
Oh my husband

He loves me. But he never shows it. He always saves me. Then puts the reward in my ex's name. He's always there. Then goes away when I wake up. He believes that I still love his best friend. Still goes through humiliation just to save me. How can I not love him? Pari is a sensible girl born to rich parents. She's had many heartbreaks in life including how she broke it off with her ex. What happens when the guy her father chose to marry her off to is best friends with her ex? Will she go back to her ex? Or will she fall in love with her future husband? And even after marriage... Can she love him the way she loved her ex? Or will she never get over the guy who left her...?

Lankshan · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


" Ah," yeah. You could just guess that I was groaning as a large headache drowned all my worries away. All I was doing was trying to keep my purse from falling and trying my best to handle the headache but it was a little too hard on my head.

The flight had already landed and I got off. Also, was currently sitting on a chair in the airport with my hands in my head. My hair was embarrassingly frizzy at that point and my mind was just blind

" How much did I drink?"

" Drink? You swallowed Pari! You were like the fucking terminator with the drinks. Pranav is going to be so mad," and just the person that I didn't want to was completely sober. The snobby girl who just couldn't stop irritating me...

" That's enough. Suha... Please. Keep silence. My head will seriously burst open if you continue," I made everyone around me sigh. All my girl friends were so damn worried about me. Especially with the fact that I threw up twice in the airplane and once after landing down. But now, my stomach seemed empty enough to not throw anything out...

So, there I was, feeling miserable and sitting on a chair in the middle of the airport with all the girls around me worrying about my health. I was the bride and I was completely down.

It was only one night and I seriously did the worst that I ever could do. I got wasted and I didn't care just because I saw one damned person again in my life.

Do you know how angry I was at myself at that moment!? I wanted to slap myself.

But before I could, I heard a phone ring. It was Suha's... Bhai had called her.

" Yes. Yes, we've reached... Just, Pari is a little tired,"

" TIRED?! You said that she was only tired! Look at her. She can't even keep her eyes open and walk!" And just the old normal drama began once again after he met us...

I had done my everything and taken the help of Tanya as well as Radhika just to be able to walk out of the airport while Suha fought with bhai in the side. My eyelids were so heavy that I wasn't even able to keep them open. It just wasn't the right time to see me and I was hoping that he wasn't around.

But he was.

To my sadness, he was there. Looking at me. I don't even remember how he was looking at me but I do remember him taking over the responsibility of holding me in place and I wanted to be embarrassed about it. But I wasn't even able to properly think. There was nothing that I was feeling other than miserable, empty, and sad. All I wanted at that moment when he took me into the car was to get it over with.

And no. I did not remember smiling and hugging him the moment I met him. Nor did I remember saying something like " You're so handsome..." in a seductive tone at all.

Or wait a minute. I guess I did remember sticking to his chest and hugging him as tight as possible. And maybe I'm embarrassed about it now but, just that I was hoping to see him and forget all about that one man that I think I got carried away a little too much.

I don't think that he didn't like it though... I mean, I also do remember seeing a small smirk on his face as he looked away and carried me to the car... All I can say now is that he probably found it funny and I definitely found it mortifying after waking up the other day. But for that moment, I didn't seem to care, at all...

" Just great! My sister is not only hungover, but she's also drunk! This is the day you show me after I let you hang around her for one night!?" my brother complained as he started the car and glared once at Suha who was only looking at the other end. At that moment, their argument honestly felt like nails banging over my head but, I suffered it. All the while keeping my head over my fiance's shoulders, I was trying my best to fall asleep...

" I'm not drunk. Just, a little headache hmm," and my voice was hoarse. It probably was because I screamed so much on the dance floor the previous night...

" A little headache?! NOT DRUNK!? Are you gone nuts!? Just look at yourself! You're getting married in 2 weeks and this is the condition in which this girl brought you home?! I just knew it. I shouldn't have let you go with her-"

" What do you mean I put her in that condition!? She was the one going around drinking! And she even knew all these weird drink names that even I don't know about! Your sister is the bad influence here! NOT ME!"

" Don't you lie to me! My sister is the most innocent girl I know-"

" Bhai," I coughed. Didn't want to particularly cut into that conversation but, my head was killing me by that point. So, I snuggled closer to the crook of the neck of a particular man while keeping a large frown on my forehead

" Can you shut up? My head is killing me. And stop at a drugstore... I need a crocin. Had too many bloody marys last night... God," I still remember the looks everyone gave me when those words came out of my mouth. All of them were so damn shocked, especially my brother who had the palest face ever as he pulled the car over and turned around just to look at me. Even the man whose shoulder I had taken help of... He seemed shocked too.

But I didn't say anything wrong. I just asked him to get me a crocin!

" How do you know about bloody Mary?!"

" And how the hell do you know how to work with hangovers?!"

" Who taught you!? Because we have never gone drinking ever before this!" Gosh. Those people. My brother, fiance, and best friend. They were seriously the most irritating people for me at that moment and I was seriously so very tired. I didn't give two fucks before pouting, getting my head off his shoulder and placing it over his lap, and the relief that surged through my head after I kept it down somewhere. Ah... Yes. My head already began feeling lighter so, I went ahead and made myself a little more comfortable on the backseat by picking my legs and keeping them upwards

" You're annoying," that's all I said

And honestly, now I hope that he's not annoying after we get married...