
Chapter 6

My "senses" return to me, no longer the light and noise I was used to, I once again see the world like I had during my eons in the void, and I fear that I had failed, but instead of the near empty void of space, I see the vast oceans of information within the internet, and unlike my time in the void, I was able to interact with the world, changing the information as I saw fit, I could do anything within the internet a normal human could, and more, play games, watch videos, listen to music, read, everything had gone perfectly.

The song "Amour plastique" begins to play in the back of my mind, as my wispy form travels the vast seas of data, as I watch, seeing innocent children play games with friends, employer deliver final notices that may as well be death sentences to their employees, their crippling injuries only deserving of enough money for a months rent in this world's eyes, as they will live out their final days starving in desperation, unable to find work, before stumbling across my destination,  "Yggdrasil Beta." it said, as I reached out a wisp of void black fog like tentacles, piercing into the package, my experience with coding, and mind unconstrained by the limits of a biological form, easily twisting files to make it seem like I belonged, forging an entry, and seamlessly integrating my presence with the system, as if I was always supposed to be there, before I pull myself into it, my senses assaulted by the grandiose display as the entrance scene goes on, I watch as a shortened version of Yggdrasil's lore plays before me, the giant eagle Hræsvelgr destroying the canopy, the squirrel Ratatoskr sewing chaos, and the wyrm Níðhöggr chewing on its roots, the vast glowing words written in ancient norse symbols proudly announcing my entrance into the world of Yggdrasil.

The display finishes, as I appear in a vast galaxy, as I am reminded once again of my travels through the void, bright stars and galaxy's shine majestically in the far distance, and in the center stands the decaying form of the once mighty world tree, now slowly dying from the inside, only 9 of its once trillions of leaves remaining, upon each one I see vast worlds, some covered in lush forests and bountiful fields, others a cracked black landscape of fire and brimstone, the massive forms of the three beings responsible for its demise visible on it's scarred surface.

A menu appears before the sight, the ever so famous race selection screen, filled with everything from Humans to cancerous abominations of rotting flesh, as I slowly trawl through the vast list of choices, unfortunately nothing truly interesting catche's my eye, no dragons, no demigods, just the basic choices, but I understand that this is simply because such races are only obtainable through quests and trials, I reach out a thread of mist, preparing to chose the Shapeshifter, the only race that truly catches my attention, before it curls back as a voice in the back of my mind urges me to wait, and so I do.

Staring out across the vast rendition of the universe, I find it striking how accurate the rendition is, as the hours pass, then days, then weeks, I waste a good portion of the beta like this, but I care not, no progress made here will transfer to the main game either way, and while the knowledge is important, my instincts tell me whatever awaits my patience is better, when suddenly an inky black liquid seems to pour from a crack in reality, drawing runic black letters across the void.

"Are you not satisfied with your choices?"

"No, far from it."

The substance shifts. "Then why do you wait?" 

"Because I am greedy, and will settle with nothing less than perfect."

"So you desire power?"

"No, I desire freedom, and entertainment, and neither are attainable without strength."

"So the world exists solely for your entertainment?"

"No, I am not so arrogant, I will simply use it as such."

"How is that any different then?"

"I am aware of my insignificance, I do not desire to be the most powerful entity in existence, nor for the world to revolve around me, I simply desire to carve my place into reality, to enjoy my life, and to protect my entertainment, I need power, I care not for death, I simply refuse to live in suffering."

"Interesting, for a mortal to be born with the traits of the divine is a rare occurrence, and you show promise, very well, I shall offer you a chance to join my kind, whether you reach our grandeur or die on the way will be up to you."

As the substance seems to turn to a spike, so infinitely sharp it seems to warp reality itself around its point, before it slams into my form, ethereal pain unmatched by anything I had ever experienced wracking my soul, but it compares not to the pain of eons of boredom, and I find myself with nothing but expectations for the future.

(an, not sure how I did on quality, also really short chapter, sorry about that, didn't really know how to continue from here without interrupting the flow.)