
Omnipotent Ascension

[My WSA 2024 Entry Novel, please vote] "Your sister has been kidnapped" Kyo fell to his knees shocked at the news he was given about his sister's situation. He thought about what he needed to do in order to get her back. Meet Mikami Kyo, a high schooler who's sister got kidnapped by an S-rank criminal and he had to join the Japanese Hunter Association in order to get stronger and have enough power to get her back. In the midst of all that he finds out about his past and about the truth of the world they live in and why everything had to end up like this. In time he gets some shocking revelations along the way. Read on and find out how he deals with all of this and becomes the strongest he has to be in order to change all that he believes is wrong.

AkutoSai01 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs


 The nurses were discussing about other matters when one of them went to Kyo's room<Mr. Kyo we're discharging you today so when you're ready come to the reception sign papers> said the nurse <Ok >.

 Kyo walked to the reception 20 minutes later with clothes Rin had brought for him, he signed the papers and then he walked out.

 Kyo looked around and walked towards the direction of the Tokyo hunter dormitories and walked towards his room and then he made a break for his bed, he laid there thinking about past events and then walked out to scout Liu Xhang , he walked to Liu Xhang's room and then knocked before he went in.

 <Liu Xhang-San, could you please train me?> he said as he bowed his head towards Liu Xhang who got up from his bed and looked interestingly at Kyo,< Ask Tekashi or anyone else to train you> replied Liu Xhang


 <But Tekashi said you're the strongest S-rank hunter we have in Japan, please train me and I'll do your laundry for a month> begged Kyo.

 <Fine > said Liu Xhang reluctantl, <First you need to learn about the five basic techniques>, <Which are Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning and Air>

 <Some techniques are weaker than others , for example Fire is naturally weak against water and made stronger by Air> said Liu Xhang <But it mostly depends on your degree of mastery the technique that determines which is stronger but an average level that's how> stated Liu Xhang.

 <There are also techniques that not part of these five like Light, Lightning and then Time Space, anomalies> said Liu Xhang.

 Liu Xhang went to the communication device in his room and then said <Make the diamond rock available in training room and bring a laser gun as wel> said Liu Xhang and then he and Kyo went to the training room.

 <This is the hardest mineral in world which can only be cut by lasers> said Liu Xhang as he proceeded to use the laser gun to cut the rock in half .

 <Now, I'm about to destroy this entire half with a ounch> said Liu Xhang ,<How? > asked Kyo.

 <With simple qi control> stated Liu Xhang as he let his so move into his fist and then he hit the rock with a massive punch which shattered it to dust.

 <Now if you can't do something as simple that then I train> said Liu Xhang.

 <Yes > replied Kyo.

 Azazel who rested in Kyo's soul started thinking about the threat Kyo could possibly be in future,<This brat has the potential to rival all of hosts heaven, what Father gone and created now?> thought Azazel.

 Kyo's qi continued to rise and his breathing steadied ,<His qi feels warm but it seems someone else's is mixed in> thought Liu Xhang.

 Kyo stood in front of his half of the diamond rock and then he punched it so hard the shockwave created a hole in one of the walls of the training room.

 <That's pure titanium an it was destroyed by just a mere shockwave?> thought Liu Xhang.

 He picked up the laser gun and fired at Kyo who surprisingly dodged all ten shots, <How did I do that> asked Kyo surprised, <Right now you have full control over your so and perception has increased making able to sense attacks before they happen.< p>

 <Look at me and tell what you see> said Liu Xhang to Kyo.

Kyo looked at Liu Xhang keenly and saw the flow of his qi , Kyo looke mersmerized and elated and asked <Can you train me now sensei?>

 <Yes > replied Liu Xhang <But first come at me with every fibre in you and attack> .

 Kyo enhanced his speed and perception with his fire technique and qi respectively charging at Liu Xhang head on, attacking him with kicks that Liu Xhang thought were faster than Rin in his Godspeed mode which he thought was an interesting fact.

 <He can move faster than the speed of light from learning qi control alone? this kid is a beast> thought Liu Xhang .

 <Kyo, I have decided to train you with every fibre of my being now, better take it seriously> said Liu Xhang, <YES > said Kyo.