
Oh my husband

He loves me. But he never shows it. He always saves me. Then puts the reward in my ex's name. He's always there. Then goes away when I wake up. He believes that I still love his best friend. Still goes through humiliation just to save me. How can I not love him? Pari is a sensible girl born to rich parents. She's had many heartbreaks in life including how she broke it off with her ex. What happens when the guy her father chose to marry her off to is best friends with her ex? Will she go back to her ex? Or will she fall in love with her future husband? And even after marriage... Can she love him the way she loved her ex? Or will she never get over the guy who left her...?

Lankshan · Urban
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14 Chs

Insecure bhabhi

" And how is everything there?" it had taken me some time after the whole... Drunk and gone incident to really be able to even look him in the eyes but, our wedding was coming closer and I didn't know what level he was at with the whole incident. I mean, I didn't get to speak to him at all. With me being worn out that day, I slept the entire day, and the next day? Well, it's safe to say that I didn't see, or hear from him for a long time. At least till he was off to his week long bachelor trip.

Bhai was mad that I was drunk and baba was upset too but in the end, you know how it went. I acted like I was so very innocent and sick and that Suha was the one who forced me into drinking too much and I just avoided to weird situations like the plague. Plus, why would my dad not believe me when I say that " I don't know what happened baba! Suha handed me a glass full of some liquid and Aayu forced me to drink it. I really don't know what happened after that at all!" Like one glass of anything could knock me out that hard. But, my father and brother seemed to buy the lie, and who even needs to know what happens at someone's bachelor party. My family definitely didn't need to know.

And I was ashamed of myself for getting that wasted but, what was done was done. I just needed to deal with the fact that it was a bad day and I saw someone I never want to see ever again. I have kind of been able to "bargain" with myself over the situation and let myself have the upper hand because that man is something I don't ever want to think about, even in my nightmares. I didn't want to complicate my life more than it already was and it wasn't like I was doing any good to anyone, harboring to any old feelings for a stupid man who didn't wasn't even brave enough to try to date me...

Yeah. I was so over him.

Now, shifting my focus, I did get to meet my fiance once again but it was like, right before the trip when I dropped bhai off at the airport and it was a short, brief meet. I still didn't know what he thought about me but I was hoping that he'd give me the upper hand...

And moving on, I was currently staring at a girl who was talking with my brother over my phone but wasn't letting me even hold it for a second. Yeah. The infamous, troublemaker of a best friend that I have... Suha... She was over call with my brother and God knows how long those can last for. 1 hour? 2 hours? 4 hours? My phone bill was going to cost a fortune...

" Ok... I'll see you then, bye," but the look on her face moment the call ended. Like, she was screaming that "IT'S NOT OK TO HANG THE PHONE OVER MY FACE!" I swear she would have called him back just to ask him to say bye if I hadn't intervened. I knew her expressions very well... And I knew just what was brewing in her head.

" What happened?" so, I pulled the phone out of her hands before she could do anything dumb and looked her in eyes as she sighed, pouted, and laid back on my bed.

" He sounded happy..." was her vague answer and honestly, I took it the wrong way. I mean, I could just guess that going by her tone that she was sad that my brother was happy. For a moment, I really thought that she could think that way. As if she was an obsessive girlfriend who couldn't even see my brother happy...

" So?" still, I tried to give the upper hand in the situation and laid down right next to her, expecting a proper answer so as to why her voice was filled with such sadness

" It's been like... So long since I last heard him happy like that you know?" and when she turned her head to look at me and I only sighed. So, she was just insecure about the situation... Thank God that she hadn't turned into those compulsive women!

" He's with his friends Suha..."

" Yeah but. He's never been this happy with me! Either he's like a grumpy old man or just pure annoying. Or worse, he ignores me and focuses only on his work," I sighed once again when she told me that.

" Suha..."

" What? I'm serious! Tell me the last time he was that happy with me!"

" Ok. First of all, I didn't get to talk to him so, I don't know how he sounded," I sat up this time as I kept looking at her guilty face, " and secondly, he's just angry because you do dumb things that can potentially put you in danger,"

" You don't take his side! My bhai is so much happier when he is with you than your stupid brother is with me!"

" Hey! Who allowed you to compare here? Besides, I and your brother haven't been together for too long so... Don't count on anything. I don't know how it's going to turn out,"

" Pch," maybe, I was a little insecure too. Regarding my future with him... I mean, I knew him but I also felt like I knew nothing about him. A man that I was going to spend my entire life with... I felt like I knew so very little of him. Didn't even talk to him much... How was I supposed to have a happy relationship with him in the future?

" Don't be stupid. Bhai has liked you since you were in middle school! Of course, it's going to turn out just fine. Stop overthinking this and come down. Besides, I can guarantee that bhai will do anything and everything to keep you happy. Unlike your idiot brother!" she pulled my hand and made me lay down next to her and by that point, as I stared into her determined eyes, I knew that I was dumb to overthink things. But just in case, I did wish that things turned out well for us in the end because I was hoping to spend a long life with him...

" You don't be stupid and overthink things too. Ok? Or should I start calling you an insecure bhabhi?"

" Insecure bhabhi!? What the hell yaar Pari! How the hell am I insecure and when did I become your bhabhi!?"

" What? Aren't you going marry bhai next year?"

" Yeah but... You are marrying my bhai before that! So, you are the insecure bhabhi here!"

" Hey! You copycat! Don't copy me!" you could just guess that we continued bickering for a long time after that...

But I do hope that he does do everything and anything to keep me happy in the future, just like his sister said he would...