
Not a chapter

Hello everyone, I feel really bad about basically forgetting about most of my active stories so I want to address that, first things first, I want you guys to know I wont be dropping them outright, the main reason for my lack of updates is that I write based on my mood, and because I was stupid and exited when I first started writing, I started like 6 stories all at once, more than I could ever hope to update every day, but I told myself it was fine, that I would just do a schedule where I would update story A and B on day one, then C and D on day two, then E and F on day three, and repeat, but what it really ended up being was just day 1, im tired ill just update story A. Day two, fuck I didn't update story B yesterday, but I also really like story A so I'll update that today. Day three, Well I didn't update C and D yesterday so I'll do that today, *later* fuck it ill update story A. Day 20 FUCK I FORGOT ABOUT MY OTHER STORIES.

As of right now the main two stories I'm focusing on are my MHA and Danmachi, I will try to at least periodically update my other stories, but my point is other than those stories for a while these stories will be getting little love, my interests change every few months though, and I may grow bored or finish my other stories and move on to another one, I'm really sorry, as a reader myself I know how much it sucks when your favorite story is basically forgotten, or dropped, but I have a life of my own, and I'm only human, I apologize again, but I'm not paid to do any of this, so i'm not obligated to do anything.