deserves to or not." Peter won't let criminals who are simply forced by life unless they truly are beyond help and would repeat their crimes later.

[ You're call, darling. ] She didn't try to force him.

'Thank you, anyway, can you give me a suit to hide my identity?' Peter asked as Venom began to shapeshift, forming a symbiotic suit that appeared a mixture of Superior spider man and Shadow spider design.

"This is simply amazing, dear." He praised the design and always loved the black and red design of it. Peter disliked the blue and red since it feels too bright and childish for his taste.

[ Thank you, Darling. Now, why don't we hunt down some criminals? ]

Venom said as Peter smiled where he opened the portal to find some criminals to punish. It led to a bank that was current getting robbed where he smirked then went inside to begin his hunt.