
3. namtae "ghosts in the office"

the work was good, the team was great, the pay was awesome, but....

the boss was.... something.

not that tae saw him all the time, not that he watched over taes shoulder the whole time, not that he was an asshole in all..... tae really hadnt have any issue with his boss, other that he was a hot, sexy motherfucker. he made tae sweat his nice gucci clothes, made him squirm under his look, made him wanna devoure those lips..... tae shook his head, he needed to focus on his work and .... his idiotic dick was awake and ready to do dirty work.

with a huge sigh, he looked around. tae flinshed a bit. he was alone...what the hell?

"oh shit....come on!" tae cursed and looked at his watch. it was almost midnight. everybody was gone home, he was the lonley soul still in his departement. great. looks like he hadnt had a life on his own. what a loser.....

"great, tae, just fucking awesome!" he cursed again, just slightly louder this time.

he tilted his head, he felt something behind him, his hair on the arms stood up and on the neck..... shit! the office ghost! he forgot about it! its here to get him tonight. that was it. he was so doomed. slowly and in anticipation of seeing a "ring" like ghost, he turned around with his chair, sqeaking loudly out, seeing someone there. not in a white long dress and with hair over its face, down to its hips like ghost, but.... in a suite? since when are ghosts wearing nice dress shoes? taes mouth stayed open. "please! dont take me with u! let me stay with the living! i beg u!" "what the fuck u talking about?" tae looked more surprised. "u...u...talk! please dont kill me!" "are u stupid?" "no?" the "ghost" walked closer and finally tae could see its face. his body sacked down on his chair. it was only his boss..... OH SHIT!!!! ITS HIS BOSS!!!! THE HOT GUY!!!!

joon chuckled. "the hot guy, huh?!" tae froze. "did i just said that out loud?" "uhu" "shit! please forget that?! i was.... scared to death!" "what u still doing here by the way?" "why are u still here?" "i am the boss, duh!" "so why are u still here?" joon tilted his head and stared tae down. was he screwing with him? "i. am. the. boss." "yeah.... doesnt it mean, that u could be out of here like.... the first person of all?" "where did u work before?" "why?" "cause i think u had the wrong boss there" "thats why i started working here in the first place" tae grinned, joon scoffed annoyed. "so: what U still doing here?" "i obviously forgot the time and just found out, that i was alone and how late it is" "and thats why u thought i am a ghost?" "didnt u heard about the office worker ghost?" joon shook his head. "we have apperantley 2 here. a worker, who hanged himself, after he lost an important contract and a secretary, who fell in love with her boss, but was turned down, so she jumped from the building!" joon again looked questionable at him. "and u believe that?" "we all do!" "oh okay.... come now. since we have revangefull ghosts here, we should walk out together." "oh... thank u. i like that" tae smiled thankfully at him. he grabbed his stuff and walked with his boss to the elevators.

"u are here since....?" "may" "ah.... how u like it so far?" "its great! i love it. the work, the team, the payment, benefits, its really great" joon nodded and looked at his phone. he cursed under his breath. "u here with a car?" "have a vespa" "oh...." "if u want i can drop u off?" "depends on how u drive" "pretty good, hardly any accidents so far" "hardly?" tae only grinned and pulled him to his biggest love so far. "there she is, my beauty" "its a vespa" "it should be praised on an altar!" "okay, thats too much" "wait until u drove on and with it" joon only narrowed his eyes on him with a sceptical look. tae hopped on, handed his boss his helmet and started the engine. "purrs like a cat!" he grinned at joon. "where is your helmet?" "just have one" "but...." "u more important" "i doubt that" joon had to hold on to tae, cause the "beauty" came to life in seconds and dashed forwards.

tae was happy. his heart hammered against his rips. feeling joons arms around his waist was heaven. he only dreamed about it and it was even better he imagined.

tae tried to enjoy every second of it. "where u driving?" "to your home?" "do u know where i live?" "uh..... no?" "wow.... turn left there and keep on that street" he directed tae and shook his head. right as tae drove that direction, hard cold rain poured suddenly down, in buckets! lightning hit a tree not far away from them and let it burst out in flames. tae screetched and almost lost his control on his drive. "drive on! we need to get to my home asap!" "but...." "just do it!"

"shit! shit! shit! i am not gonna drive back home right now!" tae shook his head and tried to get the water out of his hair. he was drenched wet. "i dont think thats helping at all. u need a warm shower, towles and a hairdryer" "yeah" joon pulled him inside his house and told him to get out of his wet clothes and shoes. "huh?" "i have wodden floors. u are not walking this wet on them. get stripped" he already was only in his boxers, walked away from a stunned tae. he didnt know, if he should feel blazing hot from the sight of his almost naked boss, or still play vibrator from the cold and ruined his teeth. he peeled himself out of the stubborn clothes and stood there in his underwear. muscles clenching from the cold. joon came back with towles and scanned him up and down. just for seconds. despite the cold, taes face felt hot. ....maybe he had a fever already?!

"here, just for now. come with me" tae followed joon to a big bathroom. "a rainshower! nice!" joon chuckled. "u just had a rain shower" "but it was unwanted and ice cold!" joon shook his head. "u are really something!" he stood there with crossed arms. tae became a bit restless. "uhm.... and now?" "are u showering in your underwear?" "no?" "so?" "oh...uhm... turn around?" "oh, yeah sure" as joon turned, tae shoved his panties down and stepped into the huge shower. joon looked puzzled. he watched tae thanks to the mirror right infront of them. he sighed and lost his boxers too, stepped into his shower behind tae.

tae didnt noticed at first, but flinshed when his butt hit something. "why... are u here?!" "its my shower" "why are u here with ME?" "cause its my shower and i need one" "again: why with ME?" "why not?" "uhm.... i turn around now and refuse to know that i saw your dick" joon grinned and narrowed his eyes. "really? are u?" taes head nod fastly. joon looked at the back of it and grinned wider. he felt funny, so he started to tease his poor employee. his hands trailed taes back down, the sides down to his waist, tickeling him in the process. taes body crouched down, shaking from laughing. joon found it very delightful. he helped him up again and turned him to him. tae still giggled, but it faltered soon enough after he noticed that he was face to face with joon. the heat and redness pushed him hard again. trying not to advert his eyes downstairs, he stared hard into joons eyes. joon knew and smirked. he leaned forward and pressed his lips onto taes. surprised and shocked, tae tilted his head back. "wha....?!" joon looked annoyed, grabbed taes hair and pulled him back. tae needed seconds until he gave in. he kissed back finally and joon, like on command, pushed them against the glass wall, pressing their naked bodies together in the movement. tae almost fainted. his bosses dick was on his, his chest was pressed against his, his lips on his. the hands tangled into his hair. tae raised his arms slowly and put them eventually around joons neck, pressing gently his nails into the skin.

"i think we are warm enough now, lets go to the bedroom" "uhu" taes eyes were hooded and he was still out of his mind. he just followed his boss into the bedroom, he stood still when joon dried him down and pushed him into the bed. joon dried himself and straddled tae. the poor guy still didnt noticed a thing, he was still focused on the kisses.... more like the little make-out in the shower. he flinshed, when he felt warm wet hands on his dick. tae didnt even noticed that he was hard. *how the hell that happened? and why didnt i felt it?....ooohhh thats.....good....shit...its my boss!* taes head came up. "calm down. its alright" joons voice was husked. tae gulped a big fat spitball down. his mouth was now awfully dry. "its alright?" he squeaked. "yeah..... lay down, i want to pleasure u" "why?" "cause u stayed that late for work. u are a hard working employee and i wanna show u my gratitude" "oh....." tae felt suddenly very disappointed. joon saw it. his hand caressed taes face, made him look back into his eyes. "pretty, ..... i wanted to feel u. i wanted to kiss u. i want to have u under me right now" "okay?" "i know u want me too, after u told me, i was hot" he grinned. tae grimaced. "u need to remind me? nice, thanks" "otherwise i wouldnt be with u right now" "true.... " taes face showed happyness. joon smirked.

joon..... tae almost died. joon did some things with his body, nobody ever did, or tae ever thought was possible. he had no air in the middle, almost lost himself on the end. joons hands were everywhere, his tongue was on places where it possible shouldnt be at all. taes body felt pleasure, he didnt know he can recive.

he felt joons dick making its way inside of him, it didnt hurt, it felt..... interesting. "no more....." tae moaned tiredly and tried to push joons chest away. "shshsh.... all is good" "but i am tired....exhausted" tae whimpered. "come on, pretty. u still have enough strength for the main course. i ll make it worth" taes eyes perked open. "make it worth? better than what u already did?" joon grinned and nodded. "okay"

joon shook amused his head. tae really was always a surprise.

he started to thrust, but wasnt gentle from the beginning. he needed this now. for some thrusts, tae layed there still, but his legs snaked around joons waist and squeezed him. this felt really good. joon didnt lie. joon intensified his doing and shook taes body good. tae only moaned, stretched his head back into the pillows and just recived the best fuck of his life. joons dick was in his veiny state perfect for his walls, the length was perfect to hit his prostate every time, the density was perfect for the enjoyable stretch not to hurt. tae could die happyly now.

joons mouth latched onto taes nipple and he only could get a sound out, he never thought he had, what made joon absolute crazy. tae thought that was it. he would get fucked to death. better die from joons stone hard dick, than.... whatever.

he fainted in the end. his load shot everywhere, but joon was too tired to clean them both, so he just pulled the blanked up to cover them.

tae dreamed something great, it was only a shame that he couldnt remember a thing in the morning. only the feeling of absolut joy remaind.

as his eyes opened, he stared into joons. it took him seconds and he almost jumped back. "u....here....me....." tae pulled the blanked up and looked under it. "naked?! i .... i .... die..." joon bursted out in loud laughter and pulled tae back to him.

"if i can help: we fucked, it was great and u really have a deathgrip in your sleep! i couldnt move at all" "so...so...soorrryyyy" "nah... nevermind, pretty" tae smiled at him. "i am afraid, tae" "what? am i fired?" "no u are not, but u have to stay this a secret. i dont wanna have u bullied by the others" "oh... okay" "i ll make u my assistant. that would make it easier" "what?" "kissing u, gropeing u... u know" "uhm....." "of course only in my office with closed doors. the kinky stuff we do here or in your apartment. u agree?" "uhm...." "great! come on, we need breakfast" tae looked dumbfounded after the dissappearing naked man. did he heard right? did his boss just promoted him and suggested other sexy encounters and sleepovers? did he just got himself a boyfriend?!

"wow, tae! u are really good at this!" tae whispered to himself.