
Omega: A Legacy Reborn

Follow the adventures of Richard and his friends as they enter the popular online virtual game of Omega as they battle against other players to become the best team in the world. As an addition to that, they must discover the history of the Legendary Pieces, legendary artifacts with unique powers. Some sentient, most of them even corrupted by previous owners. Throughout this journey to become the best team in the world, they will have to fight Black Hat and some Grey Hat Hackers, other owners and even other entities that will try and destroy the game they love or even worse...The World. So, Hop in and watch as History unfolds in this Online adventure. Are You all Ready? Because Here...We...Go! Entering Omega NOW!!

Richard_Omega · Fantasia
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68 Chs

Chapter 42: The Attempt

"A Man with a Plan..."

"The time is near! No longer would we hide in the shadows in fear! No longer would we be hunted like rabid dogs! No longer we will be looked down upon by people as we are nothing but commoners to them, like a disease. No, soon my men we will rise from the shadows! No longer we will fear but bring fear! We will be the hunters, not the hunted! We will look above them like kings and queens! We will bring chaos! Fear! But the most important thing we will make them scream the name: Rois et Reines!" The roar of the soldiers was heard in the entire room 108 their Leader LeDutch speech has inspired them even more than the mysterious french leader has done in the past. They will take back what is rightfully theirs and make sure that those who had ruined and look down on their lives and struggles will see how it feels to be pushed to the shadows of the abyss. They will finally see the sun again. They will follow their leader to the very end...They will succeed even if they die trying. In the end...They will make sure, LeDutch name and theirs will be marked in the history books once more.

"Be prepared, in less than 32 hours from now, we will invade the city of Japan and make sure that we're the Armageddon that they have to fear the most, and thanks to the collective efforts of you, Salamander, and LeGrace all our dreams will become a reality! Behold!!" From a giant monitor, there was something that only Salamander and the members of LeGrace has seen before. For the soldiers, this was a new sight and what a sight to behold. Easily 80 meters tall. The wideness of the bullfrog legs could easily squash an entire building with ease. The scorpion-like tail as long as easily 14 meters. No eyes like a bat but they assume that just like bats this thing has a supersonic hearing even the machine's face looks like a bat. Plates similar to a stegosaurus around the top of its body to its scorpion tail. If Chimera's existed this could be what one will look like.

"This is The Armageddon a weapon that was used by the military long ago but was deemed too dangerous to control. The energy requirement was also a factor in it. But thanks to LeGrace, that no longer is the case," He shows Ragnarok to his soldiers.

"This is Ragnarok along with Dione they're known as the Twin Pearls. Separated they are just treasures with no usefulness...However, together they're described as an unlimited power supply of energy. Any weapon will be functional regardless of the amount of energy it requires! It can also turn any weapon no matter how insignificant it looks into a biological weapon of mass destruction. We have finally gotten the both of them, it is all thanks to LeGrace." The soldiers who had respected LeGrace for years have now undoubtedly given loyalty to them. They will become the shield of the swords that have to bring them the freedom and dream they wished for so long.




"HAAA!!" This puts a smile on LeDutch face...soon he will get his revenge on the one person and the one country who dared get in his way. Japan & The Humanoid A.I.


How long has it been?! He has been training with Harry Kishima for a while. Still, he feels a lot stronger...nowhere near the black-haired boy but still. He wonders how much Capacity Power he has gained, he couldn't tell since he has used a lot of it plus going from different classes through Core Shift didn't help the case either.

"Don't tell me you are tired already. Tch, if it wasn't for that person I would've continued my fight with Kurosagi." He is still looking down on him. So this must be how Richard Kurosagi felt the first time he met the son of the president of Omega Corp.

"It looks like you are unsatisfied Harry Kishima." Who is that?!

"You are...!" Harry was surprised...this was unexpected!


"Fufu..." What is she doing here? Did his father send her here? If so...


"Emuna Chariot, she is the owner of the legendary piece The Soulless Coffin." The owner of...Wait are those?!

"She is also has a tittle. "Reine des marionette"." Reine...?

"Puppet Queen?"

"Yes...you want to know the reason? Look around you..." Sexan then noticed. 100? No! There are thousands of dolls!! When...Did...?!

"Is this enough to satisfy your thirst for becoming the strongest out of our group, Harry Kishima?" Our group?! Does that mean she...

"Humph, so father told you."

"I am the owner of a legendary piece after all...Tell me did he tell you the real purpose of this training?" He has a small suspicion of what his father's goal is...However...

"I assume he told you all about it?"

"Fufu, Quite." Sexan is wondering: What is this "purpose" the emotionless small teen was talking about?

"Sorry to interrupt but what do you mean by purpose?"

"Oh?" This boy...ah she sees...her legendary piece is reacting to it. So that's is a fake piece. The False Dragonite...at least that's what the president has called it.


"You must be Sexan Arifer, allow me to introduce myself. I am Emuna Chariot the owner of the legendary piece the Coffin of the Soulless."

"I am. But, how do you know my name?" Now Sexan Arifer was on guard. Despite this being their first meeting the white-haired small teen already knew his name. He will not be surprised if...

"We have been informed of the situation at hand. Master Kishima has told us that Miss Hishikawa has been kidnapped by a terrorist group." Regalia responded. So the situation has been distributed to them. Good then...

"Then we shouldn't be wasting time. The more I sit here getting bored of you yammering your mouth, the more time I am wasting of surpassing Kurosagi." Just as rude as ever, huh? Her master shouldn't waste her Capacity Power on him, after all, they need to save it for...Which reminds her, do the other know? The fact that they are training to use a technique that only 12 people have successfully performed? Knowing the president...probably not.

"Alright then, shall we begin then? Don't regret it later, Harry Kishima."

"Humph!" Harry with his buster sword ready and lightning flash form active was ready for a fight that will make sure that he will end up being stronger than Richard. He didn't care at what cost! He just wanted to prove once and for all that he will always be the superior warrior, the superior champion...The superior Core. His lightning speed quickness was able to destroy up to 239 dolls in just the time lightning touches the sea. It was that quick. However, even with that speed, the sheer number of dolls was astronomical. It was going to take more than speed and power to defeat her even to be even close to her. Sexan was pairing up well too, thanks to Harry training with him for this many minutes his Capacity Power must have increased not to mention his attack was a lot more efficient being able to take multiple dolls simultaneously with a swing of his fu tao. Again, the sheer number of dolls is ridiculous is as if they were infinite. Even more, he hasn't seen the white-haired nor the two dolls that were by her side even move a muscle from that spot!

Emuna rose her sword and pointed forward commanding more dolls to attack. A rain of arrows descended upon both boys who quickly dodged them with their speeds. Two dolls went to attack from above with their drills but Sexan dodged out of the way in time to get nicked a bit, on Harry's side a whip took his buster sword away.

"Tch," Oh! So it thinks that he cannot fight without his sword?! Who does that doll think he is! He is Harry Kishima! MR. HARRISON! The three times Omega Singles Champion! Dodging the incoming spike balls that were shot by a few black Gothic dressed dolls the boy with lightning speed punched and kicked his way through some of them. His fist as hard as concrete, his kicks as sharp as a sword itself. Harry has trained himself on both swordsmanship and hand-to-hand combat just in case of these types of situations. Thanks to his enhanced speed thanks to his lightning flash form he doesn't need to rely solely on his buster sword anymore. Harry was getting closed to the doll holding his sword but then stopped in his tracks and backed away when a few silver arrows came his way.

"So now you finally join the battle," Harry said to Magdalene who just as fast as lightning entered the field.

"Master has deemed that it will be necessary to hasten the pace of the training."

"Fine by me, I will crush every single one of you and send you all back to your shell of a mannequin that you are!"

Sexan, on the other hand, was getting a bit tired, but he will not give up. After, training with Harry, Richard, and knowing how strong Rusher is first handed he will become strong. His mission is clear...He will save Alice Hishikawa.

"Tell me Sexan Arifer, How did you manage to get that False Piece?" False...?


"The necklace you are holding, how...did you manage...to get it?" Emuna asked the brown-haired boy. Fake Pieces were rare after all, they were created by a madman that wanted to become a god himself. A false god, that is what he became...but that was a long time ago and...No, that is a story for another day, right now she must...

"It was a gift from my father. He said it was special, at first I didn't know what he meant by that. But...now, it seems that I am understanding what he meant by that." Replied the brown-haired boy.

"Has it awaken yet?"

"What do you mean?"

"The Fake Piece has it been able to give you a special power."

"I don't follow."

"I see...in that case, it is better that you don't. Fake Pieces are extremely dangerous and in the wrong hands can put humanity in danger. If I were you...I would destroy that Fake Piece." Destroy it? Why would he destroy it? Her voice also changed tone. Even if those eyes were unwavering the tone of the girl's voice was more than enough to give Sexan some vibes...it was as if...the girl hated these fake pieces. But destroying this...it was a gift from his father he has had it for almost 4 years now, to get rid of this just because the white-haired girl say so is...No.

"I am sorry, but I can't do that. This thing is important to me, it is a gift from father and I cannot destroy such a precious gift because someone tells me to do so. My father said it was my first step to young adulthood, I was confused at first but now I know. It was because he might have known that a situation like this might happened, that I will meet an amazing friend. Now that friend is in danger I need to keep this, I will not allow myself to fail again!!" Emuna stares at him for a few minutes before she closes her eyes.

"I see...my apologies I did not know how precious that necklace is to you. Ignored what I said previously, It seems that I am confident that you will be able to find a way to use it well." Emuna told him...there will be a time and place, but for now...she will just have to keep a close eye on it, she just doesn't...

"Shall we continue?" Want to dwell on the past.


Rusher has been reflecting on many things. But most importantly he was reflecting on the past. Taking a look at his mechanical arm he has been remembering his days on The Area. The first days of being a soldier, his first meeting with his commander, the first time he met Dr. Rowan and...the First time he saw It.

"Rusher." Door sliding with a sizzling sound, Kula Rowan approached her partner since the time that they left The Area to today. Both Legendary pieces glowing as she takes a chair and sat beside him.

"Kula...what is it?"

"Remembering the past?" Kula could read him like a book. She always has even when they first met. The orange-haired girl found her blue-haired leader fascinating and interesting since before he got the M.I.S.T. In him. The small petite girl was known as a prodigy genius and was able to translate an ancient alien language when she was 7 years old. Since then The Area relied on her to translated every message aliens from another planet sent to Earth until this day no one has ever reached the level of intellect that is capable of translating alien messages as she did and if there's ever one she would like to meet that interesting person so she can observe and know how he was able to understand the language.

"Yes...Those were the glory days...Those days, we could train freely, eat freely, talk freely, without any fear of it. But now...now we can't do so knowing that one day we will become IT'S food." He open and close his mechanical hand.

"Do not worry. We will go back to those days, I am close, thanks to her we are one step closer to achieving our goal. We created LeGrace because all our lives were destroyed by one common curse, but now...all of it could be over in less than 30 hours." Yes, the sole purpose of LeGrace was for one thing and one thing only: Getting rid of the curse known as the M.I.S.T. And be free again.

"How is Hishikawa doing?"

"She is taking the news very hard."

"...I see. Grew has informed us about them."

"What about the legendary pieces?"

"That too. The power of God...it would be dangerous if he discovers this. Knowing that megalomaniac it wouldn't surprise me if he goes after them...even these." He took out The Ragging Sphere and shows his Estrella Del Leopardo. Kula looked at her Square Root of Puzzles, Rusher was correct it would be troublesome if he discovers what the legendary pieces are capable of if they are gathered together in one place and used by 1 individual...especially an individual with ambitions like his.

"The twin pearls, the legendary pieces...it feels like it was destiny for us to discovered and meet them." Kula was correct thought the blue-haired leader of LeGrace, he wonders if everything was planned from the beginning by these legendary pieces. Him being a soldier, becoming the first successful M.I.S.T. Vessel, Meeting Kula, creating LeGrace, and joining Rois et Reines. What about meeting Alice Hishikawa and discovering the effects of her legendary piece on others? Were the legendary pieces guiding them toward the answer they were seeking all those years? If so then sacrificing a whole country...is worth it for their freedom. LeDutch can have his revenge on Japan, he only cares about his group being free from this curse, what's next only destiny or should he say these legendary pieces can tell them. After all, it seems all of them are nothing but placeholders for these pieces. Getting rid of them would be a waste too, these things can be useful after all, it has helped them on many occasions to escape from Majestic 12 and P.E.P.A. Mol would stick with them since he was the leader of a thug group in the past. What about Grew? He used to enjoy life. Riding the waves and being by her side...but after The M.I.S.T. Attacked them...Min...would she restores her family to the rich and noble family it once was in the past? Her family was one of the most known aristocrats in France but after the M.I.S.T. And the unfortunate massacre...finding her in the state she was...the state every single one of them was after each incident it was more fuel to him to make this group. Victims of the M.I.S.T. At least those three, he and Kula can't blame the M.I.S.T. For everything, no one group was in the middle of those incidents...Majestic 12. He lost his commander and the only perhaps closes to a father figure that he could have, Kula lost her father, Min lost her noble family and status, Mol lost his gang, and Grew lost the one thing that was precious to him...her now she is...His legendary piece glowed...Ah, so that's it...huh? He can feel it...it seems that his legendary piece has given him his next goal once they have their freedom...Revenge, revenge on the people that took everything away from them.


Calling him at this time...He likes to make him wait. Well, he did promise to give him info...although he did say that everything was under control. Sending kids to do an adult's work, he doesn't know if he is a good guy or a bad guy.

"So you want me to..."

"Yes, Investigate about Dione and Ragnarok. We know what they do when they are united but we do not know the origin of the pearls. Who created them? What was their end goal? And why were they separated, to begin with?" Hmm, that was a simple task...However, he felt that there was more than that.

"There is more to it than this...is there? Leos Kishima." There was a pause on the other side before the caller responded.

"You have an eye on every side don't you?"

"Sometimes you need eyes even if those eyes are invisible to the human eye itself."

"The M.I.S.T. Who created it? And for what? Why did Majestic 12 deem it too dangerous for military purposes?" Ah...so that's it! Now he is talking private detective talk. Inhaling the smoke from his cigarette before exhaling it after a few seconds the private detective known as Troy ponders for a few minutes. The M.I.S.T. Case...he was involved in it a few years ago. He was as curious as to his current caller right now back then, even more since Red was involved in the incident itself. He should have the documents hidden here somewhere. Ah, there it is...Hmm is been that long, huh? September 17th, 2027 that was the first time something happened that involved said M.I.S.T. Ain the wounds meaning they were shot, however, their leader Mol Crânes body was missing. From the trail of blood that he was seeing on the floor, it disappeared on a building. But there was nothing in there. He looked around for clues until he found a small trail of blood on the rooftop. No blood trail that guided him there he just did a full through out search! It was strange it was as if...he was picked up by someone but that didn't make sense there would be a small trail of sulfur or even another set of footsteps smaller than the ones currently here left in here! There was only one set of footsteps and they were very big so he assumed those belong to Mol and again no way he would have had a jet-pack again the trail of blood would've gone somewhere else if that was the case. So what happened?

"Troy?" Oh!

"Deana, Sherri. Did you find anything?" Troy asked his partners. They had other private works but they were more focused on this investigation. Now it all turns back to this document.

"Troy is that...?"

"Yes, it seems that everything is revolving back to this documentation. Looks like the case isn't closed after all." The man took another smoke from his cigarettes.

"Bon Chagrin. Anyway, this progress?"

"Oh Yes! We have found that there were tracks of an aircraft nearby a park. From the looks of it, they were from something big. Upon further investigation, we found this." Oh...so they used an L-34-XV90 those aircraft are not your typical airline airplanes nor private jets for that matters. That is indeed a private military jet used by people from The Area. Hmm, What is this?

"Sherri can you zoom in that photo for a moment...400+ should be fine."

"Sure..." Confused but complying Sherri zoomed in the photo at 400+ and troy saw something. Ah, so they were using those!

"Very clever."


"If you both look closely there are two spike holes on the dirt, those are created by specializing boots to prevent footprints from being tracked down. 45-B-GEARGIA only one person can create those styles of boots...Gregorio LeDutch." So, LeGrace was working with him. It is no surprise that he would recruit a dangerous group such as this one. Why they were looking for Ragnarok.

"Does that mean...?"

"Precisely, if we're able to track those spikes and pinpoint their location we might be able to track down exactly where LeDutch is? Then this case will be one step closer from being solved." He knows that Red will not allow him to get deeper into this...However, he is on a mission...the private detective vibe tells him to go deeper...to solve this...for the sake of him, Red but most importantly...to close a chapter that he lost a long time ago.


Waiting to be rescued was more like getting tortured with boredom. Waiting to be rescued by your friends, however, was far worse. The fact that because of you, your friends will go into a suicide mission and get possibly killed by a group of terrorists that are bent on taking over the world gives you a sense of guilt like no other. Desperation, Anxiousness, Fear, Crying, all of those things bottle inside are too much for a 16-year-old to handle. What's worse is that it might be your fault because of the blood cells inside you and the legendary piece that dangled on your neck ever since you were a child. There is no telling what her fate will be after all of this is over.


Who could it be this time...she doesn't care he can...

"See I told you didn't I." What?

"You're right, I don't recognize her, is she a new member...She is very young." Who...?

"Who are you?" There are too many people here, male and female alike...It is difficult to remember their faces too. One thing is for sure, she hasn't seen these guys before.

"Hey miss, why don't you walk with us?" Are they drunk? They must have stumbled upon to this room. After seeing her state they decided to put her in her very own personal room for today. They said that they will need her to be able to be at 100% physically and mentally. Now three men who she hasn't even met are in this room. What can she do, with her legendary piece she could just beat them but she has nothing, nothing...just like her mother sees her...

"Hey, speak up..." What is the point of saving her? Yes, she will have her friends but her relationship with her mother will be the same...It is for the best that she isn't born, right? I mean she was forced to introduce her to her business partners because she didn't want her to be with her friends for the summer. She didn't even exist in the first place!!

"Leave me alone."

"Huh?" She hates her mother, if it wasn't for her she wouldn't be in this situation, right? She would be in France with her friends...there would be no point for them to go on a suicide mission just to get her out of here. They would be probably fighting other black hat hackers but at least they will be able to have a chance since they will be in Omega and not the real world. Sometimes...She wishes her mother will die...

"Just leave me alone!! Get out!"

"Hey, what is wrong with this bitch!"

"Hold her!" It is her fault!! Is her Fault!! is her mother's fault!!

*Smack* Ah!

Alice crashes to the floor hard. Her cheek was burning and it hurt like hell. It didn't help that she kind of bit one of them...what are they going to do to her?

"You bitch, you leave a bite mark, you better be ready to pay for it."

"Help..." why would anyone help her? Why did she utter those words, there is no reason to utter them...even if she screams them no one will come to help her. Her friends are miles away, this group only need her blood cells and her legendary piece. Once she is no longer useful she will probably be discarded. All she can do is bear whatever happens to her.

"So what to do?" She is scared, helpless, and scared...worst combination of feelings that someone like her could ever have. What's worse is that she can't fight back especially now bound by her hands and knees by the other two.

"Maybe we should rip some of her hair off her scalp." The man grabbed Alice's hair forcefully making her yelp. A knife went across her cheek before it went to her long red hair.

*swish* she felt a bit of her hair fall to the cold floor beside her. She has had that hair-style since middle school. She...actually loved it.

"Oh?" Now...is gone, ruined and who knows what else will be ruined after all of this is set and done.

"She is crying, heh, we're not done yet, the worse is yet to come."

"Help..." There she goes again...how many times does she have to say to herself! No one here will save her! But...! She...really...!!!

"HELP ME!!!" Wants to be saved!!

"Hey..." What?

"What the?!" That's...

"Who gave you permission to enter this room?" Metal touching flesh. Rusher was looking no glaring at the people who had her bound...who had ruined her hair and made her cry.

"My, do we have disobedient ones still active! I thought we got rid of them the last time they rebelled against us." There was a cold demeanor on Min one that she never saw on the purple-haired plant lover.

"Hmm...It seems that we need to take care of things. Mol, I thought you got your soldiers under control." Grew said to the tall muscular man.

"Not my division...I don't even know who these guys are." The tall beefy guy said to Grew.

"Kula...if you please." Their legendary pieces...

"Right..." Where are they...? Is this a maze?

"What is seen here is only seen by us..." Rusher told his members.

"W-Wait, please forgive us...! We..." What she saw was just utterly gruesome. She has never in her life seen someone's head blow in her life. All she could see is watches in horror just like the other two soldiers how a headless body fell and a few brain chunks fell to the floor around them. Even more, the red-haired girl saw something...Rusher's arm...it turned into a hand cannon. Grew appeared below the ground.

"Ah!! Ah! AHHHHHHHH!!!!" Those were the screams of the other soldier who got dragged below the ground before his screams were silenced.

"You are next." Alice felt something now on her neck.

"D-Don't come any closer." that stopped them in their tracks.

"I-If you don't want her to be a bloody corpse you'll undo this...whatever this place is!" He was desperate, scared, but...dangerous...her life could end here...her friends...her family...Jessenia...her mother...her mother? Why...? she hates her!! Why does she care now!? On the verge of death, she wants to see her mother?! No...NOT A CHANCE IN HELL!!!

"It seems you didn't understand what I just said early," She suddenly felt strange it was as if her stomach was going slow her movement was going slow...the next thing she knows Rusher was carrying her on one arm the other on the skull of the one who had the knife around her neck not even a second ago.

"What is only seen here it, is only seen by us..." By us...she meant her and them...she heard the man screamed and desperately try to swing the knife at Rusher but all she saw was nothing but a white blast escape Rusher's mechanical arm cannon...all that was left was the feet of her assailant...she has said it before and will say it again...these people...are monsters.

"Tch, do you had to drag me with you Grew? I wanted to see more carnage." Mol told the spiky blonde-haired man.

"Who else can create torture devices out of his pocket on in your case meat." He hates to admit it but...he will not lie he did like creating whatever device Grew asked...also he got to see...her...that thing is scarier than any device that he could create with his skin.

"Hmm, I don't think he is trying to insult you." Grew talked...to no one.

"There...Are you sure you wanted this? I could've just made it even...I mean a girl's hair is very precious." Min told her...No is better this way. This was the hairstyle she had when she met Richard for the first time. It was good why it lasted but...she wants to restart once more.

"No...It is better this way..." She touches her now shorter hair that is below her shoulders but barely the roots were still touching them.

"Besides, It will be bothersome if I have to find ways of tying my hair into a ponytail. This style I can just let it be free and not bother trying to tie it." Alice replied.

"Okay, whatever you say." Still...they came...they...actually came for her, these people...maybe...they aren't pure evil after all. Still, that doesn't mean she is safe but...at least she can tell...what Rusher said about her being free after all of this is set and done...might be true after all. That is why...


"Hmm?" She bows to them.

"Thank You...Thank You for coming to help me when I was calling to be saved." She said it...she thanked her kidnappers...that is something she never thought will do by the end of this.

"You are mistaken...we did not come because we heard you cry for help. We came because your work is not done, plus we still need your blood and as someone who is the owner of this." He shows it again. There it is...her legendary piece...if only...she can get that back.

"I see...regardless, Thank You...also," She has to say it...this is what they wanted and maybe this could help accelerate their freedom.

"I will cooperate with you on your demand...However, I only have one condition..."

"Hey, I don't know if your head is on the right place right now little girl but you are in no position to negotiate with us," Mol told the red-haired teen.

"What is it?" Rusher just responded surprising the other three members no even Kula was surprised by this. Rusher was not the type of guy who would just listen to a request, especially from a captive! Alice had many conditions...but she wasn't stupid...there is no way they will listen to her request of not hurting her friends, they were infiltrating...you think they will just sit there and do nothing...you must be pretty stupid to think that. No, her condition might be even bigger than that. It might save a whole country it might save...

"Japan...Promise me that if I help you...you will not destroy the country I was born in..." Such a high request...She just has to hope that her friends somehow pull a miracle and save her and just escape with their lives. Japan on the other hand...might not be so lucky. Knowing them they planned on taking over the world and to do so they must destroy high powers and what other better than destroying the powerhouse that holds the third-largest Omega Station: Japan.

"...You have my word." What is their leader thinking here?! Japan was going to be their first target in LeDutch path to world domination! How can the blue-haired leader keep a promise as ridiculous as this one?!


"Looks like time is up." That was a tiring section...He can barely stand but...He did it...he has reached the goal that they were trying to achieve.

His fight against Ayame has made him learn even more about the Omega Eyes, heck as a bonus he has learned how to enter The Realm. That will come in handy in the future if he ever wants to train with others. He even learned a new version of the White Dragon Strike Fang...that will come in handy when he faces LeGrace...especially against him.

"I would like to train more but...I feel exhausted." The teen told his training partner. He is sure that she is still holding back on him despite reaching the level that he was required to achieve. Also, Upload Archive seems thou a very simple technique thou he can see why it drains a lot of Capacity Power transferring information can be very tiresome for your brain.

"There will be a time and place for that, right now we must return," She has a point now that he is ready to go he will need a couple of minutes to rest before they can attempt it. Besides, they need to go exactly where to teleport to. The sooner they can do it the faster they can rescue Alice.


That is more like it...

"Did I satisfied you enough, Harry Kishima?" Satisfy? It was...

"Yes...in fact, it was better than I expect it." Even if he is battered, bruised, bleeding, and even has his shirt torn to pieces...It was all worth it.

"Kishima, Miss Chariot." Sexan was holding his left arm. He wasn't in better shape than Harry but...He could feel his Capacity Power increased. Even his form might not be completed but...his father...He probably knew about this, and even he didn't he will have to thank him 10 fold for giving him this gift.

"Oh Mr. Arifer, How was your training?"

"It went better than expected." At least she is talking to him normally now. It is better if he doesn't question her...the way she summoned more dolls as the fight went on can give him a fair idea of how much Capacity Power she holds.

"Good Job everyone...now that everyone is ready how about we get this started..." Just then everyone was teleported to the same place that Harry, Sexan, Emuna, and her thousands of dolls, Richard and Ayame were. There she was...the woman that stopped their clash.

"Ayame, Angela you may return to the real world now."

"Understood..." Ayame said before being teleported back.

"Aeris, remember what I told you about That, only in case of an emergency." That?

"Yes, mother." Richard wonders what that...

"Hmm...yes I think everyone is ready and accounted. Kurosagi, I assume you learned Upload Archive before your ended your training with Ayame in The Realm."

"Yeah." Richard looked at his friends.

{Aeris Russo Ranee, Capacity Power: 4,500,000}

{Frederick Santos, Capacity Power: 3,000,000}

{Yuma Ishitzu, Capacity Power: 3,200,000}

{Genre Lynn, Capacity Power: 2,800,000}

{Adel Möller, Capacity Power: 3,500,000}

{Emuna Chariot, Capacity Power: 5,500,000}

{Harry Kishima, Capacity Power: 5,200,000}

{Sexan Arifer, Capacity Power: 5,000,000}

They must have trained very hard to reach this level of Capacity Power he could tell by looking at them and considering their injuries this might not be the limit of their Capacity Power. The question is now...what's next? Where to go next?!

"Good then let explain how things will work, Richard when your Capacity Power recovers to full you will use your Upload Archive on everyone, that way it will make it faster for the others to learn Hyperlinking."

"Hyperlinking?" That's the first time they ever heard of it. Thou it seems that the brown-haired leader and the white-haired small teen with her dolls know about this considering they were calmed and not confused by the word.

"I got it." So another technique his rival has...Tch, no matter, he bet is nowhere near as strong and faster than his Lightning Flash form.

"Emuna, I assume you got an idea on how Hyperlinking works."

"Yes, I have heard of it from one of the 12 people that has successfully performed the technique." Leos nodded.

"Alright then, once Richard performs Upload Archive on everyone you will perform the Hyperlinking together." Richard knows why they must perform it fast, there is a time limit to the Upload Archive technique, it has a 10-minute time limit on the ones the user use it on. Despite, Hyperlinking being a millisecond if they fail they might as well restart because their Capacity Power will be halved and it would be a stupid idea to continue the infiltration. Cutting their Capacity Power is just the same as their rescue crew being cut in half. They need all the help they can get.

"Now you wonder how are you going to fight LeGrace if worse comes to worst if the infiltration doesn't go as planned, correct? Well, that's no problem, We made modifications to your D.O.B.I. While you all were training, with this you can go to your Omega Form freely and use your abilities and weapons there. All you need to say is Libérez!" His father had it all planned out since the beginning, he knew sooner or later they will encounter those people, not to mention there could be other ranked soldiers beside them. Going in there just like they would normally look will be pretty stupid, so it makes sense why they had to train to get strong...with these modifications they can fight.

"Another modification is to teleport you and your opponent to any sector of Omega as long as the distance is 50 feet or under...Remember you are using your Omega Form, therefore you are 100 times stronger than your normal counterparts, and if you know how dangerous your forms are in the real world you have an idea why this modification is necessary." They understand those serious words. If they ever fought in the real world with their forms...there would be no Earth. Instead of saving one life, they would be killing billions. So it is wise to teleport themselves to Omega through DOBI. They have a chance...with these mods they can rescue Alice and stop LeGrace if they were to fight against them.

"Good now that the explanations are complete, let us get started, shall we? We will test this small, you will be Teleporting to Boudreaux. The Hyperlinking will not matter where you go the goal is to know that it works with all of you and to master it. If you succeed you can try it again and this time we will use it for the coordination to LeGrace whereabouts."

"You already know where they are?!" Sexan asked.

"Yes, Our source found a way to track down one of LeGrace members, so far he has tracked them down to Puerto Rico, that means that their HQ must be near that area...I am sure once you're all set here he will be able to pinpoint exactly where they are hiding." So they will able to find them...Alice just holds on,..they are coming for you.

"Alright then, now that everything is explained, Richard let's get started with you. Hmm...it will be better to wait a bit so your Capacity Power Recovers."

"Yoshi!" After a few minutes. Their wounds were healed and now they were at full Capacity Power. Now they can feel the difference more clearly.

"Now that your Capacity Power is at your max level, let's get officially start it."

"Right! Er, guys can you try looking my way." They were confused at first, why would he ask that?

"Okay...Hmm...so it doesn't work that way I guess."

"Eh?" The pink-haired blushed. The brown-haired...HE WAS TOO CLOSE!! Then it happened...is that...How...?


"AWAWA!!" She forgot he was very close to him!!

"What was that?"

"Eh? Oh, I kind of figure that I have to be almost at face to face range...in order to use Upload Archive." Explained the brown-haired boy.

"Anyway did you get all of it Aeris?"

"Eh?! Ah yes, I did!!" Getting close to her...she can't believe how close they were!!!

"So this is how Hyperlinking works? Humph, sounds like a lot of work for such a technique..." Harry was not as impressed as the others were by this technique. Probably because is how he is...This seems like a waste of Capacity Power if he asks him just too stealthy rescue one girl.

"No wonder there is no way we could memorize this in one go!" She doesn't think they should, she is surprised how she still can remember any of this?! This Upload Archive technique is very strong. With the last person being Sexan learning about the Hyperlinking technique, Richard once more looks at everyone before they could all do the technique...

{Aeris Russo Ranee, Capacity Power: 8,000,000}

{Frederick Santos, Capacity Power: 6,230,000}

{Yuma Ishitzu, Capacity Power: 6,300,000}

{Genre Lynn, Capacity Power: 6,000,000}

{Adel Möller, Capacity Power: 6,500,000}

{Emuna Chariot, Capacity Power: 9,200,000}

{Harry Kishima, Capacity Power: 8,500,000}

{Sexan Arifer, Capacity Power: 7,000,000}

Yeah, they should be able to pull this off now. Let see...if he remembers correctly he can...there it is!!

{Richard Kurosagi, Capacity Power: 10,000,000}

"Now that everyone knows how to perform Hyperlinking, let's get started."


"The target is Boudreaux so make sure each of you finds the coordinates to it."

"Got it." This is their first time doing this...together as a team...thou 1 member is officially missing and that member is the one they need to rescue.

"Hyperlinking!" Is this the global network...?


"Is huge..." Numbers flying everywhere...those white tubes...are those pieces of information inside?! Oh isn't that...

"Those are gameplay videos of Resolve!! Is that A DragonRush walk-through?!"

"Focus loser!!" Harry was just looking toward the steps. If they are not focused...there they are...

"Are those..."

"Yeah, we better avoid them if we are going to succeed," Emuna said to Aeris. Firewalls were the obstacle that was going to be a problem, especially when they need to do steps 3-6.

"That must be it." It was like a rectangular door with two circles each one on one side. Like portals, the ones who got in when they came out were differently shaped and classified. Mp4, Video Files, Mp3, Doc, RTF, JPEG, you name it...all of it was there. So this was the world network and they must link their souls to it. One by one they link they try to link their souls together with the Global network avoiding the black strings everyone did their best to avoid, thou the father they got...the more difficult was to distinguish the white link with the black links. It was trial and error for the last stretch.

'Warning! Threat detected.' It was Aeris first.


"Aeris!!" then it was Richard's turn.

"Shit!" Harry was next...thou he made it toward step 4 just like his rival but a bit further. The rest got taken out by the firewalls even before step 5 could commence...well all of them except...one person...she made it all the way to step 7 but...if she did step 8...


"We must go...At least one of us could make it...not like it was surprising after all." Emuna said before she and Regalia were caught by the firewalls and were rejected by the Global Network.

"Damn It!!" Sexan was the furthest of them to reach step 5 he only got 1 number wrong otherwise he could've...At least he knows that he can do it!! He was further than Richard and Further than Harry...He might not be as strong as they are but...it seems when it comes to techniques like this...he can master them easier.

"Aw, man!!" Despite being the one who knew the technique, he wasn't able to go any further than his rival.

"Well, you needed to use that Upload Archive technique Richard but..." Aeris said before feeling down. She was the first to go because she couldn't concentrate enough and too make a mistake in such a crucial time...She has to become better.

"Hmm...we will have to try again tomorrow."

"But we might not have a tomorrow!!" Sexan said...Alice might be dead by that time!!

"Should I remind you what are the consequences for failing this attempt Mister Arifer." Guh!!


"Still...we went that far all we have to do is know the patterns for next time." Yeah Adel, feels confident they can do it. Now that they know how to link their souls to the Global Network the next thing to do was to avoid those fish. So they were Trojan fishes, they touch those or they bite their strings it is all over. As soon as their souls were linked the fish rapidly went after them. It is as if they smelled lure on their bodies and their link strings. Not only they need to worry about firewalls but now Trojan Fishes that might trigger said firewalls. Performing Hyperlinking to a perfect success might take years to do so. But...they don't have years, they only have a few attempts. One down, who knows how many to go, this might have been their only attempt...that put too much stress on anyone. She just hopes that is not the case.

"We're sending you back here. We will proceed tomorrow...Besides, there is someone who needs to see you before you go." Someone?

"You'll see once you wake up." Wake Up?! Oh!!


"Milady!" Jessenia was surprised to see her here...She needed to be here.


"...Is been a while, Ayane." Xino was there...this man...this man...

"You should calm yourself...my daughter.���

"...Mother..." It has been 2 years since their last encounter. If there was anyone who can calm her down it was her.

"I..." She didn't know what to say. She could yell at him...yell at him to no end, but...it will not change anything...in fact, it might make things worse...she has to swallow her pride...it happened a long time ago already...but, it still stings in her hearth!

"Listen, This isn't the right time or place, And it happened a long time ago. Besides, there is something more important than what happened to our past...even more, you managed to find happiness in the end right?" He is right...but...She thought...maybe he is correct...Alice wouldn't have existed...

"Mommy, Mommy look!!"

"I'm coming." The happiness of a mother and daughter...she wishes she can get it back...She didn't realize how much her daughter meant to her until she was kidnapped. Now...she doesn't even know what to do! Her daughter...her only precious daughter...she might be dead.

"She is alive..."


"Alice...she is still alive." How does he!!?

"How...Do you know?" That glare...


"Because..." They are teleported...good...

"She has someone who...knows she is still with us...Besides..." He gave a grin to her.

"Do you think our children will let death take them that easily?!" That self-doubt went away...now feel with hope...and she saw it...her mother institution...Her daughter...she might still be alive.

"That...and the fact that we saw that she is still in a room just 24 hours from now thanks to the Hexagon Of Fate." Huh? A what...?

"Well technically, it was a few days before the incident, I kind of use the Hexagon Of Fate abilities on your daughter and I saw that she was still actively alive 24 hours from now." So her daughter...


"Huh?" Ayane...for the first time...she was laughing...and smiling.

"Honestly...I just...I just can't win against you can I?" Xino this time smiled.

"Nope!! I will always find a way to calm yer hearth. But I am serious...have fate in them...I am sure that by the end of tomorrow...you will have your daughter back safely...That I promise." Yes...they will save Alice and then everything will go back to normal...just like they were those happy high-school years.

"The Infiltration to LeGrace and LeDutch's HQ Starts on the next Chapter...!!"

Richard_Omegacreators' thoughts